/** * A basic angular1-like injector api * * This object implements four methods similar to the * [angular 1 dependency injector](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/auto/service/$injector) * * UI-Router evolved from an angular 1 library to a framework agnostic library. * However, some of the `ui-router-core` code uses these ng1 style APIs to support ng1 style dependency injection. * * This object provides a naive implementation of a globally scoped dependency injection system. * It supports the following DI approaches: * * ### Function parameter names * * A function's `.toString()` is called, and the parameter names are parsed. * This only works when the parameter names aren't "mangled" by a minifier such as UglifyJS. * * ```js * function injectedFunction(FooService, BarService) { * // FooService and BarService are injected * } * ``` * * ### Function annotation * * A function may be annotated with an array of dependency names as the `$inject` property. * * ```js * injectedFunction.$inject = [ 'FooService', 'BarService' ]; * function injectedFunction(fs, bs) { * // FooService and BarService are injected as fs and bs parameters * } * ``` * * ### Array notation * * An array provides the names of the dependencies to inject (as strings). * The function is the last element of the array. * * ```js * [ 'FooService', 'BarService', function (fs, bs) { * // FooService and BarService are injected as fs and bs parameters * }] * ``` * * @type {$InjectorLike} */ export declare const $injector: any;