/** * Find elements by a given selector. The selector will be lightly analysed to determine * the appropriate `findByXX` function. This should be faster than just [running querySelector(All) * to find elements](https://jsperf.com/queryselector-vs-selective-find/1) * * @param selector - The selector to use * @return List of found DOM elements */ declare function find(selector: string): HTMLElement | Element | Element[] | null; /** * Find elements by a given selector from a given element. The selector will be lightly analysed to determine * the appropriate `findByXX` function. This should be faster than just [running querySelector(All) * to find elements](https://jsperf.com/queryselector-vs-selective-find/1) * * @param elm - The DOM element to start the search from * @param selector - The selector to use * @return List of found DOM elements */ declare function find(elm: Document | Element, selector: string): HTMLElement | Element | Element[] | null; export default find;