import { Transition } from "../transition/transition"; import { ActiveUIView, ViewConfig, ViewContext } from "../view/interface"; import { Resolvable } from "../resolve/resolvable"; import { PathNode } from "../path/pathNode"; import { PolicyWhen } from "../resolve/interface"; import { TransitionHook } from "../transition/transitionHook"; import { HookResult } from "../transition/interface"; import { StateObject } from "../state/stateObject"; /** * Trace categories Enum * * Enable or disable a category using [[Trace.enable]] or [[Trace.disable]] * * `trace.enable(Category.TRANSITION)` * * These can also be provided using a matching string, or position ordinal * * `trace.enable("TRANSITION")` * * `trace.enable(1)` */ export declare enum Category { RESOLVE = 0, TRANSITION = 1, HOOK = 2, UIVIEW = 3, VIEWCONFIG = 4, } /** * Prints UI-Router Transition trace information to the console. */ export declare class Trace { /** @hidden */ approximateDigests: number; /** @hidden */ constructor(); /** @hidden */ private _enabled; /** @hidden */ private _set(enabled, categories); /** * Enables a trace [[Category]] * * ```js * trace.enable("TRANSITION"); * ``` * * @param categories categories to enable. If `categories` is omitted, all categories are enabled. * Also takes strings (category name) or ordinal (category position) */ enable(...categories: Category[]): void; /** * Disables a trace [[Category]] * * ```js * trace.disable("VIEWCONFIG"); * ``` * * @param categories categories to disable. If `categories` is omitted, all categories are disabled. * Also takes strings (category name) or ordinal (category position) */ disable(...categories: Category[]): void; /** * Retrieves the enabled stateus of a [[Category]] * * ```js * trace.enabled("VIEWCONFIG"); // true or false * ``` * * @returns boolean true if the category is enabled */ enabled(category: Category): boolean; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceTransitionStart(trans: Transition): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceTransitionIgnored(trans: Transition): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceHookInvocation(step: TransitionHook, trans: Transition, options: any): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceHookResult(hookResult: HookResult, trans: Transition, transitionOptions: any): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceResolvePath(path: PathNode[], when: PolicyWhen, trans?: Transition): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceResolvableResolved(resolvable: Resolvable, trans?: Transition): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceError(reason: any, trans: Transition): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceSuccess(finalState: StateObject, trans: Transition): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceUIViewEvent(event: string, viewData: ActiveUIView, extra?: string): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceUIViewConfigUpdated(viewData: ActiveUIView, context: ViewContext): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceUIViewFill(viewData: ActiveUIView, html: string): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceViewServiceEvent(event: string, viewConfig: ViewConfig): void; /** @internalapi called by ui-router code */ traceViewServiceUIViewEvent(event: string, viewData: ActiveUIView): void; } /** * The [[Trace]] singleton * * #### Example: * ```js * import {trace} from "angular-ui-router"; * trace.enable(1, 5); * ``` */ declare let trace: Trace; export { trace };