import {IModelMapper, IModel} from "./Types"; import {TypeStoreAttrKey, TypeStoreModelKey} from "./Constants"; import {IModelAttributeOptions, IModelOptions} from "./decorations/ModelDecorations"; const JSONFormattingSpace = (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') ? 4 : 0 export class ModelMapper implements IModelMapper { private modelAttrs:IModelAttributeOptions[] private modelOpts:IModelOptions constructor(private modelClazz:{new():M}) { this.modelOpts = Reflect.getMetadata(TypeStoreModelKey,this.modelClazz) this.modelAttrs = Reflect.getMetadata(TypeStoreAttrKey,this.modelClazz) } private attr(key:string) { for (let it of this.modelAttrs) { if ( === key) { return it } } return null } private attrTransient(key:string) { const attr = this.attr(key) return ( this.modelOpts && this.modelOpts.transientAttrs && this.modelOpts.transientAttrs.includes(key) ) || ( attr && attr.transient === true ) } private attrPersists(key:string) { return !this.attrTransient(key) && (this.modelOpts.onlyMapDefinedAttributes !== true || this.attr(key)) } toJson(o:M):string { return JSON.stringify(o,(key,value) => { return (this.attrPersists(key)) ? value : undefined },JSONFormattingSpace) } toObject(o:M):Object { const obj = {} const keys = Object.keys(o) // Make sure key list is complete in case // of definited props for (let modelAttr of this.modelAttrs) { const included = keys.includes( if (modelAttr.transient && included) keys.splice(keys.indexOf(,1) else if (!included) keys.push( } for (let key of keys) { if (this.attrPersists(key)) obj[key] = o[key] } return obj } fromJson(json:string,decorator = null):M { const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json,(key,value) => { return (!this.attrPersists(key)) ? undefined : value }) const o = new this.modelClazz() Object.assign(o,jsonObj) if (decorator) return decorator(jsonObj,o) return o } fromObject(obj:Object,decorator = null):M { const o = new this.modelClazz() for (let key of Object.keys(obj)) { if (this.attrPersists(key)) o[key] = obj[key] } if (decorator) return decorator(obj,o) return o } } const mapperCache = new WeakMap>() export function getDefaultMapper(clazz:{new():T}):IModelMapper { let mapper = mapperCache.get(clazz) as IModelMapper if (!mapper) { mapper = new ModelMapper(clazz) mapperCache.set(clazz,(mapper)) } return mapper }