declare global { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions -- It has to be an `interface` so that it can be merged. interface SymbolConstructor { readonly observable: symbol; } } /** @remarks The TC39 observable proposal defines a `closed` property, but some implementations (such as xstream) do not as of 10/08/2021. As well, some guidance on making an `Observable` to not include `closed` property. @see @see @see @category Observable */ export type Unsubscribable = { unsubscribe(): void; }; /** @category Observable */ type OnNext = (value: ValueType) => void; /** @category Observable */ type OnError = (error: unknown) => void; /** @category Observable */ type OnComplete = () => void; /** @category Observable */ export type Observer = { next: OnNext; error: OnError; complete: OnComplete; }; /** Matches a value that is like an [Observable]( @remarks The TC39 Observable proposal defines 2 forms of `subscribe()`: 1. Three callback arguments: `subscribe(observer: OnNext, onError?: OnError, onComplete?: OnComplete): Unsubscribable;` 2. A single `observer` argument: (as defined below) But `Observable` implementations have evolved to preferring case 2 and some implementations choose not to implement case 1. Therefore, an `ObservableLike` cannot be trusted to implement the first case. (xstream and hand built observerables often do not implement case 1) @see @see @see @category Observable */ export type ObservableLike = { subscribe(observer?: Partial>): Unsubscribable; [Symbol.observable](): ObservableLike; };