"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { default: () => webExtension, readJsonFile: () => readJsonFile }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/plugins/manifest-loader-plugin.ts var vite4 = __toESM(require("vite"), 1); // src/constants.ts var MANIFEST_LOADER_PLUGIN_NAME = `web-extension:manifest`; var LABELED_STEP_PLUGIN_NAME = `web-extension:labeled-step`; var MULTIBUILD_COMPLETE_PLUGIN_NAME = `web-extension:multibuild`; var BUNDLE_TRACKER_PLUGIN_NAME = `web-extension:bundle-tracker`; var HMR_REWRITE_PLUGIN_NAME = `web-extension:hmr-rewrite`; // src/logger.ts var RESET = "\x1B[0m"; var BOLD = "\x1B[1m"; var DIM = "\x1B[2m"; var RED = "\x1B[91m"; var GREEN = "\x1B[92m"; var YELLOW = "\x1B[93m"; var BLUE = "\x1B[94m"; var VIOLET = "\x1B[95m"; var CYAN = "\x1B[96m"; function createLogger(verbose, disableColor) { if (disableColor) { RESET = ""; BOLD = ""; DIM = ""; RED = ""; GREEN = ""; YELLOW = ""; BLUE = ""; VIOLET = ""; CYAN = ""; } return { verbose(message) { if (!verbose) return; console.debug( message.split("\n").map( (line) => ` ${BOLD}${DIM}${MANIFEST_LOADER_PLUGIN_NAME}${RESET} ${line}` ).join("\n") ); }, log(message) { console.log(message); }, warn(message) { console.warn( message.split("\n").map( (line) => `${BOLD}${YELLOW}[${MANIFEST_LOADER_PLUGIN_NAME}] WARN: ${line}${RESET}` ).join("\n") ); }, error(message, err) { console.error( message.split("\n").map( (line) => `${BOLD}${RED}[${MANIFEST_LOADER_PLUGIN_NAME}] ERROR: ${line}${RESET}` ).join("\n") ); console.error(err); } }; } // src/build/build-context.ts var import_util2 = require("util"); var vite3 = __toESM(require("vite"), 1); // src/utils.ts var import_node_path = __toESM(require("path"), 1); function compact(array) { return array.filter((item) => item != null); } function trimExtension(filename) { return filename == null ? void 0 : filename.replace(import_node_path.default.extname(filename), ""); } function colorizeFilename(filename) { let color = CYAN; if (filename.match(/\.(html|pug)$/)) color = GREEN; if (filename.match(/\.(css|scss|stylus|sass|png|jpg|jpeg|webp|webm|svg|ico)$/)) color = VIOLET; return `${color}${filename}${RESET}`; } function defineNoRollupInput() { const tempId = "virtual:temp.js"; const tempResolvedId = "\0" + tempId; const tempContent = "export const temp = true;"; return { /** * Config used to ensure no inputs are required. */ config: { build: { lib: { entry: tempId, formats: ["es"], // ES is the most minimal format. Since this is excluded from the bundle, this doesn't matter name: tempId, fileName: tempId } } }, /** * Handle resolving the temp entry id. */ resolveId(id) { if (id.includes(tempId)) return tempResolvedId; }, /** * Handle loading a non-empty, basic JS script for the temp input */ load(id) { if (id === tempResolvedId) return tempContent; }, /** * Remove the temporary input from the final bundle. */ cleanupBundle(bundle) { const tempAsset = Object.entries(bundle).find( ([_, asset]) => asset.type === "chunk" && asset.facadeModuleId === tempResolvedId ) ?? []; if ((tempAsset == null ? void 0 : tempAsset[0]) && bundle[tempAsset[0]]) delete bundle[tempAsset[0]]; } }; } function getRootDir(config) { const cwd = process.cwd(); const configFileDir = config.configFile ? import_node_path.default.resolve(cwd, config.configFile) : cwd; return import_node_path.default.resolve(configFileDir, config.root); } function getOutDir(config) { const { outDir } = config.build; return import_node_path.default.resolve(getRootDir(config), outDir); } function getPublicDir(config) { if (config.publicDir === "") return; return import_node_path.default.resolve(getRootDir(config), config.publicDir ?? "public"); } function getInputPaths(paths, input) { let inputs; if (typeof input === "string") inputs = [input]; else if (Array.isArray(input)) inputs = input; else if ("entry" in input) inputs = getInputPaths(paths, input.entry); else inputs = Object.values(input); return inputs.map((file) => { if (import_node_path.default.isAbsolute(file)) return import_node_path.default.relative(paths.rootDir, file).replaceAll("\\", "/"); return file.replaceAll("\\", "/"); }); } function resolveBrowserTagsInObject(browser, object) { if (Array.isArray(object)) { return object.map((item) => resolveBrowserTagsInObject(browser, item)).filter((item) => !!item); } else if (typeof object === "object") { return Object.keys(object).reduce((newObject, key) => { if (!key.startsWith("{{") || key.startsWith(`{{${browser}}}.`)) { newObject[key.replace(`{{${browser}}}.`, "")] = resolveBrowserTagsInObject(browser, object[key]); } return newObject; }, {}); } else if (typeof object === "string") { if (!object.startsWith("{{") || object.startsWith(`{{${browser}}}.`)) { return object.replace(`{{${browser}}}.`, ""); } return void 0; } else { return object; } } function withTimeout(promise, duration) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { rej(`Promise timed out after ${duration}ms`); }, duration); promise.then(res).catch(rej).finally(() => clearTimeout(timeout)); }); } function getOutputFile(file) { return file.replace(/\.(pug)$/, ".html").replace(/\.(scss|stylus|sass)$/, ".css").replace(/\.