import { glob, saferRemove } from 'backlib'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as Path from 'path'; import { asArray } from 'utils-min'; import { BaseObj } from './base'; import { Block } from './block'; import { _getImageName } from './docker'; import { callHook } from './hook'; import { getCurrentContext, setCurrentContext } from './k8s'; import { render } from './renderer'; import { asNames } from './utils'; import { loadVdevConfig } from './vdev-config'; // --------- Public Types --------- // export type RealmType = 'local' | 'gcp' | 'aws' | 'azure'; export interface Realm extends BaseObj { /** Path to the yaml directory(ies) relative to main vdev.yaml. If array, first take precedence and is the one used for the .out output result */ yamlDirs: string[]; name: string; /** The Kubernetes context name (this is required) */ context: string | null; type: RealmType; /** The Google project name */ project?: string; /** * The for type 'local' it's localhost:5000/, for '${realm.project}/' for aws, has to be set. * */ registry: string; /** list of default defaultConfigurations (k8s yaml file names without extension) to be used if "kcreate, ..." has not services description */ defaultConfigurations?: string[]; [key: string]: any; } export type RealmByName = { [name: string]: Realm }; export type RealmChange = { profileChanged?: boolean, contextChanged?: boolean }; // --------- /Public Types --------- // // --------- Public Realms APIs --------- // /** * Set/Change the current (k8s context and eventual google project). Only change what is needed. * @param {*} realm the realm object. * @return {profileChanged?: true, contextChanged?: true} return a change object with what has changed. */ export async function setRealm(realm: Realm) { const currentRealm = await getCurrentRealm(false); const change: RealmChange = {}; // NOTE: When realm.project is undefined, it will set the gclougProject to undefined, // which is fine since we want to avoid accidental operation to the project. // FIXME: Needs to handle the case where realm.project is not defined (probably remove the current google project to make sure no side effect) const hookReturn = await callHook(realm, 'realm_set_begin', currentRealm); if (hookReturn != null) { change.profileChanged = true; } if (realm.context === null) { console.log(`INFO: realm ${} does not have a kubernetes context, skipping 'kubectl config use-context ...' (current kubectl context still active)`); } else if (!currentRealm || currentRealm.context !== realm.context) { change.contextChanged = true; await setCurrentContext(realm.context); } return change; } /** * Get the current Realm. Return undefined if not found */ export async function getCurrentRealm(check = true) { const realms = await loadRealms(); const context = await getCurrentContext(); let realm; for (let realmName in realms) { let realmItem = realms[realmName]; if (realmItem.context === context) { realm = realmItem; break; } } if (check && realm) { await callHook(realm, 'realm_check'); } // if no context matching, try get the first realm that has no context if (!realm) { realm = Object.values(realms).find(r => r.context === null); } return realm; } /** * Render realm yaml file. * @param realm * @param name name of the yaml file (without extension) * @return The yaml file path */ export async function renderRealmFile(realm: Realm, name: string): Promise { const realmOutDir = getRealmOutDir(realm); const srcYamlFile = await findKFile(realm, name); const srcYamlFileName = Path.parse(srcYamlFile).base; const srcYamlContent = await fs.readFile(srcYamlFile, 'utf8'); const outYamlFile = Path.join(realmOutDir, srcYamlFileName); // render the content var data = realm; const outYamlContent = await render(srcYamlContent, data); // for now, we do not generate do any template await fs.ensureDir(realmOutDir); await fs.writeFile(outYamlFile, outYamlContent); return outYamlFile; } export function formatAsTable(realms: RealmByName, currentRealm?: Realm | null) { const txts = []; const header = ' ' + 'REALM'.padEnd(20) + 'TYPE'.padEnd(12) + 'PROJECT/PROFILE'.padEnd(20) + 'CONTEXT'; txts.push(header); const currentRealmName = (currentRealm) ? : null; const currentProject = (currentRealm) ? currentRealm.project : null; for (let realm of Object.values(realms)) { let row = ( === currentRealmName) ? "* " : " "; row +=; row += realm.type.padEnd(12); let profile = (realm.type === 'gcp') ? realm.project : realm.profile; profile = (profile == null) ? '' : profile; row += profile.padEnd(20); row += (realm.context ? realm.context : 'NO CONTEXT FOUND'); txts.push(row); } return txts.join('\n'); } // --------- /Public Realms APIs --------- // // --------- Resource Management --------- // export type TemplateRendered = { name: string, path: string }; /** * Templatize a set of yaml files * @param resourceNames either a single name, comma deliminated set of