export declare type Id = number | string; export interface ColorObject { background: string; border: string; highlight: { background: string; border: string; }; hover: { background: string; border: string; }; } export interface GephiData { nodes: GephiNode[]; edges: GephiEdge[]; } export interface GephiParseOptions { fixed?: boolean; inheritColor?: boolean; parseColor?: boolean; } export interface GephiNode { id: Id; attributes?: { title?: string; }; color?: string; label?: string; size?: number; title?: string; x?: number; y?: number; } export interface GephiEdge { id: Id; source: Id; target: Id; attributes?: { title?: string; }; color?: string; label?: string; type?: string; } export interface VisData { nodes: VisNode[]; edges: VisEdge[]; } export interface VisNode { id: Id; fixed: boolean; color?: string | ColorObject; label?: string; size?: number; title?: string; x?: number; y?: number; attributes?: unknown; } export interface VisEdge { id: Id; from: Id; to: Id; arrows?: "to"; color?: string; label?: string; title?: string; attributes?: unknown; } /** * Convert Gephi to Vis. * * @param gephiJSON - The parsed JSON data in Gephi format. * @param optionsObj - Additional options. * * @returns The converted data ready to be used in Vis. */ export declare function parseGephi(gephiJSON: GephiData, optionsObj?: GephiParseOptions): VisData; //# sourceMappingURL=gephiParser.d.ts.map