import {IPlugin, IRepoPlugin, PluginType, IStorePlugin, IIndexerPlugin, IFinderPlugin,IRepoSupportPlugin} from "./Types" import {Repo} from "./Repo" const Bluebird = require('bluebird') export function assert(test,msg:string = null) { if (!test) throw new Error(msg) } function isTypeOf(o,typeStr) { return typeof o === typeStr } export function isNil(o:any) { return isTypeOf(o,'undefined') || o === null } export function isFunction(o:any):o is Function { return isTypeOf(o,'function') } export function isNumber(o:any):o is number { return isTypeOf(o,'number') } export function isString(o:any):o is string { return isTypeOf(o,'string') } export function isNumberOrString(o:any):o is string|number { return isString(o) || isNumber(o) } export function isArrayType(type:any):boolean { return type === Array || type instanceof Array || Array.isArray(type) } /** * Check the type of a plugin * * @param plugin * @param type * @returns {boolean} */ export function isPluginOfType(plugin:IPlugin,type:PluginType):boolean { return plugin.type && (plugin.type & type) > 0 } export function isRepoPlugin(plugin:IPlugin):plugin is IRepoPlugin { return isPluginOfType(plugin,PluginType.Repo) } export function isStorePlugin(plugin:IPlugin):plugin is IStorePlugin { return isPluginOfType(plugin,PluginType.Store) } export function isIndexerPlugin(plugin:IPlugin):plugin is IIndexerPlugin { return isPluginOfType(plugin,PluginType.Indexer) } export function isFinderPlugin(plugin:IPlugin):plugin is IFinderPlugin { return isPluginOfType(plugin,PluginType.Finder) } export function PromiseMap(values:T[],mapper:(value:T) => any):Promise { const results = => Promise.resolve(mapper(value))) return Bluebird.all(results) } export function PluginFilter

(plugins:IPlugin[],type:PluginType):P[] { return plugins.filter( (type == PluginType.Repo) ? isRepoPlugin : (type == PluginType.Store) ? isStorePlugin : (type == PluginType.Indexer) ? isIndexerPlugin : isFinderPlugin ) as P[] } export function isInstanceType(val:any,type:{new():T}):val is T { return val instanceof type } export function includesUnlessEmpty(arr:any[],val:any):boolean { return arr.length === 0 || arr.includes(val) } export function repoAttachIfSupported(repo:Repo,plugin:IRepoSupportPlugin) { return (includesUnlessEmpty(plugin.supportedModels,repo.modelClazz)) ? plugin.initRepo(repo) : null }