/** * Describes the options declared by the plugin. */ export interface PluginOptions { /** * Custom anchor prefix when anchoring to in-page symbols. */ anchorPrefix: string; /** * Specifies comment block tags that should preserve their position in relation to the comment summary. */ blockTagsPreserveOrder: string[]; /** * Sets the format of property groups for classes. */ classPropertiesFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * The file name of the entry page. */ entryFileName: string; /** * The name of a module that should act as the root page for the documentation. */ entryModule: string; /** * Sets the format of enumeration members. */ enumMembersFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * @deprecated This option has been renamed hideGroupHeadings to better reflect its purpose. */ excludeGroups: boolean; /** * Exclude writing @ scope directories in paths. */ excludeScopesInPaths: boolean; /** * Expand objects inside declarations. */ expandObjects: boolean; /** * Expand parameters in signature parentheses to display type information. */ expandParameters: boolean; /** * Specify the file extension for generated output files. */ fileExtension: string; /** * Flatten output files to a single directory. */ flattenOutputFiles: boolean; /** * Do not print breadcrumbs. */ hideBreadcrumbs: boolean; /** * Excludes grouping by kind so all members are rendered and sorted at the same level. */ hideGroupHeadings: boolean; /** * Do not print page header. */ hidePageHeader: boolean; /** * Do not print page title. */ hidePageTitle: boolean; /** * Sets the format of index items. */ indexFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * Sets the format of property groups for interfaces. */ interfacePropertiesFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * Determines which members are exported to their own file when `outputFileStrategy` equals `members`. */ membersWithOwnFile: ('Enum' | 'Variable' | 'Function' | 'Class' | 'Interface' | 'TypeAlias')[]; /** * Merges the resolved readme into the project index page. */ mergeReadme: boolean; /** * The file name of the separate modules / index page. */ modulesFileName: string; /** * @deprecated This option has been deprecated in favour of TypeDoc `navigation` option. */ navigationModel: { excludeGroups: boolean; excludeCategories: boolean; excludeFolders: boolean; }; /** * Determines how output files are generated. */ outputFileStrategy: 'members' | 'modules'; /** * Sets the format of parameter and type parameter groups. */ parametersFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * Preserve anchor casing when generating link to symbols. */ preserveAnchorCasing: boolean; /** * Sets the format of property groups for interfaces and classes. */ propertiesFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * Sets the format of style for property members for interfaces and classes. */ propertyMembersFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * Specify the base path for all urls. */ publicPath: string; /** * Sanitize HTML and JSX inside JsDoc comments. */ sanitizeComments: boolean; /** * Control how table columns are configured and displayed. */ tableColumnSettings: { hideDefaults: boolean; hideInherited: boolean; hideModifiers: boolean; hideOverrides: boolean; hideSources: boolean; hideValues: boolean; leftAlignHeaders: boolean; }; /** * Change specific text placeholders in the template. */ textContentMappings: { 'header.title': string; 'header.docs': string; 'breadcrumbs.home': string; 'title.indexPage': string; 'title.memberPage': string; 'footer.text': string; }; /** * Sets the format of style for type declaration members. */ typeDeclarationFormat: 'list' | 'table' | 'htmlTable'; /** * Wraps signatures and declarations in code blocks. */ useCodeBlocks: boolean; /** * Add HTML named anchors to headings and table rows. */ useHTMLAnchors: boolean; /** * Use HTML encoded entities for angle brackets. */ useHTMLEncodedBrackets: boolean; }