'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); const node_path = require('node:path'); const node_fs = require('node:fs'); const promises = require('node:fs/promises'); const node_os = require('node:os'); const languageCore = require('@vue/language-core'); const typescript = require('@volar/typescript'); const ts = require('typescript'); const node_module = require('node:module'); const localPkg = require('local-pkg'); const pluginutils = require('@rollup/pluginutils'); const debug = require('debug'); const kolorist = require('kolorist'); const apiExtractor = require('@microsoft/api-extractor'); const compareVersions = require('compare-versions'); const MagicString = require('magic-string'); var _documentCurrentScript = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document.currentScript : null; function _interopDefaultCompat (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e.default : e; } const ts__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(ts); const debug__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(debug); const MagicString__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(MagicString); const windowsSlashRE = /\\+/g; function slash(p) { return p.replace(windowsSlashRE, "/"); } function resolveConfigDir(path, configDir) { return path.replace("${configDir}", configDir); } function normalizePath(id) { return node_path.posix.normalize(slash(id)); } function resolve(...paths) { return normalizePath(node_path.resolve(...paths)); } function isNativeObj(value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === "[object Object]"; } function isRegExp(value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === "[object RegExp]"; } function isPromise(value) { return !!value && (typeof value === "function" || typeof value === "object") && typeof value.then === "function"; } async function unwrapPromise(maybePromise) { return isPromise(maybePromise) ? await maybePromise : maybePromise; } function ensureAbsolute(path, root) { return normalizePath(path ? node_path.isAbsolute(path) ? path : resolve(root, path) : root); } function ensureArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value : value ? [value] : []; } async function runParallel(maxConcurrency, source, iteratorFn) { const ret = []; const executing = []; for (const item of source) { const p = Promise.resolve().then(() => iteratorFn(item, source)); ret.push(p); if (maxConcurrency <= source.length) { const e = p.then(() => executing.splice(executing.indexOf(e), 1)); executing.push(e); if (executing.length >= maxConcurrency) { await Promise.race(executing); } } } return Promise.all(ret); } const speRE = /[\\/]/; function queryPublicPath(paths) { if (paths.length === 0) { return ""; } else if (paths.length === 1) { return node_path.dirname(paths[0]); } let publicPath = node_path.normalize(node_path.dirname(paths[0])) + node_path.sep; let publicUnits = publicPath.split(speRE); let index = publicUnits.length - 1; for (const path of paths.slice(1)) { if (!index) { return publicPath; } const dirPath = node_path.normalize(node_path.dirname(path)) + node_path.sep; if (dirPath.startsWith(publicPath)) { continue; } const units = dirPath.split(speRE); if (units.length < index) { publicPath = dirPath; publicUnits = units; continue; } for (let i = 0; i <= index; ++i) { if (publicUnits[i] !== units[i]) { if (!i) { return ""; } index = i - 1; publicUnits = publicUnits.slice(0, index + 1); publicPath = publicUnits.join(node_path.sep) + node_path.sep; break; } } } return publicPath.slice(0, -1); } function removeDirIfEmpty(dir) { if (!node_fs.existsSync(dir)) { return; } let onlyHasDir = true; for (const file of node_fs.readdirSync(dir)) { const abs = resolve(dir, file); if (node_fs.lstatSync(abs).isDirectory()) { if (!removeDirIfEmpty(abs)) { onlyHasDir = false; } } else { onlyHasDir = false; } } if (onlyHasDir) { node_fs.rmdirSync(dir); } return onlyHasDir; } function getTsConfig(tsConfigPath, readFileSync) { const baseConfig = ts__default.readConfigFile(tsConfigPath, readFileSync).config ?? {}; const tsConfig = { ...baseConfig, compilerOptions: {} }; if (tsConfig.extends) { ensureArray(tsConfig.extends).forEach((configPath) => { const config = getTsConfig(ensureAbsolute(configPath, node_path.dirname(tsConfigPath)), readFileSync); Object.assign(tsConfig.compilerOptions, config.compilerOptions); if (!tsConfig.include) { tsConfig.include = config.include; } if (!tsConfig.exclude) { tsConfig.exclude = config.exclude; } }); } Object.assign(tsConfig.compilerOptions, baseConfig.compilerOptions); return tsConfig; } function getTsLibFolder() { const libFolder = tryGetPackageInfo("typescript")?.rootPath; return libFolder && normalizePath(libFolder); } const BASE64_ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split(""); function base64Encode(number) { if (number >= 0 && number < BASE64_ALPHABET.length) { return BASE64_ALPHABET[number]; } throw new TypeError("Base64 integer must be between 0 and 63: " + number); } const VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5; const