import * as glob from "glob"; import * as stringify from "json-stable-stringify"; import * as path from "path"; import * as ts from "typescript"; export { Program, CompilerOptions } from "typescript"; const vm = require("vm"); const REGEX_FILE_NAME = /".*"\./; const REGEX_TSCONFIG_NAME = /^.*\.json$/; const REGEX_TJS_JSDOC = /^-([\w]+)\s+(\S|\S[\s\S]*\S)\s*$/g; export function getDefaultArgs(): Args { return { ref: true, aliasRef: false, topRef: false, titles: false, defaultProps: false, noExtraProps: false, propOrder: false, typeOfKeyword: false, required: false, strictNullChecks: false, ignoreErrors: false, out: "", validationKeywords: [], excludePrivate: false, }; } export type ValidationKeywords = { [prop: string]: boolean }; export type Args = { ref: boolean; aliasRef: boolean; topRef: boolean; titles: boolean; defaultProps: boolean; noExtraProps: boolean; propOrder: boolean; typeOfKeyword: boolean; required: boolean; strictNullChecks: boolean; ignoreErrors: boolean; out: string; validationKeywords: string[]; excludePrivate: boolean; }; export type PartialArgs = Partial; export type PrimitiveType = number | boolean | string | null; export type Definition = { $ref?: string, description?: string, allOf?: Definition[], oneOf?: Definition[], anyOf?: Definition[], title?: string, type?: string | string[], definitions?: {[key: string]: any}, format?: string, items?: Definition | Definition[], minItems?: number, additionalItems?: { anyOf: Definition[] }, enum?: PrimitiveType[] | Definition[], default?: PrimitiveType | Object, additionalProperties?: Definition | boolean, required?: string[], propertyOrder?: string[], properties?: {}, defaultProperties?: string[], typeof?: "function" }; function extend(target: any, ..._: any[]) { if (target == null) { // TypeError if undefined or null throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object"); } const to = Object(target); for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) { const nextSource = arguments[index]; if (nextSource != null) { // Skip over if undefined or null for (const nextKey in nextSource) { // Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed if (, nextKey)) { to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey]; } } } } return to; } function unique(arr: string[]): string[] { const temp = {}; for (const e of arr) { temp[e] = true; } const r: string[] = []; for (const k in temp) { // Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed if (, k)) { r.push(k); } } return r; } export class JsonSchemaGenerator { /** * JSDoc keywords that should be used to annotate the JSON schema. * * Many of these validation keywords are defined here: */ private static validationKeywords = { multipleOf: true, // 6.1. maximum: true, // 6.2. exclusiveMaximum: true, // 6.3. minimum: true, // 6.4. exclusiveMinimum: true, // 6.5. maxLength: true, // 6.6. minLength: true, // 6.7. pattern: true, // 6.8. // items: true, // 6.9. // additionalItems: true, // 6.10. maxItems: true, // 6.11. minItems: true, // 6.12. uniqueItems: true, // 6.13. // contains: true, // 6.14. maxProperties: true, // 6.15. minProperties: true, // 6.16. // required: true, // 6.17. This is not required. It is auto-generated. // properties: true, // 6.18. This is not required. It is auto-generated. // patternProperties: true, // 6.19. additionalProperties: true, // 6.20. // dependencies: true, // 6.21. // propertyNames: true, // 6.22. enum: true, // 6.23. // const: true, // 6.24. type: true, // 6.25. // allOf: true, // 6.26. // anyOf: true, // 6.27. // oneOf: true, // 6.28. // not: true, // 6.29. ignore: true, description: true, format: true, default: true, $ref: true, id: true }; private allSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Type }; private userSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Symbol }; private inheritingTypes: { [baseName: string]: string[] }; private tc: ts.TypeChecker; private reffedDefinitions: { [key: string]: Definition } = {}; private userValidationKeywords: ValidationKeywords; private typeNamesById: { [id: number]: string } = {}; private typeNamesUsed: { [name: string]: boolean } = {}; constructor( allSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Type }, userSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Symbol }, inheritingTypes: { [baseName: string]: string[] }, tc: ts.TypeChecker, private args = getDefaultArgs(), ) { this.allSymbols = allSymbols; this.userSymbols = userSymbols; this.inheritingTypes = inheritingTypes; = tc; this.userValidationKeywords = args.validationKeywords.reduce( (acc, word) => ({ ...acc, [word]: true }), {} ); } public get ReffedDefinitions(): { [key: string]: Definition } { return this.reffedDefinitions; } /** * Try to parse a value and returns the string if it fails. */ private parseValue(value: string) { try { return JSON.parse(value); } catch (error) { return value; } } /** * Parse the comments of a symbol into the definition and other annotations. */ private parseCommentsIntoDefinition(symbol: ts.Symbol, definition: {description?: string}, otherAnnotations: {}): void { if (!symbol) { return; } // the comments for a symbol let comments = symbol.getDocumentationComment(); if (comments.length) { definition.description = => comment.kind === "lineBreak" ? comment.text : comment.text.trim().replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")).join(""); } // jsdocs are separate from comments const jsdocs = symbol.getJsDocTags(); jsdocs.forEach(doc => { // if we have @TJS-... annotations, we have to parse them const [name, text] = ( === "TJS" ? new RegExp(REGEX_TJS_JSDOC).exec(doc.text!)!.slice(1,3) : [, doc.text]) as string[]; if (JsonSchemaGenerator.validationKeywords[name] || this.userValidationKeywords[name]) { definition[name] = this.parseValue(text); } else { // special annotations otherAnnotations[] = true; } }); } private extractLiteralValue(typ: ts.Type): PrimitiveType | undefined { let str = (typ).value; if (str === undefined) { str = (typ as any).text; } if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.EnumLiteral) { // or .text for old TS let num = parseFloat(str as string); return isNaN(num) ? str : num; } else if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.StringLiteral) { return str; } else if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.NumberLiteral) { return parseFloat(str as string); } else if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.BooleanLiteral) { return (typ as any).intrinsicName === "true"; } return undefined; } /** * Checks whether a type is a tuple type. */ private resolveTupleType(propertyType: ts.Type): ts.TupleTypeNode|null { if (!propertyType.getSymbol() && (propertyType.getFlags() & ts.TypeFlags.Object && (propertyType).objectFlags & ts.ObjectFlags.Reference)) { return (propertyType as ts.TypeReference).target as any; } if (!(propertyType.getFlags() & ts.TypeFlags.Object && (propertyType).objectFlags & ts.ObjectFlags.Tuple)) { return null; } return propertyType as any; } private getDefinitionForRootType(propertyType: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, reffedType: ts.Symbol, definition: Definition) { const symbol = propertyType.getSymbol(); const tupleType = this.resolveTupleType(propertyType); if (tupleType) { // tuple const elemTypes: ts.NodeArray = tupleType.elementTypes || (propertyType as any).typeArguments; const fixedTypes = => this.getTypeDefinition(elType as any, tc)); definition.type = "array"; definition.items = fixedTypes; definition.minItems = fixedTypes.length; definition.additionalItems = { anyOf: fixedTypes }; } else { const propertyTypeString = tc.typeToString(propertyType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); switch (propertyTypeString.toLowerCase()) { case "string": definition.type = "string"; break; case "number": const isInteger = (definition.type === "integer" || (reffedType && reffedType.getName() === "integer")); definition.type = isInteger ? "integer" : "number"; break; case "boolean": definition.type = "boolean"; break; case "null": definition.type = "null"; break; case "undefined": definition.type = "undefined"; break; case "any": // no type restriction, so that anything will match break; case "date": definition.type = "string"; definition.format = "date-time"; break; default: const value = this.extractLiteralValue(propertyType); if (value !