/** * Vue Currency Input 3.2.1 * (c) 2018-2025 Matthias Stiller * @license MIT */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var vue = require('vue'); exports.CurrencyDisplay = void 0; (function (CurrencyDisplay) { CurrencyDisplay["symbol"] = "symbol"; CurrencyDisplay["narrowSymbol"] = "narrowSymbol"; CurrencyDisplay["code"] = "code"; CurrencyDisplay["name"] = "name"; CurrencyDisplay["hidden"] = "hidden"; })(exports.CurrencyDisplay || (exports.CurrencyDisplay = {})); exports.ValueScaling = void 0; (function (ValueScaling) { ValueScaling["precision"] = "precision"; ValueScaling["thousands"] = "thousands"; ValueScaling["tenThousands"] = "tenThousands"; ValueScaling["millions"] = "millions"; ValueScaling["billions"] = "billions"; })(exports.ValueScaling || (exports.ValueScaling = {})); const escapeRegExp = (str) => { return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); }; const removeLeadingZeros = (str) => { return str.replace(/^0+(0$|[^0])/, '$1'); }; const count = (str, search) => { return (str.match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(search), 'g')) || []).length; }; const substringBefore = (str, search) => { return str.substring(0, str.indexOf(search)); }; const DECIMAL_SEPARATORS = [ ',', '.', '٫', '。' ]; const INTEGER_PATTERN = '(0|[1-9]\\d*)'; class CurrencyFormat { constructor(options) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const { currency, currencyDisplay, locale, precision, accountingSign, useGrouping } = options; this.locale = locale; this.options = { currency, useGrouping, style: 'currency', currencySign: accountingSign ? 'accounting' : undefined, currencyDisplay: currencyDisplay !== exports.CurrencyDisplay.hidden ? currencyDisplay : undefined }; const numberFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, this.options); const formatParts = numberFormat.formatToParts(123456); this.currency = (_a = formatParts.find(({ type }) => type === 'currency')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value; this.digits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map((i) => i.toLocaleString(locale)); this.decimalSymbol = (_b = formatParts.find(({ type }) => type === 'decimal')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.value; this.groupingSymbol = (_c = formatParts.find(({ type }) => type === 'group')) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.value; this.minusSign = (_d = numberFormat.formatToParts(-1).find(({ type }) => type === 'minusSign')) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.value; if (this.decimalSymbol === undefined) { this.minimumFractionDigits = this.maximumFractionDigits = 0; } else if (typeof precision === 'number') { this.minimumFractionDigits = this.maximumFractionDigits = precision; } else { this.minimumFractionDigits = (_e = precision === null || precision === void 0 ? void 0 : precision.min) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : numberFormat.resolvedOptions().minimumFractionDigits; this.maximumFractionDigits = (_f = precision === null || precision === void 0 ? void 0 : precision.max) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : numberFormat.resolvedOptions().maximumFractionDigits; } const getPrefix = (str) => { return substringBefore(str, this.digits[1]); }; const getSuffix = (str) => { return str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(this.decimalSymbol ? this.digits[0] : this.digits[1]) + 1); }; this.prefix = getPrefix(numberFormat.format(1)); this.suffix = getSuffix(numberFormat.format(1)); this.negativePrefix = getPrefix(numberFormat.format(-1)); this.negativeSuffix = getSuffix(numberFormat.format(-1)); } parse(str) { if (str) { const negative = this.isNegative(str); str = this.normalizeDigits(str); str = this.stripCurrency(str, negative); str = this.stripSignLiterals(str); const fraction = this.decimalSymbol ? `(?:${escapeRegExp(this.decimalSymbol)}(\\d*))?` : ''; const match = this.stripGroupingSeparator(str).match(new RegExp(`^${INTEGER_PATTERN}${fraction}$`)); if (match && this.isValidIntegerFormat(this.decimalSymbol ? str.split(this.decimalSymbol)[0] : str, Number(match[1]))) { return Number(`${negative ? '-' : ''}${this.onlyDigits(match[1])}.