(jsx|ts|tsx)$/, ".js"); } // src/plugins/labeled-step-plugin.ts function labeledStepPlugin(logger, total, index, paths) { let finalConfig; let buildCount = 0; function printFirstBuild() { var _a, _b; logger.log(""); const progressLabel = `(${index + 1}/${total})`; const input = ((_b = (_a = finalConfig.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.rollupOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b.input) || finalConfig.build.lib; if (!input) { logger.warn(`Building unknown config ${progressLabel}`); return; } const inputs = getInputPaths(paths, input); logger.log( `Building ${inputs.map(colorizeFilename).join(", ")} ${progressLabel}` ); } function printRebuilds() { var _a, _b; const input = (_b = (_a = finalConfig.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.rollupOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b.input; if (input == null) { logger.warn("Rebuilding unknown config"); return; } const files = getInputPaths(paths, input); logger.log(`Rebuilding ${files.map(colorizeFilename).join(", ")}`); } return { name: LABELED_STEP_PLUGIN_NAME, configResolved(config) { finalConfig = config; if (buildCount == 0) printFirstBuild(); else printRebuilds(); buildCount++; } }; } // src/plugins/multibuild-complete-plugin.ts var import_async_lock = __toESM(require("async-lock"), 1); function createMultibuildCompleteManager(onBuildsSucceeded) { let activeBuilds = 0; const buildStatuses = {}; let nextBuildId = 0; let hasTriggeredCallback = false; const lock = new import_async_lock.default(); const lockKey = "builds"; function incrementBuildCount(buildId) { return lock.acquire(lockKey, () => { activeBuilds++; hasTriggeredCallback = false; delete buildStatuses[buildId]; }); } function decreaseBuildCount(buildId, err) { return lock.acquire(lockKey, async () => { activeBuilds--; if (err == null) delete buildStatuses[buildId]; else buildStatuses[buildId] = err; }); } function checkCompleted() { return lock.acquire(lockKey, async () => { if (activeBuilds === 0 && Object.values(buildStatuses).length === 0 && !hasTriggeredCallback) { hasTriggeredCallback = true; await onBuildsSucceeded(); } }); } return { plugin() { const buildId = nextBuildId++; incrementBuildCount(buildId); let hasBuildOnce = false; return { name: MULTIBUILD_COMPLETE_PLUGIN_NAME, enforce: "post", async buildStart() { if (hasBuildOnce) await incrementBuildCount(buildId); hasBuildOnce = true; }, /** * This hook is called regardless of if the build threw an error, so it's the only reliable * place that can decrement the build counter regardless of build success. */ async buildEnd(err) { await decreaseBuildCount(buildId, err); }, /** * Call the completed callback AFTER the bundle has closed, so output files have been * written to the disk. * * This is only called on success. Only when the SLOWEST build finishes on success. So we * still need to check to make sure all builds have finished and were successful. We also * only want to cal the callback from one of the plugin instances, not all of them. So we * only call the callback from the first plugin instance that finished. */ async closeBundle() { await checkCompleted(); } }; } }; } // src/plugins/bundle-tracker-plugin.ts function bundleTrackerPlugin() { let chunks; return { name: BUNDLE_TRACKER_PLUGIN_NAME, buildStart() { chunks = void 0; }, writeBundle(_, bundle) { chunks = Object.values(bundle).map((chunk) => chunk.fileName); }, getChunks: () => chunks }; } // src/build/getViteConfigsForInputs.ts var import_node_path2 = __toESM(require("path"), 1); var vite2 = __toESM(require("vite"), 1); // src/plugins/hmr-rewrite-plugin.ts var vite = __toESM(require("vite"), 1); var import_linkedom = require("linkedom"); var import_path = __toESM(require("path"), 1); var import_util = require("util"); function hmrRewritePlugin(config) { const { paths, logger, server } = config; let inputIds = []; const serverOptions = server.config.server; let hmrOptions = typeof server.config.server.hmr === "object" ? server.config.server.hmr : void 0; function serializeDefine(define) { let res = `{`; const keys = Object.keys(define); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const val = define[key]; res += `${JSON.stringify(key)}: ${handleDefineValue(val)}`; if (i !== keys.length - 1) { res += `, `; } } return res + `}`; } function handleDefineValue(value) { if (typeof value === "undefined") return "undefined"; if (typeof value === "string") return value; return JSON.stringify(value); } return { name: HMR_REWRITE_PLUGIN_NAME, config(config2) { var _a, _b; inputIds = Object.values(((_b = (_a = config2.