declare module 'connect' { const connect: () => any export = connect } declare module 'cors' { function cors(options: any): any export = cors } declare module 'selfsigned' { export function generate(attrs: any, options: any, done?: any): any } declare module 'http-proxy' { const proxy: any export = proxy } declare module 'acorn-class-fields' { const plugin: any export = plugin } declare module 'acorn-static-class-features' { const plugin: any export default plugin } declare module 'acorn-numeric-separator' { const plugin: any export default plugin } declare module 'connect-history-api-fallback' { const plugin: any export = plugin } declare module 'launch-editor-middleware' { const plugin: any export = plugin } declare module 'merge-source-map' { export default function merge(oldMap: object, newMap: object): object } declare module 'postcss-load-config' { import { ProcessOptions, Plugin } from 'postcss' function load( inline: any, root: string ): Promise<{ options: ProcessOptions plugins: Plugin[] }> export = load } declare module 'postcss-import' { import { Plugin } from 'postcss' const plugin: (options: { resolve: ( id: string, basedir: string, importOptions: any ) => string | string[] | Promise }) => Plugin export = plugin } declare module 'postcss-modules' { import { Plugin } from 'postcss' const plugin: (options: any) => Plugin export = plugin } declare module '@rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars' { import { Plugin } from 'rollup' interface Options { include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[] warnOnError?: boolean } const p: (o?: Options) => Plugin export default p } declare module 'rollup-plugin-web-worker-loader' { import { Plugin } from 'rollup' interface Options { targetPlatform?: string pattern?: RegExp extensions?: string[] sourcemap?: boolean inline?: boolean } const p: (o?: Options) => Plugin export default p } declare module 'minimatch' { function match(path: string, pattern: string): boolean export default match } declare module 'compression' { function compression(): any export default compression } // LESS' types somewhat references this which doesn't make sense in Node, // so we have to shim it declare interface HTMLLinkElement {}