import type {TypedArray} from './typed-array'; import type {FindGlobalInstanceType} from './find-global-type'; type StructuredCloneablePrimitive = | string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined | Boolean | Number | String; type StructuredCloneableData = | ArrayBuffer | DataView | Date | Error | RegExp | TypedArray | FindGlobalInstanceType< // DOM or Node types | 'Blob' | 'File' // DOM exclusive types | 'AudioData' | 'CropTarget' | 'CryptoKey' | 'DOMException' | 'DOMMatrix' | 'DOMMatrixReadOnly' | 'DOMPoint' | 'DOMPointReadOnly' | 'DOMQuad' | 'DOMRect' | 'DOMRectReadOnly' | 'FileList' | 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle' | 'FileSystemFileHandle' | 'FileSystemHandle' | 'GPUCompilationInfo' | 'GPUCompilationMessage' | 'ImageBitmap' | 'ImageData' | 'RTCCertificate' | 'VideoFrame' >; type StructuredCloneableCollection = | readonly StructuredCloneable[] | {readonly [key: string]: StructuredCloneable; readonly [key: number]: StructuredCloneable} | ReadonlyMap | ReadonlySet; /** Matches a value that can be losslessly cloned using `structuredClone`. Note: - Custom error types will be cloned as the base `Error` type @see @example ``` import type {StructuredCloneable} from 'type-fest'; class CustomClass {} // @ts-expect-error const error: StructuredCloneable = { custom: new CustomClass(), }; structuredClone(error); //=> {custom: {}} const good: StructuredCloneable = { number: 3, date: new Date(), map: new Map(), }'key', 1); structuredClone(good); //=> {number: 3, date: Date(2022-10-17 22:22:35.920), map: Map {'key' -> 1}} ``` @category Structured clone */ export type StructuredCloneable = StructuredCloneablePrimitive | StructuredCloneableData | StructuredCloneableCollection;