VLQ_BASE = 1 << VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; const VLQ_BASE_MASK = VLQ_BASE - 1; const VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = VLQ_BASE; function toVLQSigned(number) { return number < 0 ? (-number << 1) + 1 : (number << 1) + 0; } function base64VLQEncode(numbers) { let encoded = ""; for (const number of numbers) { let vlq = toVLQSigned(number); let digit; do { digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK; vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; if (vlq > 0) { digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT; } encoded += base64Encode(digit); } while (vlq > 0); } return encoded; } const pkgPathCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function tryGetPkgPath(beginPath) { beginPath = normalizePath(beginPath); if (pkgPathCache.has(beginPath)) { return pkgPathCache.get(beginPath); } const pkgPath = resolve(beginPath, "package.json"); if (node_fs.existsSync(pkgPath)) { pkgPathCache.set(beginPath, pkgPath); return pkgPath; } const parentDir = normalizePath(node_path.dirname(beginPath)); if (!parentDir || parentDir === beginPath) { pkgPathCache.set(beginPath, undefined); return; } return tryGetPkgPath(parentDir); } function toCapitalCase(value) { value = value.trim().replace(/\s+/g, "-"); value = value.replace(/-+(\w)/g, (_, char) => char ? char.toUpperCase() : ""); return (value.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase() + value.slice(1)).replace( /[^\w]/g, "" ); } function findTypesPath(...pkgs) { let path; for (const pkg of pkgs) { if (typeof pkg !== "object") continue; path = pkg.types || pkg.typings || pkg.exports?.types || pkg.exports?.["."]?.types || pkg.exports?.["./"]?.types; if (path) return path; } } function setModuleResolution(options) { if (options.moduleResolution) return; const module = typeof options.module === "number" ? options.module : options.target ?? ts__default.ScriptTarget.ES5 >= 2 ? ts__default.ModuleKind.ES2015 : ts__default.ModuleKind.CommonJS; let moduleResolution; switch (module) { case ts__default.ModuleKind.CommonJS: moduleResolution = ts__default.ModuleResolutionKind.Node10; break; case ts__default.ModuleKind.Node16: moduleResolution = ts__default.ModuleResolutionKind.Node16; break; case ts__default.ModuleKind.NodeNext: moduleResolution = ts__default.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeNext; break; default: moduleResolution = ts__default.version.startsWith("5") ? ts__default.ModuleResolutionKind.Bundler : ts__default.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic; break; } options.moduleResolution = moduleResolution; } function editSourceMapDir(content, fromDir, toDir) { const relativeOutDir = node_path.relative(fromDir, toDir); if (relativeOutDir) { try { const sourceMap = JSON.parse(content); sourceMap.sources = sourceMap.sources.map((source) => { return normalizePath(node_path.relative(relativeOutDir, source)); }); return JSON.stringify(sourceMap); } catch (e) { return false; } } return true; } const regexpSymbolRE = /([$.\\+?()[\]!<=|{}^,])/g; const asteriskRE = /[*]+/g; function parseTsAliases(basePath, paths) { const result = []; for (const [pathWithAsterisk, replacements] of Object.entries(paths)) { const find = new RegExp( `^${pathWithAsterisk.replace(regexpSymbolRE, "\\$1").replace(asteriskRE, "(?!\\.{1,2}\\/)([^*]+)")}$` ); let index = 1; result.push({ find, replacement: ensureAbsolute( replacements[0].replace(asteriskRE, () => `$${index++}`), basePath ) }); } return result; } const rootAsteriskImportRE = /^(?!\.{1,2}\/)([^*]+)$/; function isAliasGlobal(alias) { return alias.find.toString() === rootAsteriskImportRE.toString(); } function importResolves(path) { const files = [ // js ".js", ".jsx", ".mjs", ".cjs", // ts ".ts", ".tsx", ".mts", ".cts", ".d.ts", // json ".json", // vue ".vue", ".vue.d.ts", // svelte ".svelte" ]; for (const ext of files) { if (node_fs.existsSync(path + ext)) { return true; } } return false; } function tryGetPackageInfo(name) { if (process.versions.pnp) { const targetRequire = node_module.createRequire((typeof document === 'undefined' ? require('u' + 'rl').pathToFileURL(__filename).href : (_documentCurrentScript && _documentCurrentScript.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' && _documentCurrentScript.src || new URL('index.cjs', document.baseURI).href))); try { return localPkg.getPackageInfoSync( targetRequire.resolve(`${name}/package.json`, { paths: [process.cwd()] }) ); } catch (e) { } } try { return localPkg.getPackageInfoSync(name) ?? localPkg.getPackageInfoSync(name, { paths: [localPkg.resolveModule(name) || process.cwd()] }); } catch (e) { } } const hasVue = !!tryGetPackageInfo("vue"); const createProgram = !hasVue ? ts__default.createProgram : typescript.proxyCreateProgram(ts__default, ts__default.createProgram, (ts2, options) => { const { configFilePath } = options.options; const vueOptions = typeof configFilePath === "string" ? languageCore.createParsedCommandLine(ts2, ts2.sys, configFilePath.replace(/\\/g, "/")).vueOptions : languageCore.resolveVueCompilerOptions({}); const vueLanguagePlugin = languageCore.createVueLanguagePlugin( ts2, options.options, vueOptions, (id) => id ); return [vueLanguagePlugin]; }); const dtsRE$1 = /\.d\.