'use strict'; const destr = require('destr'); const utils = require('./shared/unstorage.Ddh4JAg-.cjs'); function _interopDefaultCompat (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e.default : e; } const destr__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(destr); function defineDriver(factory) { return factory; } const DRIVER_NAME = "memory"; const memory = defineDriver(() => { const data = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); return { name: DRIVER_NAME, getInstance: () => data, hasItem(key) { return data.has(key); }, getItem(key) { return data.get(key) ?? null; }, getItemRaw(key) { return data.get(key) ?? null; }, setItem(key, value) { data.set(key, value); }, setItemRaw(key, value) { data.set(key, value); }, removeItem(key) { data.delete(key); }, getKeys() { return [...data.keys()]; }, clear() { data.clear(); }, dispose() { data.clear(); } }; }); function createStorage(options = {}) { const context = { mounts: { "": options.driver || memory() }, mountpoints: [""], watching: false, watchListeners: [], unwatch: {} }; const getMount = (key) => { for (const base of context.mountpoints) { if (key.startsWith(base)) { return { base, relativeKey: key.slice(base.length), driver: context.mounts[base] }; } } return { base: "", relativeKey: key, driver: context.mounts[""] }; }; const getMounts = (base, includeParent) => { return context.mountpoints.filter( (mountpoint) => mountpoint.startsWith(base) || includeParent && base.startsWith(mountpoint) ).map((mountpoint) => ({ relativeBase: base.length > mountpoint.length ? base.slice(mountpoint.length) : void 0, mountpoint, driver: context.mounts[mountpoint] })); }; const onChange = (event, key) => { if (!context.watching) { return; } key = utils.normalizeKey(key); for (const listener of context.watchListeners) { listener(event, key); } }; const startWatch = async () => { if (context.watching) { return; } context.watching = true; for (const mountpoint in context.mounts) { context.unwatch[mountpoint] = await watch( context.mounts[mountpoint], onChange, mountpoint ); } }; const stopWatch = async () => { if (!context.watching) { return; } for (const mountpoint in context.unwatch) { await context.unwatch[mountpoint](); } context.unwatch = {}; context.watching = false; }; const runBatch = (items, commonOptions, cb) => { const batches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const getBatch = (mount) => { let batch = batches.get(mount.base); if (!batch) { batch = { driver: mount.driver, base: mount.base, items: [] }; batches.set(mount.base, batch); } return batch; }; for (const item of items) { const isStringItem = typeof item === "string"; const key = utils.normalizeKey(isStringItem ? item : item.key); const value = isStringItem ? void 0 : item.value; const options2 = isStringItem || !item.options ? commonOptions : { ...commonOptions, ...item.options }; const mount = getMount(key); getBatch(mount).items.push({ key, value, relativeKey: mount.relativeKey, options: options2 }); } return Promise.all([...batches.values()].map((batch) => cb(batch))).then( (r) => r.flat() ); }; const storage = { // Item hasItem(key, opts = {}) { key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); return utils.asyncCall(driver.hasItem, relativeKey, opts); }, getItem(key, opts = {}) { key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); return utils.asyncCall(driver.getItem, relativeKey, opts).then( (value) => destr__default(value) ); }, getItems(items, commonOptions = {}) { return runBatch(items, commonOptions, (batch) => { if (batch.driver.getItems) { return utils.asyncCall( batch.driver.getItems, batch.items.map((item) => ({ key: item.relativeKey, options: item.options })), commonOptions ).then( (r) => r.map((item) => ({ key: utils.joinKeys(batch.base, item.key), value: destr__default(item.value) })) ); } return Promise.all( batch.items.map((item) => { return utils.asyncCall( batch.driver.getItem, item.relativeKey, item.options ).then((value) => ({ key: item.key, value: destr__default(value) })); }) ); }); }, getItemRaw(key, opts = {}) { key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); if (driver.getItemRaw) { return utils.asyncCall(driver.getItemRaw, relativeKey, opts); } return utils.asyncCall(driver.getItem, relativeKey, opts).then( (value) => utils.deserializeRaw(value) ); }, async setItem(key, value, opts = {}) { if (value === void 0) { return storage.removeItem(key); } key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); if (!driver.setItem) { return; } await utils.asyncCall(driver.setItem, relativeKey, utils.stringify(value), opts); if (!driver.watch) { onChange("update", key); } }, async