declare namespace TsConfigJson { namespace CompilerOptions { export type JSX = | 'preserve' | 'react' | 'react-jsx' | 'react-jsxdev' | 'react-native'; export type Module = | 'CommonJS' | 'AMD' | 'System' | 'UMD' | 'ES6' | 'ES2015' | 'ES2020' | 'ES2022' | 'ESNext' | 'Node16' | 'NodeNext' | 'Preserve' | 'None' // Lowercase alternatives | 'commonjs' | 'amd' | 'system' | 'umd' | 'es6' | 'es2015' | 'es2020' | 'es2022' | 'esnext' | 'node16' | 'nodenext' | 'preserve' | 'none'; export type NewLine = | 'CRLF' | 'LF' // Lowercase alternatives | 'crlf' | 'lf'; export type Target = | 'ES3' | 'ES5' | 'ES6' | 'ES2015' | 'ES2016' | 'ES2017' | 'ES2018' | 'ES2019' | 'ES2020' | 'ES2021' | 'ES2022' | 'ESNext' // Lowercase alternatives | 'es3' | 'es5' | 'es6' | 'es2015' | 'es2016' | 'es2017' | 'es2018' | 'es2019' | 'es2020' | 'es2021' | 'es2022' | 'esnext'; // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations export type Lib = | 'ES5' | 'ES6' | 'ES7' | 'ES2015' | 'ES2015.Collection' | 'ES2015.Core' | 'ES2015.Generator' | 'ES2015.Iterable' | 'ES2015.Promise' | 'ES2015.Proxy' | 'ES2015.Reflect' | 'ES2015.Symbol.WellKnown' | 'ES2015.Symbol' | 'ES2016' | 'ES2016.Array.Include' | 'ES2017' | 'ES2017.Intl' | 'ES2017.Object' | 'ES2017.SharedMemory' | 'ES2017.String' | 'ES2017.TypedArrays' | 'ES2018' | 'ES2018.AsyncGenerator' | 'ES2018.AsyncIterable' | 'ES2018.Intl' | 'ES2018.Promise' | 'ES2018.Regexp' | 'ES2019' | 'ES2019.Array' | 'ES2019.Object' | 'ES2019.String' | 'ES2019.Symbol' | 'ES2020' | 'ES2020.BigInt' | 'ES2020.Promise' | 'ES2020.String' | 'ES2020.Symbol.WellKnown' | 'ES2020.SharedMemory' | 'ES2020.Intl' | 'ES2021' | 'ES2021.Promise' | 'ES2021.String' | 'ES2021.WeakRef' | 'ES2022' | 'ES2022.Array' | 'ES2022.Error' | 'ES2022.Intl' | 'ES2022.Object' | 'ES2022.SharedMemory' | 'ES2022.String' | 'ES2022.RegExp' | 'ESNext' | 'ESNext.Array' | 'ESNext.AsyncIterable' | 'ESNext.BigInt' | 'ESNext.Intl' | 'ESNext.Promise' | 'ESNext.String' | 'ESNext.Symbol' | 'ESNext.WeakRef' | 'DOM' | 'DOM.Iterable' | 'ScriptHost' | 'WebWorker' | 'WebWorker.ImportScripts' | 'WebWorker.Iterable' // Lowercase alternatives | 'es5' | 'es6' | 'es7' | 'es2015' | 'es2015.collection' | 'es2015.core' | 'es2015.generator' | 'es2015.iterable' | 'es2015.promise' | 'es2015.proxy' | 'es2015.reflect' | 'es2015.symbol.wellknown' | 'es2015.symbol' | 'es2016' | 'es2016.array.include' | 'es2017' | 'es2017.intl' | 'es2017.object' | 'es2017.sharedmemory' | 'es2017.string' | 'es2017.typedarrays' | 'es2018' | 'es2018.asyncgenerator' | 'es2018.asynciterable' | 'es2018.intl' | 'es2018.promise' | 'es2018.regexp' | 'es2019' | 'es2019.array' | 'es2019.object' | 'es2019.string' | 'es2019.symbol' | 'es2020' | 'es2020.bigint' | 'es2020.promise' | 'es2020.string' | 'es2020.symbol.wellknown' | 'es2020.sharedmemory' | 'es2020.intl' | 'es2021' | 'es2021.promise' | 'es2021.string' | 'es2021.weakref' | 'es2022' | 'es2022.array' | 'es2022.error' | 'es2022.intl' | 'es2022.object' | 'es2022.sharedmemory' | 'es2022.string' | 'es2022.regexp' | 'esnext' | 'esnext.array' | 'esnext.asynciterable' | 'esnext.bigint' | 'esnext.intl' | 'esnext.promise' | 'esnext.string' | 'esnext.symbol' | 'esnext.weakref' | 'dom' | 'dom.iterable' | 'scripthost' | 'webworker' | 'webworker.importscripts' | 'webworker.iterable'; export type Plugin = { /** Plugin name. */ name: string; }; export type ImportsNotUsedAsValues = | 'remove' | 'preserve' | 'error'; export type FallbackPolling = | 'fixedPollingInterval' | 'priorityPollingInterval' | 'dynamicPriorityPolling' | 'fixedInterval' | 'priorityInterval' | 'dynamicPriority' | 'fixedChunkSize'; export type WatchDirectory = | 'useFsEvents' | 'fixedPollingInterval' | 'dynamicPriorityPolling' | 'fixedChunkSizePolling'; export type WatchFile = | 'fixedPollingInterval' | 'priorityPollingInterval' | 'dynamicPriorityPolling' | 'useFsEvents' | 'useFsEventsOnParentDirectory' | 'fixedChunkSizePolling'; export type ModuleResolution = | 'classic' | 'node' | 'node10' | 'node16' | 'nodenext' | 'bundler' // Pascal-cased alternatives | 'Classic' | 'Node' | 'Node10' | 'Node16' | 'NodeNext' | 'Bundler'; export type ModuleDetection = | 'auto' | 'legacy' | 'force'; export type IgnoreDeprecations = '5.0'; } export type CompilerOptions = { /** The character set of the input files. @default 'utf8' @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ charset?: string; /** Enables