import Dexie from 'dexie' import { ICoordinator, ICoordinatorOptions, Repo, IModel, PluginType, IStorePlugin, IModelType, Log, PluginEventType, IFinderPlugin, repoAttachIfSupported, IModelAttributeOptions } from 'typestore' import {IndexedDBRepoPlugin} from "./IndexedDBRepoPlugin"; const log = Log.create(__filename) /** * Options interface */ export interface IIndexedDBOptions { /** * Database name for Dexie/indexdb */ databaseName?:string provider?: {indexedDB:any,IDBKeyRange:any} version?:number } /** * Default options */ export const LocalStorageOptionDefaults = { databaseName: 'typestore-db', version: 1 } /** * Uses dexie under the covers - its a mature library - and i'm lazy */ export class IndexedDBPlugin implements IStorePlugin { type = PluginType.Store supportedModels:any[] private coordinator:ICoordinator private internalDb:Dexie private repoPlugins:{[modelName:string]:IndexedDBRepoPlugin} = {} private tables:{[tableName:string]:Dexie.Table} constructor(private opts:IIndexedDBOptions = {},...supportedModels:any[]) { this.opts = Object.assign({},LocalStorageOptionDefaults,opts) this.supportedModels = supportedModels } private newDexie() { return new Dexie(this.opts.databaseName,this.opts.provider as any) } private open() { this.internalDb = this.newDexie() return this.internalDb } get db() { return this.internalDb } handle(eventType:PluginEventType, ...args):boolean|any { switch(eventType) { case PluginEventType.RepoInit: return repoAttachIfSupported(args[0] as Repo, this) } return false } table(modelType:IModelType):Dexie.Table { let table = this.tables[] if (!table) throw new Error(`Unable to find a table definition for ${}`) return table } async init(coordinator:ICoordinator, opts:ICoordinatorOptions):Promise { this.coordinator = coordinator return coordinator } async start():Promise { const models = this.coordinator.getModels() // 1. Create the current schema config // TODO: Should only use indexed attributes for schema const schemaAttrNameMap = {} const schema:{[key:string]:string} = models.reduce((newSchema,modelType) => { // Get all the known attributes for the table const attrs = modelType.options.attrs .filter(attr => !attr.transient) schemaAttrNameMap[] = => const attrDescs = => { const {index,name,primaryKey,isArray} = attr, unique = primaryKey || (index && index.unique), prefix = ((unique) ? '&' : (isArray) ? '*' : '') return `${prefix}${name}` }) // Added the attribute descriptor to the new schema newSchema[] = attrDescs.join(',') log.debug(`Created schema for ${}`,newSchema[]) return newSchema },{}) // Check for an existing database, version, schema let {version} = this.opts await new Promise((resolve,reject) => { const db = this.newDexie() .then(() => {'Opened existing database',,' with existing version ', db.verno) const tables = db.tables, tableNames = =>, newTableNames = Object.keys(schema), // New table defined newTable = !newTableNames.every(tableName => tableNames.includes(tableName)), // Table removed?? removedTable = !tableNames.every(tableName => newTableNames.includes(tableName)) let attrChanged = false // If no new tables then check indexes if (!newTable && !removedTable) { for (let table of tables) { const newAttrNames = schemaAttrNameMap[], {indexes,primKey} = table.schema, oldAttrNames = =>[]) if (newAttrNames.length !== oldAttrNames.length || !oldAttrNames.every(attrName => newAttrNames.includes(attrName))) {'Attributes have changed on table, bumping version. New attrs ', newAttrNames, ' old attr names ', oldAttrNames) attrChanged = true break } } } if (attrChanged || newTable || removedTable) {'Schema changes detected, bumping version, everntually auto-upgrade',attrChanged,newTable,removedTable) version = db.verno + 1 } log.debug('Closing db check') db.close() resolve(true) }) .catch('NoSuchDatabaseError', (e) => {'Database does not exist, creating: ',this.opts.databaseName) resolve(false) }) .catch((e) => { log.error ("Unknown error",e) reject(e) }) }) // Table needs to be created log.debug(`Creating schema`,schema) .version(version) .stores(schema) await new Promise((resolve,reject) => { }) this.tables = models.reduce((newTables,modelType) => { newTables[] = this.internalDb.table( return newTables },{}) log.debug('IndexedDB store is ready') return this.coordinator } async stop():Promise { if (this.internalDb) await this.internalDb.close() return this.coordinator } syncModels():Promise { log.debug('Currently the localstorage plugin does not sync models') return Promise.resolve(this.coordinator) } /** * Initialize a new repo * TODO: verify this logic works - just reading it makes me think we could be * asked to init a repo a second time with the same type and do nothing * * @param repo * @returns {T} */ initRepo, M extends IModel>(repo:T):T { let plugin = this.repoPlugins[] if (plugin) return plugin.repo as T plugin = new IndexedDBRepoPlugin(this,repo) return plugin.repo as T } }