setItems(items, commonOptions) { await runBatch(items, commonOptions, async (batch) => { if (batch.driver.setItems) { return utils.asyncCall( batch.driver.setItems, batch.items.map((item) => ({ key: item.relativeKey, value: utils.stringify(item.value), options: item.options })), commonOptions ); } if (!batch.driver.setItem) { return; } await Promise.all( batch.items.map((item) => { return utils.asyncCall( batch.driver.setItem, item.relativeKey, utils.stringify(item.value), item.options ); }) ); }); }, async setItemRaw(key, value, opts = {}) { if (value === void 0) { return storage.removeItem(key, opts); } key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); if (driver.setItemRaw) { await utils.asyncCall(driver.setItemRaw, relativeKey, value, opts); } else if (driver.setItem) { await utils.asyncCall(driver.setItem, relativeKey, utils.serializeRaw(value), opts); } else { return; } if (!driver.watch) { onChange("update", key); } }, async removeItem(key, opts = {}) { if (typeof opts === "boolean") { opts = { removeMeta: opts }; } key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); if (!driver.removeItem) { return; } await utils.asyncCall(driver.removeItem, relativeKey, opts); if (opts.removeMeta || opts.removeMata) { await utils.asyncCall(driver.removeItem, relativeKey + "$", opts); } if (!driver.watch) { onChange("remove", key); } }, // Meta async getMeta(key, opts = {}) { if (typeof opts === "boolean") { opts = { nativeOnly: opts }; } key = utils.normalizeKey(key); const { relativeKey, driver } = getMount(key); const meta = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); if (driver.getMeta) { Object.assign(meta, await utils.asyncCall(driver.getMeta, relativeKey, opts)); } if (!opts.nativeOnly) { const value = await utils.asyncCall( driver.getItem, relativeKey + "$", opts ).then((value_) => destr__default(value_)); if (value && typeof value === "object") { if (typeof value.atime === "string") { value.atime = new Date(value.atime); } if (typeof value.mtime === "string") { value.mtime = new Date(value.mtime); } Object.assign(meta, value); } } return meta; }, setMeta(key, value, opts = {}) { return this.setItem(key + "$", value, opts); }, removeMeta(key, opts = {}) { return this.removeItem(key + "$", opts); }, // Keys async getKeys(base, opts = {}) { base = utils.normalizeBaseKey(base); const mounts = getMounts(base, true); let maskedMounts = []; const allKeys = []; let allMountsSupportMaxDepth = true; for (const mount of mounts) { if (!mount.driver.flags?.maxDepth) { allMountsSupportMaxDepth = false; } const rawKeys = await utils.asyncCall( mount.driver.getKeys, mount.relativeBase, opts ); for (const key of rawKeys) { const fullKey = mount.mountpoint + utils.normalizeKey(key); if (!maskedMounts.some((p) => fullKey.startsWith(p))) { allKeys.push(fullKey); } } maskedMounts = [ mount.mountpoint, ...maskedMounts.filter((p) => !p.startsWith(mount.mountpoint)) ]; } const shouldFilterByDepth = opts.maxDepth !== void 0 && !allMountsSupportMaxDepth; return allKeys.filter( (key) => (!shouldFilterByDepth || utils.filterKeyByDepth(key, opts.maxDepth)) && utils.filterKeyByBase(key, base) ); }, // Utils async clear(base, opts = {}) { base = utils.normalizeBaseKey(base); await Promise.all( getMounts(base, false).map(async (m) => { if (m.driver.clear) { return utils.asyncCall(m.driver.clear, m.relativeBase, opts); } if (m.driver.removeItem) { const keys = await m.driver.getKeys(m.relativeBase || "", opts); return Promise.all( keys.map((key) => m.driver.removeItem(key, opts)) ); } }) ); }, async dispose() { await Promise.all( Object.values(context.mounts).map((driver) => dispose(driver)) ); }, async watch(callback) { await startWatch(); context.watchListeners.push(callback); return async () => { context.watchListeners = context.watchListeners.filter( (listener) => listener !== callback ); if (context.watchListeners.length === 0) { await stopWatch(); } }; }, async unwatch() { context.watchListeners = []; await stopWatch(); }, // Mount mount(base, driver) { base = utils.normalizeBaseKey(base); if (base && context.mounts[base]) { throw new Error(`already mounted at ${base}`); } if (base) { context.mountpoints.push(base); context.mountpoints.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length); } context.mounts[base] = driver; if (context.watching) { Promise.resolve(watch(driver, onChange, base)).then((unwatcher) => { context.unwatch[base] = unwatcher; }).catch(console.error); } return storage; }, async unmount(base, _dispose = true) { base = utils.normalizeBaseKey(base); if (!base || !context.mounts[base]) { return; } if (context.watching && base in context.unwatch) { context.unwatch[base]?.