import { rootPath } from "../utils"; import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync } from "fs"; import { join } from "path"; import * as globby from "globby"; import * as mkdirp from "mkdirp"; import * as rimraf from "rimraf"; import * as sh from "shelljs"; import chalk from "chalk"; const writeFile = (fullpath: string, content) => { const sections = fullpath.split("/"); sections.pop(); const path = sections.join("/"); mkdirp.sync(path); writeFileSync(fullpath, content); }; const copyTemplate = async ( name: string, dirname: string, { mode, d, force } ) => { const pkg = { name, version: "0.0.1", private: true, scripts: { dev: "tp dev", build: "tp build", test: "tp test" } }; const paths: string[] = await globby( join(__dirname, `../../templates/${mode}/**/*`) ); const files = string) => { const splittedName = path.split( join(__dirname, `../../templates/${mode}/`) ); return { name: splittedName[splittedName.length - 1], content: readFileSync(path) }; }); if (d) { console.log(paths); console.log(files); } if (!paths || !paths.length) { console.log("Template not exists.")); process.exit(1); return; } if (force) { rimraf.sync(dirname); } if (existsSync(dirname)) { console.log("Dirname already exists.")); console.log( `use ${"--force")} to delete it and create a new one.` ); process.exit(1); return; } mkdirp.sync(dirname); files.forEach(file => { writeFile(join(rootPath, name,, file.content); }); writeFile(join(rootPath, name, "package.json"), JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)); }; const installPackages = (dirname: string, mode: string) => { const hasYarn = sh.which("yarn"); const install = hasYarn ? "yarn add" : "npm install --save"; const devInstall = hasYarn ? "yarn add -D" : "npm install --save-dev"; const dependencies = ["@babel/runtime"]; const devDependencies = [ "typepack", "@types/node", "@types/jest", "@babel/core", "@babel/preset-env", "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" ]; if (mode === "react") { const reactDeps = ["react", "react-dom"]; const reactDevDeps = ["@types/react", "@types/react-dom"]; dependencies.push(...reactDeps); devDependencies.push(...reactDevDeps); }; if ( sh.exec(`${install} ${dependencies.join(" ")}`).code !== 0 || sh.exec(`${devInstall} ${devDependencies.join(" ")}`).code !== 0 ) { sh.echo("Error: failed to install needed modules"); sh.exit(1); } }; module.exports = async (name: string, opts) => { const dirname = join(rootPath, name); await copyTemplate(name, dirname, opts); installPackages(dirname, opts.mode); };