import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as jsyaml from 'js-yaml'; import { ParsedArgs } from 'minimist'; import stripJsonComments from 'strip-json-comments'; import { split } from 'utils-min'; // --------- Lang & Type Utils --------- // export type Partial = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P]; } // for the bin-vdev & cmd-* export type CmdMap = { [fnName: string]: (miniArgv: ParsedArgs, rawArgv: string[]) => void } /** * Split the eventual comman deliminated string as array of trim items. * If array just return the array, if null, return empty array * @param srcNames comma deliminated, single name, or array of names */ export function asNames(srcNames?: string | string[] | null) { if (srcNames) { if (typeof srcNames === 'string') { return split(srcNames, ','); } else { return srcNames; } } else { return []; } } // --------- /Lang & Type Utils --------- // // --------- Utils --------- // export async function yaml(content: string) { const yamlObj = jsyaml.load(content); if (!yamlObj) { throw new Error(`Could not load yaml`); } return yamlObj; } export async function loadYaml(path: string) { const yamlContent = await fs.readFile(path, 'utf8'); return yaml(yamlContent); } export async function readJsonFileWithComments(path: string) { const content = await fs.readFile(path, 'utf8'); return JSON.parse(stripJsonComments(content)); } // return now in milliseconds using high precision export function now() { var hrTime = process.hrtime(); return hrTime[0] * 1000 + hrTime[1] / 1000000; } export async function printLog(txt: string, start: number, dist?: string | null) { const timeStr = Math.round(now() - start) + 'ms'; let msg = `${txt} - `; if (dist == null) { msg += timeStr; } else { const distExists = await fs.pathExists(dist); if (distExists) { let size = (await fs.stat(dist)).size; size = Math.round(size / 1000.0); msg += `${dist} - ${timeStr} - ${size} kb`; } else { msg += `${dist} - ${timeStr} - ... watch mode started ...` } } console.log(msg); } export async function prompt(message: string) { // console.log(`\n${message}: `); process.stdout.write(`\n${message}: `); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); process.stdin.on('data', function (text) { process.stdin.pause(); resolve(text.toString().trim()); }); }); } /** Attempted to return the obj value given a dottedNamePath (i.e. ''). * @returns undefined if nothing found or obj or dottedNamePath is null/undefined. Return obj if dottedNamePath == ''. **/ export function findVal(obj: any, dottedNamePath: string) { if (obj == null || dottedNamePath == null) { return; } if (dottedNamePath.trim() === '') { return obj; } let val: any = obj; const names = dottedNamePath.split('.'); for (let name of names) { val = val[name]; if (val == null) { // if null or undefined, stop and return return val; } } return val; } // --------- /Utils --------- //