/** * this prepares the JSON container for allocating SVG elements * @param {Object} JSONcontainer * @private */ export function prepareElements(JSONcontainer: any): void /** * this cleans up all the unused SVG elements. By asking for the parentNode, we only need to supply the JSON container from * which to remove the redundant elements. * * @param {Object} JSONcontainer * @private */ export function cleanupElements(JSONcontainer: any): void /** * Ensures that all elements are removed first up so they can be recreated cleanly * @param {Object} JSONcontainer */ export function resetElements(JSONcontainer: any): void /** * Allocate or generate an SVG element if needed. Store a reference to it in the JSON container and draw it in the svgContainer * the JSON container and the SVG container have to be supplied so other svg containers (like the legend) can use this. * * @param {string} elementType * @param {Object} JSONcontainer * @param {Object} svgContainer * @returns {Element} * @private */ export function getSVGElement( elementType: any, JSONcontainer: any, svgContainer: any ): any /** * Allocate or generate an SVG element if needed. Store a reference to it in the JSON container and draw it in the svgContainer * the JSON container and the SVG container have to be supplied so other svg containers (like the legend) can use this. * * @param {string} elementType * @param {Object} JSONcontainer * @param {Element} DOMContainer * @param {Element} insertBefore * @returns {*} */ export function getDOMElement( elementType: any, JSONcontainer: any, DOMContainer: any, insertBefore: any ): any /** * Draw a point object. This is a separate function because it can also be called by the legend. * The reason the JSONcontainer and the target SVG svgContainer have to be supplied is so the legend can use these functions * as well. * * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {Object} groupTemplate: A template containing the necessary information to draw the datapoint e.g., {style: 'circle', size: 5, className: 'className' } * @param {Object} JSONcontainer * @param {Object} svgContainer * @param {Object} labelObj * @returns {vis.PointItem} */ export function drawPoint( x: any, y: any, groupTemplate: any, JSONcontainer: any, svgContainer: any, labelObj: any ): any /** * draw a bar SVG element centered on the X coordinate * * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {string} className * @param {Object} JSONcontainer * @param {Object} svgContainer * @param {string} style */ export function drawBar( x: any, y: any, width: any, height: any, className: any, JSONcontainer: any, svgContainer: any, style: any ): void