== undefined) { definition.type = typeof value; definition.enum = [ value ]; } else if (symbol && (symbol.getName() === "Array" || symbol.getName() === "ReadonlyArray")) { const arrayType = (propertyType).typeArguments![0]; definition.type = "array"; definition.items = this.getTypeDefinition(arrayType, tc); } else { // Report that type could not be processed let info: any = propertyType; try { info = JSON.stringify(propertyType); } catch(err) {} console.error("Unsupported type: ", info); // definition = this.getTypeDefinition(propertyType, tc); } } } return definition; } private getReferencedTypeSymbol(prop: ts.Symbol, tc: ts.TypeChecker): ts.Symbol|undefined { const decl = prop.getDeclarations(); if (decl && decl.length) { const type = ( ( decl[0]).type); if (type && (type.kind & ts.SyntaxKind.TypeReference) && type.typeName) { return tc.getSymbolAtLocation(type.typeName); } } return undefined; } private getDefinitionForProperty(prop: ts.Symbol, tc: ts.TypeChecker, node: ts.Node) { const propertyName = prop.getName(); const propertyType = tc.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(prop, node); const reffedType = this.getReferencedTypeSymbol(prop, tc); let definition = this.getTypeDefinition(propertyType, tc, undefined, undefined, prop, reffedType); if (this.args.titles) { definition.title = propertyName; } if (definition.hasOwnProperty("ignore")) { return null; } // try to get default value let valDecl = prop.valueDeclaration as ts.VariableDeclaration; if (valDecl && valDecl.initializer) { const initial = valDecl.initializer; if ((initial).expression) { // node console.warn("initializer is expression for property " + propertyName); } else if ((initial).kind && (initial).kind === ts.SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral) { definition.default = initial.getText(); } else { try { const sandbox = { sandboxvar: null as any }; vm.runInNewContext("sandboxvar=" + initial.getText(), sandbox); const val = sandbox.sandboxvar; if (val === null || typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "number" || typeof val === "boolean" || === "[object Array]") { definition.default = val; } else if (val) { console.warn("unknown initializer for property " + propertyName + ": " + val); } } catch (e) { console.warn("exception evaluating initializer for property " + propertyName); } } } return definition; } private getEnumDefinition(clazzType: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, definition: Definition): Definition { const node = clazzType.getSymbol()!.getDeclarations()![0]; const fullName = tc.typeToString(clazzType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); const members: ts.NodeArray = node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration ? (node as ts.EnumDeclaration).members : ts.createNodeArray([node as ts.EnumMember]); var enumValues: (number|boolean|string|null)[] = []; let enumTypes: string[] = []; const addType = (type: string) => { if (enumTypes.indexOf(type) === -1) { enumTypes.push(type); } }; members.forEach(member => { const caseLabel = (; const constantValue = tc.getConstantValue(member); if (constantValue !== undefined) { enumValues.push(constantValue); addType(typeof constantValue); } else { // try to extract the enums value; it will probably by a cast expression let initial: ts.Expression|undefined = member.initializer; if (initial) { if ((initial).expression) { // node const exp = (initial).expression; const text = (exp).text; // if it is an expression with a text literal, chances are it is the enum convension: // CASELABEL = 'literal' as any if (text) { enumValues.push(text); addType("string"); } else if (exp.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword || exp.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword) { enumValues.push((exp.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword)); addType("boolean"); } else { console.warn("initializer is expression for enum: " + fullName + "." + caseLabel); } } else if (initial.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral) { enumValues.push(initial.getText()); addType("string"); } else if (initial.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword) { enumValues.push(null); addType("null"); } } } }); if (enumTypes.length) { definition.type = (enumTypes.length === 1) ? enumTypes[0] : enumTypes; } if (enumValues.length > 0) { definition.enum = enumValues.sort(); } return definition; } private getUnionDefinition(unionType: ts.UnionType, prop: ts.Symbol, tc: ts.TypeChecker, unionModifier: string, definition: Definition) { const enumValues: PrimitiveType[] = []; const simpleTypes: string[] = []; const schemas: Definition[] = []; const addSimpleType = (type: string) => { if (simpleTypes.indexOf(type) === -1) { simpleTypes.push(type); } }; const addEnumValue = (val: PrimitiveType) => { if (enumValues.indexOf(val) === -1) { enumValues.push(val); } }; for (let i = 0; i < unionType.types.length; ++i) { const valueType = unionType.types[i]; const value = this.extractLiteralValue(valueType); if (value !