import * as chokidar from 'chokidar'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra-plus'; import { spawn } from 'p-spawn'; import * as Path from 'path'; import { BaseObj } from './base'; import { pcssFiles, rollupFiles, tmplFiles } from './processors'; import { asNames, now, Partial, printLog, readJsonFileWithComments } from './utils'; import { loadVdevConfig } from './vdev-config'; // --------- Public Types --------- // export interface Block extends BaseObj { name: string; dir: string; webBundles?: WebBundle[]; baseDistDir?: string; dbuildDependencies?: string | string[]; [key: string]: any; } export interface WebBundle { name: string; /** The entries, support wild cards, to be compiled */ entries: string | string[]; /** To specify glob/files to watch in place of the entries (only used in watch mode, and not for .js/.ts) */ watch?: string | string[]; rollupOptions?: any; dist: string; // distribution file path (from .dir) type?: string; // set in the buildWebBundles dir?: string; // set in the initWebBundle } export type BlockByName = { [name: string]: Block }; // --------- /Public Types --------- // export async function updateVersions(config?: any) { if (!config) { config = await loadVdevConfig(); } const versionFiles = config.version?.files as string[] ?? null; // if we do not have version files, we skip. if (versionFiles == null) { return; } const newVersion = config.__version__; let firstUpdate = false; // flag that will be set try { for (let file of versionFiles) { const originalContent = (await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8')).toString(); const isHTML = file.toLowerCase().endsWith('html'); let fileAppVersion = getVersion(originalContent, isHTML); if (newVersion !== fileAppVersion) { // On the first update needed, we start the log section for the version update if (!firstUpdate) { console.log(`----- Version Update: Updating '__version__ = ".."' or '?v=..' to ${newVersion} `); firstUpdate = true; } console.log(`Changing ${fileAppVersion} -> ${newVersion} in file: ${file}`); let newContent = replaceVersion(originalContent, newVersion, isHTML); await fs.writeFile(file, newContent, 'utf8'); } else { // Note: for now, we do not log when nothing to do. } } } catch (ex) { throw new Error(`ERROR while doing versioning files - ${ex.message}`); } // if we have at least one update, we close the log section. if (firstUpdate) { console.log('----- /Version Update: done'); } } // FIXME: Needs to look at the "blocks" from the config export async function cleanNodeFiles() { const filesToDelete = ['./package-lock.json', './node_blockules']; const blocks = await loadBlocks(); // dirs.unshift('./'); // we do not clean the base dir, as it is easy to do by hand, and then, scripts won't work // TODO: probably need to add web-server as well for (const block of Object.values(blocks)) { const dir = block.dir; for (let fName of filesToDelete) { const fileToDelete = Path.join(dir, fName); if ((await fs.pathExists(fileToDelete))) { await fs.saferRemove(fileToDelete); } } } } /** * * @param names List of block name or block/bundle names */ export async function buildBlocksOrBundles(names: string[]) { if (names.length === 0) { const blocks = await loadBlocks(); for (let block of Object.values(blocks)) { await _buildBlock(block); } } else { for (let name of names) { const blockAndBundle = name.split('/'); // if only .length === 1 then blockAndBundle[1] which is fine await buildBlock(blockAndBundle[0], { onlyBundleName: blockAndBundle[1] }); } } } // TODO: needs to add support for any block rule watch // TODO: needs to add support for only one bundle watch export async function watchBlock(blockName: string) { const blocks = await loadBlocks(); const block = blocks[blockName]; const webBundles = (block) ? block.webBundles : null; if (webBundles == null) { throw new Error(`Block ${blockName} not found or does not have a '.webBundles'. As of now, can only watch webBundles`) } for (let bundle of webBundles) { await initWebBundle(block, bundle); // The rollup have a watch block, so we use it if (bundle.type === 'js' || bundle.type === 'ts') { if ( { console.log(`WARNING - Ignoring '.watch' property for bundle ${} for .js/.ts processing as rollup watches dependencies. (advice: remove this .watch property for clarity)`); } await _buildBlock(block, bundle, { watch: true }); } // Otherwise, we just watch the entries or the watch, and rebuild everything else { await _buildBlock(block, bundle); const toWatch = ?? bundle.entries; let watcher =, { persistent: true }); // TODO: Needs to use a call reducer watcher.on('change', async function (filePath: string, stats) { if (filePath.endsWith(`.