/** * Converts string into camelCase. * * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2970525/converting-any-string-into-camel-case */ export declare function camelCase(str: string, firstCapital?: boolean): string; /** * Converts string into snake-case. * * @see https://regex101.com/r/QeSm2I/1 */ export declare function snakeCase(str: string): string; /** * Converts string into title-case. * * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/196972/convert-string-to-title-case-with-javascript */ export declare function titleCase(str: string): string; /** * Builds abbreviated string from given string; */ export declare function abbreviate(str: string, abbrLettersCount?: number): string; export interface IShortenOptions { /** String used to split "segments" of the alias/column name */ separator?: string; /** Maximum length of any "segment" */ segmentLength?: number; /** Length of any "term" in a "segment"; "OrderItem" is a segment, "Order" and "Items" are terms */ termLength?: number; } /** * Shorten a given `input`. Useful for RDBMS imposing a limit on the * maximum length of aliases and column names in SQL queries. * * @param input String to be shortened. * @param options Default to `4` for segments length, `2` for terms length, `'__'` as a separator. * * @return Shortened `input`. * * @example * // returns: "UsShCa__orde__mark__dire" * shorten('UserShoppingCart__order__market__director') * * // returns: "cat_wit_ver_lon_nam_pos_wit_ver_lon_nam_pos_wit_ver_lon_nam" * shorten( * 'category_with_very_long_name_posts_with_very_long_name_post_with_very_long_name', * { separator: '_', segmentLength: 3 } * ) * * // equals: UsShCa__orde__mark_market_id * `${shorten('UserShoppingCart__order__market')}_market_id` */ export declare function shorten(input: string, options?: IShortenOptions): string;