import { App } from 'vue'; import { Component } from 'vue'; import { ComponentPublicInstance } from 'vue'; import { ComputedRef } from 'vue'; import { Ref } from 'vue'; import { VNodeProps } from 'vue'; declare type Awaitable = T | Promise; /** * Creates a in-memory based history. The main purpose of this history is to handle SSR. It starts in a special location that is nowhere. * It's up to the user to replace that location with the starter location. * @param base - Base applied to all urls, defaults to '/' * @returns a history object that can be passed to the router constructor */ export declare function createMemoryHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory; /** * Create a Router instance that can be used on a Vue app. * * @param options - {@link RouterOptions} */ export declare function createRouter(options: RouterOptions): Router; /** * Creates a Router Matcher. * * @internal * @param routes - array of initial routes * @param globalOptions - global route options */ export declare function createRouterMatcher(routes: RouteRecordRaw[], globalOptions: PathParserOptions): RouterMatcher; /** * Creates a hash history. * * @param base - optional base to provide. Defaults to `location.pathname` or * `/` if at root. If there is a `base` tag in the `head`, its value will be * **ignored**. * * @example * ```js * // at * createWebHashHistory() // gives a url of `` * createWebHashHistory('/folder/') // gives a url of `` * // if the `#` is provided in the base, it won't be added by `createWebHashHistory` * createWebHashHistory('/folder/#/app/') // gives a url of `` * // you should avoid doing this because it changes the original url and breaks copying urls * createWebHashHistory('/other-folder/') // gives a url of `` * * // at file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html * // for locations with no `host`, the base is ignored * createWebHashHistory('/iAmIgnored') // gives a url of `file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html#` * ``` */ export declare function createWebHashHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory; export declare function createWebHistory(base?: string): RouterHistory; /** * Internal type to define an ErrorHandler * @internal */ export declare type ErrorHandler = (error: any) => any; /** * Flags so we can combine them when checking for multiple errors */ declare const enum ErrorTypes { MATCHER_NOT_FOUND = 1, NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT = 2, NAVIGATION_ABORTED = 4, NAVIGATION_CANCELLED = 8, NAVIGATION_DUPLICATED = 16 } declare type HistoryLocation = string; declare interface HistoryState { [x: number]: HistoryStateValue; [x: string]: HistoryStateValue; } declare interface HistoryStateArray extends Array { } declare type HistoryStateValue = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | HistoryState | HistoryStateArray; /** * Check if an object is a {@link NavigationFailure}. * * @example * ```js * import { isNavigationFailure, NavigationFailureType } from 'vue-router' * * router.afterEach((to, from, failure) => { * // Any kind of navigation failure * if (isNavigationFailure(failure)) { * // ... * } * // Only duplicated navigations * if (isNavigationFailure(failure, NavigationFailureType.duplicated)) { * // ... * } * // Aborted or canceled navigations * if (isNavigationFailure(failure, NavigationFailureType.aborted | NavigationFailureType.canceled)) { * // ... * } * }) * ``` * @param error - possible {@link NavigationFailure} * @param type - optional types to check for */ export declare function isNavigationFailure(error: any, type?: ErrorTypes.NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT): error is NavigationRedirectError; export declare function isNavigationFailure(error: any, type?: ErrorTypes | NavigationFailureType): error is NavigationFailure; declare type Lazy = () => Promise; declare interface LocationAsName { name: RouteRecordName; params?: RouteParams; } declare interface LocationAsNameRaw { name: RouteRecordName; params?: RouteParamsRaw; } declare interface LocationAsPath { path: string; } declare interface LocationAsRelative { params?: RouteParams; } declare interface LocationAsRelativeRaw { params?: RouteParamsRaw; } /** * Normalized query object that appears in {@link RouteLocationNormalized} * * @public */ export declare type LocationQuery = Record; /** * Loose {@link LocationQuery} object that can be passed to functions like * {@link Router.push} and {@link Router.replace} or anywhere when creating a * {@link RouteLocationRaw} * * @public */ export declare type LocationQueryRaw = Record; /** * Possible values in normalized {@link LocationQuery} * * @internal */ export declare type LocationQueryValue = string | null; /** * Possible values when defining a query * * @internal */ declare type LocationQueryValueRaw = LocationQueryValue | number | undefined; declare interface MatcherLocation extends Pick { } declare type MatcherLocationRaw = LocationAsPath | LocationAsName | LocationAsRelative; declare