import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as handlebars from 'handlebars'; import { HelperOptions } from 'handlebars'; import { userInfo } from 'os'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import { findVal, yaml } from './utils'; export async function render(templateString: string, data: any) { const hbs = getHandlebars(); const tmpl = hbs.compile(templateString, { noEscape: true }); const outContent = tmpl(data); return outContent; } export async function loadTemplatizedYaml(path: string, data?: any) { try { const stringContent = await fs.readFile(path, 'utf8'); const content = await render(stringContent, data); return yaml(content); } catch (ex) { console.log(`ERROR - Cannot load ${resolve(path)}\n\tcause ${ex}`); throw ex; } } // --------- Handlebars Factory --------- // let _handlebars: typeof Handlebars | null = null; // Initial function getHandlebars() { if (_handlebars) { return _handlebars; } // encode64 handlebars.registerHelper('encode64', function (this: any, arg1: any, arg2: any) { let val: string; let opts: any; // if we do not have two args, then, it is a regular helper if (arg2 === undefined) { opts = arg1; val = opts.fn(this); } // if we have two args, then, the first is the value else { val = arg1 as string; opts = arg2; } const b64 = Buffer.from(val).toString('base64'); return b64; }); handlebars.registerHelper('username', function () { const username = userInfo().username; return username; }); // return the absolute dir of the project (where the script is being run) (with an ending '/') handlebars.registerHelper('projectDir', function () { return resolve('./') + '/'; }); handlebars.registerHelper('assign', function (this: any, varName: string, varValue: any, options: HelperOptions) { if (! { = {}; }[varName] = varValue; }); handlebars.registerHelper('assignJsonValue', function (this: any, varName: string, jsonFile: any, namePath: any, options: HelperOptions) { if (! { = {}; } // handlebars helper does not support async const obj = fs.readJsonSync(jsonFile); const val = findVal(obj, namePath);[varName] = val; }); _handlebars = handlebars; return _handlebars; } // --------- /Handlebars Factory --------- //