${this.onlyDigits(match[2] || '')}`); } } return null; } isValidIntegerFormat(formattedNumber, integerNumber) { const options = { ...this.options, minimumFractionDigits: 0 }; return [ this.stripCurrency(this.normalizeDigits(integerNumber.toLocaleString(this.locale, { ...options, useGrouping: true })), false), this.stripCurrency(this.normalizeDigits(integerNumber.toLocaleString(this.locale, { ...options, useGrouping: false })), false) ].includes(formattedNumber); } format(value, options = { minimumFractionDigits: this.minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits: this.maximumFractionDigits }) { return value != null ? value.toLocaleString(this.locale, { ...this.options, ...options }) : ''; } toFraction(str) { return `${this.digits[0]}${this.decimalSymbol}${this.onlyLocaleDigits(str.substring(1)).substring(0, this.maximumFractionDigits)}`; } isFractionIncomplete(str) { return !!this.normalizeDigits(this.stripGroupingSeparator(str)).match(new RegExp(`^${INTEGER_PATTERN}${escapeRegExp(this.decimalSymbol)}$`)); } isNegative(str) { return (str.startsWith(this.negativePrefix) || (this.minusSign === undefined && (str.startsWith('(') || str.startsWith('-'))) || (this.minusSign !== undefined && str.replace('-', this.minusSign).startsWith(this.minusSign))); } insertCurrency(str, negative) { return `${negative ? this.negativePrefix : this.prefix}${str}${negative ? this.negativeSuffix : this.suffix}`; } stripGroupingSeparator(str) { return this.groupingSymbol !== undefined ? str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(this.groupingSymbol), 'g'), '') : str; } stripSignLiterals(str) { if (this.minusSign !== undefined) { return str.replace('-', this.minusSign).replace(this.minusSign, ''); } else { return str.replace(/[-()]/g, ''); } } stripCurrency(str, negative) { return str.replace(negative ? this.negativePrefix : this.prefix, '').replace(negative ? this.negativeSuffix : this.suffix, ''); } normalizeDecimalSeparator(str, from) { DECIMAL_SEPARATORS.forEach((s) => { str = str.substring(0, from) + str.substring(from).replace(s, this.decimalSymbol); }); return str; } normalizeDigits(str) { if (this.digits[0] !== '0') { this.digits.forEach((digit, index) => { str = str.replace(new RegExp(digit, 'g'), String(index)); }); } return str; } onlyDigits(str) { return this.normalizeDigits(str).replace(/\D+/g, ''); } onlyLocaleDigits(str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(`[^${this.digits.join('')}]*`, 'g'), ''); } } class AbstractInputMask { constructor(currencyFormat) { this.currencyFormat = currencyFormat; } } class DefaultInputMask extends AbstractInputMask { conformToMask(str, previousConformedValue = '') { const negative = this.currencyFormat.isNegative(str); const isEmptyNegativeValue = (str) => str === '' && negative && !(this.currencyFormat.minusSign === undefined ? previousConformedValue === this.currencyFormat.negativePrefix + this.currencyFormat.negativeSuffix : previousConformedValue === this.currencyFormat.negativePrefix); const checkIncompleteValue = (str) => { if (isEmptyNegativeValue(str)) { return ''; } else if (this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits > 0) { if (this.currencyFormat.isFractionIncomplete(str)) { return str; } else if (str.startsWith(this.currencyFormat.decimalSymbol)) { return this.currencyFormat.toFraction(str); } } return null; }; let value = str; value = this.currencyFormat.stripCurrency(value, negative); value = this.currencyFormat.stripSignLiterals(value); const incompleteValue = checkIncompleteValue(value); if (incompleteValue != null) { return this.currencyFormat.insertCurrency(incompleteValue, negative); } const [integer, ...fraction] = value.split(this.currencyFormat.decimalSymbol); const integerDigits = removeLeadingZeros(this.currencyFormat.onlyDigits(integer)); const fractionDigits = this.currencyFormat.onlyDigits(fraction.join('')).substring(0, this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits); const invalidFraction = fraction.length > 0 && fractionDigits.length === 0; const invalidNegativeValue = integerDigits === '' && negative && (this.currencyFormat.minusSign === undefined ? previousConformedValue === str.slice(0, -2) + this.currencyFormat.negativeSuffix : previousConformedValue === str.slice(0, -1)); if (invalidFraction || invalidNegativeValue || isEmptyNegativeValue(integerDigits)) { return previousConformedValue; } else if (integerDigits.match(/\d+/)) { return { numberValue: Number(`${negative ? '-' : ''}${integerDigits}.