import 'cheerio'; import IConfig, { IPlugin, IAFWebpackConfig, IRoute } from './config'; import * as IUi from './ui'; import { DefaultMethods } from 'signale'; import * as lodash from 'lodash'; import * as IWebpack from 'webpack'; import * as IWebpackChainConfig from 'webpack-chain'; /** * System level variable * */ declare enum API_TYPE { ADD, MODIFY, EVENT, } // for multiStats, multiply webpack configs export interface MultiStats { stats: IWebpack.Stats[]; hash: string; } // for ui plugin developer type IUiApi = IUi.IApi; export { IConfig, IPlugin, IRoute, IWebpackChainConfig, IWebpack, IUi, IUiApi }; /** * System level API * */ export interface IRegisterPluginOpts { id: string; apply: any; opts?: object; } interface IRegisterPlugin { (plugin: IRegisterPluginOpts): void; } interface IRegister { (hook: string, handler: Function): void; } export interface IPluginMethodOpts { /** * @param args: Come from `applyPlugins(, { args: YOUR_ARGS })` */ memo?: any; args?: any; } export interface IPluginMethod { /** * @param opts: Includes args passed in from `applyPlugins` and memo * @param args: Arguments passed in from other plug-ins when they call this method */ (opts: IPluginMethodOpts, ...args: any[]): any; } export interface IRegisterMethodOpts { /** * Choose one of `type` and `apply`. * View more at */ type?: API_TYPE; apply?: IPluginMethod; } interface IRegisterMethod { (methodName: string, opts: IRegisterMethodOpts): void; } export interface IApplyPluginsOpts { args?: any; initialValue?: any; } interface IApplyPlugins { (methodName: string, opts?: IApplyPluginsOpts): any[] | undefined | any; } interface IReDo { (message?: T): void; } interface IChangePluginOption { (pluginId: string, opts: any): void; } export interface ICommandOpts { /** * @param description: Description displayed when running `umi help` * @param details: Details displayed when running `umi help [YOUR_COMMAND]` * @param hide: Hide your command in `umi help` * @param options: Options displayed when running `umi help [YOUR_COMMAND]` * @param usage: Usage displayed when running `umi help [YOUR_COMMAND]` * @param webpack: Whether to initialize webpack config */ description?: string; details?: string; hide?: boolean; options?: object; usage?: string; webpack?: boolean; } interface IRegisterCommand { (commandName: string, opts: ICommandOpts, fn: (args: any) => any): void; (commandName: string, fn: (args: any) => any): void; } export interface IRegisterConfigOpts { /** * @param name: Name of your configuration * @param validate: Verify that the value of configuration is valid * @param onChange: Callback when the value of configuration changes */ name: string; validate?: (value: T) => void; onChange?: (newConfig: IConfig, oldConfig: IConfig) => void; } export interface IRegisterConfigFunc { (api: IApi): IRegisterConfigOpts; } interface IRegisterConfig { (fn: IRegisterConfigFunc): void; } export interface IModifyCommandFuncOpts { name: string; args?: any; } export interface IModifyCommandFunc { (opts: IModifyCommandFuncOpts): IModifyCommandFuncOpts; } interface IModifyCommand { (fn: IModifyCommandFunc): void; } export interface IModifyHelpInfoOpts { scriptName: string; commands: { [commandName: string]: { opts: { hide: boolean; options: { [key: string]: string; }; }; }; }; } /** * Tool class API * */ interface ILog { (message: T, ...messages: string[]): void; } interface IWriteTmpFile { (file: string, content: string): void; } interface IGetRoutes { (): IRoute[]; } interface IGetRouteComponents { (): string[]; } interface IWinPath { (path: string): string; } type IRelativeToTmp = (path: string) => string; interface IFind { (baseDir: string, fileNameWithoutExtname?: string): string | null; } interface ICompatDirname { (path: string, cwd: string, fallback?: T): T | string; } /** * Event class API * */ export interface IBeforeDevServerFunc { (args: { server: any }): void; } export interface IAfterDevServerFunc { (args: { server: any; devServerPort: number }): void; } export interface IBeforeBlockWritingFunc { (args: { service: any; sourcePath: string; blockPath: string }): void; } interface IBeforeDevServer { (fn: IBeforeDevServerFunc): void; } interface IBeforeDevServerAsync { (fn: IBeforeDevServerFunc): Promise; } interface IAfterDevServer { (fn: IAfterDevServerFunc): void; } interface IBeforeBlockWriting { (fn: IBeforeBlockWritingFunc): void; } interface IOnStart { (fn: () => void): void; } interface onPrintUmiError { (args: { error: any; opts: object }): void; } interface IEventAsync { (fn: () => void): Promise; } export interface IOnDevCompileDoneFunc { (args: { isFirstCompile: boolean; stats: IWebpack.Stats }): void; } interface IOnDevCompileDone { (fn: IOnDevCompileDoneFunc): void; } export interface IOnOptionChangeFunc { (newOpts: T): void; } interface IOnOptionChange { (fn: IOnOptionChangeFunc): void; } export interface IOnBuildSuccessFunc { (args: { stats: IWebpack.Stats[] }): void; } interface IOnBuildSuccess { (fn: IOnBuildSuccessFunc): void; } interface IOnBuildSuccessAsync { (fn: IOnBuildSuccessFunc): Promise; } export interface IOnBuildFailFunc { (args: { stats: IWebpack.Stats[]; err: Error }): void; } interface IOnBuildFail { (fn: IOnBuildFailFunc): void; } interface IOnHTMLRebuild { (fn: () => void): void; } export interface IOnGenerateFilesFunc { (args: { isRebuild?: boolean }): void; } interface IOnGenerateFiles { (fn: IOnGenerateFilesFunc): void; } export interface IOnPatchRouteFunc { (args: { route: IRoute }): void; } interface IOnPatchRoute { (fn: IOnPatchRouteFunc): void; } interface IAction { type: string; payload?: T; lang?: IUi.ILang; } export type ISend = (action: IAction<{}>) => void; export type ISuccess = (payload: T) => void; export type IFailure = (payload: T) => void; type IUiLogType = 'error' | 'info'; export type IUiLog = (type: IUiLogType, payload: string) => void; export interface IOnUISocketFunc { (args: { action: IAction; send: ISend; success: ISuccess<{}>; failure: IFailure<{}>; log: IUiLog; }): void; } export interface IOnUISocket { (fn: IOnUISocketFunc): void; } export interface IChangeWebpackConfigFunc { (webpackConfig: T, AFWebpack: { webpack: U }): T | void; } /** * Application class API * */ export interface IChangeWebpackConfig { (fn: IChangeWebpackConfigFunc): void; } export interface IModifyFunc { /** * */ (memo: T, args: U): T | T; } export interface IModify { (fn: IModifyFunc | T): void; } export interface IAddFunc { /** * */ (memo: T[], args: U): T | T[]; } export interface IAdd { (fn: IAddFunc | T | T[]): void; } interface IGetChunkPath { (fileName: string): string | null; } interface IModifyHTMLWithASTArgs { route: IRoute; getChunkPath: IGetChunkPath; } export interface IModifyHTMLWithASTFunc { ($: CheerioStatic, args: IModifyHTMLWithASTArgs): CheerioStatic; } interface IModifyHTMLWithAST { (fn: IModifyHTMLWithASTFunc): void; } export interface IAddImportOpts { /** * @param source: Path to module * @param specifier: Module name with import, can be ignored */ source: string; specifier?: string; } interface IModifyRouteComponentArgs { importPath: string; webpackChunkName: string; component: string; } export interface IPkg { name?: string; version?: string; dependencies?: { [prop: string]: string; }; devDependencies?: { [prop: string]: string; }; } interface IModifyBlockFileArgs { targetPath: string; } interface IModifyBlockTargetArgs { sourceName: string; } export interface IBlockDependencies { conflicts: [string, string, string][]; lacks: [string, string][]; devConflicts: [string, string, string][]; devLacks: [string, string][]; } export interface IMiddlewareFunction { (req: any, res: any, next: any): void; } export interface IApi { /** * System level variable * */ API_TYPE: typeof API_TYPE; config: IConfig; cwd: string; pkg: IPkg; webpackConfig: IWebpack.Configuration; service: any; locale: any; paths: { cwd: string; outputPath: string; absOutputPath: string; absNodeModulesPath: string; pagesPath: string; absPagesPath: string; absSrcPath: string; tmpDirPath: string; absTmpDirPath: string; }; routes: IRoute[]; /** * System level API * */ register: IRegister; registerPlugin: IRegisterPlugin; registerMethod: IRegisterMethod; applyPlugins: IApplyPlugins; restart: IReDo; rebuildTmpFiles: IReDo; refreshBrowser: IReDo; rebuildHTML: IReDo; changePluginOption: IChangePluginOption; registerCommand: IRegisterCommand; _registerConfig: IRegisterConfig; _modifyCommand: IModifyCommand; _modifyHelpInfo: IModify; /** * Tool class API * */ log: { [key in DefaultMethods]: ILog }; _: typeof lodash; winPath: IWinPath; relativeToTmp: IRelativeToTmp; debug: ILog; writeTmpFile: IWriteTmpFile; getRoutes: IGetRoutes; getRouteComponents: IGetRouteComponents; findJS: IFind; findCSS: IFind; compatDirname: ICompatDirname; UmiError: any; /** * Event class API * */ beforeDevServer: IBeforeDevServer; _beforeDevServerAsync: IBeforeDevServerAsync; afterDevServer: IAfterDevServer; beforeBlockWriting: IBeforeBlockWriting; onStart: IOnStart; onPrintUmiError: onPrintUmiError; onStartAsync: IEventAsync; onDevCompileDone: IOnDevCompileDone; onOptionChange: IOnOptionChange; onBuildSuccess: IOnBuildSuccess; onBuildSuccessAsync: IOnBuildSuccessAsync; onBuildFail: IOnBuildFail; onHTMLRebuild: IOnHTMLRebuild; onGenerateFiles: IOnGenerateFiles; onPatchRoute: IOnPatchRoute; onUISocket: IOnUISocket; onRouteChange: (callback: () => void) => void; /** * Application class API * */ modifyDefaultConfig: IModify; addUmiExports: IAdd; addPageWatcher: IAdd; addHTMLMeta: IAdd; addHTMLLink: IAdd; addHTMLStyle: IAdd; addHTMLScript: IAdd; addHTMLHeadScript: IAdd; modifyHTMLChunks: IModify; modifyHTMLWithAST: IModifyHTMLWithAST; modifyHTMLContext: IModify; modifyPublicPathStr: IModify; modifyRoutes: IModify; addEntryImportAhead: IAdd; addEntryPolyfillImports: IAdd; addEntryImport: IAdd; addEntryCodeAhead: IAdd; addEntryCode: IAdd; addUIPlugin: IAdd; addRouterImport: IAdd; addRouterImportAhead: IAdd; addRendererWrapperWithComponent: IAdd string>; addRendererWrapperWithModule: IAdd; modifyEntryRender: IModify; modifyEntryHistory: IModify; modifyRouteComponent: IModify; modifyRouterRootComponent: IModify; modifyWebpackConfig: IModify; modifyAFWebpackOpts: IModify; chainWebpackConfig: IChangeWebpackConfig; addMiddleware: IAdd; addMiddlewareAhead: IAdd; addMiddlewareBeforeMock: IAdd; addMiddlewareAfterMock: IAdd; addVersionInfo: IAdd; addRuntimePlugin: IAdd; addRuntimePluginKey: IAdd; addBlockUIResource: IAdd; modifyBlockUIResources: IModify; _modifyBlockPackageJSONPath: IModify; _modifyBlockDependencies: IModify; _modifyBlockFile: IModify; _modifyBlockTarget: IModify; _modifyBlockNewRouteConfig: IModify; }