import { QueryRunner, SelectQueryBuilder } from ".."; import { ObjectLiteral } from "../common/ObjectLiteral"; import { Connection } from "../connection/Connection"; import { OrderByCondition } from "../find-options/OrderByCondition"; import { TableMetadataArgs } from "../metadata-args/TableMetadataArgs"; import { TreeMetadataArgs } from "../metadata-args/TreeMetadataArgs"; import { CheckMetadata } from "./CheckMetadata"; import { ColumnMetadata } from "./ColumnMetadata"; import { EmbeddedMetadata } from "./EmbeddedMetadata"; import { EntityListenerMetadata } from "./EntityListenerMetadata"; import { ExclusionMetadata } from "./ExclusionMetadata"; import { ForeignKeyMetadata } from "./ForeignKeyMetadata"; import { IndexMetadata } from "./IndexMetadata"; import { RelationCountMetadata } from "./RelationCountMetadata"; import { RelationIdMetadata } from "./RelationIdMetadata"; import { RelationMetadata } from "./RelationMetadata"; import { TableType } from "./types/TableTypes"; import { TreeType } from "./types/TreeTypes"; import { UniqueMetadata } from "./UniqueMetadata"; /** * Contains all entity metadata. */ export declare class EntityMetadata { /** * Connection where this entity metadata is created. */ connection: Connection; /** * Metadata arguments used to build this entity metadata. */ tableMetadataArgs: TableMetadataArgs; /** * If entity's table is a closure-typed table, then this entity will have a closure junction table metadata. */ closureJunctionTable: EntityMetadata; /** * If this is entity metadata for a junction closure table then its owner closure table metadata will be set here. */ parentClosureEntityMetadata: EntityMetadata; /** * Parent's entity metadata. Used in inheritance patterns. */ parentEntityMetadata: EntityMetadata; /** * Children entity metadatas. Used in inheritance patterns. */ childEntityMetadatas: EntityMetadata[]; /** * All "inheritance tree" from a target entity. * For example for target Post < ContentModel < Unit it will be an array of [Post, ContentModel, Unit]. * It also contains child entities for single table inheritance. */ inheritanceTree: Function[]; /** * Table type. Tables can be abstract, closure, junction, embedded, etc. */ tableType: TableType; /** * Target class to which this entity metadata is bind. * Note, that when using table inheritance patterns target can be different rather then table's target. * For virtual tables which lack of real entity (like junction tables) target is equal to their table name. */ target: Function | string; /** * Gets the name of the target. */ targetName: string; /** * Entity's name. * Equal to entity target class's name if target is set to table. * If target class is not then then it equals to table name. */ name: string; /** * View's expression. * Used in views */ expression?: string | ((connection: Connection) => SelectQueryBuilder); /** * Original user-given table name (taken from schema or @Entity(tableName) decorator). * If user haven't specified a table name this property will be undefined. */ givenTableName?: string; /** * Entity table name in the database. * This is final table name of the entity. * This name already passed naming strategy, and generated based on * multiple criteria, including user table name and global table prefix. */ tableName: string; /** * Entity table path. Contains database name, schema name and table name. * E.g. myDB.mySchema.myTable */ tablePath: string; /** * Entity schema path. Contains database name and schema name. * E.g. myDB.mySchema */ schemaPath?: string; /** * Gets the table name without global table prefix. * When querying table you need a table name with prefix, but in some scenarios, * for example when you want to name a junction table that contains names of two other tables, * you may want a table name without prefix. */ tableNameWithoutPrefix: string; /** * Indicates if schema will be synchronized for this entity or not. */ synchronize: boolean; /** * Table's database engine type (like "InnoDB", "MyISAM", etc). */ engine?: string; /** * Database name. */ database?: string; /** * Schema name. Used in Postgres and Sql Server. */ schema?: string; /** * Specifies a default order by used for queries from this table when no explicit order by is specified. */ orderBy?: OrderByCondition; /** * If this entity metadata's table using one of the inheritance patterns, * then this will contain what pattern it uses. */ inheritancePattern?: "STI"; /** * Checks if there any non-nullable column exist in this entity. */ hasNonNullableRelations: boolean; /** * Indicates if this entity metadata of a junction table, or not. * Junction table is a table created by many-to-many relationship. * * Its also possible to understand if entity is junction via tableType. */ isJunction: boolean; /** * Indicates if this entity is a tree, what type of tree it is. */ treeType?: TreeType; /** * Checks if this table is a junction table of the closure table. * This type is for tables that contain junction metadata of the closure tables. */ isClosureJunction: boolean; /** * Checks if entity's table has multiple primary columns. */ hasMultiplePrimaryKeys: boolean; /** * Indicates if this entity metadata has uuid generated columns. */ hasUUIDGeneratedColumns: boolean; /** * If this entity metadata is a child table of some table, it should have a discriminator value. * Used to store a value in a discriminator