${bundle.type}`)) { await _buildBlock(block, bundle); } }); } } } export interface BuildOptions { watch?: boolean; // for rollup bundles for now full?: boolean; // for maven for including unit test (not implemented yet) onlyBundleName?: string; // A>W } const blockBuilt = new Set(); /** * Build a and block and eventually a bundle * @param blockName * @param opts */ export async function buildBlock(blockName: string, opts?: BuildOptions) { const blockByName = await loadBlocks(); const block = blockByName[blockName]; if (blockBuilt.has( { console.log(`------ Block ${} already built - SKIP\n`); return; } if (!block) { throw new Error(`No block found for blockeName ${blockName}.`); } let bundle: WebBundle | undefined; const onlyBundleName = opts?.onlyBundleName; if (onlyBundleName && block.webBundles) { bundle = block.webBundles.find((b) => ( == onlyBundleName)); if (!bundle) { throw new Error(`No webBundle ${onlyBundleName} found in block ${}`); } await initWebBundle(block, bundle); } await _buildBlock(block, bundle, opts); blockBuilt.add(; } async function _buildBlock(block: Block, bundle?: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) { const hasPomXml = await fs.pathExists(Path.join(block.dir, 'pom.xml')); const hasPackageJson = await fs.pathExists(Path.join(block.dir, 'package.json')); const hasTsConfig = await fs.pathExists(Path.join(block.dir, 'tsconfig.json')); const hasWebBundles = (block.webBundles) ? true : false; // Note: if we have a bundleName, then, just the bundle log will be enough. const start = now(); if (!bundle) { console.log(`------ Building Block ${} ${block.dir}`); } // no matter what, if we have a pckageJson, we make sure we do a npm install if (hasPackageJson) { await npmInstall(block); } // if we have a webBundles, we build it if (hasWebBundles) { // TODO: need to allow to give a bundle name to just build it await buildWebBundles(block, bundle, opts); } // run tsc (with clean dist/ folder), if it is not a webBundle (assume rollup will take care of the ts when webBundles) if (!hasWebBundles && hasTsConfig) { await buildTsSrc(block); } if (hasPomXml) { await runMvn(block, opts ? opts.full : false); } if (!bundle) { await printLog(`------ Building Block ${} DONE`, start); console.log(); } } async function npmInstall(block: Block) { await spawn('npm', ['install'], { cwd: block.dir }); } async function buildTsSrc(block: Block) { const distDirNeedsDelete = false; const distDir = Path.join(block.dir, '/dist/'); const distDirExist = await fs.pathExists(distDir); // if we have distDirExist, check that it define as compileOptions.outDir in if (distDirExist) { const tsconfigObj = await readJsonFileWithComments(Path.join(block.dir, 'tsconfig.json')); let outDir = tsconfigObj.compilerOptions.outDir as string | undefined | null; outDir = (outDir) ? Path.join(block.dir, outDir, '/') : null; // add a ending '/' to normalize all of the dir path with ending / (join will remove duplicate) if (outDir === distDir) { console.log(`tsc prep - deleting tsc distDir ${distDir}`); await fs.saferRemove(distDir); } else { console.log(`tss prep - skipping tsc distDir ${distDir} because does not match tsconfig.json compilerOptions.outDir ${outDir}`); } } // Assume there is a typescript installed in the root project await spawn('./node_modules/.bin/tsc', ['-p', block.dir]); } async function runMvn(block: Block, full?: boolean) { const args = ['clean', 'package']; if (!full) { args.push('-Dmaven.test.skip=true'); } var start = now(); await spawn('mvn', args, { toConsole: false, cwd: block.dir, onStderr: function (data: any) { process.stdout.write(data); } }); await printLog(`maven build ${full ? 