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.rollupOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b.input) ?? {}).map( (inputId) => vite.normalizePath(inputId) ); return { server: { hmr: { protocol: "http:", host: "localhost", port: 5173 } }, define: { // Coped from node_modules/vite, do a global search for: vite:client-inject // These are used in node_modules/vite/dist/client/client.mjs, check there to see if a var // can be null or not. __MODE__: JSON.stringify(config2.mode || null), __BASE__: JSON.stringify(serverOptions.base || "/"), __DEFINES__: serializeDefine(config2.define || {}), __SERVER_HOST__: JSON.stringify(serverOptions.host || "localhost"), __HMR_PROTOCOL__: JSON.stringify((hmrOptions == null ? void 0 : hmrOptions.protocol) || null), __HMR_HOSTNAME__: JSON.stringify((hmrOptions == null ? void 0 : hmrOptions.host) || "localhost"), __HMR_PORT__: JSON.stringify( (hmrOptions == null ? void 0 : hmrOptions.clientPort) || (hmrOptions == null ? void 0 : hmrOptions.port) || 5173 ), __HMR_DIRECT_TARGET__: JSON.stringify( `${serverOptions.host ?? "localhost"}:${serverOptions.port ?? 5173}${config2.base || "/"}` ), __HMR_BASE__: JSON.stringify(serverOptions.base ?? "/"), __HMR_TIMEOUT__: JSON.stringify((hmrOptions == null ? void 0 : hmrOptions.timeout) || 3e4), __HMR_ENABLE_OVERLAY__: JSON.stringify((hmrOptions == null ? void 0 : hmrOptions.overlay) !== false) } }; }, async transform(code, id) { if (!id.endsWith(".html") || !inputIds.includes(id)) return; const baseUrl = "http://localhost:5173"; const serverCode = await server.transformIndexHtml(id, code); const { document } = (0, import_linkedom.parseHTML)(serverCode); const pointToDevServer = (querySelector, attr) => { document.querySelectorAll(querySelector).forEach((element) => { const src = element.getAttribute(attr); if (!src) return; const before = element.outerHTML; if (import_path.default.isAbsolute(src)) { element.setAttribute(attr, baseUrl + src); } else if (src.startsWith(".")) { const abs = import_path.default.resolve(import_path.default.dirname(id), src); const pathname = import_path.default.relative(paths.rootDir, abs); element.setAttribute(attr, `${baseUrl}/${pathname}`); } const after = element.outerHTML; if (before !== after) { logger.verbose( "Transformed for dev mode: " + (0, import_util.inspect)({ before, after }) ); } }); }; pointToDevServer("script[type=module]", "src"); pointToDevServer("link[rel=stylesheet]", "href"); return document.toString(); } }; } // src/build/getViteConfigsForInputs.ts var HTML_ENTRY_REGEX = /\.(html)$/; var SCRIPT_ENTRY_REGEX = /\.(js|ts|mjs|mts)$/; var CSS_ENTRY_REGEX = /\.(css|scss|sass|less|stylus)$/; var CombinedViteConfigs = class { /** * A single config that builds all the HTML pages. */ html; /** * A single config that builds all the HTML pages for sandbox. These are separate from `html` * because we want to properly tree-shake out any browser API usages, since those APIs aren't * available in sandbox pages. */ sandbox; /** * All other JS inputs from the manifest and additional inputs are separated into their own * configs. * * Unlike tsup, Vite cannot be given multiple entry-points, and produce individual bundles for * each entrypoint. Vite can only produce code-split outputs that share other files, which * extensions cannot consume. So we build each of these separately. */ scripts; /** * CSS files cannot be built with vite 5 as the input to lib mode. */ css; /** * Similar to scripts, but for other file "types". Sometimes CSS, SCSS, JSON, images, etc, can be * passed into Vite directly. The most common case of this in extensions are CSS files listed for * content scripts. */ other; /** * The total number of configs required to build the extension. */ get count() { return this.all.length; } /** * Return all the configs as an array. */ get all() { return compact( [this.html, this.sandbox, this.scripts, this.css, this.other].flat() ); } applyBaseConfig(baseConfig) { var _a, _b, _c; if (this.html) this.html = vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, this.html); if (this.sandbox) this.sandbox = vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, this.sandbox); this.scripts = (_a = this.scripts) == null ? void 0 : _a.map( (config) => vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, config) ); this.css = (_b = this.css) == null ? void 0 : _b.map((config) => vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, config)); this.other = (_c = this.other) == null ? void 0 : _c.map( (config) => vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, config) ); } }; function getViteConfigsForInputs(options) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, _n, _o, _p; const { paths, additionalInputs, manifest, mode, logger, server } = options; const configs = new CombinedViteConfigs(); const processedInputs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const hasBeenProcessed = (input) => processedInputs.has(input); function getMultiPageConfig(entries, baseConfig) { const newEntries = entries.filter((entry) => !hasBeenProcessed(entry)); newEntries.forEach((entry) => processedInputs.add(entry)); if (newEntries.length === 0) return; const plugins = mode === 2 /* DEV */ ? [ hmrRewritePlugin({ server, paths, logger }) ] : []; const inputConfig = { plugins, build: { rollupOptions: { input: newEntries.reduce((input, entry) => { input[trimExtension(entry)] = import_node_path2.default.resolve(paths.rootDir, entry); return input; }, {}), output: { // Configure the output filenames so they appear in the same folder // - popup/index.html // - popup/index.js entryFileNames: `[name].js`, chunkFileNames: `[name].js`, /** * [name] for assetFileNames is either the filename or whole path. So if you * have two `index.html` files in different directories, they would overwrite each * other as `dist/index.css`. * * See [#47](https://github.com/aklinker1/vite-plugin-web-extension/issues/47) for * more details. */ assetFileNames: ({ name }) => { if (!name) return "[name].