import * as https from "https"; /** * * A no dependencies, fully typed library to verify hCaptcha tokens * submitted by users when solving CAPTCHA challenges. * * @remarks * * Note: this is an unofficial library; we are not affiliated with * * @example * * Verify a token submitted by a user: * * ```typescript * import { verifyHcaptchaToken } from 'verify-hcaptcha'; * * (async () => { * const result = await verifyHcaptchaToken({ * token: "USER-SUBMITTED-RESPONSE-TOKEN", * secretKey: "YOUR-SECRET-KEY", * siteKey: "YOUR-SITE-KEY", * }); * * if (result.success) { * console.log("User is human"); * } else { * console.log("User is robot"); * } * })(); * ``` * * @example * * Verify a token submitted by a user and get the raw response from hCaptcha: * * ```typescript * import { rawVerifyHcaptchaToken } from 'verify-hcaptcha'; * * (async () => { * const result = await rawVerifyHcaptchaToken({ * token: "USER-SUBMITTED-RESPONSE-TOKEN", * secretKey: "YOUR-SECRET-KEY", * siteKey: "YOUR-SITE-KEY", * }); * * if (result.success) { * console.log("User is human"); * } else { * console.log("User is robot"); * } * })(); * ``` * * @packageDocumentation */ /** * `HcaptchaResponse` represents the response to the verification challenge * performed by calling {@link verifyHcaptchaToken}. * * @see {@link} */ export interface HcaptchaResponse { /** * True if the token is valid and meets the specified security criteria * (for example, if the site key is associated to the secret key) */ readonly success: boolean; /** * Optional: UTC timestamp of the challenge in ISO 8601 format * (for example, `2021-10-02T18:12:10.149Z`) */ readonly challengeTimestamp?: string; /** Optional: hostname of the website where the challenge was solved */ readonly hostname?: string; /** Optional: true if the response will be credited */ readonly credit?: boolean; /** * Optional: list of error codes * * @see {@link HcaptchaError} */ readonly errorCodes?: HcaptchaError[]; /** Enterprise-only feature: score for malicious activity */ readonly score?: number; /** Enterprise-only feature: list of reasons for the malicious activity score */ readonly scoreReasons?: string[]; } /** * `HcaptchaError` collects the errors explaining why a verification challenge failed. * * @see {@link HcaptchaResponse} * @see {@link} */ export type HcaptchaError = /** Secret key is missing */ | "missing-input-secret" /** Secret key is invalid */ | "invalid-input-secret" /** User response token is missing */ | "missing-input-response" /** User response token is invalid */ | "invalid-input-response" /** Site key is invalid */ | "invalid-sitekey" /** Remote user IP is invalid */ | "invalid-remoteip" /** Request is invalid */ | "bad-request" /** User response token is invalid or has already been checked */ | "invalid-or-already-seen-response" /** Must use the test site key when using a test verification token */ | "not-using-dummy-passcode" /** Must use the test secret key when using a test verification token */ | "not-using-dummy-secret" /** The site key is not associated to the secret key */ | "sitekey-secret-mismatch"; /** * `RawHcaptchaResponse` represents the raw response to the verification challenge * obtained by directly calling the hCaptcha API endpoint * with {@link rawVerifyHcaptchaToken}. * * @see {@link} */ export interface RawHcaptchaResponse { readonly success: boolean; readonly challenge_ts?: string; readonly hostname?: string; readonly credit?: boolean; readonly "error-codes"?: string[]; readonly score?: number; readonly score_reason?: string[]; } /** * `verifyHcaptchaToken` verifies with the hCaptcha API that the response token * obtained from a captcha challenge is valid. * * @param token - required: the token obtained from a user with a captcha challenge * @param secretKey - required: the secret key for your account * @param siteKey - optional but recommended: the site key for the website hosting the captcha challenge * @param remoteIp - optional: the IP address of the user submitting the challenge * * @returns a {@link HcaptchaResponse} with the verification result */ export async function verifyHcaptchaToken({ token, secretKey, siteKey, remoteIp, }: { token: string; secretKey: string; siteKey?: string; remoteIp?: string; }): Promise { const { success, challenge_ts: challengeTimestamp, hostname, credit, "error-codes": rawErrorCodes, score, score_reason: scoreReasons, } = await rawVerifyHcaptchaToken({ token, secretKey, siteKey, remoteIp, }); return { success, challengeTimestamp, hostname, credit, errorCodes: rawErrorCodes as HcaptchaError[] | undefined, score, scoreReasons, }; } /** * `rawVerifyHcaptchaToken` verifies with the hCaptcha API that the response token * obtained from a captcha challenge is valid and returns the raw hCaptcha response. * * @param token - required: the token obtained from a user with a captcha challenge * @param secretKey - required: the secret key for your account * @param siteKey - optional but recommended: the site key for the website hosting the captcha challenge * @param remoteIp - optional: the IP address of the user submitting the challenge * * @returns a {@link RawHcaptchaResponse} with the verification result */ export async function rawVerifyHcaptchaToken({ token, secretKey, siteKey, remoteIp, }: { token: string; secretKey: string; siteKey?: string; remoteIp?: string; }): Promise { const form = buildForm({ token, secretKey, siteKey, remoteIp }); const data = await postToHcaptcha({ form }); return data; } function buildForm({ token, secretKey, siteKey, remoteIp, }: { token?: string; secretKey?: string; siteKey?: string; remoteIp?: string; }): string { const form = new URLSearchParams(); if (token) { form.append("response", token); } if (secretKey) { form.append("secret", secretKey); } if (siteKey) { form.append("sitekey", siteKey); } if (remoteIp) { form.append("remoteip", remoteIp); } return form.toString(); } function postToHcaptcha({ form, }: { form: string; }): Promise { const options: https.RequestOptions = { host: "", path: "/siteverify", method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length": Buffer.byteLength(form), }, }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // See const req = https.request(options, (res) => { const chunks: string[] = []; res.setEncoding("utf-8"); res .on("data", (data) => { chunks.push(data); }) .on("end", () => { const data = JSON.parse(chunks.join("")) as RawHcaptchaResponse; resolve(data); }); }); req.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); req.write(form); req.end(); }); }