'with test' : ''}`, start); } // --------- Private WebBundle Utils --------- // type WebBundler = (block: Block, webBundle: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) => void; // bundlers by type (which is file extension without '.') const bundlers: { [type: string]: WebBundler } = { ts: buildTsBundler, pcss: buildPcssBundler, tmpl: buildTmplBundler, html: buildTmplBundler, js: buildJsBundler } async function buildWebBundles(block: Block, onlyBundle?: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) { let webBundles: WebBundle[]; if (onlyBundle) { // the onlyBundle is already initialized webBundles = [onlyBundle]; } else { webBundles = block.webBundles!; // we need to initialize the webBundles for (let bundle of webBundles) { await initWebBundle(block, bundle); } } for (let bundle of webBundles!) { await ensureDist(bundle); var start = now(); await bundlers[bundle.type!](block, bundle, opts); if (opts?.watch) { await printLog(`Starting watch mode for ${}/${} (${bundle.dist})`, start); } else { await printLog(`Building bundle ${}/${}`, start, bundle.dist); } } } const rollupOptionsDefaults = { ts: { watch: false, ts: true, tsconfig: './tsconfig.json' }, js: { watch: false, ts: false } } /** * Initialize all of the bundle properties accordingly. * This allow the bundlers and other logic to not have to worry about default values and path resolution. */ async function initWebBundle(block: Block, bundle: WebBundle) { bundle.type = Path.extname(asNames(bundle.entries)[0]).substring(1); // for now, just take the block.dir bundle.dir = specialPathResolve('', block.dir, bundle.dir); // Make the entries relative to the Block bundle.entries = asNames(bundle.entries).map((f) => specialPathResolve('', bundle.dir!, f)); // If, same as entries above if ( { // Make the watch relative to the Block = asNames( => specialPathResolve('', bundle.dir!, f)); } // resolve the dist bundle.dist = specialPathResolve('', block.baseDistDir!, bundle.dist); // --------- rollupOptions initialization --------- // if (bundle.type === 'ts' || bundle.type === 'js') { // get the base default options for this type const rollupOptionsDefault = rollupOptionsDefaults[bundle.type]; // override default it if bundle has one const rollupOptions = (bundle.rollupOptions) ? { ...rollupOptionsDefault, ...bundle.rollupOptions } : { ...rollupOptionsDefault }; // resolve tsconfig if (rollupOptions.tsconfig) { rollupOptions.tsconfig = specialPathResolve('', bundle.dir, rollupOptions.tsconfig); } // set the new optoins back. bundle.rollupOptions = rollupOptions; } // --------- /rollupOptions initialization --------- // } // --------- /Private WebBundle Utils --------- // // --------- Private Bundlers --------- // async function buildTsBundler(block: Block, bundle: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) { // TODO: need to re-enable watch try { if (opts && { = true; } // resolve all of the entries (with glob) const allEntries = await resolveGlobs(bundle.entries); await rollupFiles(allEntries, bundle.dist, bundle.rollupOptions); } catch (ex) { // TODO: need to move exception ahndle to the caller console.log("BUILD ERROR - something when wrong on rollup\n\t", ex); console.log("Empty string was save to the app bundle"); console.log("Trying saving again..."); return; } } async function buildPcssBundler(block: Block, bundle: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) { const allEntries = await resolveGlobs(bundle.entries); await pcssFiles(allEntries, bundle.dist); } async function buildTmplBundler(block: Block, bundle: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) { const allEntries = await resolveGlobs(bundle.entries); await tmplFiles(allEntries, bundle.dist); } async function buildJsBundler(block: Block, bundle: WebBundle, opts?: BuildOptions) { if (opts && { = true; } const allEntries = await resolveGlobs(bundle.entries); await rollupFiles(allEntries, bundle.dist, bundle.rollupOptions); } // --------- /Private Bundlers --------- // // --------- Public Loaders --------- // export async function loadDockerBlocks(): Promise { const blocks = await loadBlocks(); const dockerBlocks: BlockByName = {}; for (let block of Object.values(blocks)) { const hasDockerfile = await fs.pathExists(Path.join(block.dir, 'Dockerfile')); if (hasDockerfile) { dockerBlocks[] = block; } } return dockerBlocks; } export async function loadBlocks(): Promise { const rawConfig = await loadVdevConfig(); const rawBlocks = rawConfig.blocks; const base = { system: rawConfig.system, __version__: rawConfig.