import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import { spawn } from 'p-spawn'; export type PsqlOptions = { user?: string, password?: string, database?: string, host?: string, port?: string, toConsole?: boolean; } const defaultPsqlOptions = { toConsole: true } // --------- psql public API --------- // export type PsqlImportItem = { file: string, stdout?: string, stderr?: string }; // NOTE: for now, ignore pgOpts.pwd export async function psqlImport(pgOpts: PsqlOptions, filePaths: string[]): Promise { pgOpts = { ...defaultPsqlOptions, ...pgOpts }; const items: PsqlImportItem[] = []; if (typeof filePaths === "string") { filePaths = [filePaths]; } for (let file of filePaths) { const item: PsqlImportItem = { file }; const { stdout, stderr } = await execPsql(pgOpts, ["-f", file]) item.stdout = stdout; item.stderr = stderr; items.push(item); if (stderr) { const err: Error & { items?: PsqlImportItem[] } = new Error(`psqlImport ERROR for file ${file}:\n${item.stderr}`); err.items = items; throw err; } } return items; } // pgdump with no-owner, no-acl export async function psqlExport(pgOpts: PsqlOptions, filepath: string) { var defaultArgs = ["--no-owner", "--no-acl"]; var cmd = "pg_dump"; const { args, env } = buildPgArgs(pgOpts); args.push.apply(args, defaultArgs); var fStream = fs.createWriteStream(filepath, { flags: 'w' }); console.log("will execute >> " + cmd + " " + args.join(" ") + "\n\t into " + filepath); await spawn(cmd, args, { env, onStdout: (data) => { fStream.write(data); } }); } export async function psqlCommand(pgOpts: PsqlOptions, command: string): Promise { const { stdout, stderr } = await execPsql({ ...pgOpts, toConsole: true }, [`--command=${command}`]); if (stderr) { throw Error(`ERROR - cannot psqlCommand "${command}" because ${stderr}`); } return stdout; } // --------- /psql public API --------- // // --------- Utils public API --------- // export type PgTestResult = { success: boolean, message?: string, err?: string }; export async function pgTest(pgOpts: PsqlOptions): Promise { const status = await pgStatus(pgOpts); if (!status.accepting) { return { success: false, message: status.message }; } // --command="SELECT version(); // var args = buildPgArgs(pgOpts); const { args, env } = buildPgArgs(pgOpts); args.push("--command=SELECT version()"); const p = await spawn('psql', args, { env, capture: ['stdout', 'stderr'], ignoreFail: true }); if (p.code === 0) { return { success: true, message: p.stdout!.trim() }; } else { const r: PgTestResult = { success: false, message: p.stdout! }; if (p.stderr) { r.err = p.stderr.trim(); } return r; } } export type PgStatusResult = { accepting: boolean, message: string, code: number }; /** Return the status of a pg database process (without the database) */ export async function pgStatus(pgOpts: PsqlOptions): Promise { const { args, env } = buildPgArgs(pgOpts); //args.push('-q'); // for the quiet mode, we just need to result code const p = await spawn('pg_isready', args, { env, ignoreFail: true, capture: ['stdout', 'stderr'] }); const code = p.code; const message = p.stdout!.trim(); const accepting = (0 === p.code) ? true : false; return { accepting, message, code }; } // --------- /Utils public API --------- // // --------- Private Utils --------- // async function execPsql(pgOpts: PsqlOptions, args: string[]): Promise<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }> { const { args: baseArgs, env } = buildPgArgs(pgOpts); // add the args at the end args = [...baseArgs, ...args]; const spawnOptions = buildSpawnOptions(pgOpts); const spawnResult = await spawn('psql', args, { env, ...spawnOptions, ignoreFail: true }); let { stdout, stderr } = spawnResult; if (stderr) { const err = stderr.trim(); let itemErr = null; for (const line of err.split('\n')) { if (!line.includes("NOTICE:")) { itemErr = (itemErr == null) ? line : `${itemErr}\n${line}`; } } stderr = itemErr ?? undefined; } return { stdout: stdout ?? '', stderr: stderr ?? '' }; } function buildSpawnOptions(pgOpts: PsqlOptions) { let spawnOptions: any = { capture: ['stdout', 'stderr'] }; if (pgOpts.toConsole) { spawnOptions.toConsole = true; } return spawnOptions; } // private: Build a cmd line argument list from a pgOpts {user, db[, pwd][, host][, port: 5432]} and make it an command line arguments function buildPgArgs(pgOpts: PsqlOptions): { args: string[], env: { [name: string]: string | undefined } } { var args = []; if (pgOpts.user) { args.push("-U", pgOpts.user); } if (pgOpts.database) { args.push("-d", pgOpts.database); } if ( { args.push("-h",; } if (pgOpts.port) { args.push("-p", pgOpts.port); } const env = (pgOpts.password == null) ? process.env : { ...process.env, PGPASSWORD: pgOpts.password }; return { args, env }; } // --------- /Private Utils --------- //