${fractionDigits}`), fractionDigits }; } else { return ''; } } } class AutoDecimalDigitsInputMask extends AbstractInputMask { conformToMask(str, previousConformedValue = '') { if (str === '' || (this.currencyFormat.parse(previousConformedValue) === 0 && this.currencyFormat.stripCurrency(previousConformedValue, true).slice(0, -1) === this.currencyFormat.stripCurrency(str, true))) { return ''; } const negative = this.currencyFormat.isNegative(str); const numberValue = this.currencyFormat.stripSignLiterals(str) === '' ? -0 : Number(`${negative ? '-' : ''}${removeLeadingZeros(this.currencyFormat.onlyDigits(str))}`) / Math.pow(10, this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits); return { numberValue, fractionDigits: numberValue.toFixed(this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits).slice(-this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits) }; } } const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { locale: undefined, currency: undefined, currencyDisplay: undefined, hideGroupingSeparatorOnFocus: true, hideCurrencySymbolOnFocus: true, hideNegligibleDecimalDigitsOnFocus: true, precision: undefined, autoDecimalDigits: false, valueRange: undefined, useGrouping: undefined, valueScaling: undefined }; class CurrencyInput { constructor(args) { this.el = args.el; this.onInput = args.onInput; this.onChange = args.onChange; this.addEventListener(); this.init(args.options); } setOptions(options) { this.init(options); this.format(this.currencyFormat.format(this.validateValueRange(this.numberValue))); this.onChange(this.getValue()); } getValue() { const numberValue = this.valueScaling && this.numberValue != null ? this.toInteger(this.numberValue, this.valueScaling) : this.numberValue; return { number: numberValue, formatted: this.formattedValue }; } setValue(value) { const newValue = this.valueScaling !== undefined && value != null ? this.toFloat(value, this.valueScaling) : value; if (newValue !== this.numberValue) { this.format(this.currencyFormat.format(this.validateValueRange(newValue))); this.onChange(this.getValue()); } } init(options) { this.options = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options }; if (this.options.autoDecimalDigits) { this.options.hideNegligibleDecimalDigitsOnFocus = false; } if (!this.el.getAttribute('inputmode')) { this.el.setAttribute('inputmode', this.options.autoDecimalDigits ? 'numeric' : 'decimal'); } this.currencyFormat = new CurrencyFormat(this.options); this.numberMask = this.options.autoDecimalDigits ? new AutoDecimalDigitsInputMask(this.currencyFormat) : new DefaultInputMask(this.currencyFormat); const valueScalingOptions = { [exports.ValueScaling.precision]: this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits, [exports.ValueScaling.thousands]: 3, [exports.ValueScaling.tenThousands]: 4, [exports.ValueScaling.millions]: 6, [exports.ValueScaling.billions]: 9 }; this.valueScaling = this.options.valueScaling ? valueScalingOptions[this.options.valueScaling] : undefined; this.valueScalingFractionDigits = this.valueScaling !== undefined && this.options.valueScaling !== exports.ValueScaling.precision ? this.valueScaling + this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits : this.currencyFormat.maximumFractionDigits; this.minValue = this.getMinValue(); this.maxValue = this.getMaxValue(); } getMinValue() { var _a, _b; let min = this.toFloat(-Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); if (((_a = this.options.valueRange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.min) !== undefined) { min = Math.max((_b = this.options.valueRange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.min, this.toFloat(-Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)); } return min; } getMaxValue() { var _a, _b; let max = this.toFloat(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); if (((_a = this.options.valueRange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.max) !== undefined) { max = Math.min((_b = this.options.valueRange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.max, this.toFloat(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)); } return max; } toFloat(value, maxFractionDigits) { return value / Math.pow(10, maxFractionDigits !== null && maxFractionDigits !== void 0 ? maxFractionDigits : this.valueScalingFractionDigits); } toInteger(value, maxFractionDigits) { return Number(value .toFixed(maxFractionDigits !== null && maxFractionDigits !== void 0 ? maxFractionDigits : this.valueScalingFractionDigits) .split('.') .join('')); } validateValueRange(value) { return value != null ? Math.min(Math.max(value, this.minValue), this.maxValue) : value; } format(value, hideNegligibleDecimalDigits = false) { if (value != null) { if (this.decimalSymbolInsertedAt !