import ts_module from "typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary"; /** * The host for a `LanguageService`. This provides all the `LanguageService` requires to respond * to the `LanguageService` requests. * * This interface describes the requirements of the `LanguageService` on its host. * * The host interface is host language agnostic. */ export interface LanguageServiceHost { /** * TODO: add comment */ getCompilationSettings(fileName: string): ts_module.CompilerOptions; /** * TODO: add comment */ resolveModuleNames(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ts_module.ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: ts_module.CompilerOptions): (ts_module.ResolvedModule | undefined)[]; /** * TODO: add comment */ getScriptFileNames(): string[]; /** * TODO: add comment */ resolveTypeReferenceDirectives(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ts_module.ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: ts_module.CompilerOptions): (ts_module.ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[]; }