export { ReadStream } from "fs"; export { EventEmitter } from "events"; export { Readable, Writable } from "stream"; /** * Platform-specific tools. */ export declare class PlatformTools { /** * Type of the currently running platform. */ static type: "browser" | "node"; /** * Gets global variable where global stuff can be stored. */ static getGlobalVariable(): any; /** * Loads ("require"-s) given file or package. * This operation only supports on node platform */ static load(name: string): any; /** * Normalizes given path. Does "path.normalize". */ static pathNormalize(pathStr: string): string; /** * Gets file extension. Does "path.extname". */ static pathExtname(pathStr: string): string; /** * Resolved given path. Does "path.resolve". */ static pathResolve(pathStr: string): string; /** * Synchronously checks if file exist. Does "fs.existsSync". */ static fileExist(pathStr: string): boolean; static readFileSync(filename: string): Buffer; static appendFileSync(filename: string, data: any): void; static writeFile(path: string, data: any): Promise; /** * Gets environment variable. */ static getEnvVariable(name: string): any; /** * Highlights sql string to be print in the console. */ static highlightSql(sql: string): string; /** * Highlights json string to be print in the console. */ static highlightJson(json: string): string; /** * Logging functions needed by AdvancedConsoleLogger */ static logInfo(prefix: string, info: any): void; static logError(prefix: string, error: any): void; static logWarn(prefix: string, warning: any): void; static log(message: string): void; static warn(message: string): any; }