building for project references. @default true */ composite?: boolean; /** Generates corresponding d.ts files. @default false */ declaration?: boolean; /** Specify output directory for generated declaration files. */ declarationDir?: string; /** Show diagnostic information. @default false */ diagnostics?: boolean; /** Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript. @default false */ disableReferencedProjectLoad?: boolean; /** Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type. @default false */ noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature?: boolean; /** Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files. @default false */ emitBOM?: boolean; /** Only emit `.d.ts` declaration files. @default false */ emitDeclarationOnly?: boolean; /** Differentiate between undefined and not present when type checking. @default false */ exactOptionalPropertyTypes?: boolean; /** Enable incremental compilation. @default `composite` */ incremental?: boolean; /** Specify file to store incremental compilation information. @default '.tsbuildinfo' */ tsBuildInfoFile?: string; /** Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. @default false */ inlineSourceMap?: boolean; /** Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file. Requires `--inlineSourceMap` to be set. @default false */ inlineSources?: boolean; /** Specify what JSX code is generated. @default 'preserve' */ jsx?: CompilerOptions.JSX; /** Specifies the object invoked for `createElement` and `__spread` when targeting `'react'` JSX emit. @default 'React' */ reactNamespace?: string; /** Specify the JSX factory function to use when targeting React JSX emit, e.g. `React.createElement` or `h`. @default 'React.createElement' */ jsxFactory?: string; /** Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e.g. 'React.Fragment' or 'Fragment'. @default 'React.Fragment' */ jsxFragmentFactory?: string; /** Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using `jsx: react-jsx*`. @default 'react' */ jsxImportSource?: string; /** Print names of files part of the compilation. @default false */ listFiles?: boolean; /** Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ mapRoot?: string; /** Specify module code generation: 'None', 'CommonJS', 'AMD', 'System', 'UMD', 'ES6', 'ES2015' or 'ESNext'. Only 'AMD' and 'System' can be used in conjunction with `--outFile`. 'ES6' and 'ES2015' values may be used when targeting 'ES5' or lower. @default ['ES3', 'ES5'].includes(target) ? 'CommonJS' : 'ES6' */ module?: CompilerOptions.Module; /** Specifies module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre 1.6). @default ['AMD', 'System', 'ES6'].includes(module) ? 'classic' : 'node' */ moduleResolution?: CompilerOptions.ModuleResolution; /** Specifies the end of line sequence to be used when emitting files: 'crlf' (Windows) or 'lf' (Unix). @default 'LF' */ newLine?: CompilerOptions.NewLine; /** Do not emit output. @default false */ noEmit?: boolean; /** Do not generate custom helper functions like `__extends` in compiled output. @default false */ noEmitHelpers?: boolean; /** Do not emit outputs if any type checking errors were reported. @default false */ noEmitOnError?: boolean; /** Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. @default false */ noImplicitAny?: boolean; /** Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied any type. @default false */ noImplicitThis?: boolean; /** Report errors on unused locals. @default false */ noUnusedLocals?: boolean; /** Report errors on unused parameters. @default false */ noUnusedParameters?: boolean; /** Do not include the default library file (lib.d.ts). @default false */ noLib?: boolean; /** Do not add triple-slash references or module import targets to the list of compiled files. @default false */ noResolve?: boolean; /** Disable strict checking of generic signatures in function types. @default false @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ noStrictGenericChecks?: boolean; /** @deprecated use `skipLibCheck` instead. */ skipDefaultLibCheck?: boolean; /** Skip type checking of declaration files. @default false */ skipLibCheck?: boolean; /** Concatenate and emit output to single file. */ outFile?: string; /** Redirect output structure to the directory. */ outDir?: string; /** Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code. @default false */ preserveConstEnums?: boolean; /** Do not resolve symlinks to their real path; treat a symlinked file like a real one. @default false */ preserveSymlinks?: boolean; /** Keep outdated console output in watch mode instead of clearing the screen. @default false */ preserveWatchOutput?: boolean; /** Stylize errors and messages using color and context (experimental). @default true // Unless piping to another program or redirecting output to a file. */ pretty?: boolean; /** Do not emit comments to output. @default false */ removeComments?: boolean; /** Specifies the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with `--outDir`. */ rootDir?: string; /** Unconditionally emit imports for unresolved files. @default false */ isolatedModules?: boolean; /** Generates corresponding '.map' file. @default false */ sourceMap?: boolean; /** Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */ sourceRoot?: string; /** Suppress excess property checks for object literals. @default false @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean; /** Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures. @default false @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean; /** Do not emit declarations for code that has an `@internal` annotation. */ stripInternal?: boolean; /** Specify ECMAScript target version. @default 'es3' */ target?: CompilerOptions.Target; /** Default catch clause variables as `unknown` instead of `any`. @default false */ useUnknownInCatchVariables?: boolean; /** Watch input files. @default false @deprecated Use watchOptions instead. */ watch?: boolean; /** Specify the polling strategy to use when the system runs out of or doesn't support native file watchers. @deprecated Use watchOptions.fallbackPolling instead. */ fallbackPolling?: CompilerOptions.FallbackPolling; /** Specify the strategy for watching directories under systems that lack recursive file-watching functionality. @default 'useFsEvents' @deprecated Use watchOptions.watchDirectory instead. */ watchDirectory?: CompilerOptions.WatchDirectory; /** Specify the strategy for watching individual files. @default 'useFsEvents' @deprecated Use watchOptions.watchFile instead. */ watchFile?: CompilerOptions.WatchFile; /** Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. @default false */ experimentalDecorators?: boolean; /** Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source. @default false */ emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean; /** Do not report errors on unused labels. @default false */ allowUnusedLabels?: boolean; /** Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. @default false */ noImplicitReturns?: boolean; /** Add `undefined` to a type when accessed using an index. @default false */ noUncheckedIndexedAccess?: boolean; /** Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. @default false */ noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean; /** Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier. @default false */ noImplicitOverride?: boolean; /** Do not report errors on unreachable code. @default false */ allowUnreachableCode?: boolean; /** Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. @default true */ forceConsistentCasingInFileNames?: boolean; /** Emit a v8 CPU profile of the compiler run for debugging. @default 'profile.cpuprofile' */ generateCpuProfile?: string; /** Base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */ baseUrl?: string; /** Specify path mapping to be computed relative to baseUrl option. */ paths?: Record; /** List of TypeScript language server plugins to load. */ plugins?: CompilerOptions.Plugin[]; /** Specify list of root directories to be used when resolving modules. */ rootDirs?: string[]; /** Specify list of directories for type definition files to be included. */ typeRoots?: string[]; /** Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */ types?: string[]; /** Enable tracing of the name resolution process. @default false */ traceResolution?: boolean; /** Allow javascript files to be compiled. @default false */ allowJs?: boolean; /** Do not truncate error messages. @default false */ noErrorTruncation?: boolean; /** Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. @default module === 'system' || esModuleInterop */ allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean; /** Do not emit `'use strict'` directives in module output. @default