(m|c)?tsx?$/; function rollupDeclarationFiles({ root, configPath, compilerOptions, outDir, entryPath, fileName, libFolder, rollupConfig = {}, rollupOptions = {} }) { const configObjectFullPath = resolve(root, "api-extractor.json"); if (!dtsRE$1.test(fileName)) { fileName += ".d.ts"; } if (/preserve/i.test(compilerOptions.module)) { compilerOptions = { ...compilerOptions, module: "ESNext" }; } const extractorConfig = apiExtractor.ExtractorConfig.prepare({ configObject: { ...rollupConfig, projectFolder: root, mainEntryPointFilePath: entryPath, compiler: { tsconfigFilePath: configPath, overrideTsconfig: { $schema: "http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig", compilerOptions } }, apiReport: { enabled: false, reportFileName: ".api.md", ...rollupConfig.apiReport }, docModel: { enabled: false, ...rollupConfig.docModel }, dtsRollup: { enabled: true, publicTrimmedFilePath: resolve(outDir, fileName) }, tsdocMetadata: { enabled: false, ...rollupConfig.tsdocMetadata }, messages: { compilerMessageReporting: { default: { logLevel: "none" } }, extractorMessageReporting: { default: { logLevel: "none" } }, ...rollupConfig.messages } }, configObjectFullPath, packageJsonFullPath: tryGetPkgPath(configObjectFullPath) }); return apiExtractor.Extractor.invoke(extractorConfig, { localBuild: false, showVerboseMessages: false, showDiagnostics: false, typescriptCompilerFolder: libFolder, ...rollupOptions }); } const jsonRE = /\.json$/; function JsonResolver() { return { name: "json", supports(id) { return jsonRE.test(id); }, transform({ id, root, program }) { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(id); if (!sourceFile) return []; return [ { path: node_path.relative(root, `${id}.d.ts`), content: `declare const _default: ${sourceFile.text}; export default _default; ` } ]; } }; } const svelteRE = /\.svelte$/; let lowerVersion; function querySvelteVersion() { if (typeof lowerVersion === "boolean") return; try { const version = tryGetPackageInfo("svelte")?.version; lowerVersion = version ? compareVersions.compare(version, "4.0.0", "<") : false; } catch (e) { lowerVersion = false; } } function SvelteResolver() { return { name: "svelte", supports(id) { return svelteRE.test(id); }, transform({ id, root }) { querySvelteVersion(); return [ { path: node_path.relative(root, `${id}.d.ts`), content: `export { ${lowerVersion ? "SvelteComponentTyped" : "SvelteComponent"} as default } from 'svelte'; ` } ]; } }; } const vueRE = /\.vue$/; function VueResolver() { return { name: "vue", supports(id) { return vueRE.test(id); }, transform({ id, code, program }) { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(id) || program.getSourceFile(id + ".ts") || program.getSourceFile(id + ".js") || program.getSourceFile(id + ".tsx") || program.getSourceFile(id + ".jsx"); if (!sourceFile) return []; const outputs = []; program.emit( sourceFile, (path, content) => { outputs.push({ path, content }); }, undefined, true ); if (!program.getCompilerOptions().declarationMap) return outputs; const [beforeScript] = code.split(/\s*/); const beforeLines = beforeScript.split("\n").length; for (const output of outputs) { if (output.path.endsWith(".map")) { try { const sourceMap = JSON.parse(output.content); sourceMap.sources = sourceMap.sources.map( (source) => source.replace(/\.vue\.ts$/, ".vue") ); if (beforeScript && beforeScript !== code && beforeLines) { sourceMap.mappings = `${base64VLQEncode([0, 0, beforeLines, 0])};${sourceMap.mappings}`; } output.content = JSON.stringify(sourceMap); } catch (e) { } } } return outputs; } }; } function parseResolvers(resolvers) { const nameMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const resolver of resolvers) { resolver.name && nameMap.set(resolver.name, resolver); } return Array.from(nameMap.values()); } const globSuffixRE = /^((?:.*\.[^.]+)|(?:\*+))$/; function normalizeGlob(path) { if (/[\\/]$/.test(path)) { return path + "**"; } else if (!globSuffixRE.test(path.split(/[\\/]/).pop())) { return path + "/**"; } return path; } function walkSourceFile(sourceFile, callback) { function walkNode(node, parent, callback2) { if (callback2(node, parent) !