names, or an array. */ export async function templatize(realm: Realm, resourceNames?: string | string[]): Promise { const names = await getConfigurationNames(realm, resourceNames); const result: TemplateRendered[] = []; for (let name of names) { const path = await renderRealmFile(realm, name); result.push({ name, path }); } return result; } // --------- /Resource Management --------- // /** * Returns a list of k8s configuration file names for a given realm and optional configurations names delimited string or array. * - If configurationNames is an array, then, just return as is. * - If configurationNames is string (e.g., 'web-server, queue') then it will split on ',' and trim each item as returns. * - If no resourceNames then returns all of the resourceNames for the realm. */ export async function getConfigurationNames(realm: Realm, configurationNames?: string | string[]) { // Note: for now, we do the check if the realm has a context here, because this is called for each k*** commands // TODO: Might want to make it more explicit, as validateRealmForKubectlCommand(realm) if (realm.context === null) { throw Error(`Realm '${}' does not have a Kubernetes context, cannot perform kubectly commands.`); } if (configurationNames) { return asNames(configurationNames); } else if (realm.defaultConfigurations) { return realm.defaultConfigurations; } else { return getAllConfigurationNames(realm); } } /** * Note: right now assume remote is on gke cloud ( * @param realm * @param serviceName */ export function getRemoteImageName(block: Block, realm: Realm) { return _getImageName(block, realm.registry); } export function assertRealm(realm?: Realm): Realm { if (!realm) { throw new Error(`No realm found, do a 'npm run realm' to see the list of realm, and 'npm run realm realm_name' to set a realm`); } return realm; } // --------- Loader --------- // export async function loadRealms(rootDir?: string): Promise { const rawConfig = await loadVdevConfig(rootDir); const rawRealms: { [name: string]: any } = rawConfig.realms; const realms: RealmByName = {}; const base = { system: rawConfig.system, } // get the _common variables and delete it from the realm list let _common = {}; if (rawRealms._common) { _common = rawRealms._common; delete rawRealms._common; } // Create the realm object for (let name in rawRealms) { const rawRealm = rawRealms[name]; // TODO: must do a deep merge const realm = { ...base, ..._common, ...rawRealm }; // NOTE: this is needed in realm, because ktemplate does not know if the k8s yaml is related to which block // TODO: need to throw error if realm have a imageTag override realm.imageTag = rawConfig.imageTag; //// determine the type let type: RealmType = 'local'; const context: undefined | string = realm.context; if (context) { if (context.startsWith('arn:aws')) { type = 'aws'; realm.profile = (realm.profile != null) ? realm.profile : 'default'; } else if (context.startsWith('gke')) { type = 'gcp'; } else if (realm.registry && realm.registry.includes('azurecr')) { type = 'azure'; } } else { realm.context = null; } realm.type = type; //// determine registry if (!realm.registry) { if (type === 'local' && realm.context) { // do not create localhost registry for local realm without context realm.registry = 'localhost:5000/'; } else if (type === 'gcp') { realm.registry = `${realm.project}/`; } else if (type === 'aws') { console.log(`WARNING - realm ${} of type 'aws' must have a registry property in the vdev.yaml`); } } // set the name = name; // set the yamlDirs from yamlDir realm.yamlDirs = realm.yamlDirs ?? asArray(realm.yamlDir); // Call hook to finish initializing the realm (i.e., realm type specific initialization) // TODO: not sure this is the right place to init the current realm. This is loading the realm. await callHook(realm, 'realm_init'); realms[name] = realm; } return realms; } // --------- /Loader --------- // // --------- Private Helpers --------- // /** Get all of the resourceNames for a given realm */ async function getAllConfigurationNames(realm: Realm): Promise { const nameSet = new Set(); for (const yamlDir of realm.yamlDirs) { const yamlFiles = await glob('*.yaml', yamlDir); yamlFiles.forEach(file => { nameSet.add(Path.basename(file, '.yaml')) }) } return Array.from(nameSet); } function getRealmOutDir(realm: Realm) { return Path.join(realm.yamlDirs[0], '.out/', + '/'); } // get the Original Kubernets Yaml file (which could be a template) async function findKFile(realm: Realm, kName: string) { const fileName = `${kName.trim()}.yaml`; for (const yamlDir of realm.yamlDirs) { const file = Path.join(yamlDir, fileName); if (await fs.pathExists(file)) { return file; } } throw new Error(`Kubernetes resource file ${fileName} not found in directories ${realm.yamlDirs.join(', ')}`); } async function cleanRealmOutDir(realm: Realm) { await saferRemove(getRealmOutDir(realm)); } // --------- /Private Helpers --------- //