export namespace ImgixUrl { export type HexColor = `#${string}`; export type ColorKeywordValue = | "aliceblue" | "antiquewhite" | "aqua" | "aquamarine" | "azure" | "beige" | "bisque" | "black" | "blanchedalmond" | "blue" | "blueviolet" | "brown" | "burlywood" | "cadetblue" | "chartreuse" | "chocolate" | "coral" | "cornflowerblue" | "cornsilk" | "crimson" | "cyan" | "darkblue" | "darkcyan" | "darkgoldenrod" | "darkgray" | "darkgreen" | "darkgrey" | "darkkhaki" | "darkmagenta" | "darkolivegreen" | "darkorange" | "darkorchid" | "darkred" | "darksalmon" | "darkseagreen" | "darkslateblue" | "darkslategray" | "darkslategrey" | "darkturquoise" | "darkviolet" | "deeppink" | "deepskyblue" | "dimgray" | "dimgrey" | "dodgerblue" | "firebrick" | "floralwhite" | "forestgreen" | "fuchsia" | "gainsboro" | "ghostwhite" | "gold" | "goldenrod" | "gray" | "green" | "greenyellow" | "grey" | "honeydew" | "hotpink" | "imgixorange" | "imgixblue" | "indianred" | "indigo" | "ivory" | "khaki" | "lavender" | "lavenderblush" | "lawngreen" | "lemonchiffon" | "lightblue" | "lightcoral" | "lightcyan" | "lightgoldenrodyellow" | "lightgray" | "lightgreen" | "lightgrey" | "lightpink" | "lightsalmon" | "lightseagreen" | "lightskyblue" | "lightslategray" | "lightslategrey" | "lightsteelblue" | "lightyellow" | "lime" | "limegreen" | "linen" | "magenta" | "maroon" | "mediumaquamarine" | "mediumblue" | "mediumorchid" | "mediumpurple" | "mediumseagreen" | "mediumslateblue" | "mediumspringgreen" | "mediumturquoise" | "mediumvioletred" | "midnightblue" | "mintcream" | "mistyrose" | "moccasin" | "navajowhite" | "navy" | "oldlace" | "olive" | "olivedrab" | "orange" | "orangered" | "orchid" | "palegoldenrod" | "palegreen" | "paleturquoise" | "palevioletred" | "papayawhip" | "peachpuff" | "peru" | "pink" | "plum" | "powderblue" | "purple" | "rebeccapurple" | "red" | "rosybrown" | "royalblue" | "saddlebrown" | "salmon" | "sandybrown" | "seagreen" | "seashell" | "sienna" | "silver" | "skyblue" | "slateblue" | "slategray" | "slategrey" | "snow" | "springgreen" | "steelblue" | "tan" | "teal" | "thistle" | "tomato" | "turquoise" | "violet" | "wheat" | "white" | "whitesmoke" | "yellow" | "yellowgreen"; export type FontValue = | "serif" | "sans-serif" | "monospace" | "cursive" | "fantasy" | "serif,bold" | "sans-serif,bold" | "monospace,bold" | "fantasy,bold" | "serif,italic" | "sans-serif,italic" | "monospace,italic" | "serif,bold,italic" | "sans-serif,bold,italic" | "monospace,bold,italic" | "American Typewriter" | "American Typewriter Condensed" | "American Typewriter Condensed Light" | "American Typewriter Condensed,Bold" | "American Typewriter Light" | "American Typewriter,Bold" | "AndaleMono" | "Arial Narrow" | "Arial Narrow,Bold" | "Arial Narrow,BoldItalic" | "Arial Narrow,Italic" | "Arial Rounded MT,Bold" | "Arial UnicodeMS" | "Arial,BoldItalicMT" | "Arial,BoldMT" | "Arial,ItalicMT" | "Arial-Black" | "ArialMT" | "Athelas,Bold" | "Athelas,BoldItalic" | "Athelas,Italic" | "Athelas-Regular" | "Avenir Next Condensed Demi,Bold" | "Avenir Next Condensed Demi,BoldItalic" | "Avenir Next Condensed Heavy" | "Avenir Next Condensed Heavy,Italic" | "Avenir Next Condensed Medium" | "Avenir Next Condensed Medium,Italic" | "Avenir Next Condensed Regular" | "Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light" | "Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light,Italic" | "Avenir Next Condensed,Bold" | "Avenir Next Condensed,BoldItalic" | "Avenir Next Condensed,Italic" | "Avenir Next Demi,Bold" | "Avenir Next Demi,BoldItalic" | "Avenir Next Heavy" | "Avenir Next Heavy,Italic" | "Avenir Next Medium" | "Avenir Next Medium,Italic" | "Avenir Next Regular" | "Avenir Next Ultra Light" | "Avenir Next Ultra Light,Italic" | "Avenir Next,Bold" | "Avenir Next,BoldItalic" | "Avenir Next,Italic" | "Avenir-Black" | "Avenir-BlackOblique" | "Avenir-Book" | "Avenir-BookOblique" | "Avenir-Heavy" | "Avenir-HeavyOblique" | "Avenir-Light" | "Avenir-LightOblique" | "Avenir-Medium" | "Avenir-MediumOblique" | "Avenir-Oblique" | "Avenir-Roman" | "Baskerville" | "Baskerville,Bold" | "Baskerville,BoldItalic" | "Baskerville,Italic" | "BigCaslon-Medium" | "BrushScriptMT" | "Chalkboard" | "Chalkboard SE Light" | "Chalkboard SE Regular" | "Chalkboard SE,Bold" | "Chalkboard,Bold" | "Chalkduster" | "CharcoalCY" | "Charter Black,Italic" | "Charter,Bold" | "Charter,BoldItalic" | "Charter,Italic" | "Charter-Black" | "Charter-Roman" | "Cochin" | "Cochin,Bold" | "Cochin,BoldItalic" | "Cochin,Italic" | "Comic Sans MS,Bold" | "ComicSansMS" | "Copperplate" | "Copperplate,Bold" | "Copperplate-Light" | "Courier" | "Courier New,Bold" | "Courier New,BoldItalic" | "Courier New,Italic" | "Courier,Bold" | "Courier-Oblique" | "CourierNewPSMT" | "DIN Alternate,Bold" | "DIN Condensed,Bold" | "Didot" | "Didot,Bold" | "Didot,Italic" | "Futura Medium,Italic" | "Futura-CondensedMedium" | "Futura-Medium" | "Geneva" | "GenevaCyr" | "Georgia" | "Georgia,Bold" | "Georgia,BoldItalic" | "Georgia,Italic" | "Gill