false @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean; /** Enable to list all emitted files. @default false */ listEmittedFiles?: boolean; /** Disable size limit for JavaScript project. @default false */ disableSizeLimit?: boolean; /** List of library files to be included in the compilation. */ lib?: CompilerOptions.Lib[]; /** Enable strict null checks. @default false */ strictNullChecks?: boolean; /** The maximum dependency depth to search under `node_modules` and load JavaScript files. Only applicable with `--allowJs`. @default 0 */ maxNodeModuleJsDepth?: number; /** Import emit helpers (e.g. `__extends`, `__rest`, etc..) from tslib. @default false */ importHelpers?: boolean; /** Specify emit/checking behavior for imports that are only used for types. @default 'remove' @deprecated Use `verbatimModuleSyntax` instead. */ importsNotUsedAsValues?: CompilerOptions.ImportsNotUsedAsValues; /** Parse in strict mode and emit `'use strict'` for each source file. @default false */ alwaysStrict?: boolean; /** Enable all strict type checking options. @default false */ strict?: boolean; /** Enable stricter checking of of the `bind`, `call`, and `apply` methods on functions. @default false */ strictBindCallApply?: boolean; /** Provide full support for iterables in `for-of`, spread, and destructuring when targeting `ES5` or `ES3`. @default false */ downlevelIteration?: boolean; /** Report errors in `.js` files. @default false */ checkJs?: boolean; /** Disable bivariant parameter checking for function types. @default false */ strictFunctionTypes?: boolean; /** Ensure non-undefined class properties are initialized in the constructor. @default false */ strictPropertyInitialization?: boolean; /** Emit `__importStar` and `__importDefault` helpers for runtime Babel ecosystem compatibility and enable `--allowSyntheticDefaultImports` for typesystem compatibility. @default false */ esModuleInterop?: boolean; /** Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. @default false */ allowUmdGlobalAccess?: boolean; /** Resolve `keyof` to string valued property names only (no numbers or symbols). @default false @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ keyofStringsOnly?: boolean; /** Emit ECMAScript standard class fields. @default false */ useDefineForClassFields?: boolean; /** Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding `.d.ts` file. @default false */ declarationMap?: boolean; /** Include modules imported with `.json` extension. @default false */ resolveJsonModule?: boolean; /** Have recompiles in '--incremental' and '--watch' assume that changes within a file will only affect files directly depending on it. @default false */ assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies?: boolean; /** Output more detailed compiler performance information after building. @default false */ extendedDiagnostics?: boolean; /** Print names of files that are part of the compilation and then stop processing. @default false */ listFilesOnly?: boolean; /** Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects. @default true if composite, false otherwise */ disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect?: boolean; /** Opt a project out of multi-project reference checking when editing. @default false */ disableSolutionSearching?: boolean; /** Print names of files which TypeScript sees as a part of your project and the reason they are part of the compilation. @default false */ explainFiles?: boolean; /** Preserve unused imported values in the JavaScript output that would otherwise be removed. @default true @deprecated Use `verbatimModuleSyntax` instead. */ preserveValueImports?: boolean; /** List of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module. */ moduleSuffixes?: string[]; /** Control what method is used to detect module-format JS files. @default 'auto' */ moduleDetection?: CompilerOptions.ModuleDetection; /** Allows TypeScript files to import each other with a TypeScript-specific extension like .ts, .mts, or .tsx. @default false */ allowImportingTsExtensions?: boolean; /** Forces TypeScript to consult the exports field of package.json files if it ever reads from a package in node_modules. @default false */ resolvePackageJsonExports?: boolean; /** Forces TypeScript to consult the imports field of package.json files when performing a lookup that starts with # from