// Modified and inlined to avoid extra dependency // Source: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/ws/index.d.ts // Type definitions for ws 8.5 // Project: https://github.com/websockets/ws // Definitions by: Paul Loyd // Margus Lamp // Philippe D'Alva // reduckted // teidesu // Bartosz Wojtkowiak // Kyle Hensel // Samuel Skeen // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped /// import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import type { Agent, ClientRequest, ClientRequestArgs, Server as HTTPServer, IncomingMessage, OutgoingHttpHeaders } from 'http' import type { Server as HTTPSServer } from 'https' import type { Duplex, DuplexOptions } from 'stream' import type { SecureContextOptions } from 'tls' import type { URL } from 'url' import type { ZlibOptions } from 'zlib' // WebSocket socket. declare class WebSocket extends EventEmitter { /** The connection is not yet open. */ static readonly CONNECTING: 0 /** The connection is open and ready to communicate. */ static readonly OPEN: 1 /** The connection is in the process of closing. */ static readonly CLOSING: 2 /** The connection is closed. */ static readonly CLOSED: 3 binaryType: 'nodebuffer' | 'arraybuffer' | 'fragments' readonly bufferedAmount: number readonly extensions: string /** Indicates whether the websocket is paused */ readonly isPaused: boolean readonly protocol: string /** The current state of the connection */ readonly readyState: | typeof WebSocket.CONNECTING | typeof WebSocket.OPEN | typeof WebSocket.CLOSING | typeof WebSocket.CLOSED readonly url: string /** The connection is not yet open. */ readonly CONNECTING: 0 /** The connection is open and ready to communicate. */ readonly OPEN: 1 /** The connection is in the process of closing. */ readonly CLOSING: 2 /** The connection is closed. */ readonly CLOSED: 3 onopen: ((event: WebSocket.Event) => void) | null onerror: ((event: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => void) | null onclose: ((event: WebSocket.CloseEvent) => void) | null onmessage: ((event: WebSocket.MessageEvent) => void) | null constructor(address: null) constructor( address: string | URL, options?: WebSocket.ClientOptions | ClientRequestArgs ) constructor( address: string | URL, protocols?: string | string[], options?: WebSocket.ClientOptions | ClientRequestArgs ) close(code?: number, data?: string | Buffer): void ping(data?: any, mask?: boolean, cb?: (err: Error) => void): void pong(data?: any, mask?: boolean, cb?: (err: Error) => void): void send(data: any, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): void send( data: any, options: { mask?: boolean | undefined binary?: boolean | undefined compress?: boolean | undefined fin?: boolean | undefined }, cb?: (err?: Error) => void ): void terminate(): void /** * Pause the websocket causing it to stop emitting events. Some events can still be * emitted after this is called, until all buffered data is consumed. This method * is a noop if the ready state is `CONNECTING` or `CLOSED`. */ pause(): void /** * Make a paused socket resume emitting events. This method is a noop if the ready * state is `CONNECTING` or `CLOSED`. */ resume(): void // HTML5 WebSocket events addEventListener( method: 'message', cb: (event: WebSocket.MessageEvent) => void, options?: WebSocket.EventListenerOptions ): void addEventListener( method: 'close', cb: (event: WebSocket.CloseEvent) => void, options?: WebSocket.EventListenerOptions ): void addEventListener( method: 'error', cb: (event: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => void, options?: WebSocket.EventListenerOptions ): void addEventListener( method: 'open', cb: (event: WebSocket.Event) => void, options?: WebSocket.EventListenerOptions ): void removeEventListener( method: 'message', cb: (event: WebSocket.MessageEvent) => void ): void removeEventListener( method: 'close', cb: (event: WebSocket.CloseEvent) => void ): void removeEventListener( method: 'error', cb: (event: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => void ): void removeEventListener( method: 'open', cb: (event: WebSocket.Event) => void ): void // Events on( event: 'close', listener: (this: WebSocket, code: number, reason: Buffer) => void ): this on(event: 'error', listener: (this: WebSocket, err: Error) => void): this on( event: 'upgrade', listener: (this: WebSocket, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this on( event: 'message', listener: ( this: WebSocket, data: WebSocket.RawData, isBinary: boolean ) => void ): this on(event: 'open', listener: (this: WebSocket) => void): this on( event: 'ping' | 'pong', listener: (this: WebSocket, data: Buffer) => void ): this on( event: 'unexpected-response', listener: ( this: WebSocket, request: ClientRequest, response: IncomingMessage ) => void ): this on( event: string | symbol, listener: (this: WebSocket, ...args: any[]) => void ): this once( event: 