declare namespace Lib { /** Options for the library. */ interface Options { /** The URL for the webassembly binary (cvizzu.wasm). */ wasmUrl?: string; } } declare namespace Data { /** Additional info about a data series besides the contained data. */ interface SeriesMetaInfo { /** Name of the data series. It will be the unique id of the series to reference it in various parts of the API, mainly in {@link Config.Channel} and {@link Data.Record}. This name will also be used by default for Axis and Legend title. */ name: string; /** Type of the data series: - 'dimension' - categorical data containing strings (dates should also be added as strings); - 'measure' - continuous data containing numbers. If not set, the library will attempt to determine the type based on the type of the first value. Number type will result in measure, string type will result in dimension. */ type?: 'dimension'|'measure'; /** Unit of the data series */ unit?: string; } interface AbstractSeriesInfo extends SeriesMetaInfo { /** Count of values in the series. */ length: number; } /** Meta data about dimension data series */ interface DimensionSeriesInfo extends AbstractSeriesInfo { /** Distinct values in the series */ categories: Array; } /** Meta data about measure data series */ interface MeasureSeriesInfo extends AbstractSeriesInfo { range: { /** Minimal value in the series */ min: number; /** Maximal value in the series */ max: number; } } type SeriesInfo = DimensionSeriesInfo|MeasureSeriesInfo; /** Meta data about the data set */ interface Metainfo { series: SeriesInfo[]; } /** Represents a categorical or data value */ type Value = string|number; /** List of data values in a series. */ type Values = string[]|number[]; /** Defines a data series of the data set, and contains a particular variable's values in the data set and meta info about the variable. */ interface Series extends SeriesMetaInfo { /** The array that contains the values of the data series. The value types should match {@link Data.SeriesMetaInfo.type}. If the data series is shorter than the longest data series defined, it will be internally extended with empty values. */ values: Values; } /** A record of the data set, containing one value of each data series corresponding to the same index. */ interface Record { /** Properties are provided for each data series, providing access to the value within the record referenced by its {@link|name}. */ [seriesName: Series["name"]]: Value; } type FilterCallback = (record: Record) => boolean; interface Filter { /** A filter callback is called on each record of the dataset on chart generation. If the callback returns false, the record will not be shown on the chart. */ filter?: FilterCallback | null; } /** Data table specified by series. */ interface TableBySeries extends Filter { /** The series that make up the the data set. */ series: Series[]; } /** Data table specified by records. */ interface TableByRecords extends Filter { /** The information about the data series in the records of the data set. Note: not needed if it was previously specified. */ series?: SeriesMetaInfo[]; /** The array of data records that make up the data set. */ records: Value[][]; } type CubeRow = Values|CubeRow[]; /** Defines a data series of the data cube, and contains a particular variable's values in the data cube and meta info about that variable. */ interface CubeData extends SeriesMetaInfo { /** A nested array that contains the values of the data series. Nesting level should match the number of {@link Data.Cube.dimensions}. */ values: CubeRow; } /** N dimensional data cude */ interface Cube extends Filter { /** The list of the dimensions of the data cube. */ dimensions?: Series[]; /** The list of measures of the data cube. */ measures?: CubeData[]; } /** Data set is a collection of related {@link Data.Series|data series}. Each chart works on a single data set. */ type Set = TableBySeries|TableByRecords|Cube; type SeriesList = string[]|string; } declare namespace Config { /* Units: - no unit: the same unit as in the data; - %: percentage relative to the min/max of the data; - min,max: offset from min/max of the data; - auto: automatic range based on chart config; */ type ChannelExtrema = number|`${number}%`|`${number}min`|`${number}max`|'auto'; /** Channel range specifies how to scale the represented data. */ interface ChannelRange { min?: ChannelExtrema|null; max?: ChannelExtrema|null; } /** Channels are the main building blocks of the chart. Each channel describes a particular aspect of the markers (vertical & horizontal position, color, etc.) and connects them to the underlying data. A single measure and an ordered list of dimensions can be on each channel. The dimensions will recursively slice the measure on the channel. The channels are represented on the chart as an axis or legend. */ interface Channel { /** This title is shown on the axis or legend corresponding to the channel. If 'auto', the title will be the name of the measure attached to that channel. */ title?: string|'auto'|null; /** List of {@link|data series names} on the channel. */ set? : Data.SeriesList|null; /** List of {@link|data series names} to be added to the channel beside the ones already added. */ attach?: Data.SeriesList; /** List of {@link|data series names} to be removed from the channel. */ detach?: Data.SeriesList; /** Specifies the range that determines how the represented data scales on the channel. */ range?: ChannelRange; /** Only one dimension can be shown on an axis or legend by name. This index specifies which attached series should be used. */ labelLevel?: number; /** Enables the axis line on axis channels. */ axis?: 'auto'|boolean; /** Enables the axis labels on axis channels. */ labels?: 'auto'|boolean; /** Enables the axis ticks on axis channels showing measure data. */ ticks?: 'auto'|boolean; /** Enables the interlacing on axis channels showing measure data. */ interlacing?: 'auto'|boolean; /** Enables the grid lines on axis channels showing dimension data. */ guides?: 'auto'|boolean; /** Enables the guide lines on axis channels showing measure data * for all marker positions. */ markerGuides?: 'auto'|boolean; } /** Channel configuration. A data series' name or a list of the data series' names can be used as a short-hand - instead of the {@link Config.Channel|channel object} - to set data series for the channel. Setting a channel to null will remove all data series from it. */ interface Channels { /** Parameters for the X-axis, determining the position of the markers on the x-axis - or their angle when using polar coordinates. Note: leaving x and y channels empty will result in a chart "without coordinates" like a Treemap or a Bubble Chart. */ x?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; /** Parameters for the Y-axis, determining the position of the markers on the y-axis - or their radius when using polar coordinates) . */ y?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; /** Parameters for the markers' base color. The markers' actual color can also be affected by the lightness channel. */ color?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; /** Parameters for markers' lightness. */ lightness?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; /** Parameters for the markers' size. Effective only for circle and line geometry affecting the circle area or the line width respectively. */ size?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; /** Parameters for the content of the labels that appear on the markers. */ label?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; /** Splits the markers as all the other channels, but have no effect on the markers' appearance. Thus, it only works with dimensions. */ noop?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null; } /** The config contains all of the parameters needed to render a particular static chart or a state of an animated chart. */ interface Chart extends Channels { /** List of the chart's channels' configuration. The chart object also extends the channels object as a configuration shorthand. */ channels?: Channels; /** This is the title shown on the top of the chart. If set to null, the title will not be shown and will not take up any space in the chart layout. */ title?: string|null; /** Specifies which channel should be shown on the legend. If set to null, the legend will not be shown and will not take up any space in the chart layout. If set to auto, the internal logic will select the most suitable channel for the legend. */ legend?: 'color'|'lightness'|'size'|'auto'|null; /** Sets the coordinate system for the chart. Switch to the 'polar' coordinate system to create a chart from the pie/radial chart family. */ coordSystem?: 'cartesian'|'polar'; /** Rotates the plot area by the specified angle in degree. Note: this is an experimental, not tested feature. */ rotate?: number; /** Sets the geometric elements used for the markers to represent the data.*/ geometry?: 'rectangle'|'circle'|'area'|'line'; /** If both axes have measures on them, this parameter sets the orientation of the chart, meaning to which axis the graphical elements are oriented to. */ orientation?: 'horizontal'|'vertical'; /** - 'none': markers are sorted in the order as the corresponding data appear in the data set. - 'byValue': markers will be sorted by the corresponding measure (if present) in decreasing order. */ sort?: 'none'|'byValue'; /** Reverts the order of the markers if set. */ reverse?: boolean; /** Sets the alignment of the markers with relation to the x- or the y-axis depending on where the measure is. In case both axes have measures on them, this is determined by the {@link Config.Chart.orientation|orientation} of the chart. */ align?: 'none'|'min'|'center'|'max'|'stretch'; /** If set to true, markers will be split by the dimension(s) along the axis. This works if you have at least one dimension and a measure on the same axis.In case both axes have measures and dimension(s) on them, this is determined by the {@link Config.Chart.orientation|orientation} of the chart.