[ext]"; if (name && import_node_path2.default.isAbsolute(name)) { name = import_node_path2.default.relative(paths.rootDir, name); } return `${trimExtension(name)}.[ext]`; } } } } }; return vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, inputConfig); } function getIndividualConfig(entry, baseConfig) { if (hasBeenProcessed(entry)) return; processedInputs.add(entry); const moduleId = trimExtension(entry); const inputConfig = { build: { watch: mode !== 0 /* BUILD */ ? {} : void 0, lib: { name: "_", entry, formats: ["iife"], fileName: () => moduleId + ".js" } }, define: { // See https://github.com/aklinker1/vite-plugin-web-extension/issues/96 "process.env.NODE_ENV": `"${options.viteMode}"` } }; return vite2.mergeConfig(baseConfig, inputConfig); } function getHtmlConfig(entries) { return getMultiPageConfig(entries, options.baseHtmlViteConfig); } function getSandboxConfig(entries) { return getMultiPageConfig(entries, options.baseSandboxViteConfig); } function getScriptConfig(entry) { return getIndividualConfig(entry, options.baseScriptViteConfig); } function getOtherConfig(entry) { return getIndividualConfig(entry, options.baseOtherViteConfig); } function getCssConfig(entry) { return getMultiPageConfig([entry], options.baseOtherViteConfig); } const { htmlAdditionalInputs, otherAdditionalInputs, scriptAdditionalInputs, cssAdditionalInputs } = separateAdditionalInputs(additionalInputs); const htmlEntries = simplifyEntriesList([ (_a = manifest.action) == null ? void 0 : _a.default_popup, manifest.devtools_page, manifest.options_page, (_b = manifest.options_ui) == null ? void 0 : _b.page, (_c = manifest.browser_action) == null ? void 0 : _c.default_popup, (_d = manifest.page_action) == null ? void 0 : _d.default_popup, (_e = manifest.side_panel) == null ? void 0 : _e.default_path, (_f = manifest.sidebar_action) == null ? void 0 : _f.default_panel, (_g = manifest.background) == null ? void 0 : _g.page, (_h = manifest.chrome_url_overrides) == null ? void 0 : _h.bookmarks, (_i = manifest.chrome_url_overrides) == null ? void 0 : _i.history, (_j = manifest.chrome_url_overrides) == null ? void 0 : _j.newtab, (_k = manifest.chrome_settings_overrides) == null ? void 0 : _k.homepage, htmlAdditionalInputs ]); const sandboxEntries = simplifyEntriesList([(_l = manifest.sandbox) == null ? void 0 : _l.pages]); configs.html = getHtmlConfig(htmlEntries); configs.sandbox = getSandboxConfig(sandboxEntries); compact( simplifyEntriesList([ (_m = manifest.background) == null ? void 0 : _m.service_worker, (_n = manifest.background) == null ? void 0 : _n.scripts, (_o = manifest.content_scripts) == null ? void 0 : _o.flatMap( (cs) => cs.js ), scriptAdditionalInputs ]).map(getScriptConfig) ).forEach((scriptConfig) => { configs.scripts ?? (configs.scripts = []); configs.scripts.push(scriptConfig); }); compact( simplifyEntriesList([ (_p = manifest.content_scripts) == null ? void 0 : _p.flatMap( (cs) => cs.css ), cssAdditionalInputs ]).map(getCssConfig) ).forEach((cssConfig) => { configs.css ?? (configs.css = []); configs.css.push(cssConfig); }); compact( simplifyEntriesList([otherAdditionalInputs]).map(getOtherConfig) ).forEach((otherConfig) => { configs.other ?? (configs.other = []); configs.other.push(otherConfig); }); validateCombinedViteConfigs(configs); return configs; } function separateAdditionalInputs(additionalInputs) { const scriptAdditionalInputs = []; const otherAdditionalInputs = []; const htmlAdditionalInputs = []; const cssAdditionalInputs = []; additionalInputs == null ? void 0 : additionalInputs.forEach((input) => { if (HTML_ENTRY_REGEX.test(input)) htmlAdditionalInputs.push(input); else if (SCRIPT_ENTRY_REGEX.test(input)) scriptAdditionalInputs.push(input); else if (CSS_ENTRY_REGEX.test(input)) cssAdditionalInputs.push(input); else scriptAdditionalInputs.push(input); }); return { scriptAdditionalInputs, otherAdditionalInputs, htmlAdditionalInputs, cssAdditionalInputs }; } function simplifyEntriesList(a) { return compact((a == null ? void 0 : a.flat()) ?? []).filter( (a2) => !a2.startsWith("public:") ); } function validateCombinedViteConfigs(configs) { if (configs.count === 0) { throw Error( "No inputs found in manifest.json. Run Vite with `--debug` for more details." ); } } // src/build/build-context.ts function createBuildContext({ pluginOptions, logger }) { let bundles = {}; let activeWatchers = []; function getBuildConfigs({ paths, userConfig, manifest, server, onSuccess, mode, viteMode }) { const entryConfigs = getViteConfigsForInputs({ paths, manifest, mode, logger, server, additionalInputs: pluginOptions.additionalInputs, baseHtmlViteConfig: pluginOptions.htmlViteConfig ?? {}, baseSandboxViteConfig: {}, baseScriptViteConfig: pluginOptions.scriptViteConfig ?? {}, baseOtherViteConfig: {}, viteMode }); const multibuildManager = createMultibuildCompleteManager(async () => { if (mode == 1 /* WATCH */) printCompleted(); await (onSuccess == null ? void 0 : onSuccess()); }); const totalEntries = entryConfigs.count; return entryConfigs.all.map( (config, i) => vite3.mergeConfig(config, { // Reapply the mode passed into the top level build mode: viteMode, // We shouldn't clear the screen for these internal builds clearScreen: false, // Don't empty the outDir, this is handled in the parent build process build: { emptyOutDir: false }, plugins: [ labeledStepPlugin(logger, totalEntries, i, paths), multibuildManager.plugin() ] }) ); } function printSummary(paths, buildConfigs) { if (buildConfigs.length === 0) return; const lines = ["", `${BOLD}Build Steps${RESET}`]; buildConfigs.forEach((config, i) => { var _a, _b, _c; const input = ((_b = (_a = config.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.rollupOptions) == null ? void 0 : _b.input) ?? ((_c = config.build) == null ? void 0 : _c.lib); if (!input) return; const inputs = getInputPaths(paths, input); if (inputs.length === 1) { lines.push( ` ${i + 1}. Building ${colorizeFilename(inputs[0])} indvidually` ); } else { lines.push( ` ${i + 1}. Bundling ${inputs.length} entrypoints together:` ); inputs.forEach( (relativePath) => lines.push(` ${DIM}\u2022${RESET} ${colorizeFilename(relativePath)}`) ); } }); logger.log(lines.join("\n")); } function printCompleted() { logger.log(` ${GREEN}\u2713${RESET} All steps completed. `); } function waitForWatchBuildComplete(watcher) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { watcher.on("event", async (e) => { switch (e.code) { case "END": res(); break; case "ERROR": rej(e.error); break; } }); }); } return { async rebuild(rebuildOptions) { var _a, _b, _c; const { paths, mode } = rebuildOptions; await Promise.all(activeWatchers.map((watcher) => watcher.close())); activeWatchers = []; const buildConfigs = getBuildConfigs(rebuildOptions); if (pluginOptions.printSummary) printSummary(paths, buildConfigs); logger.verbose("Final configs: " + (0, import_util2.inspect)(buildConfigs, void 0, 7)); process.env.VITE_PLUGIN_WEB_EXTENSION_CHILD_BUILD = "true"; try { for (const config of buildConfigs) { const bundleTracker = bundleTrackerPlugin(); (config.plugins ?? (config.plugins = [])).push(bundleTracker); const output = await vite3.build(config); if ("on" in output) { activeWatchers.push(output); await waitForWatchBuildComplete(output); } const input = ((_a = config.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.lib) ?? ((_c = (_b = config.build) == null ? void 0 : _b.rollupOptions) == null ? void 0 : _c.input); if (input) { const chunks = bundleTracker.getChunks() ?? []; for (const file of getInputPaths(paths, input)) { bundles[file] = chunks; } } } if (mode === 0 /* BUILD */) { printCompleted(); } } finally { process.env.VITE_PLUGIN_WEB_EXTENSION_CHILD_BUILD = ""; } }, getBundles() { return bundles; } }; } // src/plugins/manifest-loader-plugin.ts var import_node_path4 = __toESM(require("path"), 1); var import_fs_extra = __toESM(require("fs-extra"), 1); var import_node_util3 = require("util"); // src/extension-runner/web-ext-runner.ts var webExtLogger = __toESM(require("web-ext-run/util/logger"), 1); var import_web_ext_run = __toESM(require("web-ext-run"), 1); var import_node_util = require("util"); // src/config.ts var import_json5 = __toESM(require("json5"), 1); var import_yaml = __toESM(require("yaml"), 1); var import_node_os = __toESM(require("os"), 1); var import_node_path3 = __toESM(require("path"), 1); var import_promises = __toESM(require("fs/promises"), 1); async function loadConfig({ paths, logger, overrides }) { const directories = Array.from( /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([paths.rootDir, process.cwd(), import_node_os.default.homedir()]) ); const parsers = { "": [import_json5.default, import_yaml.default], ".json": [import_json5.default], ".json5": [import_json5.default], ".yml": [import_yaml.default], ".yaml": [import_yaml.default] }; const names = [".webextrc", "webext.config"]; const files = {}; directories.forEach((dir) => { names.forEach((name) => { Object.entries(parsers).forEach(([ext, parsers2]) => { files[import_node_path3.default.resolve(dir, `${name}${ext}`)] = parsers2; }); }); }); const layers = [{ config: overrides ?? {} }]; for (const [file, parsers2] of Object.entries(files)) { parsersLoop: for (const parser of parsers2) { try { const layer = { file, config: {} }; const text = await import_promises.default.readFile(file, "utf-8"); layer.config = parser.parse(text); if (typeof layer.config !