const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const {DateOnly} = require('./date-only.cjs'); const {DateTime} = require('./date-time.cjs'); const {LOCALE_FORMATS} = require('./locale-formats.cjs'); const {getLocalTimezone} = require('./utils/local.cjs'); /** @typedef {Date | import('moment-timezone').Moment | DateOnly | DateTime | string | number} AnyDate */ /** @typedef {{locale?: string | boolean; toISOForm?: boolean; format?: string}} DateFormatingOptions */ /** * Get the default timezone. * @returns {string} the default timezone name */ function getDefaultTimeZone() { return moment().tz() || getLocalTimezone(); } /** * Set the default timezone to be used instead of the local timezone. * @param {string | undefined} timezone the timezone to be set as the default one. `undefined` resets it to the local timezone. */ function setDefaultTimeZone(timezone) { ?? undefined); } /** * Extract the locale from a date value. * Please notice that only Moment, DateOnly and DateTime classes actually store a locale. * Other libraries might do so but need to be handled in this code too. * If there is no locale then undefined is returned which also means the default locale `en` should be used instead. * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @returns {string | undefined} the locale for the date */ function getDateLocale(anyDate) { if (!anyDate) return undefined; else if (anyDate instanceof Date) return undefined; else if (moment.isMoment(anyDate)) return anyDate.locale(); else if (DateTime.isDateTime(anyDate) || DateOnly.isDateOnly(anyDate)) return anyDate.locale; return undefined; } /** * Check if the date value is valid or not * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @returns {boolean} */ function isDateValid(anyDate) { if (!anyDate) return false; else if (anyDate instanceof Date) return !isNaN(anyDate); else if (moment.isMoment(anyDate)) return anyDate.isValid(); else if (DateTime.isDateTime(anyDate) || DateOnly.isDateOnly(anyDate)) return anyDate.isValid; return toDateTime(anyDate).isValid; } /** * Convert a date value to a plain JS Date object * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @returns {Date | undefined} */ function toJsDate(anyDate) { if (!anyDate) return undefined; else if (anyDate instanceof Date) return anyDate; else if (moment.isMoment(anyDate)) return anyDate.toDate(); else if (DateTime.isDateTime(anyDate) || DateOnly.isDateOnly(anyDate)) return anyDate.toJsDate(); return toDateTime(anyDate).toJsDate(); } /** * Convert a date value to DateOnly object. * `null` or `undefined` values will return `undefined` instead. * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {string} locale optional locale if provided * @returns {DateOnly | undefined} */ function toDateOnly(anyDate, locale) { if (!anyDate) return undefined; return DateOnly.fromAnyDate(anyDate, locale); } /** * Get a new date-only using the current system time for its value. * Just a shortcut for ``. * @param {string | undefined} locale optional locale if provided * @returns {DateOnly} a new date-only using the current system time for its value */ = (locale) =>; /** * Convert a date value to DateTime object. * `null` or `undefined` values will return `undefined` instead. * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {string} locale optional locale if provided * @returns {DateTime | undefined} */ function toDateTime(anyDate, locale) { if (!anyDate) return undefined; return DateTime.fromAnyDate(anyDate, locale); } /** * Get a new date-time using the current system time for its value. * Just a shortcut for ``. * @param {string | undefined} locale optional locale if provided * @returns {DateTime} a new date-time using the current system time for its value */ = (locale) =>; /** * Convert a date value to DateTime object in a specific timezone. * `null` or `undefined` values will return `undefined` instead. * Just a shortcut for `toDateTime(anyDate, locale).toTimezone(tz)`. * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {string} tz the timezone for the date * @param {string} locale optional locale if provided * @returns {DateTime | undefined} */ = (anyDate, tz, locale) => toDateTime(anyDate, locale).toTimezone(tz); /** * Convert a date value to DateTime object in a specific timezone but keeping the local time. * `null` or `undefined` values will return `undefined` instead. * Just a shortcut for `toDateTime(anyDate, locale).toTimezone(tz, true)`. * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {string} tz the timezone for the date * @param {string} locale optional locale if provided * @returns {DateTime | undefined} */ = (anyDate, tz, locale) => toDateTime(anyDate, locale).toTimezone(tz, true); /** * Format a date to a date-only format * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {(DateFormatingOptions & {includeTimeAndZone?: boolean}) | undefined} options optional formating options to customize the output * @param {string | boolean | undefined} options.locale optional locale string or boolean for whether locale should be applied or not * @param {string | undefined} options.format optional format string pattern. Defaults to DateOnly `LL` which translates to `YYYY-MM-DD` at the specific locale * @param {boolean | undefined} options.toISOForm optional flag for forcing an ISOString output. Since it is a date-only the format string pattern will be `YYYY-MM-DD` * @param {boolean | undefined} options.includeTimeAndZone optional flag for when toISOForm is enabled. It overrides the ISOString pattern to be a full ISOString which includes the time and zone as well. * @returns {string | undefined} */ function __formatToDateOnly(anyDate, options) { if (!anyDate) return undefined; const {toISOForm = false, format, includeTimeAndZone = false} = options; if (toISOForm) { const dateOnly = toDateOnly(anyDate); return includeTimeAndZone ? dateOnly.toISOString() : dateOnly.toJSON(); } const locale = (() => { const {locale} = options; if (!locale || typeof locale === 'string') return locale; throw new Error('Locale must be an string'); })(); const dateOnly = toDateOnly(anyDate, locale); return dateOnly.format(format); } /** * Format a date to a date-time format * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {string | boolean | undefined} options.locale optional locale string or boolean for whether locale should be applied or not * @param {string | undefined} options.format optional format string pattern. Defaults to DateTime default format * @param {boolean | undefined} options.toISOForm optional flag for forcing an ISOString output * @returns {string | undefined} */ function __formatToDateTime(anyDate, options) { if (!anyDate) return undefined; const {toISOForm = false, format} = options; if (toISOForm) { return toDateTime(anyDate).toISOString(true); } const locale = (() => { const {locale} = options; if (!locale || typeof locale === 'string') return locale; throw new Error('Locale must be an string'); })(); const dateTime = toDateTime(anyDate, locale); return dateTime.format(format); } /** * Format a date to a date-only format but without applying locale * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {object} options optional formating options to customize the output * @param {boolean | undefined} options.includeTimeAndZone optional flag for when toISOForm is enabled. It overrides the ISOString pattern to be a full ISOString which includes the time and zone as well. * @returns {string | undefined} */ function formatToDateOnly(anyDate, options) { return __formatToDateOnly(anyDate, {toISOForm: true, includeTimeAndZone: options?.includeTimeAndZone}); } /** * Format a date to a date-time format but without applying locale * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @returns {string | undefined} */ function formatToDateTime(anyDate) { return __formatToDateTime(anyDate, {toISOForm: true}); } /** * Format a date to a date-only ormat applying locale * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {object} options optional formating options to customize the output * @param {string | undefined} options.locale optional locale string. Defaults to the current locale set to the date or the default system locale * @param {string | undefined} options.format optional format string pattern. Defaults to `LOCALE_FORMATS.VERBAL_DATE_LONG`. @see `LOCALE_FORMATS` * @returns {string | undefined} */ function formatToDateOnlyWithLocale(anyDate, options) { const {locale, format} = options || {}; return __formatToDateOnly(anyDate, {locale: locale || moment().locale(), format}); } /** * Format a date to a date-time format applying locale * @param {AnyDate | null | undefined} anyDate any possible date * @param {object} options optional formating options to customize the output * @param {string | undefined} options.locale optional locale string. Defaults to the current locale set to the date or the default system locale * @param {string | undefined} options.format optional format string pattern. Defaults to `LOCALE_FORMATS.VERBAL_DATE_TIME_LONG`. @see `LOCALE_FORMATS` * @returns {string | undefined} */ function formatToDateTimeWithLocale(anyDate, options) { const {locale, format} = options || {}; return __formatToDateTime(anyDate, {locale: locale || moment().locale(), format}); } /** * Convert a duration input into an specific time unit. * Returns `NaN` when the duration is invalid. * @param {moment.FromTo | moment.DurationInputObject} durationInput any valid duration input * @param {moment.unitOfTime.Base} toTimeUnit the time unit to have the duration converted into * @param {boolean} precise whether to return the precise result or round it to the nearest integer (`Math.floor` is used). Defaults to `true` * @returns {number} the amount in the requested time unit. `NaN` when the duration is invalid. */ function convertDurationToTimeUnit(durationInput, toTimeUnit, precise = true) { const duration = moment.duration(durationInput); if (!duration.isValid()) return NaN; const result =; if (precise) return result; return Math.floor(result); } module.exports = { DateOnly, DateTime, getDefaultTimeZone, setDefaultTimeZone, isDateValid, getDateLocale, LOCALE_FORMATS, toJsDate, toDateOnly, toDateTime, formatToDateOnly, formatToDateTime, formatToDateOnlyWithLocale, formatToDateTimeWithLocale, convertDurationToTimeUnit, };