== false) { node.forEachChild((child) => walkNode(child, node, callback2)); } } sourceFile.forEachChild((child) => walkNode(child, sourceFile, callback)); } function isAliasMatch(alias, importer) { if (isRegExp(alias.find)) return alias.find.test(importer); if (importer.length < alias.find.length) return false; if (importer === alias.find) return true; return importer.indexOf(alias.find) === 0 && (alias.find.endsWith("/") || importer.substring(alias.find.length)[0] === "/"); } function transformAlias(importer, dir, aliases, aliasesExclude) { if (aliases.length && !aliasesExclude.some((e) => isRegExp(e) ? e.test(importer) : String(e) === importer)) { const matchedAlias = aliases.find((alias) => isAliasMatch(alias, importer)); if (matchedAlias) { const replacement = node_path.isAbsolute(matchedAlias.replacement) ? normalizePath(node_path.relative(dir, matchedAlias.replacement)) : normalizePath(matchedAlias.replacement); const endsWithSlash = typeof matchedAlias.find === "string" ? matchedAlias.find.endsWith("/") : importer.match(matchedAlias.find)[0].endsWith("/"); const truthPath = importer.replace( matchedAlias.find, replacement + (endsWithSlash ? "/" : "") ); const absolutePath = node_path.resolve(dir, truthPath); const normalizedPath = normalizePath(node_path.relative(dir, absolutePath)); const resultPath = normalizedPath.startsWith(".") ? normalizedPath : `./${normalizedPath}`; if (!isAliasGlobal(matchedAlias)) return resultPath; if (importResolves(absolutePath)) return resultPath; } } return importer; } const vlsRE = /^_?__VLS_/; function isVLSNode(node) { if (ts__default.isVariableStatement(node)) { return node.declarationList.declarations.some( (d) => ts__default.isIdentifier(d.name) && vlsRE.test(`${d.name.escapedText}`) ); } if (ts__default.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) { return vlsRE.test(`${node.name.escapedText}`); } if (ts__default.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { return !!node.name && vlsRE.test(`${node.name.escapedText}`); } return false; } function transformCode(options) { const s = new MagicString__default(options.content); const ast = ts__default.createSourceFile("a.ts", options.content, ts__default.ScriptTarget.Latest); const dir = node_path.dirname(options.filePath); const importMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const usedDefault = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const declareModules = []; const toLibName = (origin) => { const name = transformAlias(origin, dir, options.aliases, options.aliasesExclude); return options.cleanVueFileName ? name.replace(/\.vue$/, "") : name; }; let indexCount = 0; let importCount = 0; walkSourceFile(ast, (node, parent) => { if (ts__default.isImportDeclaration(node)) { if (!node.importClause) { options.clearPureImport && s.remove(node.pos, node.end); ++importCount; } else if (ts__default.isStringLiteral(node.moduleSpecifier) && (node.importClause.name || node.importClause.namedBindings && ts__default.isNamedImports(node.importClause.namedBindings))) { const libName = toLibName(node.moduleSpecifier.text); const importSet = importMap.get(libName) ?? importMap.set(libName, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()).get(libName); if (node.importClause.name && !usedDefault.has(libName)) { const usedType = node.importClause.name.escapedText; usedDefault.set(libName, usedType); importSet.add(`default as ${usedType}`); } if (node.importClause.namedBindings && ts__default.isNamedImports(node.importClause.namedBindings)) { node.importClause.namedBindings.elements.forEach((element) => { if (element.propertyName) { importSet.add(`${element.propertyName.escapedText} as ${element.name.escapedText}`); } else { importSet.add(element.name.escapedText); } }); } s.remove(node.pos, node.end); ++importCount; } return false; } if (ts__default.isImportTypeNode(node) && node.qualifier && ts__default.isLiteralTypeNode(node.argument) && ts__default.isIdentifier(node.qualifier) && ts__default.isStringLiteral(node.argument.literal)) { const libName = toLibName(node.argument.literal.text); if (!options.staticImport) { s.update(node.argument.literal.pos, node.argument.literal.end, `'${libName}'`); return !!node.typeArguments; } const importSet = importMap.get(libName) ?? importMap.set(libName, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()).get(libName); let usedType = node.qualifier.escapedText; if (usedType === "default") { usedType = usedDefault.get(libName) ?? usedDefault.set(libName, `__DTS_DEFAULT_${indexCount++}__`).get(libName); importSet.add(`default as ${usedType}`); s.update(node.qualifier.pos, node.qualifier.end, usedType); } else { importSet.add(usedType); } if (ts__default.isImportTypeNode(parent) && parent.typeArguments && parent.typeArguments[0] === node) { s.remove(node.pos, node.argument.end + 2); } else { s.update(node.pos, node.argument.end + 2, " "); } return !!node.typeArguments; } if (ts__default.isCallExpression(node) && node.expression.kind === ts__default.SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword && ts__default.isStringLiteral(node.arguments[0])) { s.update( node.arguments[0].pos, node.arguments[0].end, `'${toLibName(node.arguments[0].text)}'` ); return false; } if (ts__default.isExportDeclaration(node) && node.moduleSpecifier && ts__default.isStringLiteral(node.moduleSpecifier)) { s.update( node.moduleSpecifier.pos, node.moduleSpecifier.end, ` '${toLibName(node.moduleSpecifier.text)}'` ); return false; } if (ts__default.isModuleDeclaration(node) && node.body && ts__default.isModuleBlock(node.body)) { if (ts__default.isIdentifier(node.name) && node.name.escapedText === "global" && node.body.statements.some(isVLSNode)) { s.remove(node.pos, node.end); } else if (node.modifiers?.