== "object") throw Error("Config not an object"); layers.push(layer); break parsersLoop; } catch (err) { } } } return { layers, config: layers.map((layer) => layer.config).reduceRight((prevConfig, nextConfig) => { return { ...prevConfig, ...nextConfig }; }) }; } // src/extension-runner/web-ext-runner.ts function createWebExtRunner(options) { const { pluginOptions, paths, logger } = options; let runner; return { async openBrowser() { webExtLogger.consoleStream.write = ({ level, msg, name }) => { if (level >= ERROR_LOG_LEVEL) logger.error(name, msg); if (level >= WARN_LOG_LEVEL) logger.warn(msg); }; const initialConfig = await loadConfig2({ pluginOptions, logger, paths }); const target = pluginOptions.browser === "chrome" ? "chromium" : pluginOptions.browser === null || pluginOptions.browser === "firefox" ? "firefox-desktop" : initialConfig.target ?? "chromium"; const sourceDir = paths.outDir; const config = { ...initialConfig, target, sourceDir, // The plugin handles reloads, so disable auto-reload behaviors in web-ext noReload: true, noInput: true }; logger.verbose("web-ext config:" + (0, import_node_util.inspect)(config)); runner = await import_web_ext_run.default.cmd.run( config, { // Don't call `process.exit(0)` after starting web-ext shouldExitProgram: false } ); }, async reload() { await runner.reloadAllExtensions(); logger.log(""); }, async exit() { return runner.exit(); } }; } var WARN_LOG_LEVEL = 40; var ERROR_LOG_LEVEL = 50; async function loadConfig2({ pluginOptions, paths, logger }) { const res = await loadConfig({ overrides: pluginOptions.webExtConfig, paths, logger }); logger.verbose("Config result: " + (0, import_node_util.inspect)(res, void 0, 3)); return res.config; } // src/manifest-validation.ts var import_node_dns = __toESM(require("dns"), 1); var import_node_https = __toESM(require("https"), 1); var import_node_util2 = require("util"); var import_ajv = __toESM(require("ajv"), 1); var SCHEMA_URL = new URL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SchemaStore/schemastore/master/src/schemas/json/chrome-manifest.json"); function createManifestValidator(options) { const { logger } = options; let schema; const ajv = new import_ajv.default(); ajv.addFormat("permission", /.*/); ajv.addFormat("content-security-policy", /.*/); ajv.addFormat("glob-pattern", /.*/); ajv.addFormat("match-pattern", /.*/); ajv.addFormat("mime-type", /.*/); function isOffline() { const isOffline2 = new Promise((res) => { import_node_dns.default.resolve(SCHEMA_URL.hostname, (err) => { if (err == null) { res(false); } else { logger.verbose("DNS not resolved"); logger.verbose((0, import_node_util2.inspect)(err)); res(true); } }); }); return withTimeout(isOffline2, 1e3).catch(() => true); } async function loadSchema() { if (schema != null) return; logger.verbose(`Loading JSON schema from ${SCHEMA_URL.href}...`); schema = await get(SCHEMA_URL.href); } function get(url) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { import_node_https.default.get(url, (response) => { let responseBody = ""; response.on("data", (chunk) => { responseBody += chunk; }); response.on("end", () => { res(JSON.parse(responseBody)); }); }).on("error", (err) => rej(err)); }); } return async (manifest) => { if (schema == null && await isOffline()) return logger.warn( "Cannot connect to json.schemastore.org, skipping validation" ); logger.verbose(`Validating manifest...`); if (manifest == null) throw Error(`Manifest cannot be ${manifest}`); await loadSchema(); logger.verbose(`Loaded JSON schema: ${(0, import_node_util2.inspect)(schema)}`); const success = await ajv.validate(schema, manifest); if (success) { logger.verbose("Manifest is valid"); return; } throw Error( `Manifest is not valid: ${JSON.stringify(ajv.errors, null, 2)}` ); }; } // src/csp.ts var ContentSecurityPolicy = class _ContentSecurityPolicy { static DIRECTIVE_ORDER = { "default-src": 0, "script-src": 1, "object-src": 2 }; data; constructor(csp) { if (csp) { const sections = csp.split(";").map((section) => section.trim()); this.data = sections.reduce((data, section) => { const [key, ...values] = section.split(" ").map((item) => item.trim()); if (key) data[key] = values; return data; }, {}); } else { this.data = {}; } } /** * Ensure a set of values are listed under a directive. */ add(directive, ...newValues) { const values = this.data[directive] ?? []; newValues.forEach((newValue) => { if (!values.includes(newValue)) values.push(newValue); }); this.data[directive] = values; return this; } toString() { const directives = Object.entries(this.data).sort(([l], [r]) => { const lo = _ContentSecurityPolicy.DIRECTIVE_ORDER[l] ?? 2; const ro = _ContentSecurityPolicy.DIRECTIVE_ORDER[r] ?? 2; return lo - ro; }); return directives.map((entry) => entry.flat().join(" ")).join("; ") + ";"; } }; // src/build/renderManifest.ts function renderManifest(input, bundles) { var _a, _b, _c; const output = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(input)); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.action, "default_popup"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output, "devtools_page"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output, "options_page"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.options_ui, "page"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.browser_action, "default_popup"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.page_action, "default_popup"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.side_panel, "default_path"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.sidebar_action, "default_panel"); replaceEntrypointArray(bundles, (_a = output.sandbox) == null ? void 0 : _a.pages); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.background, "service_worker"); replaceEntrypoint(bundles, output.background, "page"); replaceEntrypointArray(bundles, (_b = output.background) == null ? void 0 : _b.scripts); (_c = output.content_scripts) == null ? void 0 : _c.forEach((cs) => { replaceEntrypointArray(bundles, cs.css); replaceEntrypointArray(bundles, cs.js, (generated) => { if (!generated.endsWith("css")) return; cs.css ?? (cs.css = []); cs.css.push(generated); }); }); return output; } function findReplacement(entry, bundles) { const output = getOutputFile(entry); const generatedFiles = bundles[entry]; if (generatedFiles == null) throw Error("Render Manifest: Bundle output not found for: " + entry); const replacementIndex = generatedFiles.indexOf(output); if (replacementIndex < 0) throw Error(`Entrypoint output for ${entry} (${output}) not found`); const [replacement] = generatedFiles.slice( replacementIndex, replacementIndex + 1 ); return { replacement, generatedFiles }; } function replaceEntrypoint(bundles, parent, key, onGeneratedFile) { const entry = parent == null ? void 0 : parent[key]; if (entry == null) return; if (entry.startsWith("public:")) { parent[key] = entry.replace("public:", ""); } else { const { replacement, generatedFiles } = findReplacement(entry, bundles); parent[key] = replacement; if (onGeneratedFile) generatedFiles.forEach(onGeneratedFile); } } function replaceEntrypointArray(bundles, parent, onGeneratedFile) { if (parent == null) return; for (let i = 0; i < parent.length; i++) { replaceEntrypoint(bundles, parent, i, onGeneratedFile); } } // src/plugins/manifest-loader-plugin.ts function manifestLoaderPlugin(options) { const noInput = defineNoRollupInput(); const logger = createLogger(options.verbose, options.disableColors); const ctx = createBuildContext({ logger, pluginOptions: options }); const validateManifest = createManifestValidator({ logger }); let mode = 0 /* BUILD */; let userConfig; let resolvedConfig; let extensionRunner; let paths; let isError = false; function configureBuildMode(config, env) { var _a; if (env.command === "serve") { logger.verbose("Dev mode"); mode = 2 /* DEV */; } else if ((_a = config.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.watch) { logger.verbose("Watch mode"); mode = 1 /* WATCH */; } else { logger.verbose("Build mode"); mode = 0 /* BUILD */; } } async function loadManifest() { let manifestTemplate; if (typeof options.manifest === "function") { logger.verbose("Loading manifest from function"); manifestTemplate = await options.manifest(); } else { const manifestPath = import_node_path4.default.resolve(paths.rootDir, options.manifest); logger.verbose( `Loading manifest from file @ ${manifestPath} (root: ${paths.rootDir})` ); manifestTemplate = await import_fs_extra.default.readJson(manifestPath); } logger.verbose( "Manifest template: " + (0, import_node_util3.inspect)(manifestTemplate, void 0, 5) ); const resolvedManifest = resolveBrowserTagsInObject( options.browser ?? "chrome", manifestTemplate ); logger.verbose("Manifest with entrypoints: " + (0, import_node_util3.inspect)(resolvedManifest)); return resolvedManifest; } let browserOpened = false; async function openBrowser() { logger.log("\nOpening browser..."); extensionRunner = createWebExtRunner({ pluginOptions: options, paths, logger }); await extensionRunner.openBrowser(); browserOpened = true; logger.log("Done!"); } async function buildExtension({ emitFile, server }) { const manifestWithInputs = await loadManifest(); await ctx.rebuild({ paths, userConfig, manifest: manifestWithInputs, mode, server, viteMode: resolvedConfig.mode, onSuccess: async () => { await (extensionRunner == null ? void 0 : extensionRunner.reload()); } }); const renderedManifest = renderManifest( manifestWithInputs, ctx.getBundles() ); const finalManifest = options.transformManifest ? await options.transformManifest(renderedManifest) : renderedManifest; if (mode === 2 /* DEV */) { applyDevServerCsp(finalManifest); } if (!options.skipManifestValidation) { await validateManifest(finalManifest); } emitFile({ type: "asset", source: JSON.stringify(finalManifest), fileName: "manifest.json", name: "manifest.json" }); if (options.bundleInfoJsonPath) { emitFile({ type: "asset", source: JSON.stringify(ctx.getBundles()), fileName: options.bundleInfoJsonPath }); } await copyPublicDirToOutDir({ mode, paths }); if (mode === 2 /* DEV */ && options.onBundleReady) { logger.verbose("Running onBundleReady"); await options.onBundleReady(); } if (mode === 2 /* DEV */ && !options.disableAutoLaunch) { await openBrowser(); } } return { name: MANIFEST_LOADER_PLUGIN_NAME, // Runs during: Build, dev, watch async config(config, env) { if (options.browser != null) { logger.verbose(`Building for browser: ${options.browser}`); } configureBuildMode(config, env); userConfig = config; return vite4.mergeConfig( { server: { // Set the server origin so assets contain the entire url in dev mode, not just the // absolute path. See #79. This does not effect scripts or links. They are updated // manually in the hmr-rewrite-plugin origin: "http://localhost:5173" }, build: { // Since this plugin schedules multiple builds, we can't let any