interface NavigationCallback { (to: HistoryLocation, from: HistoryLocation, information: NavigationInformation): void; } declare enum NavigationDirection { back = "back", forward = "forward", unknown = "" } export declare interface NavigationFailure extends RouterErrorBase { type: ErrorTypes.NAVIGATION_CANCELLED | ErrorTypes.NAVIGATION_ABORTED | ErrorTypes.NAVIGATION_DUPLICATED; from: RouteLocationNormalized; to: RouteLocationNormalized; } export declare enum NavigationFailureType { aborted = 4, cancelled = 8, duplicated = 16 } export declare interface NavigationGuard { (to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized, next: NavigationGuardNext): NavigationGuardReturn | Promise; } export declare interface NavigationGuardNext { (): void; (error: Error): void; (location: RouteLocationRaw): void; (valid: boolean): void; (cb: NavigationGuardNextCallback): void; } declare type NavigationGuardNextCallback = (vm: ComponentPublicInstance) => any; declare type NavigationGuardReturn = void | Error | RouteLocationRaw | boolean | NavigationGuardNextCallback; declare interface NavigationGuardWithThis { (this: T, to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized, next: NavigationGuardNext): NavigationGuardReturn | Promise; } declare interface NavigationInformation { type: NavigationType_2; direction: NavigationDirection; delta: number; } declare interface NavigationRedirectError extends Omit { type: ErrorTypes.NAVIGATION_GUARD_REDIRECT; to: RouteLocationRaw; } declare enum NavigationType_2 { pop = "pop", push = "push" } /** * Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the current location is * left. Similarly to {@link beforeRouteLeave}, it has access to the * component instance as `this`. * * @param leaveGuard - {@link NavigationGuard} */ export declare function onBeforeRouteLeave(leaveGuard: NavigationGuard): void; /** * Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the current location is * updated. Similarly to {@link beforeRouteUpdate}, it has access to the * component instance as `this`. * * @param updateGuard - {@link NavigationGuard} */ export declare function onBeforeRouteUpdate(updateGuard: NavigationGuard): void; /** * Transforms a queryString into a {@link LocationQuery} object. Accept both, a * version with the leading `?` and without Should work as URLSearchParams * * @param search - search string to parse * @returns a query object */ export declare function parseQuery(search: string): LocationQuery; declare type PathParams = Record; declare interface PathParser { /** * The regexp used to match a url */ re: RegExp; /** * The score of the parser */ score: Array; /** * Keys that appeared in the path */ keys: PathParserParamKey[]; /** * Parses a url and returns the matched params or nul if it doesn't match. An * optional param that isn't preset will be an empty string. A repeatable * param will be an array if there is at least one value. * * @param path - url to parse * @returns a Params object, empty if there are no params. `null` if there is * no match */ parse(path: string): PathParams | null; /** * Creates a string version of the url * * @param params - object of params * @returns a url */ stringify(params: PathParams): string; } export declare type PathParserOptions = Pick<_PathParserOptions, 'end' | 'sensitive' | 'strict'>; export declare interface _PathParserOptions { /** * Makes the RegExp case sensitive. Defaults to false */ sensitive?: boolean; /** * Should we disallow a trailing slash. Defaults to false */ strict?: boolean; /** * Should the RegExp match from the beginning by prepending a ^. Defaults to true */ start?: boolean; /** * Should the RegExp match until the end by appending a $. Defaults to true */ end?: boolean; } /** * @description A key */ declare interface PathParserParamKey { name: string; repeatable: boolean; optional: boolean; } export declare interface PostNavigationGuard { (to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized, failure?: NavigationFailure | void): any; } declare type RawRouteComponent = RouteComponent | Lazy; declare type RouteComponent = Component; /** * {@link RouteLocationRaw} resolved using the matcher */ export declare interface RouteLocation extends _RouteLocationBase { /** * Array of {@link RouteRecord} containing components as they were * passed when adding records. It can also contain redirect records. This * can't be used directly */ matched: RouteRecord[]; } /** * Base properties for a normalized route location. * * @internal */ export declare interface _RouteLocationBase { /** * Percentage encoded pathname section of the URL. */ path: string; /** * The whole location including the `search` and `hash`. This string is * percentage encoded. */ fullPath: string; /** * Object representation of the `search` property of the current location. */ query: LocationQuery; /** * Hash of the current location. If present, starts with a `#`. */ hash: string; /** * Name of the matched record */ name: RouteRecordName | null | undefined; /** * Object of decoded params extracted from the `path`. */ params: RouteParams; /** * Contains the location we were initially trying to access before ending up * on the current location. */ redirectedFrom: RouteLocation | undefined; /** * Merged `meta` properties from all of the matched route records. */ meta: Record; } export declare interface RouteLocationMatched extends RouteRecordNormalized { components: Record; } /** * Similar to {@link RouteLocation} but its * {@link RouteLocationNormalized.matched} cannot contain redirect records */ export declare interface RouteLocationNormalized extends _RouteLocationBase { /** * Array of {@link RouteRecordNormalized} */ matched: RouteRecordNormalized[]; } /** * {@link RouteLocationRaw} with */ export declare interface RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded extends _RouteLocationBase { /** * Array of {@link RouteLocationMatched} containing only plain components (any * lazy-loaded components have been loaded and were replaced inside of the * `components` object) so it can be directly used to display routes. It * cannot contain redirect records either */ matched: RouteLocationMatched[]; } export declare interface RouteLocationOptions { /** * Replace the entry in the history instead of pushing a new entry */ replace?: boolean; /** * Triggers the navigation even if the location is the same as the current one */ force?: boolean; /** * State to save using the History API. This cannot contain any reactive values and some primitives like Symbols are forbidden. More info at TODO: link mdn */ state?: HistoryState; } /** * User-level route location */ export declare type RouteLocationRaw = string | (RouteQueryAndHash & LocationAsPath & RouteLocationOptions) | (RouteQueryAndHash & LocationAsNameRaw & RouteLocationOptions) | (RouteQueryAndHash & LocationAsRelativeRaw & RouteLocationOptions); export declare type RouteParams = Record; declare type RouteParamsRaw = Record; declare type RouteParamValue = string; declare type RouteParamValueRaw = RouteParamValue | number; declare interface RouteQueryAndHash { query?: LocationQueryRaw; hash?: string; } export declare interface Router { /** * @internal */ readonly currentRoute: Ref; readonly options: RouterOptions; addRoute(parentName: RouteRecordName, route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void; addRoute(route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void; removeRoute(name: RouteRecordName): void; hasRoute(name: RouteRecordName): boolean; getRoutes(): RouteRecord[]; resolve(to: RouteLocationRaw): RouteLocation & { href: string; }; push(to: RouteLocationRaw): Promise; replace(to: RouteLocationRaw): Promise; back(): Promise; forward(): Promise; go(delta: number): Promise; beforeEach(guard: NavigationGuardWithThis): () => void; beforeResolve(guard: NavigationGuardWithThis): () => void; afterEach(guard: PostNavigationGuard): () => void; onError(handler: ErrorHandler): () => void; isReady(): Promise; install(app: App): void; } export declare type RouteRecord = RouteRecordNormalized; /** * Common properties among all kind of {@link RouteRecordRaw} */ export declare interface _RouteRecordBase extends PathParserOptions { /** * Path of the record. Should start with `/` unless the record is the child of * another record. * * @example `/users/:id` matches `/users/1` as well as `/users/posva`. */ path: string; /** * Where to redirect if the route is directly matched. The redirection happens * before any navigation guard and triggers a new navigation with the new * target location. */ redirect?: RouteRecordRedirectOption; /** * Array of nested routes. */ children?: RouteRecordRaw[]; /** * Aliases for the record. Allows defining extra paths that will behave like a * copy of the record. Allows having paths shorthands like `/users/:id` and * `/u/:id`. All `alias` and `path` values must share the same params. */ alias?: string | string[]; /** * Name for the route record. */ name?: RouteRecordName; /** * Before Enter guard specific to this record. Note `beforeEnter` has no * effect if the record has a `redirect` property. */ beforeEnter?: NavigationGuardWithThis | NavigationGuardWithThis[]; /** * Arbitrary data attached to the record. */ meta?: Record; } declare interface RouteRecordMatcher extends PathParser { record: RouteRecord; parent: RouteRecordMatcher | undefined; children: RouteRecordMatcher[]; alias: RouteRecordMatcher[]; } declare interface RouteRecordMultipleViews extends _RouteRecordBase { /** * Components to display when the URL matches this route. Allow using named views. */ components: Record; /** * Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by * `router-view`. Should be an object with the same keys as `components` or a * boolean to be applied to every component. */ props?: Record | boolean; } declare type RouteRecordName = string | symbol; export declare interface RouteRecordNormalized { /** * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.path} */ path: _RouteRecordBase['path']; /** * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.redirect} */ redirect: _RouteRecordBase['redirect'] | undefined; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ name: _RouteRecordBase['name']; /** * {@inheritDoc RouteRecordMultipleViews.components} */ components: RouteRecordMultipleViews['components']; /** * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.components} */ children: Exclude<_RouteRecordBase['children'], void>; /** * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.meta} */ meta: Exclude<_RouteRecordBase['meta'], void>; /** * {@inheritDoc RouteRecordMultipleViews.props} */ props: Record; /** * {@inheritDoc _RouteRecordBase.props} */ beforeEnter: RouteRecordMultipleViews['beforeEnter']; /** * Registered leave guards * * @internal */ leaveGuards: NavigationGuard[]; /** * Registered update guards * * @internal */ updateGuards: NavigationGuard[]; /** * Registered beforeRouteEnter callbacks passed to `next` or returned in guards * * @internal */ enterCallbacks: Record; /** * Mounted route component instances * Having the instances on the record mean beforeRouteUpdate and * beforeRouteLeave guards can only be invoked with the latest mounted app * instance if there are multiple application instances rendering the same * view, basically duplicating the content on the page, which shouldn't happen * in practice. It will work if multiple apps are rendering different named * views. */ instances: Record; /** * Defines if this record is the alias of another one. This property is * `undefined` if the record is the original one. */ aliasOf: RouteRecordNormalized | undefined; } /** * @internal */ declare type _RouteRecordProps = boolean | Record | ((to: RouteLocationNormalized) => Record); export declare type RouteRecordRaw = RouteRecordSingleView | RouteRecordMultipleViews | RouteRecordRedirect; declare interface RouteRecordRedirect extends _RouteRecordBase { redirect: RouteRecordRedirectOption; component?: never; components?: never; children?: never; } declare type RouteRecordRedirectOption = RouteLocationRaw | ((to: RouteLocation) => RouteLocationRaw); declare interface RouteRecordSingleView extends _RouteRecordBase { /** * Component to display when the URL matches this route. */ component: RawRouteComponent; /** * Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by `router-view`. */ props?: _RouteRecordProps; } declare interface RouterErrorBase extends Error { type: ErrorTypes; } /** * Interface implemented by History implementations that can be passed to the * router as {@link Router.history} * * @alpha */ export declare interface RouterHistory { /** * Base path that is prepended to every url. This allows hosting an SPA at a * subfolder of a domain like `` by having a `base` of * `/subfolder` */ readonly base: string; /** * Current History location */ readonly location: HistoryLocation; /** * Current History state */ readonly state: HistoryState; /** * Navigates to a location. In the case of an HTML5 History implementation, * this will call `history.pushState` to effectively change the URL. * * @param to - location to push * @param data - optional {@link HistoryState} to be associated with the * navigation entry */ push(to: HistoryLocation, data?: HistoryState): void; /** * Same as {@link RouterHistory.push} but performs a `history.replaceState` * instead of `history.pushState` * * @param to - location to set * @param data - optional {@link HistoryState} to be associated with the * navigation entry */ replace(to: HistoryLocation, data?: HistoryState): void; /** * Traverses history in a given direction. * * @example * ```js * myHistory.go(-1) // equivalent to window.history.back() * myHistory.go(1) // equivalent to window.history.forward() * ``` * * @param delta - distance to travel. If delta is \< 0, it will go back, * if it's \> 0, it will go forward by that amount of entries. * @param triggerListeners - whether this should trigger listeners attached to * the history */ go(delta: number, triggerListeners?: boolean): void; /** * Attach a listener to the History implementation that is triggered when the * navigation is triggered from outside (like the Browser back and forward * buttons) or when passing `true` to {@link RouterHistory.back} and * {@link RouterHistory.forward} * * @param callback - listener to attach * @returns a callback to remove the listener */ listen(callback: NavigationCallback): () => void; /** * Generates the corresponding href to be used in an anchor tag. * * @param location - history location that should create an href */ createHref(location: HistoryLocation): string; /** * Clears any event listener attached by the history implementation. */ destroy(): void; } export declare const RouterLink: new () => { $props: VNodeProps & RouterLinkProps; }; declare interface RouterLinkOptions { /** * Location the link should navigate to when clicked on. */ to: RouteLocationRaw; /** * Calls `router.replace` instead of `router.push`. */ replace?: boolean; } export