Sans" | "Gill Sans Light,Italic" | "Gill Sans,Bold" | "Gill Sans,BoldItalic" | "Gill Sans,UltraBold" | "GillSans,Italic" | "GillSans-Light" | "Helvetica" | "Helvetica CY,Bold" | "Helvetica Neue" | "Helvetica Neue Condensed Black" | "Helvetica Neue Condensed,Bold" | "Helvetica Neue Light" | "Helvetica Neue Light,Italic" | "Helvetica Neue Medium" | "Helvetica Neue Medium,Italic" | "Helvetica Neue Thin" | "Helvetica Neue Thin,Italic" | "Helvetica Neue UltraLight" | "Helvetica Neue UltraLight,Italic" | "Helvetica Neue,Bold" | "Helvetica Neue,BoldItalic" | "Helvetica Neue,Italic" | "Helvetica,Bold" | "Helvetica-Light" | "Helvetica-LightOblique" | "Helvetica-Oblique" | "HelveticaCY-Oblique" | "HelveticaCY-Plain" | "Herculanum" | "Hoefler Text Black,Italic" | "Hoefler Text,Italic" | "HoeflerText-Black" | "HoeflerText-Ornaments" | "HoeflerText-Regular" | "Impact" | "Iowan Old Style Black,Italic" | "Iowan Old Style,Bold" | "Iowan Old Style,BoldItalic" | "Iowan Old Style,Italic" | "IowanOldStyle-Black" | "IowanOldStyle-Roman" | "IowanOldStyle-Titling" | "Lucida Grande" | "Lucida Grande,Bold" | "Marion,Bold" | "Marion,Italic" | "Marion-Regular" | "Marker Felt Thin" | "Marker Felt Wide" | "Menlo,Bold" | "Menlo,BoldItalic" | "Menlo,Italic" | "Menlo-Regular" | "Monaco" | "Noteworthy,Bold" | "Noteworthy-Light" | "Optima,Bold" | "Optima,BoldItalic" | "Optima,Italic" | "Optima-ExtraBlack" | "Optima-Regular" | "PT Mono,Bold" | "PT Sans Caption,Bold" | "PT Sans Narrow,Bold" | "PT Sans,Bold" | "PT Sans,BoldItalic" | "PT Sans,Italic" | "PT Serif Caption,Italic" | "PT Serif,Bold" | "PT Serif,BoldItalic" | "PT Serif,Italic" | "PTMono-Regular" | "PTSans-Caption" | "PTSans-Narrow" | "PTSans-Regular" | "PTSerif-Caption" | "PTSerif-Regular" | "Palatino,Bold" | "Palatino,BoldItalic" | "Palatino,Italic" | "Palatino-Roman" | "Papyrus" | "Papyrus-Condensed" | "PlantagenetCherokee" | "STBaoli-SC-Regular" | "STYuanti-SC-Light" | "STYuanti-SC-Regular" | "SavoyeLetPlain" | "Seravek" | "Seravek ExtraLight, Italic" | "Seravek Light,Italic" | "Seravek Medium,Italic" | "Seravek,Bold" | "Seravek,BoldItalic" | "Seravek,Italic" | "Seravek-ExtraLight" | "Seravek-Light" | "Seravek-Medium" | "Skia-Regular" | "Skia-Regular_Black" | "Skia-Regular_Black-Condensed" | "Skia-Regular_Black-Extended" | "Skia-Regular_Condensed" | "Skia-Regular_Extended" | "Skia-Regular_Light" | "Skia-Regular_Light-Condensed" | "Skia-Regular_Light-Extended" | "Snell Roundhand,Bold" | "SnellRoundhand" | "SnellRoundhand-Black" | "Superclarendon Black,Italic" | "Superclarendon Light,Italic" | "Superclarendon,Bold" | "Superclarendon,BoldItalic" | "Superclarendon,Italic" | "Superclarendon-Black" | "Superclarendon-Light" | "Superclarendon-Regular" | "Tahoma" | "Tahoma,Bold" | "Times New Roman,Bold" | "Times New Roman,BoldItalic" | "Times New Roman,Italic" | "Times,Bold" | "Times,BoldItalic" | "Times,Italic" | "Times-Roman" | "TimesNewRomanPSMT" | "Trebuchet MS,Bold" | "Trebuchet MS,BoldItalic" | "Trebuchet MS,Italic" | "TrebuchetMS" | "Verdana" | "Verdana,Bold" | "Verdana,BoldItalic" | "Verdana,Italic" | "Waseem" | "WaseemLight" | "Webdings" | "Wingdings-Regular" | "Wingdings2" | "Wingdings3" | "Yuanti SC,Bold" | "YuppySC-Regular" | "Zapf Dingbats" | "Zapfino"; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/adjustment} */ export type AdjustmentParams = Partial<{ /** * Adjusts the brightness of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/bri} */ bri: number; /** * Adjusts the contrast of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/con} */ con: number; /** * Adjusts the exposure of the output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/exp} */ exp: number; /** * Adjusts the gamma of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/gam} */ gam: number; /** * Adjusts the highlights of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/high} */ high: number; /** * Adjusts the hue of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/hue} */ hue: number; /** * Inverts the colors on the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/invert} */ invert: boolean; /** * Adjusts the saturation of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/sat} */ sat: number; /** * Adjusts the highlights of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/shad} */ shad: number; /** * Adjusts the sharpness of the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/sharp} */ sharp: number; /** * Sharpens the source image using an unsharp mask. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/usm} */ usm: number; /** * Specifies the radius for an unsharp mask operation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/usmrad} */ usmrad: number; /** * Adjusts the vibrance of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/adjustment/vib} */ vib: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/animation} */ export type AnimationParams = Partial<{}>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/auto} */ export type AutoParams = Partial<{ /** * Applies automatic enhancements to images. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/auto} */ auto: "enhance" | "format" | "redeye" | "compress" | "true"; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/blending} */ export type BlendingParams = Partial<{ /** * Changes the blend alignment relative to the parent image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-align} */ "blend-align": "top" | "bottom" | "middle" | "left" | "right" | "center"; /** * Changes the alpha of the blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-alpha} */ "blend-alpha": number; /** * Specifies a color to use when applying the blend. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-color} */ "blend-color": HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Specifies the type of crop for blend images. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-crop} */ "blend-crop": "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "faces"; /** * Specifies the fit mode for blend images. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-fit} */ "blend-fit": "clamp" | "clip" | "crop" | "scale" | "max"; /** * Adjusts the height of the blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-h} */ "blend-h": number; /** * Sets the blend mode for a blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-mode} */ "blend-mode": | "color" | "burn" | "dodge" | "darken" | "difference" | "exclusion" | "hardlight" | "hue" | "lighten" | "luminosity" | "multiply" | "overlay" | "saturation" | "screen" | "softlight" | "normal"; /** * Applies padding to the blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-pad} */ "blend-pad": number; /** * Adjusts the size of the blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-size} */ "blend-size": "inherit"; /** * Adjusts the width of the blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-w} */ "blend-w": number; /** * Adjusts the x-offset of the blend image relative to its parent. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-x} */ "blend-x": number; /** * Adjusts the y-offset of the blend image relative to its parent. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend-y} */ "blend-y": number; /** * Specifies the location of the blend image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/blending/blend} */ blend: HexColor | ColorKeywordValue | string; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/border-and-padding} */ export type BorderAndPaddingParams = Partial<{ /** * Sets bottom border of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border-bottom} */ "border-bottom": number; /** * Sets left border of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border-left} */ "border-left": number; /** * Sets the inner radius of the image's border in pixels. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border-radius-inner} */ "border-radius-inner": number; /** * Sets the outer radius of the image's border in pixels. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border-radius} */ "border-radius": number; /** * Sets right border of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border-right} */ "border-right": number; /** * Sets top border of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border-top} */ "border-top": number; /** * Applies a border to an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/border} */ border: unknown; /** * Sets bottom padding of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/pad-bottom} */ "pad-bottom": number; /** * Sets left padding of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/pad-left} */ "pad-left": number; /** * Sets right padding of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/pad-right} */ "pad-right": number; /** * Sets top padding of an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/pad-top} */ "pad-top": number; /** * Pads an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/border-and-padding/pad} */ pad: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/color-palette} */ export type ColorPaletteParams = Partial<{ /** * Specifies how many colors to include in a palette-extraction response. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/color-palette/colors} */ colors: number; /** * Specifies an output format for palette-extraction. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/color-palette/palette} */ palette: "css" | "json"; /** * Specifies a CSS prefix for all classes in palette-extraction. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/color-palette/prefix} */ prefix: string; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/expiration} */ export type ExpirationParams = Partial<{ /** * A Unix timestamp specifying a UTC time. Requests made to this URL after that time will output a 404 status code. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/expires} */ expires: string; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/face-detection} */ export type FaceDetectionParams = Partial<{ /** * Selects a face to crop to. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/face-detection/faceindex} */ faceindex: number; /** * Adjusts padding around a selected face. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/face-detection/facepad} */ facepad: number; /** * Specifies that face data should be included in output when combined with `fm=json`. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/face-detection/faces} */ faces: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/fill} */ export type FillParams = Partial<{ /** * Colors the background of padded and partially-transparent images. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/bg} */ bg: HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Sets the fill color for images with additional space created by the fit setting * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/fill/fill-color} */ "fill-color": HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Determines how to fill in additional space created by the fit setting * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/fill/fill} */ fill: "solid" | "blur"; /** * Sets grid colors for the transparency checkerboard grid. */ "grid-colors": unknown; /** * Sets grid size for the transparency checkerboard grid. */ "grid-size": number; /** * Adds checkerboard behind images which support transparency. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/fill/transparency} */ transparency: "grid"; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/focalpoint-crop} */ export type FocalpointCropParams = Partial<{ /** * Displays crosshairs identifying the location of the set focal point * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/focalpoint-crop/fp-debug} */ "fp-debug": boolean; /** * Sets the relative horizontal value for the focal point of an image * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/focalpoint-crop/fp-x} */ "fp-x": number; /** * Sets the relative vertical value for the focal point of an image * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/focalpoint-crop/fp-y} */ "fp-y": number; /** * Sets the relative zoom value for the focal point of an image * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/focalpoint-crop/fp-z} */ "fp-z": number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/format} */ export type FormatParams = Partial<{ /** * Sets one or more Client-Hints headers * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/ch} */ ch: "width" | "dpr" | "save-data"; /** * Specifies the output chroma subsampling rate. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/chromasub} */ chromasub: number; /** * Limits the number of unique colors in an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/colorquant} */ colorquant: number; /** * Specifies the color space of the output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/cs} */ cs: "srgb" | "adobergb1998" | "tinysrgb" | "strip"; /** * Forces a URL to use send-file in its response. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/dl} */ dl: string; /** * Sets the DPI value in the EXIF header. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/dpi} */ dpi: number; /** * Changes the format of the output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/fm} */ fm: | "gif" | "jpg" | "jp2" | "json" | "jxr" | "pjpg" | "mp4" | "png" | "png8" | "png32" | "webp" | "webm" | "blurhash" | "avif"; /** * Determine if IPTC data should be passed for JPEG images. */ iptc: "allow" | "block"; /** * Specifies that the output image should be a lossless variant. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/lossless} */ lossless: boolean; /** * Adjusts the quality of an output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/format/q} */ q: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/mask} */ export type MaskParams = Partial<{ /** * Specifies the radius value for a rounded corner mask. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/mask/corner-radius} */ "corner-radius": number; /** * Colors the background of the transparent mask area of images * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/mask/mask-bg} */ "mask-bg": HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Defines the type of mask and specifies the URL if that type is selected. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/mask} */ mask: "ellipse" | "corners" | string; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/misc} */ export type MiscParams = Partial<{}>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/noise-reduction} */ export type NoiseReductionParams = Partial<{ /** * Reduces the noise in an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/noise-reduction/nr} */ nr: number; /** * Provides a threshold by which to sharpen an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/noise-reduction/nrs} */ nrs: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/pdf} */ export type PdfParams = Partial<{ /** * Selects a page from a PDF for display. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/pdf/page} */ page: number; /** * Enables or disables PDF annotation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/pdf/pdf-annotation} */ "pdf-annotation": boolean; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/pixel-density} */ export type PixelDensityParams = Partial<{ /** * Adjusts the device-pixel ratio of the output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/dpr} */ dpr: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/rotation} */ export type RotationParams = Partial<{ /** * Flips an image on a specified axis. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/rotation/flip} */ flip: "h" | "v" | "hv"; /** * Changes the image orientation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/rotation/orient} */ orient: number; /** * Rotates an image by a specified number of degrees. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/rotation/rot} */ rot: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/size} */ export type SizeParams = Partial<{ /** * Specifies an aspect ratio to maintain when resizing and cropping the image * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/ar} */ ar: number; /** * Specifies how to crop an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/crop} */ crop: | "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "faces" | "entropy" | "edges" | "focalpoint"; /** * Specifies how to map the source image to the output image dimensions. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/fit} */ fit: | "clamp" | "clip" | "crop" | "facearea" | "fill" | "fillmax" | "max" | "min" | "scale"; /** * Adjusts the height of the output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/h} */ h: number; /** * Specifies the maximum height of the output image in pixels. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/max-height} */ "max-h": number; /** * Specifies the maximum width of the output image in pixels. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/max-width} */ "max-w": number; /** * Specifies the minimum height of the output image in pixels. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/min-height} */ "min-h": number; /** * Specifies the minimum width of the output image in pixels. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/min-width} */ "min-w": number; /** * Crops an image to a specified rectangle. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/rect} */ rect: unknown; /** * Adjusts the width of the output image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/size/w} */ w: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/stylize} */ export type StylizeParams = Partial<{ /** * Applies a gaussian blur to an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/blur} */ blur: number; /** * Changes the alpha of the duotone effect atop the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/duotone-alpha} */ "duotone-alpha": number; /** * Applies a duotone effect to the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/duotone} */ duotone: unknown; /** * Applies a half-tone effect to the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/htn} */ htn: number; /** * Applies a monochrome effect to the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/monochrome} */ monochrome: HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Applies a pixelation effect to an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/px} */ px: number; /** * Applies a sepia effect to an image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/stylize/sepia} */ sepia: number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/text} */ export type TextParams = Partial<{ /** * Sets the vertical and horizontal alignment of rendered text relative to the base image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-align} */ "txt-align": "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "left" | "center" | "right"; /** * Sets the clipping properties of rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-clip} */ "txt-clip": "start" | "middle" | "end" | "ellipsis"; /** * Specifies the color of rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-color} */ "txt-color": HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Specifies the fit approach for rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-fit} */ "txt-fit": "max"; /** * Selects a font for rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-font} */ "txt-font": FontValue; /** * Controls the level of ligature substitution * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-lig} */ "txt-lig": number; /** * Specifies a text outline color. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-line-color} */ "txt-line-color": HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Outlines the rendered text with a specified color. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-line} */ "txt-line": number; /** * Specifies the padding (in device-independent pixels) between a textbox and the edges of the base image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-pad} */ "txt-pad": number; /** * Applies a shadow to rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-shad} */ "txt-shad": number; /** * Sets the font size of rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-size} */ "txt-size": number; /** * Sets the width of rendered text. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-width} */ "txt-width": number; /** * Sets the horizontal (x) position of the text in pixels relative to the left edge of the base image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-x} */ "txt-x": number; /** * Sets the vertical (y) position of the text in pixels relative to the top edge of the base image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt-y} */ "txt-y": number; /** * Sets the text string to render. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/text/txt} */ txt: string; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/typesetting} */ export type TypesettingParams = Partial<{ /** * Sets the leading (line spacing) for rendered text. Only works on the multi-line text endpoint. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/typesetting/txt-lead} */ "txt-lead": number; /** * Sets the tracking (letter spacing) for rendered text. Only works on the multi-line text endpoint. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/typesetting/txt-track} */ "txt-track": number; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/trim} */ export type TrimParams = Partial<{ /** * Specifies a trim color on a trim operation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/trim/trim-color} */ "trim-color": HexColor | ColorKeywordValue; /** * Specifies the mean difference on a trim operation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/trim/trim-md} */ "trim-md": number; /** * Pads the area of the source image before trimming. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/trim/trim-pad} */ "trim-pad": number; /** * Specifies the standard deviation on a trim operation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/trim/trim-sd} */ "trim-sd": number; /** * Specifies the tolerance on a trim operation. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/trim/trim-tol} */ "trim-tol": number; /** * Trims the source image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/trim/trim} */ trim: "auto" | "color"; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering/watermark} */ export type WatermarkParams = Partial<{ /** * Changes the watermark alignment relative to the parent image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-align} */ "mark-align": "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "left" | "center" | "right"; /** * Changes the alpha of the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-alpha} */ "mark-alpha": number; /** * Changes base URL of the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-base} */ "mark-base": string; /** * Specifies the fit mode for watermark images. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-fit} */ "mark-fit": "clip" | "crop" | "fill" | "max" | "scale"; /** * Adjusts the height of the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-h} */ "mark-h": number; /** * Applies padding to the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-pad} */ "mark-pad": number; /** * Rotates a watermark or tiled watermarks by a specified number of degrees. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-rot} */ "mark-rot": number; /** * Adjusts the scale of the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-scale} */ "mark-scale": number; /** * Adds tiled watermark. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-tile} */ "mark-tile": "grid"; /** * Adjusts the width of the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-w} */ "mark-w": number; /** * Adjusts the x-offset of the watermark image relative to its parent. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-x} */ "mark-x": number; /** * Adjusts the y-offset of the watermark image relative to its parent. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark-y} */ "mark-y": number; /** * Specifies the location of the watermark image. * @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/url/watermark/mark} */ mark: string; }>; /** @see {@link https://docs.imgix.com/apis/rendering} */ export type Params = AdjustmentParams & AnimationParams & AutoParams & BlendingParams & BorderAndPaddingParams & ColorPaletteParams & ExpirationParams & FaceDetectionParams & FillParams & FocalpointCropParams & FormatParams & MaskParams & MiscParams & NoiseReductionParams & PdfParams & PixelDensityParams & RotationParams & SizeParams & StylizeParams & TextParams & TypesettingParams & TrimParams & WatermarkParams; }