const parseModuleSpecifier = (moduleSpecifier) => { if (!moduleSpecifier || typeof moduleSpecifier !== 'string' || moduleSpecifier.length <= 0) { throw new Error( `Name for a package to be imported is not provided. Please specify package name and an optional version (e.g., 'lodash', 'lodash@4.17.21' or '@chakra-ui/react@1.0.0').` ); } const regex = /^(?@?([^@/]+\/)?[^@/]+)?(?:@(?[^/]*))?(?(?:\/[^@]+)*)?$/; const match = moduleSpecifier.match(regex); if (!match || typeof match.groups.packageName !== 'string' || match.groups.packageName.trim() === '') { throw new Error( `Failed to parse package identifier '${moduleSpecifier}'. Please specify a package name, and an optional version (e.g.: 'lodash', 'lodash@4.17.21' or '@chakra-ui/react@1.0.0').` ); } let { packageName, version, modulePath } = match.groups; if (typeof version !== 'string' || version.trim() === '') { version = 'latest'; } if (typeof modulePath !== 'string' || modulePath.trim() === '') { modulePath = ''; } return { packageName, version, modulePath }; } const resolvers = { npm: async (moduleSpecifier, pathResolver) => { const path = await import('path'); const { exec } = await import('child_process'); const { promisify } = await import('util'); const { stat, readFile } = await import('fs/promises'); const execAsync = promisify(exec); if (!pathResolver) { throw new Error('Failed to get the current resolver.'); } const directoryExists = async (directoryPath) => { try { const stats = await stat(directoryPath); return stats.isDirectory(); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw error; } return false; } }; const tryResolveModule = async (packagePath) => { try { return await pathResolver(packagePath); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { throw error; } return null; } }; const getLatestVersion = async (packageName) => { const { stdout: version } = await execAsync(`npm show ${packageName} version`); return version.trim(); }; const getInstalledPackageVersion = async (packagePath) => { try { const packageJsonPath = path.join(packagePath, 'package.json'); const data = await readFile(packageJsonPath, 'utf8'); const { version } = JSON.parse(data); return version; } catch { return null; } }; const ensurePackageInstalled = async ({ packageName, version }) => { const alias = `${packageName.replace('@', '').replace('/', '-')}-v-${version}`; const { stdout: globalModulesPath } = await execAsync('npm root -g'); const packagePath = path.join(globalModulesPath.trim(), alias); if (version !== 'latest' && await directoryExists(packagePath)) { return packagePath; } if (version === 'latest') { const latestVersion = await getLatestVersion(packageName); const installedVersion = await getInstalledPackageVersion(packagePath); if (installedVersion === latestVersion) { return packagePath; } } try { await execAsync(`npm install -g ${alias}@npm:${packageName}@${version}`, { stdio: 'ignore' }); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to install ${packageName}@${version} globally.`, { cause: error }); } return packagePath; }; const { packageName, version, modulePath } = parseModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier); const packagePath = await ensurePackageInstalled({ packageName, version }); const packageModulePath = modulePath ? path.join(packagePath, modulePath) : packagePath; const resolvedPath = await tryResolveModule(packageModulePath); if (!resolvedPath) { throw new Error(`Failed to resolve the path to '${moduleSpecifier}' from '${packageModulePath}'.`); } return resolvedPath; }, skypack: async (moduleSpecifier, pathResolver) => { const resolvedPath = `${moduleSpecifier}`; return resolvedPath; }, jsdelivr: async (moduleSpecifier, pathResolver) => { const { packageName, version, modulePath } = parseModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier); // If no modulePath is provided, append /{packageName}.js let path = modulePath ? modulePath : `/${packageName}`; if (/\.(mc)?js$/.test(path) === false) { path += '.js'; } const resolvedPath = `${packageName}-es@${version}${path}`; return resolvedPath; }, unpkg: async (moduleSpecifier, pathResolver) => { const { packageName, version, modulePath } = parseModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier); // If no modulePath is provided, append /{packageName}.js let path = modulePath ? modulePath : `/${packageName}`; if (/\.(mc)?js$/.test(path) === false) { path += '.js'; } const resolvedPath = `${packageName}-es@${version}${path}`; return resolvedPath; }, esm: async (moduleSpecifier, pathResolver) => { const resolvedPath = `${moduleSpecifier}`; return resolvedPath; }, jspm: async (moduleSpecifier, pathResolver) => { let { packageName, version, modulePath } = parseModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier); if (version === 'latest') { version = ''; } const resolvedPath = `${packageName}${version ? `@${version}` : ''}${modulePath}`; return resolvedPath; }, } const baseUse = async (modulePath) => { // Dynamically import the module try { const module = await import(modulePath); // Check if the only key in the module is 'default' const keys = Object.keys(module); if (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === 'default') { return module.default || module; } return module; } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to import module from '${modulePath}'.`, { cause: error }); } } const makeUse = async (options) => { let specifierResolver = options?.specifierResolver; if (typeof specifierResolver !== 'function') { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { specifierResolver = resolvers[specifierResolver || 'esm']; } else { specifierResolver = resolvers[specifierResolver || 'npm']; } } let scriptPath = options?.scriptPath; if (!scriptPath && typeof __filename !== 'undefined') { scriptPath = __filename; } const metaUrl = options?.meta?.url; if (!scriptPath && metaUrl) { scriptPath = metaUrl; } let pathResolver = options?.pathResolver; if (!pathResolver) { if (typeof require !== 'undefined') { pathResolver = require.resolve; } else if (scriptPath) { pathResolver = await import('module') .then(module => module.createRequire(scriptPath)) .then(require => require.resolve); } else { pathResolver = (path) => path; } } return async (moduleSpecifier) => { const modulePath = await specifierResolver(moduleSpecifier, pathResolver); return baseUse(modulePath); }; } let __use = null; const use = async (moduleSpecifier) => { if (!__use) { __use = await makeUse(); } return __use(moduleSpecifier); } use.all = async (...moduleSpecifiers) => { if (!__use) { __use = await makeUse(); } return Promise.all(; } module.exports = { parseModuleSpecifier, resolvers, makeUse, baseUse, use, };