declare interface RouterLinkProps extends RouterLinkOptions { /** * Whether RouterLink should not wrap its content in an `a` tag. */ custom?: boolean; /** * Class to apply when the link is active */ activeClass?: string; /** * Class to apply when the link is exact active */ exactActiveClass?: string; /** * Value passed to the attribute `aria-current` when the link is exact active. Defaults to "page" */ ariaCurrentValue?: 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time' | 'true' | 'false'; } declare interface RouterMatcher { addRoute: (record: RouteRecordRaw, parent?: RouteRecordMatcher) => () => void; removeRoute: { (matcher: RouteRecordMatcher): void; (name: RouteRecordName): void; }; getRoutes: () => RouteRecordMatcher[]; getRecordMatcher: (name: RouteRecordName) => RouteRecordMatcher | undefined; /** * Resolves a location. Gives access to the route record that corresponds to the actual path as well as filling the corresponding params objects * * @param location - MatcherLocationRaw to resolve to a url * @param currentLocation - MatcherLocation of the current location */ resolve: (location: MatcherLocationRaw, currentLocation: MatcherLocation) => MatcherLocation; } export declare interface RouterOptions extends PathParserOptions { /** * History implementation used by the router. Most web applications should use * `createWebHistory` but it requires the server to be properly configured. * You can also use a _hash_ based history with `createWebHashHistory` that * does not require any configuration on the server but isn't handled at all * by search engines and does poorly on SEO. * * @example * ```js * createRouter({ * history: createWebHistory(), * // other options... * }) * ``` */ history: RouterHistory; /** * Initial list of routes that should be added to the router. */ routes: RouteRecordRaw[]; /** * Function to control scrolling when navigating between pages. */ scrollBehavior?: ScrollBehavior_2; /** * Custom implementation to parse a query. * * @example * Let's say you want to use the package {@link | `qs`} * to parse queries, you would need to provide both `parseQuery` and * {@link RouterOptions.stringifyQuery | `stringifyQuery`}: * ```js * import qs from 'qs' * * createRouter({ * // other options... * parse: qs.parse, * stringifyQuery: qs.stringify, * }) * ``` */ parseQuery?: typeof parseQuery; /** * {@link RouterOptions.parseQuery | `parseQuery`} counterpart to handle query parsing. */ stringifyQuery?: typeof stringifyQuery; /** * Default class applied to active {@link RouterLink}. If none is provided, * `router-link-active` will be applied. */ linkActiveClass?: string; /** * Default class applied to exact active {@link RouterLink}. If none is provided, * `router-link-exact-active` will be applied. */ linkExactActiveClass?: string; } export declare const RouterView: new () => { $props: VNodeProps & RouterViewProps; }; export declare interface RouterViewProps { name?: string; route?: RouteLocationNormalized; } declare interface ScrollBehavior_2 { (to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, savedPosition: _ScrollPositionNormalized | null): Awaitable; } export { ScrollBehavior_2 as ScrollBehavior } declare type ScrollPosition = ScrollPositionCoordinates | ScrollPositionElement; /** * Scroll position similar to * {@link | `ScrollToOptions`}. * Note that not all browsers support `behavior`. */ declare type ScrollPositionCoordinates = { behavior?: ScrollOptions['behavior']; left?: number; top?: number; }; declare interface ScrollPositionElement extends ScrollToOptions { /** * A valid CSS selector. Note some characters must be escaped in id selectors ( * @example * Here are a few examples: * * - `.title` * - `.content:first-child` * - `#marker` * - `#marker\~with\~symbols` * - ``: selects `class="with dot" id="marker"`, not `id=""` * */ el: string | Element; } /** * Internal normalized version of {@link ScrollPositionCoordinates} that always * has `left` and `top` coordinates. * * @internal */ declare type _ScrollPositionNormalized = { behavior?: ScrollOptions['behavior']; left: number; top: number; }; export declare const START_LOCATION: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded; /** * Stringifies a {@link LocationQueryRaw} object. Like `URLSearchParams`, it * doesn't prepend a `?` * * @param query - query object to stringify * @returns string version of the query without the leading `?` */ export declare function stringifyQuery(query: LocationQueryRaw): string; export declare function useLink(props: UseLinkOptions): { route: import("vue").ComputedRef; href: import("vue").ComputedRef; isActive: import("vue").ComputedRef; isExactActive: import("vue").ComputedRef; navigate: (e?: MouseEvent) => Promise; }; declare type UseLinkOptions = VueUseOptions; export declare function useRoute(): RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded; export declare function useRouter(): Router; declare type VueUseOptions = { [k in keyof T]: Ref | T[k] | ComputedRef; }; export { }