//import 'reflect-metadata' import './Globals' const Bluebird = require('bluebird') Promise = Bluebird import * as Log from './log' import {TypeStoreModelKey} from './Constants' import { IStorePlugin, ICoordinatorOptions, IModel, IModelType, CoordinatorOptions, ICoordinator, IPlugin, PluginType } from './Types' import {msg, Strings} from "./Messages" import {Repo} from "./Repo"; import {PluginFilter, assert, PromiseMap, isNil} from "./Util"; import {IModelOptions} from "./decorations/ModelDecorations"; import {PluginEventType} from "./PluginTypes"; // Create logger const log = Log.create(__filename) /** * ClassName -> ModelClass Mapping table */ export type TModelTypeMap = {[clazzName:string]:IModelType} /** * The overall coordinator */ export class Coordinator implements ICoordinator { private plugins:IPlugin[] = [] notify(eventType:PluginEventType,...args:any[]) { this.plugins.forEach(plugin => plugin.handle(eventType,...args)) } /** * Model registration map type */ /** * Stores all registrations, enabling * them to be configured against a * changed client, multiple datasources, * utility scripts, etc * * @type {{}} */ private modelMap:TModelTypeMap = {} private models:IModelType[] = [] /** * Retrieve model registrations * * @returns {TModelTypeMap} */ getModels():IModelType[] { return this.models } private findModel(predicate) { for (let modelType of this.models) { if (predicate(modelType)) { return modelType } } log.debug('unable to find registered model for clazz in',Object.keys(this.modelMap)) return null } getModel(clazz:any):IModelType { return this.findModel((model) => model.clazz === clazz) } getModelByName(name:string):IModelType { return this.findModel((model) => model.name === name) } /** * Default options */ private options:ICoordinatorOptions = new CoordinatorOptions(null) getOptions() { return this.options } private initialized = false // NOTE: settled and settling Promise are overriden properties - check below namespace private startPromise:Promise = null private internal = { started:false } get started() { return this.startPromise !== null && this.internal.started } set started(newVal:boolean) { this.internal.started = newVal } private checkInitialized(not:boolean = false) { this.checkStarted(true) assert(not ? !this.initialized : this.initialized, msg(not ? Strings.ManagerInitialized : Strings.ManagerNotInitialized)) } private checkStarted(not:boolean = false) { const valid = (not) ? !this.started : this.started assert(valid, msg(not ? Strings.ManagerSettled : Strings.ManagerNotSettled)) } stores() { return PluginFilter(this.plugins,PluginType.Store) } /** * Set the coordinator options */ init(newOptions:ICoordinatorOptions, ...newPlugins:IPlugin[]):Promise { this.checkStarted(true) this.checkInitialized(true) this.initialized = true this.plugins.push(...newPlugins) // Update the default options this.options = this.options || newOptions Object.assign(this.options,newOptions) // Make sure we got a valid store assert(this.stores().length > 0,msg(Strings.ManagerTypeStoreRequired)) // Coordinator is ready, now initialize the store log.debug(msg(Strings.ManagerInitComplete)) return Bluebird.all( this.plugins .filter(plugin => !isNil(plugin)) .map(plugin => plugin.init(this,this.options)) ).return(this) } /** * Start the coordinator and embedded store from options * * @returns {Bluebird} */ start(...models):Promise { this.checkStarted(true) models.forEach(model => this.registerModel(model)) this.startPromise = PromiseMap(this.plugins, plugin => (plugin) && plugin.start()) return Bluebird.resolve(this.startPromise) .return(this) .catch(err => { log.error('failed to start coordinator',err) throw err }) .finally(() => { this.started = true this.startPromise = null }) } async stop():Promise { if (!this.started) return this try { await (this.startPromise) ? this.startPromise.then(this.stopPlugins.bind(this)) : this.stopPlugins() } catch (err) { log.error(`Coordinator shutdown was not clean`) } finally { this.startPromise = null this.started = false this.initialized = false this.plugins = [] this.models = [] this.modelMap = {} } return this } /** * Execute function either immediately if * ready or when the starting Promise * completes * * @param fn */ async execute(fn:Function):Promise { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { function executeFn(...args) { const result = fn(...args) resolve(result) } function handleError(err) { const fnName = (fn) ? (fn as any).name : null log.error(msg(Strings.ManagerErrorFn,fnName ? fnName : 'UNKNOWN'), err) reject(err) } return (this.startPromise) ? this.startPromise.then(executeFn).catch(handleError) : Promise.resolve(executeFn).catch(handleError) }) } async stopPlugins() { await PromiseMap(this.plugins, plugin => (plugin) && plugin.stop()) } /** * Reset the coordinator status * * @returns {Coordinator.reset} */ async reset():Promise { await this.stop() return this } /** * Register a model with the system * * @param constructor */ registerModel(constructor:Function) { this.checkStarted(true) let model = this.getModel(constructor) if (model) { log.debug(`Trying to register ${model.name} a second time? is autoregister enabled?`) return } const modelOpts:IModelOptions = Reflect.getMetadata(TypeStoreModelKey,constructor) if (!modelOpts) { log.info(`Can not register a model without metadata ${(constructor && constructor.name) || 'unknown'}`) return } model = { options: modelOpts, name: modelOpts.clazzName, clazz: constructor } this.modelMap[modelOpts.clazzName] = model this.models.push(model) this.notify(PluginEventType.ModelRegister,model) return this } private repoMap = new WeakMap() /** * Get a repository for the specified model/class * * @param clazz * @returns {T} */ getRepo,M extends IModel>(clazz:{new(): T; }):T { let repo:T = this.repoMap.get(clazz) if (repo) return repo repo = new clazz() repo.init(this) this.notify(PluginEventType.RepoInit,repo) repo.start() this.repoMap.set(clazz,repo) return repo } }