== undefined) { value = this.currencyFormat.normalizeDecimalSeparator(value, this.decimalSymbolInsertedAt); this.decimalSymbolInsertedAt = undefined; } const conformedValue = this.numberMask.conformToMask(value, this.formattedValue); let formattedValue; if (typeof conformedValue === 'object') { const { numberValue, fractionDigits } = conformedValue; let { maximumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits } = this.currencyFormat; if (this.focus) { minimumFractionDigits = hideNegligibleDecimalDigits ? fractionDigits.replace(/0+$/, '').length : Math.min(maximumFractionDigits, fractionDigits.length); } else if (Number.isInteger(numberValue) && !this.options.autoDecimalDigits && (this.options.precision === undefined || minimumFractionDigits === 0)) { minimumFractionDigits = maximumFractionDigits = 0; } formattedValue = this.toInteger(Math.abs(numberValue)) > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? this.formattedValue : this.currencyFormat.format(numberValue, { useGrouping: this.options.useGrouping !== false && !(this.focus && this.options.hideGroupingSeparatorOnFocus), minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits }); } else { formattedValue = conformedValue; } if (this.maxValue <= 0 && !this.currencyFormat.isNegative(formattedValue) && this.currencyFormat.parse(formattedValue) !== 0) { formattedValue = formattedValue.replace(this.currencyFormat.prefix, this.currencyFormat.negativePrefix); } if (this.minValue >= 0) { formattedValue = formattedValue.replace(this.currencyFormat.negativePrefix, this.currencyFormat.prefix); } if (this.options.currencyDisplay === exports.CurrencyDisplay.hidden || (this.focus && this.options.hideCurrencySymbolOnFocus)) { formattedValue = formattedValue .replace(this.currencyFormat.negativePrefix, this.currencyFormat.minusSign !== undefined ? this.currencyFormat.minusSign : '(') .replace(this.currencyFormat.negativeSuffix, this.currencyFormat.minusSign !== undefined ? '' : ')') .replace(this.currencyFormat.prefix, '') .replace(this.currencyFormat.suffix, ''); } this.el.value = formattedValue; this.numberValue = this.currencyFormat.parse(formattedValue); } else { this.el.value = ''; this.numberValue = null; } this.formattedValue = this.el.value; this.onInput(this.getValue()); } addEventListener() { this.el.addEventListener('input', (e) => { const { value, selectionStart } = this.el; const inputEvent = e; if (selectionStart && inputEvent.data && DECIMAL_SEPARATORS.includes(inputEvent.data)) { this.decimalSymbolInsertedAt = selectionStart - 1; } this.format(value); if (this.focus && selectionStart != null) { const getCaretPositionAfterFormat = () => { const { prefix, suffix, decimalSymbol, maximumFractionDigits, groupingSymbol } = this.currencyFormat; let caretPositionFromLeft = value.length - selectionStart; const newValueLength = this.formattedValue.length; if (this.currencyFormat.minusSign === undefined && (value.startsWith('(') || value.startsWith('-')) && !value.endsWith(')')) { return newValueLength - this.currencyFormat.negativeSuffix.length > 1 ? this.formattedValue.substring(selectionStart).length : 1; } if (this.formattedValue.substring(selectionStart, 1) === groupingSymbol && count(this.formattedValue, groupingSymbol) === count(value, groupingSymbol) + 1) { return newValueLength - caretPositionFromLeft - 1; } if (newValueLength < caretPositionFromLeft) { return selectionStart; } if (decimalSymbol !== undefined && value.indexOf(decimalSymbol) !== -1) { const decimalSymbolPosition = value.indexOf(decimalSymbol) + 1; if (Math.abs(newValueLength - value.length) > 1 && selectionStart <= decimalSymbolPosition) { return this.formattedValue.indexOf(decimalSymbol) + 1; } else { if (!this.options.autoDecimalDigits && selectionStart > decimalSymbolPosition) { if (this.currencyFormat.onlyDigits(value.substring(decimalSymbolPosition)).length - 1 === maximumFractionDigits) { caretPositionFromLeft -= 1; } } } } return this.options.hideCurrencySymbolOnFocus || this.options.currencyDisplay === exports.CurrencyDisplay.hidden ? newValueLength - caretPositionFromLeft : Math.max(newValueLength - Math.max(caretPositionFromLeft, suffix.length), prefix.length); }; this.setCaretPosition(getCaretPositionAfterFormat()); } }); this.el.addEventListener('focus', () => { this.focus = true; this.numberValueOnFocus = this.numberValue; setTimeout(() => { const { value, selectionStart, selectionEnd } = this.el; this.format(value, this.options.hideNegligibleDecimalDigitsOnFocus); if (selectionStart != null && selectionEnd != null && Math.abs(selectionStart - selectionEnd) > 0) { this.setCaretPosition(0, this.el.value.length); } else if (selectionStart != null) { const caretPositionOnFocus = this.getCaretPositionOnFocus(value, selectionStart); this.setCaretPosition(caretPositionOnFocus); } }); }); this.el.addEventListener('blur', () => { this.focus = false; this.format(this.currencyFormat.format(this.validateValueRange(this.numberValue))); if (this.numberValueOnFocus !