*/ split?: boolean; } } declare namespace Styles { /** Length can be set in pixels or in percentage of the element or the element's font size. Pixel is the default unit. */ type Length = `${number}px`|`${number}%`|`${number}em`|number; /** Angle can be set in radians, degrees, gradians and turns. Radians is the default unit. */ type Angle = `${number}rad`|`${number}grad`|`${number}deg`|`${number}turn` |number; /** The following CSS color formats are available: rgb(), rgba(), #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGB. */ type Color = `#${string}` |`rgb(${number},${number},${number})` |`rgba(${number},${number},${number},${number})`; /** Number scale for human readable big number formats. * There are built in formats: * - SI Symbols: k, M, G, ... * - Short scale with US abbreviations: K, M, B, T * - Short scale with UK abbreviations: k, m, bn, tn * Can be set to custom format with a comma separated list of strings * e.g: 'thousand,million,billion,trillion' */ type NumberScale = 'SISymbol'|'shortScaleSymbolUS'|'shortScaleSymbolUK' | `${string},${string}` | `${string},${string},${string}` | `${string},${string},${string},${string}` | `${string},${string},${string},${string},${string}` | string; interface Padding { /** Top padding of the element. */ paddingTop?: Length|null; /** Right padding of the element. */ paddingRight?: Length|null; /** Bottom padding of the element. */ paddingBottom?: Length|null; /** Left padding of the element. */ paddingLeft?: Length|null; } interface Font { /** The family of the font. If not set, it inherits the root style font family. */ fontFamily?: string|null; /** The style of the font. */ fontStyle?: 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique'|null; /** The weight of the font, numbers use the same scale as CSS. */ fontWeight?: 'normal'|'bold'|number|null; /** The size of the font. Percentage values are relative to the root style font size */ fontSize?: Length|null; } interface Box { /** The background color of the element. */ backgroundColor?: Color|null; /** The border color of the element. */ borderColor?: Color|null; /** The border width of the element. */ borderWidth?: number|null; } interface Text { /** The color of the displayed text. */ color?: Color|null; /** The alignment of the displayed text. */ textAlign?: 'center'|'left'|'right'|null; /** The background color of the displayed text. */ backgroundColor?: Color|null; /** The format of the number. Only applicable for texts showing numerical data such as marker and axis labels. 'grouped' uses thousand separators, 'prefixed' uses scientific notation. */ numberFormat?: 'none'|'grouped'|'prefixed'|null; /** The maximum number of digits in fraction part if the text contains a number. */ maxFractionDigits?: number|null; /** Number scale used for prefixed number format. */ numberScale?: NumberScale; } /** The following CSS like filters can be used to alter the color: - color: overrides the color. - lightness: lightens or darkens the color; 0 means the original color, -1 means black, 1 means white. - grayscale: desaturates the color. 0 means the original color, 1 means fully desaturated. none: no change. */ type ColorTransform = `color(${Color})` | `lightness(${number})` | `grayscale(${number})` | `opacity(${number})` | 'none'; interface OrientedLabel extends Label { /** Orientation of the label relatively to the axis or marker it is attached to. */ orientation?: 'normal'|'tangential'|'horizontal'|'vertical'|null; /** Additional rotation of the label. */ angle?: Angle|null; } interface MarkerLabel extends OrientedLabel { /** The label position relatively to the marker. */ position?: 'center'|'top'|'left'|'bottom'|'right'|null; /** Defines the transformation used for calculating the label color from the marker color. */ filter?: ColorTransform|null; /** Sets the order of values on the label if both a measure and a dimension are present. */ format?: 'measureFirst'|'dimensionsFirst'|null; } interface Guides { /** The color of the guides.*/ color?: Color|null; /** Line width of the guide in pixel. */ lineWidth?: number|null; } interface Tooltip extends Font, Box { /** The layout of the tooltip text */ layout?: 'singleLine'|'multiLine'; /** The foreground color of the tooltip text */ color?: Color; /** Color of the drop shadow */ shadowColor?: Color; /** Corner radius for the info bubble */ borderRadius?: number; /** Drop shadow distance from the info bubble */ dropShadow?: number; /** Data point marker radius */ radius?: number; /** Base size of the info bubble arrow */ arrowSize?: number; /** Distance between the data point and the info bubble */ distance?: number; /** Specifies the name of the data series dispalyed at the first position on the tooltip */ seriesName?: string|null; } interface Logo extends Padding { /** Width of the Vizzu logo */ width?: Length|null; /** Color transformation applied on the colored Vizzu Logo */ filter?: ColorTransform|null; } interface DataPoint { /** Color gradient used for the measure on the color channel.