#!/usr/bin/env node var args = require('commander') var semver = require('semver') if(semver.satisfies(semver.clean(process.version), '>=14.0.0')) { args.version(require('../package.json').version) .usage(' [options]') .command('check', 'hepful checks') .command('server', 'server specific commands') .command('create', 'dev tasks') .command('compile', 'compile tasks') .command('htmltovue', 'convert html to vue using htmltovue.js in the fragments folder') .command('hatch', 'convert html to vue using htmltovue.js in the fragments folder') .command('hatchobject', 'convert dialog and model objects using htmltovue.js in the objects folder') .parse(process.argv) } else { console.log() console.log('[ERROR] uxhubcli requires nodejs version 14.0.0 or greater') console.log() }