/** * Find an element by given CSS selector * * @param queries - CSS selector to find elements by * @param first - Return only the first found element * @return List of found DOM elements */ declare function findByQuery(queries: string | string[], first: true): Element | null; /** * Find an element by a given CSS selector from within a given element * * @param elm - The DOM element to start the search from * @param queries - CSS selector to find elements by * @param first - Return only the first found element * @return List of found DOM elements */ declare function findByQuery(elm: Document | Element, queries: string | string[], first: true): Element | null; /** * Find all elements matching a given CSS selector * * @param queries - CSS selector to find elements by * @param first - Return only the first found element * @return List of found DOM elements */ declare function findByQuery(queries: string | string[], first?: false): Element[]; /** * Find all elements matching a given CSS selector from within a given element * * @param elm - The DOM element to start the search from * @param queries - CSS selector to find elements by * @param first - Return only the first found element * @return List of found DOM elements */ declare function findByQuery(elm: Document | Element, queries: string | string[], first?: false): Element[]; export default findByQuery;