[0] && node.modifiers[0].kind === ts__default.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword && !node.body.statements.some( (s2) => ts__default.isExportAssignment(s2) || ts__default.isExportDeclaration(s2) || ts__default.isImportDeclaration(s2) )) { declareModules.push(s.slice(node.pos, node.end + 1)); } return false; } }); let prependImports = ""; importMap.forEach((importSet, libName) => { prependImports += `import { ${Array.from(importSet).join(", ")} } from '${libName}'; `; }); s.trimStart("\n").prepend(prependImports); return { content: s.toString(), declareModules, diffLineCount: importMap.size && importCount < importMap.size ? importMap.size - importCount : null }; } function hasNormalExport(content) { const ast = ts__default.createSourceFile("a.ts", content, ts__default.ScriptTarget.Latest); let has = false; walkSourceFile(ast, (node) => { if (ts__default.isExportDeclaration(node)) { if (node.exportClause && ts__default.isNamedExports(node.exportClause)) { for (const element of node.exportClause.elements) { if (element.name.escapedText !== "default") { has = true; break; } } } else { has = true; } } else if ("modifiers" in node && Array.isArray(node.modifiers) && node.modifiers.length > 1) { for (let i = 0, len = node.modifiers.length; i < len; ++i) { if (node.modifiers[i].kind === ts__default.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword && node.modifiers[i + 1]?.kind !== ts__default.SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword) { has = true; break; } } } return false; }); return has; } function hasExportDefault(content) { const ast = ts__default.createSourceFile("a.ts", content, ts__default.ScriptTarget.Latest); let has = false; walkSourceFile(ast, (node) => { if (ts__default.isExportAssignment(node)) { has = true; } else if (ts__default.isExportDeclaration(node) && node.exportClause && ts__default.isNamedExports(node.exportClause)) { for (const element of node.exportClause.elements) { if (element.name.escapedText === "default") { has = true; break; } } } else if ("modifiers" in node && Array.isArray(node.modifiers) && node.modifiers.length > 1) { for (let i = 0, len = node.modifiers.length; i < len; ++i) { if (node.modifiers[i].kind === ts__default.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword && node.modifiers[i + 1]?.kind === ts__default.SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword) { has = true; break; } } } return false; }); return has; } const jsRE = /\.(m|c)?jsx?$/; const tsRE = /\.(m|c)?tsx?$/; const dtsRE = /\.d\.(m|c)?tsx?$/; const tjsRE = /\.(m|c)?(t|j)sx?$/; const mtjsRE = /\.m(t|j)sx?$/; const ctjsRE = /\.c(t|j)sx?$/; const fullRelativeRE = /^\.\.?\//; const defaultIndex = "index.d.ts"; const pluginName = "vite:dts"; const logPrefix = kolorist.cyan(`[${pluginName}]`); const bundleDebug = debug__default("vite-plugin-dts:bundle"); const fixedCompilerOptions = { noEmit: false, declaration: true, emitDeclarationOnly: true, noUnusedParameters: false, checkJs: false, skipLibCheck: true, preserveSymlinks: false, noEmitOnError: undefined, target: ts__default.ScriptTarget.ESNext }; const noop = () => { }; const extPrefix = (file) => mtjsRE.test(file) ? "m" : ctjsRE.test(file) ? "c" : ""; const tsToDts = (path) => `${path.replace(tsRE, "")}.d.ts`; function dtsPlugin(options = {}) { const { tsconfigPath, logLevel, staticImport = false, clearPureImport = true, cleanVueFileName = false, insertTypesEntry = false, rollupTypes = false, pathsToAliases = true, aliasesExclude = [], rollupOptions = {}, copyDtsFiles = false, declarationOnly = false, strictOutput = true, afterDiagnostic = noop, beforeWriteFile = noop, afterRollup = noop, afterBuild = noop } = options; let root = ensureAbsolute(options.root ?? "", process.cwd()); let publicRoot = ""; let entryRoot = options.entryRoot ?? ""; let configPath; let compilerOptions; let rawCompilerOptions; let outDirs; let entries; let include; let exclude; let aliases; let libName; let indexName; let logger; let host; let program; let filter; let rootNames = []; let rebuildProgram; let bundled = false; let timeRecord = 0; const resolvers = parseResolvers([ JsonResolver(), VueResolver(), SvelteResolver(), ...options.resolvers || [] ]); const rootFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const outputFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const transformedFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const setOutputFile = (path, content) => { outputFiles.set(path, content); }; const rollupConfig = { ...options.rollupConfig || {} }; rollupConfig.bundledPackages = rollupConfig.bundledPackages || options.bundledPackages || []; const cleanPath = (path, emittedFiles) => { const newPath = path.replace(".vue.d.ts", ".d.ts"); return !emittedFiles.has(newPath) && cleanVueFileName ? newPath : path; }; return { name: pluginName, apply: "build", enforce: "pre", config(config) { const aliasOptions = config?.resolve?.alias ?? []; if (isNativeObj(aliasOptions)) { aliases = Object.entries(aliasOptions).map(([key, value]) => { return { find: key, replacement: value }; }); } else { aliases = ensureArray(aliasOptions).map((alias) => ({ ...alias })); } if (aliasesExclude.length > 0) { aliases = aliases.filter( ({ find }) => !aliasesExclude.some( (aliasExclude) => aliasExclude && (isRegExp(find) ? find.toString() === aliasExclude.toString() : isRegExp(aliasExclude) ? find.match(aliasExclude)?.