(); delete context.unwatch[base]; } if (_dispose) { await dispose(context.mounts[base]); } context.mountpoints = context.mountpoints.filter((key) => key !== base); delete context.mounts[base]; }, getMount(key = "") { key = utils.normalizeKey(key) + ":"; const m = getMount(key); return { driver: m.driver, base: m.base }; }, getMounts(base = "", opts = {}) { base = utils.normalizeKey(base); const mounts = getMounts(base, opts.parents); return mounts.map((m) => ({ driver: m.driver, base: m.mountpoint })); }, // Aliases keys: (base, opts = {}) => storage.getKeys(base, opts), get: (key, opts = {}) => storage.getItem(key, opts), set: (key, value, opts = {}) => storage.setItem(key, value, opts), has: (key, opts = {}) => storage.hasItem(key, opts), del: (key, opts = {}) => storage.removeItem(key, opts), remove: (key, opts = {}) => storage.removeItem(key, opts) }; return storage; } async function snapshot(storage, base) { base = utils.normalizeBaseKey(base); const keys = await storage.getKeys(base); const snapshot2 = {}; await Promise.all( keys.map(async (key) => { snapshot2[key.slice(base.length)] = await storage.getItem(key); }) ); return snapshot2; } async function restoreSnapshot(driver, snapshot2, base = "") { base = utils.normalizeBaseKey(base); await Promise.all( Object.entries(snapshot2).map((e) => driver.setItem(base + e[0], e[1])) ); } function watch(driver, onChange, base) { return driver.watch ? driver.watch((event, key) => onChange(event, base + key)) : () => { }; } async function dispose(driver) { if (typeof driver.dispose === "function") { await utils.asyncCall(driver.dispose); } } const builtinDrivers = { "azure-app-configuration": "unstorage/drivers/azure-app-configuration", "azureAppConfiguration": "unstorage/drivers/azure-app-configuration", "azure-cosmos": "unstorage/drivers/azure-cosmos", "azureCosmos": "unstorage/drivers/azure-cosmos", "azure-key-vault": "unstorage/drivers/azure-key-vault", "azureKeyVault": "unstorage/drivers/azure-key-vault", "azure-storage-blob": "unstorage/drivers/azure-storage-blob", "azureStorageBlob": "unstorage/drivers/azure-storage-blob", "azure-storage-table": "unstorage/drivers/azure-storage-table", "azureStorageTable": "unstorage/drivers/azure-storage-table", "capacitor-preferences": "unstorage/drivers/capacitor-preferences", "capacitorPreferences": "unstorage/drivers/capacitor-preferences", "cloudflare-kv-binding": "unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-kv-binding", "cloudflareKVBinding": "unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-kv-binding", "cloudflare-kv-http": "unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-kv-http", "cloudflareKVHttp": "unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-kv-http", "cloudflare-r2-binding": "unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-r2-binding", "cloudflareR2Binding": "unstorage/drivers/cloudflare-r2-binding", "db0": "unstorage/drivers/db0", "deno-kv-node": "unstorage/drivers/deno-kv-node", "denoKVNode": "unstorage/drivers/deno-kv-node", "deno-kv": "unstorage/drivers/deno-kv", "denoKV": "unstorage/drivers/deno-kv", "fs-lite": "unstorage/drivers/fs-lite", "fsLite": "unstorage/drivers/fs-lite", "fs": "unstorage/drivers/fs", "github": "unstorage/drivers/github", "http": "unstorage/drivers/http", "indexedb": "unstorage/drivers/indexedb", "localstorage": "unstorage/drivers/localstorage", "lru-cache": "unstorage/drivers/lru-cache", "lruCache": "unstorage/drivers/lru-cache", "memory": "unstorage/drivers/memory", "mongodb": "unstorage/drivers/mongodb", "netlify-blobs": "unstorage/drivers/netlify-blobs", "netlifyBlobs": "unstorage/drivers/netlify-blobs", "null": "unstorage/drivers/null", "overlay": "unstorage/drivers/overlay", "planetscale": "unstorage/drivers/planetscale", "redis": "unstorage/drivers/redis", "s3": "unstorage/drivers/s3", "session-storage": "unstorage/drivers/session-storage", "sessionStorage": "unstorage/drivers/session-storage", "uploadthing": "unstorage/drivers/uploadthing", "upstash": "unstorage/drivers/upstash", "vercel-blob": "unstorage/drivers/vercel-blob", "vercelBlob": "unstorage/drivers/vercel-blob", "vercel-kv": "unstorage/drivers/vercel-kv", "vercelKV": "unstorage/drivers/vercel-kv" }; exports.filterKeyByBase = utils.filterKeyByBase; exports.filterKeyByDepth = utils.filterKeyByDepth; exports.joinKeys = utils.joinKeys; exports.normalizeBaseKey = utils.normalizeBaseKey; exports.normalizeKey = utils.normalizeKey; exports.prefixStorage = utils.prefixStorage; exports.builtinDrivers = builtinDrivers; exports.createStorage = createStorage; exports.defineDriver = defineDriver; exports.restoreSnapshot = restoreSnapshot; exports.snapshot = snapshot;