*/ colorGradient?: ColorGradient|null; /** Color palette used for the dimension on the color channel.*/ colorPalette?: ColorPalette|null; /** Lightness value associated with the minimum value of the lightness channel's range. */ minLightness?: number|null; /** Lightness value associated with the maximum value of the lightness channel's range. */ maxLightness?: number|null; /** Minimum of line width specified as proportion of plot area size. e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */ lineMinWidth?: number|null; /** Maximum line width specified as proportion of plot area size. e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */ lineMaxWidth?: number|null; /** Minimum circle radius specified as proportion of plot area size. e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */ circleMinRadius?: number|null; /** Maximum circle radius specified as proportion of plot area size. e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */ circleMaxRadius?: number|null; /** Spacing between bars/columns. The value specifies the size of the spacing as a factor of the marker size. e.g.: 0.1 means 10% of marker height/width depending on the chart's orientation. */ rectangleSpacing?: number|null; } interface Marker extends DataPoint { /** Width of the marker border in pixels. */ borderWidth?: number|null; /** Opacity of the marker border. */ borderOpacity?: number|null; borderOpacityMode?: 'straight'|'premultiplied'|null; /** Opacity of the marker fill color. */ fillOpacity?: number|null; /** Style settings for guide lines drawn for the markers. */ guides?: Guides|null; /** Style settings for the marker labels. */ label?: MarkerLabel|null; } /** Style settings for the values shown on the axis to display the scale being used or the categories along the axis. Note: textAlign has no effect on the Axis label. */ interface AxisLabel extends OrientedLabel { /** Label position relatively to the plot. */ position?: 'axis'|'max-edge'|'min-edge'|null; /** Label alignment relatively to the position on the plot. */ side?: 'positive'|'negative'|null; } /** Style settings of the {@link Config.Channel.title|Axis title} */ interface AxisTitle extends Label { /** Title position relatively to the plot. */ position?: 'axis'|'min-edge'|'max-edge'|null; /** Title alignment relatively to the position on the plot. */ side?: 'positive'|'upon'|'negative'|null; /** Title position on the axis or edge. */ vposition?: 'begin'|'middle'|'end'|null; /** Title alignment on the axis or edge. */ vside?: 'positive'|'upon'|'negative'|null; /** The orientation of the title. */ orientation?: 'horizontal'|'vertical'|null; } interface Ticks { /** Color of the ticks on the axis. */ color?: Color|null; /** Line width of the ticks on the axis. */ lineWidth?: number|null; /** Length of the ticks on the axis. */ length?: Length|null; /** Position of the ticks on the axis relatively to the axis line. */ position?: 'outside'|'inside'|'center'|null; } interface Interlacing { /** Color of the interlacing pattern. */ color?: Color|null; } interface Axis { /** Color of the axis line. */ color?: Color|null; /** Style parameters of the axis title. */ title?: AxisTitle|null; /** Style parameters of the axis labels. */ label?: AxisLabel|null; ticks?: Ticks|null; guides?: Guides|null; interlacing?: Interlacing|null; } interface Plot extends Padding, Box { /** Style settings for the markers. */ marker?: Marker|null; /** Style settings for the x-axis - or the angle when using polar coordinates. */ xAxis?: Axis|null; /** Style settings for the y-axis - or the radius when using polar coordinates. */ yAxis?: Axis|null; /** Controls drawing outside of the plot area. If hidden, clipping will be set for the boundary of the coordinate system. */ overflow?: 'hidden'|'visible'; } interface LegendMarker { /** Shape of the legend marker. */ type?: 'circle'|'square'|null; /** Size of the legend marker (diameter or side length). */ size?: Length|null; } interface Legend extends Padding, Box { /** Width of the legend's boundary box. */ width?: Length|null; /** Limit for the width of the boundary box. */ maxWidth?: Length|null; /** Style settings for the legend's title. */ title?: Label|null; /** Style settings for the labels on the legend. */ label?: Label|null; marker?: LegendMarker|null; } /** Color and position pairs separated by spaces, where position is a number between 0 and 1. */ type ColorStop = `${Color} ${number}`; /** Color gradient is specified by a comma separated list of ColorStops. This is used when a measure is on the color channel. */ type ColorGradient = ColorStop | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}` | string; /** Color palette is a list of colors separated by spaces. This is used when only dimensions are on the color channel*/ type ColorPalette = Color | `${Color} ${Color}` | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color}` | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}` | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}` | string; type Label = Padding & Font & Text; interface Chart extends Padding, Box, Font { /** Style