[0] : find === aliasExclude) ) ); } for (const alias of aliases) { alias.replacement = resolve(alias.replacement); } }, async configResolved(config) { logger = logLevel ? (await import('vite')).createLogger(logLevel, { allowClearScreen: config.clearScreen }) : config.logger; root = ensureAbsolute(options.root ?? "", config.root); if (config.build.lib) { const input = typeof config.build.lib.entry === "string" ? [config.build.lib.entry] : config.build.lib.entry; if (Array.isArray(input)) { entries = input.reduce( (prev, current) => { prev[node_path.basename(current)] = current; return prev; }, {} ); } else { entries = { ...input }; } const filename = config.build.lib.fileName ?? defaultIndex; const entry = typeof config.build.lib.entry === "string" ? config.build.lib.entry : Object.values(config.build.lib.entry)[0]; libName = config.build.lib.name || "_default"; indexName = typeof filename === "string" ? filename : filename("es", entry); if (!dtsRE.test(indexName)) { indexName = `${indexName.replace(tjsRE, "")}.d.${extPrefix(indexName)}ts`; } } else { logger.warn( ` ${logPrefix} ${kolorist.yellow( "You are building a library that may not need to generate declaration files." )} ` ); libName = "_default"; indexName = defaultIndex; } if (!options.outDir) { outDirs = [ensureAbsolute(config.build.outDir, root)]; } bundleDebug("parse vite config"); }, options(options2) { if (entries) return; const input = typeof options2.input === "string" ? [options2.input] : options2.input; if (Array.isArray(input)) { entries = input.reduce( (prev, current) => { prev[node_path.basename(current)] = current; return prev; }, {} ); } else { entries = { ...input }; } logger = logger || console; aliases = aliases || []; libName = "_default"; indexName = defaultIndex; bundleDebug("parse options"); }, async buildStart() { if (program) return; bundleDebug("begin buildStart"); timeRecord = 0; const startTime = Date.now(); configPath = tsconfigPath ? ensureAbsolute(tsconfigPath, root) : ts__default.findConfigFile(root, ts__default.sys.fileExists); const content = configPath ? languageCore.createParsedCommandLine(ts__default, ts__default.sys, configPath) : undefined; compilerOptions = { ...content?.options || {}, ...options.compilerOptions || {}, ...fixedCompilerOptions, outDir: ".", declarationDir: "." }; rawCompilerOptions = content?.raw.compilerOptions || {}; if (content?.fileNames.find((name) => name.endsWith(".vue"))) { setModuleResolution(compilerOptions); } if (!outDirs) { outDirs = options.outDir ? ensureArray(options.outDir).map((d) => ensureAbsolute(d, root)) : [ ensureAbsolute( content?.raw.compilerOptions?.outDir ? resolveConfigDir(content.raw.compilerOptions.outDir, root) : "dist", root ) ]; } const { // Here we are using the default value to set the `baseUrl` to the current directory if no value exists. This is // the same behavior as the TS Compiler. See TS source: // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/3386e943215613c40f68ba0b108cda1ddb7faee1/src/compiler/utilities.ts#L6493-L6501 baseUrl = compilerOptions.paths ? process.cwd() : undefined, paths } = compilerOptions; if (pathsToAliases && baseUrl && paths) { aliases.push( ...parseTsAliases( ensureAbsolute( resolveConfigDir(baseUrl, root), configPath ? node_path.dirname(configPath) : root ), paths ) ); } const computeGlobs = (rootGlobs, tsGlobs, defaultGlob) => { if (rootGlobs?.length) { return ensureArray(rootGlobs).map( (glob) => normalizeGlob(ensureAbsolute(resolveConfigDir(glob, root), root)) ); } return ensureArray(tsGlobs?.length ? tsGlobs : defaultGlob).map( (glob) => normalizeGlob( ensureAbsolute(resolveConfigDir(glob, root), configPath ? node_path.dirname(configPath) : root) ) ); }; include = computeGlobs( options.include, [...ensureArray(content?.raw.include ?? []), ...ensureArray(content?.raw.files ?? [])], "**/*" ); exclude = computeGlobs(options.exclude, content?.raw.exclude, "node_modules/**"); filter = pluginutils.createFilter(include, exclude); rootNames = [ ...new Set( Object.values(entries).map((entry) => ensureAbsolute(entry, root)).concat(content?.fileNames.filter(filter) || []).map(normalizePath) ) ]; host = ts__default.createCompilerHost(compilerOptions); program = (rebuildProgram = () => createProgram({ host, rootNames, options: compilerOptions, projectReferences: content?.projectReferences }))(); libName = toCapitalCase(libName || "_default"); indexName = indexName || defaultIndex; const maybeEmitted = (sourceFile) => { return !(compilerOptions.noEmitForJsFiles && jsRE.test(sourceFile.fileName)) && !sourceFile.