import { ColumnMetadata } from "../metadata/ColumnMetadata"; /** * Provides utilities to transform hydrated and persisted data. */ export declare class DateUtils { /** * Normalizes date object hydrated from the database. */ static normalizeHydratedDate(mixedDate: Date | string | undefined): Date | string | undefined; /** * Converts given value into date string in a "YYYY-MM-DD" format. */ static mixedDateToDateString(value: Date | any): string | any; /** * Converts given value into date object. */ static mixedDateToDate(mixedDate: Date | string, toUtc?: boolean, useMilliseconds?: boolean): Date; /** * Converts given value into time string in a "HH:mm:ss" format. */ static mixedDateToTimeString(value: Date | any, skipSeconds?: boolean): string | any; /** * Converts given value into time string in a "HH:mm:ss" format. */ static mixedTimeToDate(value: Date | any): string | any; /** * Converts given string value with "-" separator into a "HH:mm:ss" format. */ static mixedTimeToString(value: string | any, skipSeconds?: boolean): string | any; /** * Converts given value into datetime string in a "YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-ss" format. */ static mixedDateToDatetimeString(value: Date | any): string | any; /** * Converts given value into utc datetime string in a "YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-ss.sss" format. */ static mixedDateToUtcDatetimeString(value: Date | any): string | any; /** * Converts each item in the given array to string joined by "," separator. */ static simpleArrayToString(value: any[] | any): string[] | any; /** * Converts given string to simple array split by "," separator. */ static stringToSimpleArray(value: string | any): string | any; static simpleJsonToString(value: any): string; static stringToSimpleJson(value: any): any; static simpleEnumToString(value: any): string; static stringToSimpleEnum(value: any, columnMetadata: ColumnMetadata): any; /** * Formats given number to "0x" format, e.g. if it is 1 then it will return "01". */ private static formatZerolessValue; /** * Formats given number to "0x" format, e.g. if it is 1 then it will return "01". */ private static formatMilliseconds; }