settings for the plot area. */ plot?: Plot|null; /** Style settings for the legend. */ legend?: Legend|null; /** Style settings for the main chart title. */ title?: Label|null; /** Style settings for the tooltip. */ tooltip?: Tooltip|null; /** Style settings of the Vizzu logo. */ logo?: Logo|null; } } declare namespace Anim { /** Duration can be set in seconds or milliseconds. In case no unit is set, it defaults to seconds. */ type Duration = `${number}s`|`${number}ms`|number; type Easing = 'none' | 'linear' | 'step-start' | 'step-end' | 'ease' | 'ease-in' | 'ease-out' | 'ease-in-out' | `cubic-bezier(${number},${number},${number},${number})`; /** Animation parameters for an animation group. */ interface GroupOptions { /** Sets the easing used for the animation. */ easing?: Easing; /** The length of time an animation should take to complete. */ duration?: Duration; /** Waiting time interval before the animation starts. */ delay?: Duration; } /** Type of transition when the categorical series differ on the source and the target chart. - fade: the source chart fades out while the target chart fades in; - drilldown: markers are splitted to be able to represent the target chart; - aggregate: markers are aggregated then splitted differently to be able to represent the target chart. */ type RegroupStrategy = 'fade' | 'drilldown' | 'aggregate'; /** If no animation settings are passed to Vizzu, it will use an automatic setting depending on the actual configuration of the chart. This behavior can be overridden via the animation setting parameter. The animation between two states of the chart can require the transitioning of several different chart properties. These properties are grouped into separately configurable animation groups. The parameters can also be set for the animation as a whole. These settings rescale the durations and delays of the animation groups to the specified total delay and duration. */ interface Options extends GroupOptions { /** Animation group for style parameters. */ style?: GroupOptions; /** Title animation parameters. */ title?: GroupOptions; /** Legend animation parameters. */ legend?: GroupOptions; /** Animation group for new markers fading in (due to filtering or added/removed data series). */ show?: GroupOptions; /** Animation group for markers fading out (due to filtering or added/removed data series). */ hide?: GroupOptions; /** Marker color animation group. */ color?: GroupOptions; /** Coordinate system transformations animation group. */ coordSystem?: GroupOptions; /** Marker geometry morph animation group. */ geometry?: GroupOptions; /** Animation group for marker transitions in the direction of the y-axis. */ y?: GroupOptions; /** Animation group for marker transitions in the direction of the x-axis. */ x?: GroupOptions; /** Animation group for tooltip transitions. */ tooltip?: GroupOptions; /** Selects the algorithm for transition in case of data grouped differently on the source and target chart. */ regroupStrategy?: RegroupStrategy; } interface ControlOptions { /** Determines if the animation should start automatically after the animate() call. */ playState?: 'paused'|'running'; /** The starting position of the animation. */ position?: number; } /** Stored Animation object. */ interface Animation { id: number; } /** Control object for animation. */ interface Control { /** Seeks the animation to the position specified by time or progress percentage. Seeking the animation to the end position will not trigger the (@link Vizzu.animate|animation promise) to resolve. */ seek(value: `${number}%`|Duration): void; /** Pauses the controlled animation. */ pause(): void; /** Plays/resumes playing of the controlled animation. */ play(): void; /** Stops the current animation seeking it back to its start position. */ stop(): void; /** Changes the direction of the controlled animation. */ reverse(): void; /** Cancels the animation, will reject the animation promise. */ cancel(): void; /** Returns a reference to the actual animation for further reuse. */ store(): Animation; } /** Promise resolves to the Vizzu object when the animation completed. */ interface Completing extends Promise { /** Promise resolves to the animation controller object when the animation * starts. */ activated: Promise; } /** Represents a state in the animation describing the data, the chart, and the style parameters to be changed from the actual state. Passing null as style will reset every style parameter to default. */ interface Target { /** Data set. */ data?: Data.Set; /** Chart configuration changes. */ config?: Config.Chart; /** Style changes. */ style?: Styles.Chart|null; } /** All types, which can represent a single animation target chart state. */ type LazyTarget = Target|Config.Chart|Snapshot; /** All types, which can represent an animation option. */ type LazyOptions = Options|Duration|null; /** Object for describing a single animation target chart state and the options of the animation to this chart state. */ interface Keyframe { target: LazyTarget; options?: LazyOptions; } /** Types, that can represent a Keyframe. */ type LazyKeyframe = Keyframe|LazyTarget; /** Sequence of keyframe descriptors */ type Keyframes = LazyKeyframe[]; } declare namespace Event { type Type = 'click' |'mouseon' |'mousemove' |'wheel' |'update' |'background-draw' |'title-draw' |'logo-draw' |'legend-background-draw' |'legend-title-draw' |'legend-label-draw' |'legend-marker-draw' |'legend-bar-draw' |'plot-background-draw' |'plot-marker-draw' |'plot-marker-label-draw' |'plot-marker-guide-draw' |'plot-axis-draw' |'plot-axis-title-draw' |'plot-axis-label-draw' |'plot-axis-tick-draw' |'plot-axis-guide-draw' |'plot-axis-interlacing-draw' |'animation-begin' |'animation-complete'; /** The interface of the event object is passed to event handlers by the library. Additional properties will vary by event type. */ interface Object { /** If called, the default action of the event will be canceled. */ preventDefault: () => void; } } /** Stored Chart object. */ interface Snapshot { id: number; } /** List of base and additional features: - logging: enables logging of the library to the console (switched off by default). - rendering: enables rendering of the library to the canvas (enabled by default). - tooltip: tooltips on the chart appearing on markers on mouse over. Since the tooltip uses the animation interface, calling animate() while the tooltip is enabled can cause unwanted behaviour. */ type Feature = 'tooltip'|'logging'|'rendering'; /** Class representing a single chart in Vizzu. */ export default class Vizzu { /** Creates a new chart and connects it to the div or canvas HTML element specified by its ID or DOM object. The new chart is empty by default, but can be set to an initial state in the second optional parameter. */ constructor(container: string|HTMLElement, initState?: Anim.Target|Config.Chart); /** Promise representing the initialization will resolve when initialization is finished. Any API call will potentially cause an error before this promise is resolved. */ initializing: Promise; /** Installs the provided event handler to the event specified by name. */ on(eventName: Event.Type, handler: (event: Event.Object) => void): void; /** Uninstalls the provided event handler from the event specified by name. */ off(eventName: Event.Type, handler: (event: Event.Object) => void): void; /** Initiates the animation either to the new chart state passed as the first argument, or through a sequence of keyframe charts passed as the first argument. If there is a currently running animation, all subsequent calls will schedule the corresponding animation after the end of the previous one. The new chart state or keyframe can be a full state specifier object with data, config and style, or a single chart config object. It accepts also a chart snapshot acquired from a previous state using the store() method of this class or a whole previous animation acquired using the store() method of the Anim.Control object, which can be queried from the promise returned by the animate() method. The optional second parameter specifies the animation control options and also all the other animation options in case of only a single chart state passed as the first argument. This second option can be a scalar value, setting the overall animation duration. Passing explicit null as second parameter will result in no animation. The method returns a promise, which will resolve when the animation is finished. Since there can be multiple animations in the queue, the result promise provides a nested promise member {@link Anim.Completing.activated|activated}, which resolves when the requested animation gets active. */ animate( animTarget: Anim.Keyframes|Anim.Animation|Anim.LazyTarget, animOptions?: Anim.ControlOptions|(Anim.ControlOptions&Anim.LazyOptions)) : Anim.Completing; /** Returns a reference to the actual chart state for further reuse. This reference includes the chart config, style parameters and the data filter but does not include the actual data and the animation options. */ store(): Snapshot; /** Returns controls for the ongoing animation, if any. @deprecated since version 0.4.0 */ get animation(): Anim.Control; /** Returns the version number of the library. */ version(): string; /** Property for read-only access to style object without default values. */ style: Readonly; /** Property for read-only access to the style object after setting defaults. */ getComputedStyle(): Readonly; /** Property for read-only access to chart parameter object. */ config: Readonly; /** Property for read-only access to data metainfo object. */ data: Readonly; /** Enable/disable additional features. */ feature(name: Feature, enabled: boolean): void; /** Removes the reference of the chart from every place it attached itself, this method must be called in order to get the chart properly garbage collected. */ detach(): void; /** Returns the chart preset collection. */ static get presets(): import('./presets').Preset; /** Setter method for Library options. */ static options(options: Lib.Options): void; }