'close', listener: (this: WebSocket, code: number, reason: Buffer) => void ): this once(event: 'error', listener: (this: WebSocket, err: Error) => void): this once( event: 'upgrade', listener: (this: WebSocket, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this once( event: 'message', listener: ( this: WebSocket, data: WebSocket.RawData, isBinary: boolean ) => void ): this once(event: 'open', listener: (this: WebSocket) => void): this once( event: 'ping' | 'pong', listener: (this: WebSocket, data: Buffer) => void ): this once( event: 'unexpected-response', listener: ( this: WebSocket, request: ClientRequest, response: IncomingMessage ) => void ): this once( event: string | symbol, listener: (this: WebSocket, ...args: any[]) => void ): this off( event: 'close', listener: (this: WebSocket, code: number, reason: Buffer) => void ): this off(event: 'error', listener: (this: WebSocket, err: Error) => void): this off( event: 'upgrade', listener: (this: WebSocket, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this off( event: 'message', listener: ( this: WebSocket, data: WebSocket.RawData, isBinary: boolean ) => void ): this off(event: 'open', listener: (this: WebSocket) => void): this off( event: 'ping' | 'pong', listener: (this: WebSocket, data: Buffer) => void ): this off( event: 'unexpected-response', listener: ( this: WebSocket, request: ClientRequest, response: IncomingMessage ) => void ): this off( event: string | symbol, listener: (this: WebSocket, ...args: any[]) => void ): this addListener( event: 'close', listener: (code: number, reason: Buffer) => void ): this addListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this addListener( event: 'upgrade', listener: (request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this addListener( event: 'message', listener: (data: WebSocket.RawData, isBinary: boolean) => void ): this addListener(event: 'open', listener: () => void): this addListener(event: 'ping' | 'pong', listener: (data: Buffer) => void): this addListener( event: 'unexpected-response', listener: (request: ClientRequest, response: IncomingMessage) => void ): this addListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this removeListener( event: 'close', listener: (code: number, reason: Buffer) => void ): this removeListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this removeListener( event: 'upgrade', listener: (request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this removeListener( event: 'message', listener: (data: WebSocket.RawData, isBinary: boolean) => void ): this removeListener(event: 'open', listener: () => void): this removeListener(event: 'ping' | 'pong', listener: (data: Buffer) => void): this removeListener( event: 'unexpected-response', listener: (request: ClientRequest, response: IncomingMessage) => void ): this removeListener( event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): this } declare const WebSocketAlias: typeof WebSocket interface WebSocketAlias extends WebSocket {} // tslint:disable-line no-empty-interface declare namespace WebSocket { /** * Data represents the raw message payload received over the WebSocket. */ type RawData = Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Buffer[] /** * Data represents the message payload received over the WebSocket. */ type Data = string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Buffer[] /** * CertMeta represents the accepted types for certificate & key data. */ type CertMeta = string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[] /** * VerifyClientCallbackSync is a synchronous callback used to inspect the * incoming message. The return value (boolean) of the function determines * whether or not to accept the handshake. */ type VerifyClientCallbackSync = (info: { origin: string secure: boolean req: IncomingMessage }) => boolean /** * VerifyClientCallbackAsync is an asynchronous callback used to inspect the * incoming message. The return value (boolean) of the function determines * whether or not to accept the handshake. */ type VerifyClientCallbackAsync = ( info: { origin: string; secure: boolean; req: IncomingMessage }, callback: ( res: boolean, code?: number, message?: string, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders ) => void ) => void interface ClientOptions extends SecureContextOptions { protocol?: string | undefined followRedirects?: boolean | undefined generateMask?(mask: Buffer): void handshakeTimeout?: number | undefined maxRedirects?: number | undefined perMessageDeflate?: boolean | PerMessageDeflateOptions | undefined localAddress?: string | undefined protocolVersion?: number | undefined headers?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined origin?: string | undefined agent?: Agent | undefined host?: string | undefined family?: number | undefined checkServerIdentity?