import * as ts from "typescript"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as glob from "glob"; import * as path from "path"; const vm = require("vm"); export module TJS { export function getDefaultArgs() { return { useRef: true, useRootRef: false, useTitle: false, useDefaultProperties: false, usePropertyOrder: false, generateRequired: false }; } class JsonSchemaGenerator { private static validationKeywords = [ "ignore", "description", "type", "minimum", "exclusiveMinimum", "maximum", "exclusiveMaximum", "multipleOf", "minLength", "maxLength", "format", "pattern", "minItems", "maxItems", "uniqueItems", "default", "additionalProperties", "enum"]; private static annotedValidationKeywordPattern = /@[a-z.-]+\s*[^@]+/gi; //private static primitiveTypes = ["string", "number", "boolean", "any"]; private allSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Type }; private inheritingTypes: { [baseName: string]: string[] }; private tc: ts.TypeChecker; private sandbox = { sandboxvar: null }; private reffedDefinitions: { [key: string]: any } = {}; constructor(allSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Type }, inheritingTypes: { [baseName: string]: string[] }, tc: ts.TypeChecker, private args = getDefaultArgs()) { this.allSymbols = allSymbols; this.inheritingTypes = inheritingTypes; = tc; } public get ReffedDefinitions(): { [key: string]: any } { return this.reffedDefinitions; } /** * (source: Typson) * Extracts the schema validation keywords stored in a comment and register them as properties. * A validation keyword starts by a @. It has a name and a value. Several keywords may occur. * * @param comment {string} the full comment. * @param to {object} the destination variable. */ private copyValidationKeywords(comment: string, to) { JsonSchemaGenerator.annotedValidationKeywordPattern.lastIndex = 0; // TODO: to improve the use of the exec method: it could make the tokenization let annotation; while ((annotation = JsonSchemaGenerator.annotedValidationKeywordPattern.exec(comment))) { const annotationTokens = annotation[0].split(" "); let keyword: string = annotationTokens[0].slice(1); const path = keyword.split("."); let context = null; // TODO: paths etc. originate from Typson, not supported atm. if (path.length > 1) { context = path[0]; keyword = path[1]; } keyword = keyword.replace("TJS-", ""); // case sensitive check inside the dictionary if (JsonSchemaGenerator.validationKeywords.indexOf(keyword) >= 0 || JsonSchemaGenerator.validationKeywords.indexOf("TJS-" + keyword) >= 0) { let value: string = annotationTokens.length > 1 ? annotationTokens.slice(1).join(" ") : ""; value = value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, ""); // trim all whitepsace characters, including newlines try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { } if (context) { if (!to[context]) { to[context] = {}; } to[context][keyword] = value; } else { to[keyword] = value; } } } } /** * (source: Typson) * Extracts the description part of a comment and register it in the description property. * The description is supposed to start at first position and may be delimited by @. * * @param comment {string} the full comment. * @param to {object} the destination variable or definition. * @returns {string} the full comment minus the beginning description part. */ private copyDescription(comment: string, to): string { const delimiter = "@"; const delimiterIndex = comment.indexOf(delimiter); const description = comment.slice(0, delimiterIndex < 0 ? comment.length : delimiterIndex); if (description.length > 0) { to.description = description.replace(/\s+$/g, ""); } return delimiterIndex < 0 ? "" : comment.slice(delimiterIndex); } private parseCommentsIntoDefinition(comments: ts.SymbolDisplayPart[], definition: any): void { if (!comments || !comments.length) { return; } let joined = => comment.text.trim()).join("\n"); joined = this.copyDescription(joined, definition); this.copyValidationKeywords(joined, definition); } private getDefinitionForRootType(propertyType: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, definition: any, unionModifier: string = "oneOf") { if (propertyType.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Union) { const unionType = propertyType; const types = => { return this.getTypeDefinition(propType, tc); }); definition[unionModifier] = types; return definition; } const propertyTypeString = tc.typeToString(propertyType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); switch (propertyTypeString.toLowerCase()) { case "string": definition.type = "string"; break; case "number": definition.type = "number"; break; case "boolean": definition.type = "boolean"; break; case "any": definition.type = "object"; break; default: if(propertyType.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Tuple) { // tuple const tupleType: ts.TupleType = propertyType; const fixedTypes = => this.getTypeDefinition(elType, tc)); definition.type = "array"; definition.items = fixedTypes; definition.minItems = fixedTypes.length; definition.additionalItems = { "anyOf": fixedTypes }; } else if (propertyType.getSymbol().getName() == "Array") { const arrayType = (propertyType).typeArguments[0]; definition.type = "array"; definition.items = this.getTypeDefinition(arrayType, tc); } else { // TODO definition = this.getTypeDefinition(propertyType, tc); } } return definition; } private getDefinitionForProperty(prop: ts.Symbol, tc: ts.TypeChecker, node: ts.Node) { const propertyName = prop.getName(); const propertyType = tc.