of the builds empty the // outDir. Instead, the plugin cleans up the outDir manually in `onBuildStart` emptyOutDir: false } }, // We only want to output the manifest.json, so we don't need an input. noInput.config ); }, // Runs during: Build, dev, watch configResolved(config) { resolvedConfig = config; paths = { rootDir: getRootDir(config), outDir: getOutDir(config), publicDir: getPublicDir(config) }; }, configureServer(server) { var _a; (_a = server.httpServer) == null ? void 0 : _a.on("listening", () => { if (mode === 2 /* DEV */) { buildExtension({ server, async emitFile(asset) { await import_fs_extra.default.writeFile( import_node_path4.default.resolve(paths.outDir, asset.fileName ?? "unknown"), asset.source ?? "{}", "utf8" ); logger.log( "\n\x1B[32m\u2713\x1B[0m Wrote \x1B[95mmanifest.json\x1B[0m" ); } }); } }); }, // Runs during: Build, dev, watch async buildStart() { var _a; if ((_a = userConfig.build) == null ? void 0 : _a.emptyOutDir) { logger.verbose("Removing build.outDir..."); await import_fs_extra.default.rm(getOutDir(resolvedConfig), { recursive: true, force: true }); } options.watchFilePaths.forEach((file) => this.addWatchFile(file)); if (typeof options.manifest === "string") { this.addWatchFile(import_node_path4.default.resolve(paths.rootDir, options.manifest)); } if (mode !== 2 /* DEV */) { await buildExtension({ emitFile: (asset) => void this.emitFile(asset) }); } }, // Runs during: build, dev, watch resolveId(id) { return noInput.resolveId(id); }, // Runs during: build, dev, watch load(id) { return noInput.load(id); }, // Runs during: build, watch buildEnd(err) { isError = err != null; }, // Runs during: build, watch, dev (only when pressing ctrl+C to stop server) async closeBundle() { if (isError || mode === 0 /* BUILD */ || options.disableAutoLaunch) { return; } if (mode === 2 /* DEV */) return await extensionRunner.exit(); await openBrowser(); }, // Runs during: build, watch generateBundle(_, bundle) { noInput.cleanupBundle(bundle); }, // Runs during: build, watch async writeBundle() { if (options.onBundleReady) { logger.verbose("Running onBundleReady"); await options.onBundleReady(); } }, // Runs during: watch, dev async watchChange(id) { if ( // Only run this hook for `vite build --watch`, not `vite dev` mode === 2 /* DEV */ || // Don't reload if the browser isn't opened yet !browserOpened || // Don't reload if the change was a file written to the output directory id.startsWith(paths.outDir) ) return; const relativePath = import_node_path4.default.relative(paths.rootDir, id); logger.log( ` ${colorizeFilename(relativePath)} changed, restarting browser` ); await (extensionRunner == null ? void 0 : extensionRunner.exit()); } }; } async function copyPublicDirToOutDir({ mode, paths }) { if (mode === 0 /* BUILD */ || !paths.publicDir || !await import_fs_extra.default.pathExists(paths.publicDir)) { return; } await import_fs_extra.default.copy(paths.publicDir, paths.outDir); } async function applyDevServerCsp(manifest) { var _a; if (manifest.manifest_version === 3) { manifest.host_permissions ?? (manifest.host_permissions = []); manifest.host_permissions.push("http://localhost/*"); } else { manifest.permissions ?? (manifest.permissions = []); manifest.permissions.push("http://localhost/*"); } const csp = new ContentSecurityPolicy( manifest.manifest_version === 3 ? ((_a = manifest.content_security_policy) == null ? void 0 : _a.extension_pages) ?? "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self';" : manifest.content_security_policy ?? "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self';" // default CSP for MV2 ); csp.add("script-src", "http://localhost:*"); if (manifest.manifest_version === 3) { manifest.content_security_policy ?? (manifest.content_security_policy = {}); manifest.content_security_policy.extension_pages = csp.toString(); } else { manifest.content_security_policy = csp.toString(); } } // src/index.ts var import_fs_extra2 = __toESM(require("fs-extra"), 1); function webExtension(options = {}) { if (process.env.VITE_PLUGIN_WEB_EXTENSION_CHILD_BUILD === "true") { return []; } const internalOptions = { additionalInputs: options.additionalInputs ?? [], disableAutoLaunch: options.disableAutoLaunch ?? false, manifest: options.manifest ?? "manifest.json", printSummary: options.printSummary ?? true, skipManifestValidation: options.skipManifestValidation ?? false, watchFilePaths: options.watchFilePaths ?? [], browser: options.browser, htmlViteConfig: options.htmlViteConfig, scriptViteConfig: options.scriptViteConfig, transformManifest: options.transformManifest, webExtConfig: options.webExtConfig, bundleInfoJsonPath: options.bundleInfoJsonPath, onBundleReady: options.onBundleReady, verbose: process.argv.includes("-d") || process.argv.includes("--debug"), disableColors: process.env.CI === "true" || process.env.DISABLE_COLORS === "true" // TODO: document env var }; return manifestLoaderPlugin(internalOptions); } function readJsonFile(file) { return import_fs_extra2.default.readJsonSync(file); } // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { readJsonFile }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map