declare const invariantBrand: unique symbol; /** Create an [invariant type](, which is a type that does not accept supertypes and subtypes. Use-case: - Prevent runtime errors that may occur due to assigning subtypes to supertypes. - Improve type signature of object methods like [`Object.keys()` or `Object.entries()`]( by sealing the object type. @example ``` import type {InvariantOf} from 'type-fest'; class Animal { constructor(public name: string){} } class Cat extends Animal { meow() {} } let animalArray: Animal[] = [animal]; let catArray: Cat[] = [cat]; animalArray = catArray; // Okay if covariant animalArray.push(new Animal('another animal')); // Pushed an animal into catArray catArray.forEach(c => c.meow()); // Allowed but, error at runtime let invariantAnimalArray: InvariantOf[] = [animal] as InvariantOf[]; let invariantCatArray: InvariantOf[] = [cat] as InvariantOf[]; invariantAnimalArray = invariantCatArray; // Error: Type 'InvariantOf[]' is not assignable to type 'InvariantOf[]'. ``` @example ``` import type {InvariantOf} from 'type-fest'; // In covariance (default) interface FooBar { foo: number; bar: string } interface FooBarBaz extends FooBar { baz: boolean } declare const fooBar: FooBar declare const fooBarBaz: FooBarBaz function keyOfFooBar(fooBar: FooBar) { return Object.keys(fooBar) as (keyof FooBar)[] } keyOfFooBar(fooBar) //=> (keyof FooBar)[] keyOfFooBar(fooBarBaz) //=> (keyof FooBar)[] but, (keyof FooBarBaz)[] at runtime // In invariance export function invariantOf(value: Type): InvariantOf { return value as InvariantOf; } function keyOfInvariantFooBar(fooBar: InvariantOf) { return Object.keys(fooBar) as (keyof FooBar)[] } keyOfInvariantFooBar(invariantOf(fooBar)); // (keyof FooBar)[] keyOfInvariantFooBar(invariantOf(fooBarBaz)); // Error: Argument of type 'InvariantOf' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InvariantOf'. ``` @category Type */ export type InvariantOf = Type & {[invariantBrand]: (_: Type) => Type};