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(prop, node); const propertyTypeString = tc.typeToString(propertyType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); let definition: any = this.getTypeDefinition(propertyType, tc); if (this.args.useTitle) { definition.title = propertyName; } const comments = prop.getDocumentationComment(); this.parseCommentsIntoDefinition(comments, definition); if (definition.hasOwnProperty("ignore")) { return null; } // try to get default value let initial = (prop.valueDeclaration).initializer; if (initial) { if ((initial).expression) { // node console.warn("initializer is expression for property " + propertyName); } else if ((initial).kind && (initial).kind == ts.SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral) { definition.default = initial.getText(); } else { try { const sandbox = { sandboxvar: null }; vm.runInNewContext("sandboxvar=" + initial.getText(), sandbox); initial = sandbox.sandboxvar; if (initial == null) { } else if (typeof (initial) === "string" || typeof (initial) === "number" || typeof (initial) === "boolean" || === '[object Array]') { definition.default = initial; } else { console.warn("unknown initializer for property " + propertyName + ": " + initial); } } catch (e) { console.warn("exception evaluating initializer for property " + propertyName); } } } return definition; } private getEnumDefinition(clazzType: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, definition: any): any { const node = clazzType.getSymbol().getDeclarations()[0]; const fullName = tc.typeToString(clazzType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); const enm = node; const values = tc.getIndexTypeOfType(clazzType, ts.IndexKind.String); var enumValues: string[] = []; enm.members.forEach(member => { const caseLabel = (; // try to extract the enums value; it will probably by a cast expression let initial = member.initializer; if (initial) { if ((initial).expression) { // node const exp = (initial).expression; const text = (exp).text; // if it is an expression with a text literal, chances are it is the enum convension: // CASELABEL = 'literal' as any if (text) { enumValues.push(text); } else { console.warn("initializer is expression for enum: " + fullName + "." + caseLabel); } } else if ((initial).kind && (initial).kind == ts.SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral) { enumValues.push(initial.getText()); } } }); definition.type = "string"; definition.title = fullName; if (enumValues.length > 0) { definition["enum"] = enumValues; } return definition; } private getClassDefinition(clazzType: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, definition: any): any { const node = clazzType.getSymbol().getDeclarations()[0]; const clazz = node; const props = tc.getPropertiesOfType(clazzType); const fullName = tc.typeToString(clazzType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); if(props.length == 0 && clazz.members && clazz.members.length == 1 && clazz.members[0].kind == ts.SyntaxKind.IndexSignature) { // for case "array-types" const indexSignature = clazz.members[0]; if(indexSignature.parameters.length != 1) { throw "Not supported: IndexSignatureDeclaration parameters.length != 1" } const indexSymbol: ts.Symbol = (indexSignature.parameters[0]).symbol; const indexType = tc.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(indexSymbol, node); if(indexType.flags != ts.TypeFlags.Number) { throw "Not supported: IndexSignatureDeclaration with non-number index symbol"; } const typ = tc.getTypeAtLocation(indexSignature.type); const def = this.getTypeDefinition(typ, tc, undefined, "anyOf"); definition.type = "array"; definition.items = def; return definition; } else if (clazz.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Abstract) { const oneOf = this.inheritingTypes[fullName].map((typename) => { return this.getTypeDefinition(this.allSymbols[typename], tc); }); definition.oneOf = oneOf; return definition; } else { const propertyDefinitions = props.reduce((all, prop) => { const propertyName = prop.getName(); const propDef = this.getDefinitionForProperty(prop, tc, node); if (propDef != null) { all[propertyName] = propDef; } return all; }, {}); definition.type = "object"; = propertyDefinitions; if (this.args.useTitle) { definition.title = fullName; } if (this.args.useDefaultProperties) { definition.defaultProperties = []; } if (this.args.usePropertyOrder) { // propertyOrder is non-standard, but useful: // const propertyOrder = props.reduce((order, prop) => { order.push(prop.getName()); return order; }, []); definition.propertyOrder = propertyOrder; } if (this.args.generateRequired) { const requiredProps = props.reduce((required, prop) => { if (!(prop.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Optional)) { required.push(prop.getName()); } return required; }, []); if (requiredProps.length > 0) { definition.required = requiredProps; } } } } private getTypeDefinition(typ: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, asRef = this.args.useRef, unionModifier: string = "oneOf"): any { const fullName = tc.typeToString(typ, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); let definition = {}; if(!typ.getSymbol() || typ.getSymbol().name == "Array") { // this is a type alias or raw type, don't do refs for these types return this.getDefinitionForRootType(typ, tc, definition, unionModifier); } if (!asRef || !this.reffedDefinitions[fullName]) { if(asRef) { this.reffedDefinitions[fullName] = definition; } const node = typ.getSymbol().getDeclarations()[0]; if (node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration) { this.getEnumDefinition(typ, tc, definition); } else { this.getClassDefinition(typ, tc, definition); } } if (asRef) { return { "$ref": "#/definitions/" + fullName }; } else { return definition; } } public getSchemaForSymbol(symbolName: string, includeReffedDefinitions: boolean = true): any { if(!this.allSymbols[symbolName]) { throw `type ${symbolName} not found`; } let def = this.getTypeDefinition(this.allSymbols[symbolName],, this.args.useRootRef); if (this.args.useRef && includeReffedDefinitions && Object.keys(this.reffedDefinitions).length > 0) { def.definitions = this.reffedDefinitions; } def["$schema"] = ""; //console.log(JSON.stringify(def, null, 4) + "\n"); return def; } } export function getProgramFromFiles(files: string[]): ts.Program { // use built-in default options const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { noEmit: true, emitDecoratorMetadata: true, experimentalDecorators: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS }; return ts.createProgram(files, options); } export function generateSchema(program: ts.Program, fullTypeName: string, args = getDefaultArgs()) { const tc = program.getTypeChecker(); var diagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program); if (diagnostics.length == 0) { const allSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Type } = {}; const inheritingTypes: { [baseName: string]: string[] } = {}; program.getSourceFiles().forEach(sourceFile => { /*console.log(sourceFile.fileName); if(sourceFile.fileName.indexOf("main.ts") > -1) { debugger; } */ function inspect(node: ts.Node, tc: ts.TypeChecker) { if (node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration ) { const nodeType = tc.getTypeAtLocation(node); let fullName = tc.getFullyQualifiedName((node).symbol) // remove file name // TODO: we probably don't want this eventually, // as same types can occur in different files and will override eachother in allSymbols // This means atm we can't generate all types in large programs. fullName = fullName.replace(/".*"\./, ""); allSymbols[fullName] = nodeType; const baseTypes = nodeType.getBaseTypes() || []; baseTypes.forEach(baseType => { var baseName = tc.typeToString(baseType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); if (!inheritingTypes[baseName]) { inheritingTypes[baseName] = []; } inheritingTypes[baseName].push(fullName); }); } else { ts.forEachChild(node, (node) => inspect(node, tc)); } } inspect(sourceFile, tc); }); const generator = new JsonSchemaGenerator(allSymbols, inheritingTypes, tc, args); let definition = generator.getSchemaForSymbol(fullTypeName); return definition; } else { diagnostics.forEach((diagnostic) => { let message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, '\n'); if(diagnostic.file) { let { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start); console.warn(`${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`); } else { console.warn(message); } }); } } export function programFromConfig(configFileName: string) { // basically a copy of -> parseConfigFile const result = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(configFileName, ts.sys.readFile(configFileName)); const configObject = result.config; const configParseResult = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(configObject, ts.sys, path.dirname(configFileName), {}, configFileName); const options = configParseResult.options; options.noEmit = true; const program = ts.createProgram(configParseResult.fileNames, options); return program; //const conf = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(null, path.dirname(filePattern), "tsconfig.json"); } export function exec(filePattern: string, fullTypeName: string, args = getDefaultArgs()) { let program: ts.Program; if(path.basename(filePattern) == "tsconfig.json") { program = programFromConfig(filePattern); } else { program = TJS.getProgramFromFiles(glob.sync(filePattern)); } const definition = TJS.generateSchema(program, fullTypeName, args); process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(definition, null, 4) + "\n"); } export function run() { var helpText = "Usage: node typescript-json-schema.js "; const defaultArgs = getDefaultArgs(); var args = require("yargs") .usage(helpText) .demand(2) .boolean("refs").default("refs", defaultArgs.useRef) .describe("refs", "Create shared ref definitions.") .boolean("topRef").default("topRef", defaultArgs.useRootRef) .describe("topRef", "Create a top-level ref definition.") .boolean("titles").default("titles", defaultArgs.useTitle) .describe("titles", "Creates titles in the output schema.") .boolean("defaultProps").default("defaultProps", defaultArgs.useDefaultProperties) .describe("defaultProps", "Create default properties definitions.") .boolean("propOrder").default("propOrder", defaultArgs.usePropertyOrder) .describe("propOrder", "Create property order definitions.") .boolean("required").default("required", defaultArgs.generateRequired) .describe("required", "Create required array for non-optional properties.") .argv; exec(args._[0], args._[1], { useRef: args.refs, useRootRef: args.topRef, useTitle: args.titles, useDefaultProperties: args.defaultProps, usePropertyOrder: args.propOrder, generateRequired: args.required }); } } if (typeof window === "undefined" && require.main === module) {; } //TJS.exec("example/**/*.ts", "Invoice"); /* let args = TJS.defaultArgs; args.useRootRef = true; const result = TJS.generateSchema(TJS.getProgramFromFiles(["test/programs/interface-recursion/main.ts"]), "MyObject", args); console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); */