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(sourceFile); }; publicRoot = compilerOptions.rootDir ? ensureAbsolute(resolveConfigDir(compilerOptions.rootDir, root), root) : compilerOptions.composite && compilerOptions.configFilePath ? node_path.dirname(compilerOptions.configFilePath) : queryPublicPath( program.getSourceFiles().filter(maybeEmitted).map((sourceFile) => sourceFile.fileName) ); publicRoot = normalizePath(publicRoot); entryRoot = entryRoot || publicRoot; entryRoot = ensureAbsolute(entryRoot, root); const diagnostics = [ ...program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(), ...program.getSemanticDiagnostics(), ...program.getSyntacticDiagnostics() ]; if (diagnostics?.length) { logger.error(ts__default.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics, host)); } if (typeof afterDiagnostic === "function") { await unwrapPromise(afterDiagnostic(diagnostics)); } for (const file of rootNames) { this.addWatchFile(file); rootFiles.add(file); } bundleDebug("create ts program"); timeRecord += Date.now() - startTime; }, async transform(code, id) { let resolver; id = normalizePath(id).split("?")[0]; if (!host || !program || !filter(id) || !(resolver = resolvers.find((r) => r.supports(id))) && !tjsRE.test(id) || transformedFiles.has(id)) { return; } const startTime = Date.now(); const outDir = outDirs[0]; rootFiles.delete(id); transformedFiles.add(id); if (resolver) { const result = await resolver.transform({ id, code, root: publicRoot, outDir, host, program }); for (const { path, content } of result) { setOutputFile( resolve(publicRoot, node_path.relative(outDir, ensureAbsolute(path, outDir))), content ); } } else { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(id); if (sourceFile) { program.emit( sourceFile, (name, text) => { setOutputFile( resolve(publicRoot, node_path.relative(outDir, ensureAbsolute(name, outDir))), text ); }, undefined, true ); } } const dtsId = id.replace(tjsRE, "") + ".d.ts"; const dtsSourceFile = program.getSourceFile(dtsId); dtsSourceFile && filter(dtsSourceFile.fileName) && setOutputFile(normalizePath(dtsSourceFile.fileName), dtsSourceFile.getFullText()); timeRecord += Date.now() - startTime; }, watchChange(id) { id = normalizePath(id); if (!host || !program || !filter(id) || !resolvers.find((r) => r.supports(id)) && !tjsRE.test(id)) { return; } id = id.split("?")[0]; const sourceFile = host.getSourceFile(id, ts__default.ScriptTarget.ESNext); if (sourceFile) { for (const file of rootNames) { rootFiles.add(file); } rootFiles.add(normalizePath(sourceFile.fileName)); bundled = false; timeRecord = 0; program = rebuildProgram(); } }, async writeBundle() { transformedFiles.clear(); if (!host || !program || bundled) return; bundled = true; bundleDebug("begin writeBundle"); logger.info(kolorist.green(` ${logPrefix} Start generate declaration files...`)); const startTime = Date.now(); const outDir = outDirs[0]; const emittedFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const declareModules = []; const writeOutput = async (path, content, outDir2, record = true) => { if (typeof beforeWriteFile === "function") { const result = await unwrapPromise(beforeWriteFile(path, content)); if (result === false) return; if (result) { path = result.filePath || path; content = result.content ?? content; } } path = normalizePath(path); const dir = normalizePath(node_path.dirname(path)); if (strictOutput && !dir.startsWith(normalizePath(outDir2))) { logger.warn(`${logPrefix} ${kolorist.yellow("Outside emitted:")} ${path}`); return; } if (!node_fs.existsSync(dir)) { await promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }); } await promises.writeFile(path, content, "utf-8"); record && emittedFiles.set(path, content); }; const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles(); for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) { if (!filter(sourceFile.fileName)) continue; if (copyDtsFiles && dtsRE.test(sourceFile.fileName)) { setOutputFile(normalizePath(sourceFile.fileName), sourceFile.getFullText()); } if (rootFiles.has(sourceFile.fileName)) { program.emit( sourceFile, (name, text) => { setOutputFile( resolve(publicRoot, node_path.relative(outDir, ensureAbsolute(name, outDir))), text ); }, undefined, true ); rootFiles.delete(sourceFile.fileName); } } bundleDebug("emit output patch"); const currentDir = host.getCurrentDirectory(); const declarationFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const mapFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const prependMappings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [filePath, content] of outputFiles.entries()) { if (filePath.endsWith(".map")) { mapFiles.set(filePath, content); } else { declarationFiles.set(filePath, content); } } await runParallel( node_os.cpus().length, Array.from(declarationFiles.entries()), async ([filePath, content]) => { const newFilePath = resolve( outDir, node_path.relative( entryRoot, cleanVueFileName ? filePath.replace(".vue.d.ts", ".d.ts") : filePath ) ); if (content) { const result = transformCode({ filePath, content, aliases, aliasesExclude, staticImport, clearPureImport, cleanVueFileName }); content = result.content; declareModules.push(...result.declareModules); if (result.diffLineCount) { prependMappings.set(`${newFilePath}.map`, ";".repeat(result.diffLineCount)); } } await writeOutput(newFilePath, content, outDir); } ); await runParallel( node_os.cpus().length, Array.from(mapFiles.entries()), async ([filePath, content]) => { const baseDir = node_path.dirname(filePath); filePath = resolve( outDir, node_path.relative( entryRoot, cleanVueFileName ? filePath.replace(".vue.d.ts", ".d.ts") : filePath ) ); try { const sourceMap = JSON.parse(content); sourceMap.sources = sourceMap.sources.map((source) => { return normalizePath( node_path.relative( node_path.dirname(filePath), resolve(currentDir, node_path.relative(publicRoot, baseDir), source) ) ); }); if (prependMappings.has(filePath)) { sourceMap.mappings = `${prependMappings.get(filePath)}${sourceMap.mappings}`; } content = JSON.stringify(sourceMap); } catch (e) { logger.warn(`${logPrefix} ${kolorist.yellow("Processing source map fail:")} ${filePath}`); } await writeOutput(filePath, content, outDir); } ); bundleDebug("write output"); if (insertTypesEntry || rollupTypes) { const pkgPath = tryGetPkgPath(root); let pkg; try { pkg = pkgPath && node_fs.existsSync(pkgPath) ? JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(pkgPath, "utf-8")) : {}; } catch (e) { } const entryNames = Object.keys(entries); const types = findTypesPath(pkg.publishConfig, pkg); const multiple = entryNames.length > 1; let typesPath = cleanPath( types ? resolve(root, types) : resolve(outDir, indexName), emittedFiles ); if (!multiple && !dtsRE.test(typesPath)) { logger.warn( ` ${logPrefix} ${kolorist.yellow( "The resolved path of type entry is not ending with '.d.ts'." )} ` ); typesPath = `${typesPath.replace(tjsRE, "")}.d.${extPrefix(typesPath)}ts`; } for (const name of entryNames) { const entryDtsPath = multiple ? cleanPath(resolve(outDir, tsToDts(name)), emittedFiles) : typesPath; if (node_fs.existsSync(entryDtsPath)) continue; const sourceEntry = normalizePath( cleanPath(resolve(outDir, node_path.relative(entryRoot, tsToDts(entries[name]))), emittedFiles) ); let fromPath = normalizePath(node_path.relative(node_path.dirname(entryDtsPath), sourceEntry)); fromPath = fromPath.replace(dtsRE, ""); fromPath = fullRelativeRE.test(fromPath) ? fromPath : `./${fromPath}`; let content = "export {}\n"; if (emittedFiles.has(sourceEntry)) { if (hasNormalExport(emittedFiles.get(sourceEntry))) { content = `export * from '${fromPath}' ${content}`; } if (hasExportDefault(emittedFiles.get(sourceEntry))) { content += `import ${libName} from '${fromPath}' export default ${libName} ${content}`; } } await writeOutput(cleanPath(entryDtsPath, emittedFiles), content, outDir); } bundleDebug("insert index"); if (rollupTypes) { logger.info(kolorist.green(`${logPrefix} Start rollup declaration files...`)); const rollupFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const compilerOptions2 = configPath ? getTsConfig(configPath, host.readFile).compilerOptions : rawCompilerOptions; const rollup = async (path) => { const result = rollupDeclarationFiles({ root, configPath, compilerOptions: compilerOptions2, outDir, entryPath: path, fileName: node_path.basename(path), libFolder: getTsLibFolder(), rollupConfig, rollupOptions }); emittedFiles.delete(path); rollupFiles.add(path); if (typeof afterRollup === "function") { await unwrapPromise(afterRollup(result)); } }; if (multiple) { await runParallel(node_os.cpus().length, entryNames, async (name) => { await rollup(cleanPath(resolve(outDir, tsToDts(name)), emittedFiles)); }); } else { await rollup(typesPath); } await runParallel(node_os.cpus().length, Array.from(emittedFiles.keys()), (f) => promises.unlink(f)); removeDirIfEmpty(outDir); emittedFiles.clear(); const declared = declareModules.join("\n"); await runParallel(node_os.cpus().length, [...rollupFiles], async (filePath) => { await writeOutput( filePath, await promises.readFile(filePath, "utf-8") + (declared ? ` ${declared}` : ""), node_path.dirname(filePath) ); }); bundleDebug("rollup output"); } } if (outDirs.length > 1) { const extraOutDirs = outDirs.slice(1); await runParallel(node_os.cpus().length, Array.from(emittedFiles), async ([wroteFile, content]) => { const relativePath = node_path.relative(outDir, wroteFile); await Promise.all( extraOutDirs.map(async (targetOutDir) => { const path = resolve(targetOutDir, relativePath); if (wroteFile.endsWith(".map")) { if (!editSourceMapDir(content, outDir, targetOutDir)) { logger.warn(`${logPrefix} ${kolorist.yellow("Processing source map fail:")} ${path}`); } } await writeOutput(path, content, targetOutDir, false); }) ); }); } if (typeof afterBuild === "function") { await unwrapPromise(afterBuild(emittedFiles)); } bundleDebug("finish"); logger.info( kolorist.green(`${logPrefix} Declaration files built in ${timeRecord + Date.now() - startTime}ms. `) ); }, generateBundle(_, bundle) { if (declarationOnly) { for (const id of Object.keys(bundle)) { delete bundle[id]; } } } }; } exports.default = dtsPlugin; exports.editSourceMapDir = editSourceMapDir;