(servername: string, cert: CertMeta): boolean rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined maxPayload?: number | undefined skipUTF8Validation?: boolean | undefined } interface PerMessageDeflateOptions { serverNoContextTakeover?: boolean | undefined clientNoContextTakeover?: boolean | undefined serverMaxWindowBits?: number | undefined clientMaxWindowBits?: number | undefined zlibDeflateOptions?: | { flush?: number | undefined finishFlush?: number | undefined chunkSize?: number | undefined windowBits?: number | undefined level?: number | undefined memLevel?: number | undefined strategy?: number | undefined dictionary?: Buffer | Buffer[] | DataView | undefined info?: boolean | undefined } | undefined zlibInflateOptions?: ZlibOptions | undefined threshold?: number | undefined concurrencyLimit?: number | undefined } interface Event { type: string target: WebSocket } interface ErrorEvent { error: any message: string type: string target: WebSocket } interface CloseEvent { wasClean: boolean code: number reason: string type: string target: WebSocket } interface MessageEvent { data: Data type: string target: WebSocket } interface EventListenerOptions { once?: boolean | undefined } interface ServerOptions { host?: string | undefined port?: number | undefined backlog?: number | undefined server?: HTTPServer | HTTPSServer | undefined verifyClient?: | VerifyClientCallbackAsync | VerifyClientCallbackSync | undefined handleProtocols?: ( protocols: Set, request: IncomingMessage ) => string | false path?: string | undefined noServer?: boolean | undefined clientTracking?: boolean | undefined perMessageDeflate?: boolean | PerMessageDeflateOptions | undefined maxPayload?: number | undefined skipUTF8Validation?: boolean | undefined WebSocket?: typeof WebSocket.WebSocket | undefined } interface AddressInfo { address: string family: string port: number } // WebSocket Server class Server extends EventEmitter { options: ServerOptions path: string clients: Set constructor(options?: ServerOptions, callback?: () => void) address(): AddressInfo | string close(cb?: (err?: Error) => void): void handleUpgrade( request: IncomingMessage, socket: Duplex, upgradeHead: Buffer, callback: (client: T, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): void shouldHandle(request: IncomingMessage): boolean | Promise // Events on( event: 'connection', cb: (this: Server, socket: T, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this on(event: 'error', cb: (this: Server, error: Error) => void): this on( event: 'headers', cb: (this: Server, headers: string[], request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this on(event: 'close' | 'listening', cb: (this: Server) => void): this on( event: string | symbol, listener: (this: Server, ...args: any[]) => void ): this once( event: 'connection', cb: (this: Server, socket: T, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this once(event: 'error', cb: (this: Server, error: Error) => void): this once( event: 'headers', cb: (this: Server, headers: string[], request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this once(event: 'close' | 'listening', cb: (this: Server) => void): this once( event: string | symbol, listener: (this: Server, ...args: any[]) => void ): this off( event: 'connection', cb: (this: Server, socket: T, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this off(event: 'error', cb: (this: Server, error: Error) => void): this off( event: 'headers', cb: (this: Server, headers: string[], request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this off(event: 'close' | 'listening', cb: (this: Server) => void): this off( event: string | symbol, listener: (this: Server, ...args: any[]) => void ): this addListener( event: 'connection', cb: (client: T, request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this addListener(event: 'error', cb: (err: Error) => void): this addListener( event: 'headers', cb: (headers: string[], request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this addListener(event: 'close' | 'listening', cb: () => void): this addListener( event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): this removeListener(event: 'connection', cb: (client: T) => void): this removeListener(event: 'error', cb: (err: Error) => void): this removeListener( event: 'headers', cb: (headers: string[], request: IncomingMessage) => void ): this removeListener(event: 'close' | 'listening', cb: () => void): this removeListener( event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): this } const WebSocketServer: typeof Server interface WebSocketServer extends Server {} // tslint:disable-line no-empty-interface const WebSocket: typeof WebSocketAlias interface WebSocket extends WebSocketAlias {} // tslint:disable-line no-empty-interface // WebSocket stream function createWebSocketStream( websocket: WebSocket, options?: DuplexOptions ): Duplex } // export = WebSocket export { WebSocket, WebSocketAlias }