== this.numberValue) { this.onChange(this.getValue()); } }); } getCaretPositionOnFocus(value, selectionStart) { if (this.numberValue == null) { return selectionStart; } const { prefix, negativePrefix, suffix, negativeSuffix, groupingSymbol, currency } = this.currencyFormat; const isNegative = this.numberValue < 0; const currentPrefix = isNegative ? negativePrefix : prefix; const prefixLength = currentPrefix.length; if (this.options.hideCurrencySymbolOnFocus || this.options.currencyDisplay === exports.CurrencyDisplay.hidden) { if (isNegative) { if (selectionStart <= 1) { return 1; } else if (value.endsWith(')') && selectionStart > value.indexOf(')')) { return this.formattedValue.length - 1; } } } else { const suffixLength = isNegative ? negativeSuffix.length : suffix.length; if (selectionStart >= value.length - suffixLength) { return this.formattedValue.length - suffixLength; } else if (selectionStart < prefixLength) { return prefixLength; } } let result = selectionStart; if (this.options.hideCurrencySymbolOnFocus && this.options.currencyDisplay !== exports.CurrencyDisplay.hidden && selectionStart >= prefixLength && currency !== undefined && currentPrefix.includes(currency)) { result -= prefixLength; if (isNegative) { result += 1; } } if (this.options.hideGroupingSeparatorOnFocus && groupingSymbol !== undefined) { result -= count(value.substring(0, selectionStart), groupingSymbol); } return result; } setCaretPosition(start, end = start) { this.el.setSelectionRange(start, end); } } const findInput = (el) => ((el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el.matches('input')) ? el : el === null || el === void 0 ? void 0 : el.querySelector('input')); function useCurrencyInput(options, autoEmit) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; let currencyInput; const inputRef = vue.ref(null); const formattedValue = vue.ref(null); const numberValue = vue.ref(null); const vm = vue.getCurrentInstance(); const emit = (vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.emit) || ((_b = (_a = vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.proxy) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.$emit) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.bind(vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.proxy)); const props = ((vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.props) || ((_c = vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.proxy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.$props)); const isVue3 = vue.version.startsWith('3'); const lazyModel = isVue3 && ((_d = vm === null || vm === void 0 ? void 0 : vm.attrs.modelModifiers) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.lazy); const modelValue = vue.computed(() => props === null || props === void 0 ? void 0 : props[isVue3 ? 'modelValue' : 'value']); const inputEvent = isVue3 ? 'update:modelValue' : 'input'; const changeEvent = lazyModel ? 'update:modelValue' : 'change'; vue.watch(inputRef, (value) => { var _a; if (value) { const el = findInput((_a = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.$el) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : value); if (el) { currencyInput = new CurrencyInput({ el, options, onInput: (value) => { if (!lazyModel && autoEmit !== false && modelValue.value !== value.number) { emit === null || emit === void 0 ? void 0 : emit(inputEvent, value.number); } numberValue.value = value.number; formattedValue.value = value.formatted; }, onChange: (value) => { if (autoEmit !== false) { emit === null || emit === void 0 ? void 0 : emit(changeEvent, value.number); } } }); currencyInput.setValue(modelValue.value); } else { console.error('No input element found. Please make sure that the "inputRef" template ref is properly assigned.'); } } else { currencyInput = null; } }); return { inputRef, numberValue, formattedValue, setValue: (value) => currencyInput === null || currencyInput === void 0 ? void 0 : currencyInput.setValue(value), setOptions: (options) => currencyInput === null || currencyInput === void 0 ? void 0 : currencyInput.setOptions(options) }; } exports.useCurrencyInput = useCurrencyInput;