== undefined) { addEnumValue(value); } else { const def = this.getTypeDefinition(unionType.types[i], tc); if (def.type === "undefined") { if (prop) { (prop).mayBeUndefined = true; } } else { const keys = Object.keys(def); if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "type") { if (typeof def.type !== "string") { console.error("Expected only a simple type."); } else { addSimpleType(def.type); } } else { schemas.push(def); } } } } if (enumValues.length > 0) { // If the values are true and false, just add "boolean" as simple type const isOnlyBooleans = enumValues.length === 2 && typeof enumValues[0] === "boolean" && typeof enumValues[1] === "boolean" && enumValues[0] !== enumValues[1]; if (isOnlyBooleans) { addSimpleType("boolean"); } else { const enumSchema: Definition = { enum: enumValues.sort() }; // If all values are of the same primitive type, add a "type" field to the schema if (enumValues.every((x) => { return typeof x === "string"; })) { enumSchema.type = "string"; } else if (enumValues.every((x) => { return typeof x === "number"; })) { enumSchema.type = "number"; } else if (enumValues.every((x) => { return typeof x === "boolean"; })) { enumSchema.type = "boolean"; } schemas.push(enumSchema); } } if (simpleTypes.length > 0) { schemas.push({ type: simpleTypes.length === 1 ? simpleTypes[0] : simpleTypes }); } if (schemas.length === 1) { for (let k in schemas[0]) { if (schemas[0].hasOwnProperty(k)) { definition[k] = schemas[0][k]; } } } else { definition[unionModifier] = schemas; } return definition; } private getClassDefinition(clazzType: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, definition: Definition): Definition { const node = clazzType.getSymbol()!.getDeclarations()![0]; if (this.args.typeOfKeyword && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionType) { definition.typeof = "function"; return definition; } const clazz = node; const props = tc.getPropertiesOfType(clazzType).filter(prop => { if (!this.args.excludePrivate) { return true; } let decls = prop.declarations; return !(decls && decls.filter(decl => { let mods = decl.modifiers; return mods && mods.filter(mod => mod.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword).length > 0; }).length > 0); }); const fullName = tc.typeToString(clazzType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); const modifierFlags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node); if (modifierFlags & ts.ModifierFlags.Abstract) { const oneOf = this.inheritingTypes[fullName].map((typename) => { return this.getTypeDefinition(this.allSymbols[typename], tc); }); definition.oneOf = oneOf; } else { if (clazz.members) { const indexSignatures = clazz.members == null ? [] : clazz.members.filter(x => x.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.IndexSignature); if (indexSignatures.length === 1) { // for case "array-types" const indexSignature = indexSignatures[0] as ts.IndexSignatureDeclaration; if (indexSignature.parameters.length !== 1) { throw new Error("Not supported: IndexSignatureDeclaration parameters.length != 1"); } const indexSymbol: ts.Symbol = (indexSignature.parameters[0]).symbol; const indexType = tc.getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(indexSymbol, node); const isStringIndexed = (indexType.flags === ts.TypeFlags.String); if (indexType.flags !== ts.TypeFlags.Number && !isStringIndexed) { throw new Error("Not supported: IndexSignatureDeclaration with index symbol other than a number or a string"); } const typ = tc.getTypeAtLocation(indexSignature.type!); const def = this.getTypeDefinition(typ, tc, undefined, "anyOf"); if (isStringIndexed) { definition.type = "object"; definition.additionalProperties = def; } else { definition.type = "array"; definition.items = def; } } } const propertyDefinitions = props.reduce((all, prop) => { const propertyName = prop.getName(); const propDef = this.getDefinitionForProperty(prop, tc, node); if (propDef != null) { all[propertyName] = propDef; } return all; }, {}); if (definition.type === undefined) { definition.type = "object"; } if (definition.type === "object" && Object.keys(propertyDefinitions).length > 0) { = propertyDefinitions; } if (this.args.defaultProps) { definition.defaultProperties = []; } if (this.args.noExtraProps && definition.additionalProperties === undefined) { definition.additionalProperties = false; } if (this.args.propOrder) { // propertyOrder is non-standard, but useful: // const propertyOrder = props.reduce((order: string[], prop: ts.Symbol) => { order.push(prop.getName()); return order; }, []); definition.propertyOrder = propertyOrder; } if (this.args.required) { const requiredProps = props.reduce((required: string[], prop: ts.Symbol) => { let def = {}; this.parseCommentsIntoDefinition(prop, def, {}); if (!