import { IPublishOptions as _IPublishOptions } from './publish'; import { IPackageOptions } from './package'; export type { IPackageOptions } from './package'; /** * @deprecated prefer IPackageOptions instead */ export declare type IBaseVSIXOptions = Pick; /** * @deprecated prefer IPackageOptions instead */ export declare type ICreateVSIXOptions = Pick & IBaseVSIXOptions; /** * The supported list of package managers. */ export declare enum PackageManager { Npm = 0, Yarn = 1, None = 2 } export interface IListFilesOptions { /** * The working directory of the extension. Defaults to `process.cwd()`. */ cwd?: string; /** * The package manager to use. Defaults to `PackageManager.Npm`. */ packageManager?: PackageManager; /** * A subset of the top level dependencies which should be included. The * default is `undefined` which include all dependencies, an empty array means * no dependencies will be included. */ packagedDependencies?: string[]; /** * The location of an alternative .vscodeignore file to be used. * The `.vscodeignore` file located at the root of the project will be taken * instead, if none is specified. */ ignoreFile?: string; } export declare type IPublishVSIXOptions = IPublishOptions & Pick; export declare type IPublishOptions = _IPublishOptions; /** * Creates a VSIX from the extension in the current working directory. */ export declare function createVSIX(options?: IPackageOptions): Promise; /** * Publishes the extension in the current working directory. */ export declare function publish(options?: IPublishOptions): Promise; /** * Lists the files included in the extension's package. */ export declare function listFiles(options?: IListFilesOptions): Promise; /** * Publishes a pre-build VSIX. */ export declare function publishVSIX(packagePath: string | string[], options?: IPublishVSIXOptions): Promise;