__version__, imageTag: rawConfig.imageTag } // build the services map from the raw services list const blockByName: { [name: string]: Block } = string | any) => { let block: Partial; let name: string; // initialize the object if (typeof item === 'string') { block = { name: item } } else { if (! { throw new Error(`the build config file vdev.yaml has a block without '.name'`); } // we do a shallow clone block = { ...item }; } //// add the system/version (they should not been set in the block anyway) if (block.system != null || block.__version__ != null) { throw new Error(`.system or .__version__ cannot be set at the block level (but found in ${})`); } Object.assign(block, base); // if the block does not have a dir, then, build it with the parent one if (!block.dir) { block.dir = Path.join(rawConfig.baseBlockDir, `${}/`); } return block as Block; }).reduce((map: { [key: string]: Block }, block: Block) => { map[] = block; return map; }, {}); return blockByName; } export async function loadBlock(name: string): Promise { const blocks = await loadBlocks(); const block = blocks[name]; if (!block) { throw new Error(`Block ${name} not found`); } return block; } // --------- /Public Loaders --------- // // --------- Private Utils --------- // /** Since 0.11.18 each string glob is sorted within their match, but if globs is an array, the order of each result glob result is preserved. */ async function resolveGlobs(globs: string | string[]) { if (typeof globs === 'string') { return fs.glob(globs); } else { const lists: string[][] = []; for (const glob of globs) { const list = await fs.glob(glob); lists.push(list); } return lists.flat(); } } //#region ---------- version Utils ---------- /** Return the first version found. For html, looks for the `src|href=....?v=___` and for other files the version = ... */ function getVersion(content: string, isHtml = false) { // look for the href or src ?v=... if (isHtml) { const rgx = /<.*(href|src).*?v=(.*?)(\"|\&)/gm; const r = rgx.exec(content); if (r != null && r.length > 2) { return r[2]; } else { return null; } } // look for the version = ... else { var rx = new RegExp('__version__' + '\\s*[=:]\\s*[\'"](.*)[\'"]', 'i'); var match = content.match(rx); return (match) ? match[1] : null; } } function replaceVersion(content: string, value: string, isHtml = false) { if (isHtml) { const rgxRep = /(<.*(href|src).*?v=).*?(\"|\&.*)/g; // $2 not is not used because it is included as part of $1 return content.replace(rgxRep, '$1' + value + '$3'); } else { var rx = new RegExp('(.*' + '__version__' + '\\s*[=:]\\s*["\']).*([\'"].*)', 'i'); content = content.replace(rx, '$1' + value + '$2'); return content; } } //#endregion ---------- /version Utils ---------- async function ensureDist(bundle: WebBundle) { const distDir = Path.dirname(bundle.dist); await fs.ensureDir(distDir); } /** * Special resolve that * - if finalPath null, then, return dir. * - resolve any path to dir if it starts with './' or '../', * - absolute path if it starts with '/' * - baseDir if the path does not start with either '/' or './' * @param baseDir * @param dir * @param finalPath dir or file path */ export function specialPathResolve(baseDir: string, dir: string, finalPath?: string): string { if (finalPath == null) { return dir; } if (finalPath.startsWith('/')) { return finalPath; } if (finalPath.startsWith('./') || finalPath.startsWith('../')) { return Path.join(dir, finalPath) } return Path.join(baseDir, finalPath); } // --------- /Private Utils --------- //