a file whose ancestor directory contains a package.json. @default false */ resolvePackageJsonImports?: boolean; /** Suppress errors for file formats that TypeScript does not understand. @default false */ allowArbitraryExtensions?: boolean; /** List of additional conditions that should succeed when TypeScript resolves from package.json. */ customConditions?: string[]; /** Anything that uses the type modifier is dropped entirely. @default false */ verbatimModuleSyntax?: boolean; /** Suppress deprecation warnings */ ignoreDeprecations?: CompilerOptions.IgnoreDeprecations; }; namespace WatchOptions { export type WatchFileKind = | 'FixedPollingInterval' | 'PriorityPollingInterval' | 'DynamicPriorityPolling' | 'FixedChunkSizePolling' | 'UseFsEvents' | 'UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory'; export type WatchDirectoryKind = | 'UseFsEvents' | 'FixedPollingInterval' | 'DynamicPriorityPolling' | 'FixedChunkSizePolling'; export type PollingWatchKind = | 'FixedInterval' | 'PriorityInterval' | 'DynamicPriority' | 'FixedChunkSize'; } export type WatchOptions = { /** Specify the strategy for watching individual files. @default 'UseFsEvents' */ watchFile?: WatchOptions.WatchFileKind | Lowercase; /** Specify the strategy for watching directories under systems that lack recursive file-watching functionality. @default 'UseFsEvents' */ watchDirectory?: WatchOptions.WatchDirectoryKind | Lowercase; /** Specify the polling strategy to use when the system runs out of or doesn't support native file watchers. */ fallbackPolling?: WatchOptions.PollingWatchKind | Lowercase; /** Enable synchronous updates on directory watchers for platforms that don't support recursive watching natively. */ synchronousWatchDirectory?: boolean; /** Specifies a list of directories to exclude from watch */ excludeDirectories?: string[]; /** Specifies a list of files to exclude from watch */ excludeFiles?: string[]; }; /** Auto type (.d.ts) acquisition options for this project. */ export type TypeAcquisition = { /** Enable auto type acquisition. */ enable?: boolean; /** Specifies a list of type declarations to be included in auto type acquisition. For example, `['jquery', 'lodash']`. */ include?: string[]; /** Specifies a list of type declarations to be excluded from auto type acquisition. For example, `['jquery', 'lodash']`. */ exclude?: string[]; }; export type References = { /** A normalized path on disk. */ path: string; /** The path as the user originally wrote it. */ originalPath?: string; /** True if the output of this reference should be prepended to the output of this project. Only valid for `--outFile` compilations. @deprecated This option will be removed in TypeScript 5.5. */ prepend?: boolean; /** True if it is intended that this reference form a circularity. */ circular?: boolean; }; } /** Type for [TypeScript's `tsconfig.json` file]( (TypeScript 3.7). @category File */ export type TsConfigJson = { /** Instructs the TypeScript compiler how to compile `.ts` files. */ compilerOptions?: TsConfigJson.CompilerOptions; /** Instructs the TypeScript compiler how to watch files. */ watchOptions?: TsConfigJson.WatchOptions; /** Auto type (.d.ts) acquisition options for this project. */ typeAcquisition?: TsConfigJson.TypeAcquisition; /** Enable Compile-on-Save for this project. */ compileOnSave?: boolean; /** Path to base configuration file to inherit from. */ extends?: string | string[]; /** If no `files` or `include` property is present in a `tsconfig.json`, the compiler defaults to including all files in the containing directory and subdirectories except those specified by `exclude`. When a `files` property is specified, only those files and those specified by `include` are included. */ files?: string[]; /** Specifies a list of files to be excluded from compilation. The `exclude` property only affects the files included via the `include` property and not the `files` property. Glob patterns require TypeScript version 2.0 or later. */ exclude?: string[]; /** Specifies a list of glob patterns that match files to be included in compilation. If no `files` or `include` property is present in a `tsconfig.json`, the compiler defaults to including all files in the containing directory and subdirectories except those specified by `exclude`. */ include?: string[]; /** Referenced projects. */ references?: TsConfigJson.References[]; };