import { spawn } from 'p-spawn'; import { Block, buildBlock, loadDockerBlocks } from './block'; import { callHook } from './hook'; import { getRemoteImageName, Realm } from './realm'; import { addSessionState, hasSessionState } from './session'; import { asNames, now, printLog } from './utils'; /** * Push the local docker image for the service(s) to the remote (tag and push) * Assumptions: * - Assume the service names match the docker image convention as is on a local docker repo (localhost:5000/...) * - Today assume remote is gcloud * @param realm * @param serviceNames */ export async function push(realm: Realm, serviceNames?: string | string[]) { let names: string[]; const dockerBlocks = await loadDockerBlocks(); if (serviceNames) { names = asNames(serviceNames); } else { const dockerBlocks = await loadDockerBlocks(); names = Object.keys(dockerBlocks) } if (realm.registry == null) { throw new Error(`Realm '${}' does not have registry, cannot push docker image.`); } //// Call prep hook the docker push await callHook(realm, "dpush_prep", names); //// For each service, push the docker image for (let serviceName of names) { const block = dockerBlocks[serviceName]; if (!block) { throw new Error(`Block ${serviceName} not found`); } let sourceImage = getLocalImageName(block); let remoteImage = getRemoteImageName(block, realm); console.log(`----- Pushing service ${serviceName} : ${remoteImage}`); // we make sure the tag exist await spawn('docker', ['tag', sourceImage, remoteImage]); // This assume gcloud has been setup on the local machine // Note: gcloud requires `gcloud auth configure-docker` and just use `docker push... try { await spawn('docker', ['push', remoteImage]); } catch (ex) { // Note: Allow the hook to eventually recorver. const passed = await callHook(realm, 'dpush_image_ex', ex, remoteImage); // If the dpush_image_ex return true, means it was recovered. // Otherwise there might not have been any hook or could not recover. (note that the hook could throw ex as well) if (passed !== true) { throw ex; } } console.log(`----- /DONE pushing ${serviceName} : ${remoteImage} ------\n`); } } export async function buildDockerImage(block: Block) { const dir = block.dir; const imageName = getLocalImageName(block); const start = now(); console.log(`============ BUILDING docker image: ${imageName}\n`); // check if this block has a dbuildDependencies const dbuildDeps = asNames(block.dbuildDependencies); for (let dep of dbuildDeps) { await buildBlock(dep); } // make sure we build the service first await buildBlock(; // build the image console.log(`------ docker build ... ${imageName}`); await spawn('docker', ['build', '--rm', '-t', imageName, '.'], { cwd: dir }); console.log(`------ DONE - docker build ... ${imageName}`); console.log(); // it can be use by future k8s after push let status = 'DONE'; console.log(`------ docker push ... ${imageName}`); try { if (!hasSessionState('NO_LOCAL_REGISTRY')) { await spawn('docker', ['push', imageName]); } } catch (ex) { addSessionState('NO_LOCAL_REGISTRY'); } if (hasSessionState('NO_LOCAL_REGISTRY')) { console.log('INFO - No Local Registry (http://localhost:5000/) - Skipping push to local registry'); status = "SKIPPING"; } console.log(`------ ${status} - docker push ... ${imageName}`); printLog(`\n============ DONE - BUILDING docker image: ${imageName}`, start); } //#region ---------- docker naming ---------- export function getLocalImageName(block: Block) { return _getImageName(block, 'localhost:5000/'); } export function _getImageName(block: Block, basePath: string) { const repoName = getRepositoryName(block); return `${basePath}${repoName}:${block.imageTag}`; } export function getRepositoryName(block: Block) { return `${block.system}-${}`; } //#endregion ---------- /docker naming ----------