(prop.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Optional) && !(prop).mayBeUndefined && !def.hasOwnProperty("ignore")) { required.push(prop.getName()); } return required; }, []); if (requiredProps.length > 0) { definition.required = unique(requiredProps).sort(); } } } return definition; } private simpleTypesAllowedProperties = { type: true, description: true }; private addSimpleType(def: Definition, type: string) { for (let k in def) { if (!this.simpleTypesAllowedProperties[k]) { return false; } } if (!def.type) { def.type = type; } else if (typeof def.type !== "string") { if (!(def.type).every((val) => { return typeof val === "string"; })) { return false; } if (def.type.indexOf("null") === -1) { def.type.push("null"); } } else { if (typeof def.type !== "string") { return false; } if (def.type !== "null") { def.type = [ def.type, "null" ]; } } return true; } private makeNullable(def: Definition) { if (!this.addSimpleType(def, "null")) { let union = def.oneOf || def.anyOf; if (union) { union.push({ type: "null" }); } else { const subdef = {}; for (var k in def) { if (def.hasOwnProperty(k)) { subdef[k] = def[k]; delete def[k]; } } def.anyOf = [ subdef, { type: "null" } ]; } } return def; } /** * Gets/generates a globally unique type name for the given type */ private getTypeName(typ: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker) { const id = (typ as any).id as number; if (this.typeNamesById[id]) { // Name already assigned? return this.typeNamesById[id]; } const baseName = tc.typeToString(typ, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); let name = baseName; if (this.typeNamesUsed[name]) { // If a type with same name exists for (let i = 1; true; ++i) { // Try appending "_1", "_2", etc. name = baseName + "_" + i; if (!this.typeNamesUsed[name]) { break; } } } this.typeNamesById[id] = name; this.typeNamesUsed[name] = true; return name; } private getTypeDefinition(typ: ts.Type, tc: ts.TypeChecker, asRef = this.args.ref, unionModifier: string = "anyOf", prop?: ts.Symbol, reffedType?: ts.Symbol, pairedSymbol?: ts.Symbol): Definition { const definition: Definition = {}; // real definition if (this.args.typeOfKeyword && (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Object) && ((typ).objectFlags & ts.ObjectFlags.Anonymous)) { definition.typeof = "function"; return definition; } let returnedDefinition = definition; // returned definition, may be a $ref const symbol = typ.getSymbol(); const isRawType = (!symbol || === "integer" || === "Array" || === "ReadonlyArray" || === "Date"); // special case: an union where all child are string literals -> make an enum instead let isStringEnum = false; if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Union) { const unionType = typ; isStringEnum = (unionType.types.every(propType => { return (propType.getFlags() & ts.TypeFlags.StringLiteral) !== 0; })); } // aliased types must be handled slightly different const asTypeAliasRef = asRef && reffedType && (this.args.aliasRef || isStringEnum); if (!asTypeAliasRef) { if (isRawType || typ.getFlags() & ts.TypeFlags.Object && (typ).objectFlags & ts.ObjectFlags.Anonymous) { asRef = false; // raw types and inline types cannot be reffed, // unless we are handling a type alias } } let fullTypeName = ""; if (asTypeAliasRef) { fullTypeName = tc.getFullyQualifiedName( reffedType!.getFlags() & ts.SymbolFlags.Alias ? tc.getAliasedSymbol(reffedType!) : reffedType! ).replace(REGEX_FILE_NAME, ""); } else if (asRef) { fullTypeName = this.getTypeName(typ, tc); } fullTypeName = fullTypeName.replace(" ", ""); if (asRef) { returnedDefinition = { $ref: "#/definitions/" + fullTypeName }; } // Parse comments const otherAnnotations = {}; this.parseCommentsIntoDefinition(reffedType!, definition, otherAnnotations); // handle comments in the type alias declaration if (prop) { this.parseCommentsIntoDefinition(prop, returnedDefinition, otherAnnotations); } this.parseCommentsIntoDefinition(symbol!, definition, otherAnnotations); // Create the actual definition only if is an inline definition, or // if it will be a $ref and it is not yet created if (!asRef || !this.reffedDefinitions[fullTypeName]) { if (asRef) { // must be here to prevent recursivity problems this.reffedDefinitions[fullTypeName] = asTypeAliasRef && reffedType!.getFlags() & ts.TypeFlags.IndexedAccess && symbol ? this.getTypeDefinition(typ, tc, true, undefined, symbol, symbol) : definition; if (this.args.titles && fullTypeName) { definition.title = fullTypeName; } } const node = symbol && symbol.getDeclarations() !