column. */ discriminatorValue?: string; /** * Entity's column metadatas defined by user. */ ownColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Columns of the entity, including columns that are coming from the embeddeds of this entity. */ columns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Ancestor columns used only in closure junction tables. */ ancestorColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Descendant columns used only in closure junction tables. */ descendantColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * All columns except for virtual columns. */ nonVirtualColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * In the case if this entity metadata is junction table's entity metadata, * this will contain all referenced columns of owner entity. */ ownerColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * In the case if this entity metadata is junction table's entity metadata, * this will contain all referenced columns of inverse entity. */ inverseColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Gets the column with generated flag. */ generatedColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Gets the object id column used with mongodb database. */ objectIdColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Gets entity column which contains a create date value. */ createDateColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Gets entity column which contains an update date value. */ updateDateColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Gets entity column which contains an entity version. */ versionColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Gets the discriminator column used to store entity identificator in single-table inheritance tables. */ discriminatorColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Special column that stores tree level in tree entities. */ treeLevelColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Nested set's left value column. * Used only in tree entities with nested set pattern applied. */ nestedSetLeftColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Nested set's right value column. * Used only in tree entities with nested set pattern applied. */ nestedSetRightColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Materialized path column. * Used only in tree entities with materialized path pattern applied. */ materializedPathColumn?: ColumnMetadata; /** * Gets the primary columns. */ primaryColumns: ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Entity's relation metadatas. */ ownRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Relations of the entity, including relations that are coming from the embeddeds of this entity. */ relations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * List of eager relations this metadata has. */ eagerRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * List of eager relations this metadata has. */ lazyRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only one-to-one relations of the entity. */ oneToOneRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only owner one-to-one relations of the entity. */ ownerOneToOneRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only one-to-many relations of the entity. */ oneToManyRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only many-to-one relations of the entity. */ manyToOneRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only many-to-many relations of the entity. */ manyToManyRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only owner many-to-many relations of the entity. */ ownerManyToManyRelations: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Gets only owner one-to-one and many-to-one relations. */ relationsWithJoinColumns: RelationMetadata[]; /** * Tree parent relation. Used only in tree-tables. */ treeParentRelation?: RelationMetadata; /** * Tree children relation. Used only in tree-tables. */ treeChildrenRelation?: RelationMetadata; /** * Entity's relation id metadatas. */ relationIds: RelationIdMetadata[]; /** * Entity's relation id metadatas. */ relationCounts: RelationCountMetadata[]; /** * Entity's foreign key metadatas. */ foreignKeys: ForeignKeyMetadata[]; /** * Entity's embedded metadatas. */ embeddeds: EmbeddedMetadata[]; /** * All embeddeds - embeddeds from this entity metadata and from all child embeddeds, etc. */ allEmbeddeds: EmbeddedMetadata[]; /** * Entity's own indices. */ ownIndices: IndexMetadata[]; /** * Entity's index metadatas. */ indices: IndexMetadata[]; /** * Entity's unique metadatas. */ uniques: UniqueMetadata[]; /** * Entity's own uniques. */ ownUniques: UniqueMetadata[]; /** * Entity's check metadatas. */ checks: CheckMetadata[]; /** * Entity's exclusion metadatas. */ exclusions: ExclusionMetadata[]; /** * Entity's own listener metadatas. */ ownListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Entity listener metadatas. */ listeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER LOAD" type. */ afterLoadListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER INSERT" type. */ beforeInsertListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER INSERT" type. */ afterInsertListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER UPDATE" type. */ beforeUpdateListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER UPDATE" type. */ afterUpdateListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER REMOVE" type. */ beforeRemoveListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Listener metadatas with "AFTER REMOVE" type. */ afterRemoveListeners: EntityListenerMetadata[]; /** * Map of columns and relations of the entity. * * example: Post{ id: number, name: string, counterEmbed: { count: number }, category: Category }. * This method will create following object: * { id: "id", counterEmbed: { count: "counterEmbed.count" }, category: "category" } */ propertiesMap: ObjectLiteral; constructor(options: { connection: Connection; inheritanceTree?: Function[]; inheritancePattern?: "STI"; tableTree?: TreeMetadataArgs; parentClosureEntityMetadata?: EntityMetadata; args: TableMetadataArgs; }); /** * Creates a new entity. */ create(queryRunner?: QueryRunner): any; /** * Checks if given entity has an id. */ hasId(entity: ObjectLiteral): boolean; /** * Checks if given entity / object contains ALL primary keys entity must have. * Returns true if it contains all of them, false if at least one of them is not defined. */ hasAllPrimaryKeys(entity: ObjectLiteral): boolean; /** * Ensures that given object is an entity id map. * If given id is an object then it means its already id map. * If given id isn't an object then it means its a value of the id column * and it creates a new id map with this value and name of the primary column. */ ensureEntityIdMap(id: any): ObjectLiteral; /** * Gets primary keys of the entity and returns them in a literal object. * For example, for Post{ id: 1, title: "hello" } where id is primary it will return { id: 1 } * For multiple primary keys it returns multiple keys in object. * For primary keys inside embeds it returns complex object literal with keys in them. */ getEntityIdMap(entity: ObjectLiteral | undefined): ObjectLiteral | undefined; /** * Creates a "mixed id map". * If entity has multiple primary keys (ids) then it will return just regular id map, like what getEntityIdMap returns. * But if entity has a single primary key then it will return just value of the id column of the entity, just value. * This is called mixed id map. */ getEntityIdMixedMap(entity: ObjectLiteral | undefined): ObjectLiteral | undefined; /** * Compares two different entities by their ids. * Returns true if they match, false otherwise. */ compareEntities(firstEntity: ObjectLiteral, secondEntity: ObjectLiteral): boolean; /** * Finds column with a given property name. */ findColumnWithPropertyName(propertyName: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined; /** * Finds column with a given database name. */ findColumnWithDatabaseName(databaseName: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined; /** * Finds column with a given property path. */ findColumnWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined; /** * Finds columns with a given property path. * Property path can match a relation, and relations can contain multiple columns. */ findColumnsWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): ColumnMetadata[]; /** * Finds relation with the given property path. */ findRelationWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): RelationMetadata | undefined; /** * Checks if there is an embedded with a given property path. */ hasEmbeddedWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): boolean; /** * Finds embedded with a given property path. */ findEmbeddedWithPropertyPath(propertyPath: string): EmbeddedMetadata | undefined; /** * Iterates through entity and finds and extracts all values from relations in the entity. * If relation value is an array its being flattened. */ extractRelationValuesFromEntity(entity: ObjectLiteral, relations: RelationMetadata[]): [RelationMetadata, any, EntityMetadata][]; /** * Creates a property paths for a given entity. */ static createPropertyPath(metadata: EntityMetadata, entity: ObjectLiteral, prefix?: string): string[]; /** * Finds difference between two entity id maps. * Returns items that exist in the first array and absent in the second array. */ static difference(firstIdMaps: ObjectLiteral[], secondIdMaps: ObjectLiteral[]): ObjectLiteral[]; /** * Compares ids of the two entities. * Returns true if they match, false otherwise. */ static compareIds(firstId: ObjectLiteral | undefined, secondId: ObjectLiteral | undefined): boolean; /** * Creates value map from the given values and columns. * Examples of usages are primary columns map and join columns map. */ static getValueMap(entity: ObjectLiteral, columns: ColumnMetadata[], options?: { skipNulls?: boolean; }): ObjectLiteral | undefined; build(): void; /** * Registers a new column in the entity and recomputes all depend properties. */ registerColumn(column: ColumnMetadata): void; /** * Creates a special object - all columns and relations of the object (plus columns and relations from embeds) * in a special format - { propertyName: propertyName }. * * example: Post{ id: number, name: string, counterEmbed: { count: number }, category: Category }. * This method will create following object: * { id: "id", counterEmbed: { count: "counterEmbed.count" }, category: "category" } */ createPropertiesMap(): { [name: string]: string | any; }; /** * Builds table path using database name, schema name and table name. */ protected buildTablePath(): string; /** * Builds table path using schema name and database name. */ protected buildSchemaPath(): string | undefined; }