export type CamelCaseOption = boolean | 'dashes' | undefined; interface DtsContentOptions { dropExtension: boolean; rootDir: string; searchDir: string; outDir: string; rInputPath: string; rawTokenList: string[]; namedExports: boolean; allowArbitraryExtensions: boolean; camelCase: CamelCaseOption; EOL: string; } export declare class DtsContent { private dropExtension; private rootDir; private searchDir; private outDir; private rInputPath; private rawTokenList; private namedExports; private allowArbitraryExtensions; private camelCase; private resultList; private EOL; constructor(options: DtsContentOptions); get contents(): string[]; get formatted(): string; get tokens(): string[]; get outputFilePath(): string; get relativeOutputFilePath(): string; get inputFilePath(): string; get relativeInputFilePath(): string; checkFile(postprocessor?: (formatted: string) => string): Promise; writeFile(postprocessor?: (formatted: string) => string | PromiseLike): Promise; deleteFile(): Promise; private createResultList; private getConvertKeyMethod; /** * Replaces only the dashes and leaves the rest as-is. * * Mirrors the behaviour of the css-loader: * https://github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader/blob/1fee60147b9dba9480c9385e0f4e581928ab9af9/lib/compile-exports.js#L3-L7 */ private dashesCamelCase; private get outputFileName(); } export {};