== undefined ? symbol.getDeclarations()![0] : null; if (definition.type === undefined) { // if users override the type, do not try to infer it if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Union) { this.getUnionDefinition(typ as ts.UnionType, prop!, tc, unionModifier, definition); } else if (typ.flags & ts.TypeFlags.Intersection) { // extend object instead of using allOf because allOf does not work well with additional properties. See #107 if (this.args.noExtraProps) { definition.additionalProperties = false; } const types = ( typ).types; for (let i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { const other = this.getTypeDefinition(types[i], tc, false); definition.type = other.type; // should always be object = extend( || {},; if (Object.keys(other.default || {}).length > 0) { definition.default = extend(definition.default || {}, other.default); } if (other.required) { definition.required = unique((definition.required || []).concat(other.required)).sort(); } } } else if (isRawType) { if (pairedSymbol) { this.parseCommentsIntoDefinition(pairedSymbol, definition, {}); } this.getDefinitionForRootType(typ, tc, reffedType!, definition); } else if (node && (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumMember)) { this.getEnumDefinition(typ, tc, definition); } else if (symbol && symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.TypeLiteral && symbol.members!.size === 0 && !(node && (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.MappedType))) { // {} is TypeLiteral with no members. Need special case because it doesn't have declarations. definition.type = "object"; = {}; } else { this.getClassDefinition(typ, tc, definition); } } } if (otherAnnotations["nullable"]) { this.makeNullable(returnedDefinition); } return returnedDefinition; } public setSchemaOverride(symbolName: string, schema: Definition) { this.reffedDefinitions[symbolName] = schema; } public getSchemaForSymbol(symbolName: string, includeReffedDefinitions: boolean = true): Definition { if(!this.allSymbols[symbolName]) { throw new Error(`type ${symbolName} not found`); } let def = this.getTypeDefinition(this.allSymbols[symbolName],, this.args.topRef, undefined, undefined, undefined, this.userSymbols[symbolName] || undefined); if (this.args.ref && includeReffedDefinitions && Object.keys(this.reffedDefinitions).length > 0) { def.definitions = this.reffedDefinitions; } def["$schema"] = ""; return def; } public getSchemaForSymbols(symbolNames: string[], includeReffedDefinitions: boolean = true): Definition { const root = { $schema: "", definitions: {} }; for (let i = 0; i < symbolNames.length; i++) { const symbolName = symbolNames[i]; root.definitions[symbolName] = this.getTypeDefinition(this.allSymbols[symbolName],, this.args.topRef, undefined, undefined, undefined, this.userSymbols[symbolName]); } if (this.args.ref && includeReffedDefinitions && Object.keys(this.reffedDefinitions).length > 0) { root.definitions = {...root.definitions, ... this.reffedDefinitions}; } return root; } public getUserSymbols(): string[] { return Object.keys(this.userSymbols); } public getMainFileSymbols(program: ts.Program): string[] { const files = program.getSourceFiles().filter(file => !file.isDeclarationFile); if (files.length) { return Object.keys(this.userSymbols).filter((key) => { const symbol = this.userSymbols[key]; if (!symbol || !symbol.declarations || !symbol.declarations.length) { return false; } let node: ts.Node = symbol.declarations[0]; while (node && node.parent) { node = node.parent; } return files.indexOf(node.getSourceFile()) > -1; }); } return []; } } export function getProgramFromFiles(files: string[], jsonCompilerOptions: any = {}, basePath: string = "./"): ts.Program { // use built-in default options const compilerOptions = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(jsonCompilerOptions, basePath).options; const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { noEmit: true, emitDecoratorMetadata: true, experimentalDecorators: true, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS }; for (const k in compilerOptions) { if (compilerOptions.hasOwnProperty(k)) { options[k] = compilerOptions[k]; } } return ts.createProgram(files, options); } export function buildGenerator(program: ts.Program, args: PartialArgs = {}): JsonSchemaGenerator|null { // Use defaults unles otherwise specified let settings = getDefaultArgs(); for (const pref in args) { if (args.hasOwnProperty(pref)) { settings[pref] = args[pref]; } } const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker(); var diagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program); if (diagnostics.length === 0 || args.ignoreErrors) { const allSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Type } = {}; const userSymbols: { [name: string]: ts.Symbol } = {}; const inheritingTypes: { [baseName: string]: string[] } = {}; program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile, _sourceFileIdx) => { function inspect(node: ts.Node, tc: ts.TypeChecker) { if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration ) { const symbol: ts.Symbol = (node).symbol; let fullName = tc.getFullyQualifiedName(symbol); const nodeType = tc.getTypeAtLocation(node); // remove file name // TODO: we probably don't want this eventually, // as same types can occur in different files and will override eachother in allSymbols // This means atm we can't generate all types in large programs. fullName = fullName.replace(/".*"\./, ""); allSymbols[fullName] = nodeType; // if (sourceFileIdx === 1) { if (!sourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib) { userSymbols[fullName] = symbol; } const baseTypes = nodeType.getBaseTypes() || []; baseTypes.forEach(baseType => { var baseName = tc.typeToString(baseType, undefined, ts.TypeFormatFlags.UseFullyQualifiedType); if (!inheritingTypes[baseName]) { inheritingTypes[baseName] = []; } inheritingTypes[baseName].push(fullName); }); } else { ts.forEachChild(node, n => inspect(n, tc)); } } inspect(sourceFile, typeChecker); }); return new JsonSchemaGenerator(allSymbols, userSymbols, inheritingTypes, typeChecker, settings); } else { diagnostics.forEach((diagnostic) => { let message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, "\n"); if(diagnostic.file) { let { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start!); console.error(`${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`); } else { console.error(message); } }); return null; } } export function generateSchema(program: ts.Program, fullTypeName: string, args: PartialArgs = {}): Definition|null { const generator = buildGenerator(program, args); if (generator === null) { return null; } let definition: Definition; if (fullTypeName === "*") { // All types in file(s) definition = generator.getSchemaForSymbols(generator.getMainFileSymbols(program)); } else { // Use specific type as root object definition = generator.getSchemaForSymbol(fullTypeName); } return definition; } export function programFromConfig(configFileName: string): ts.Program { // basically a copy of -> parseConfigFile const result = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(configFileName, ts.sys.readFile(configFileName)!); const configObject = result.config; const configParseResult = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(configObject, ts.sys, path.dirname(configFileName), {}, path.basename(configFileName)); const options = configParseResult.options; options.noEmit = true; delete options.out; delete options.outDir; delete options.outFile; delete options.declaration; const program = ts.createProgram(configParseResult.fileNames, options); return program; } export function exec(filePattern: string, fullTypeName: string, args = getDefaultArgs()) { let program: ts.Program; if (REGEX_TSCONFIG_NAME.test(path.basename(filePattern))) { program = programFromConfig(filePattern); } else { program = getProgramFromFiles(glob.sync(filePattern), { strictNullChecks: args.strictNullChecks }); } const definition = generateSchema(program, fullTypeName, args); if (definition === null) { return; } const json = stringify(definition, {space: 4}) + "\n\n"; if (args.out) { require("fs").writeFile(args.out, json, function(err: Error) { if (err) { console.error("Unable to write output file: " + err.message); } }); } else { process.stdout.write(json); } }