/** * !!! PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!! * * This source file, even though checked in, is auto-generated based on the * current development within the WebDriver Bidi spec. Any changes to this * file need to come from the specification. You can generate this file by calling * * ``` * $ npm run generate:bidi * ``` * * from the project root. You can find the scripts that generates this file in * ./scripts/bidi/** */ export interface Command { id: JsUint; } export type CommandData = BrowserCommand | BrowsingContextCommand | InputCommand | NetworkCommand | ScriptCommand | SessionCommand; export interface EmptyParams extends Extensible { } export type Extensible = Record; export type JsInt = number; export type JsUint = number; export type SessionCommand = SessionEnd | SessionNew | SessionStatus | SessionSubscribe | SessionUnsubscribe; export interface SessionCapabilitiesRequest { alwaysMatch?: SessionCapabilityRequest; firstMatch?: SessionCapabilityRequest[]; } export interface SessionCapabilityRequest extends Extensible { acceptInsecureCerts?: boolean; browserName?: string; browserVersion?: string; platformName?: string; proxy?: { proxyType?: 'pac' | 'direct' | 'autodetect' | 'system' | 'manual'; proxyAutoconfigUrl?: string; ftpProxy?: string; httpProxy?: string; noProxy?: string[]; sslProxy?: string; socksProxy?: string; socksVersion?: number; }; } export interface SessionSubscriptionRequest { events: string[]; contexts?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext[]; } export interface SessionStatus extends Command { method: 'session.status'; params: EmptyParams; } export interface SessionNew extends Command { method: 'session.new'; params: SessionNewParameters; } export interface SessionNewParameters { capabilities: SessionCapabilitiesRequest; } export interface SessionEnd extends Command { method: 'session.end'; params: EmptyParams; } export interface SessionSubscribe extends Command { method: 'session.subscribe'; params: SessionSubscriptionRequest; } export interface SessionUnsubscribe extends Command { method: 'session.unsubscribe'; params: SessionSubscriptionRequest; } export interface BrowserCommand extends BrowserClose { } export interface BrowserClose extends Command { method: 'browser.close'; params: EmptyParams; } export type BrowsingContextCommand = BrowsingContextActivate | BrowsingContextCaptureScreenshot | BrowsingContextClose | BrowsingContextCreate | BrowsingContextGetTree | BrowsingContextHandleUserPrompt | BrowsingContextLocateNodes | BrowsingContextNavigate | BrowsingContextPrint | BrowsingContextReload | BrowsingContextSetViewport | BrowsingContextTraverseHistory; export type BrowsingContextBrowsingContext = string; export type BrowsingContextLocator = BrowsingContextCssLocator | BrowsingContextInnerTextLocator | BrowsingContextXPathLocator; export interface BrowsingContextCssLocator { type: 'css'; value: string; } export interface BrowsingContextInnerTextLocator { type: 'innerText'; value: string; ignoreCase?: boolean; matchType?: 'full' | 'partial'; maxDepth?: JsUint; } export interface BrowsingContextXPathLocator { type: 'xpath'; value: string; } export type BrowsingContextNavigation = string; export type BrowsingContextReadinessState = 'none' | 'interactive' | 'complete'; export interface BrowsingContextActivate extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.activate'; params: BrowsingContextActivateParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextActivateParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; } export interface BrowsingContextCaptureScreenshot extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.captureScreenshot'; params: BrowsingContextCaptureScreenshotParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextCaptureScreenshotParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; /** * @default 'viewport' */ origin?: 'viewport' | 'document'; format?: BrowsingContextImageFormat; clip?: BrowsingContextClipRectangle; } export interface BrowsingContextImageFormat { type: string; quality?: number; } export type BrowsingContextClipRectangle = BrowsingContextBoxClipRectangle | BrowsingContextElementClipRectangle; export interface BrowsingContextElementClipRectangle { type: 'element'; element: ScriptSharedReference; } export interface BrowsingContextBoxClipRectangle { type: 'box'; x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; } export interface BrowsingContextClose extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.close'; params: BrowsingContextCloseParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextCloseParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; promptUnload?: boolean; } export interface BrowsingContextCreate extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.create'; params: BrowsingContextCreateParameters; } export type BrowsingContextCreateType = 'tab' | 'window'; export interface BrowsingContextCreateParameters { type: BrowsingContextCreateType; referenceContext?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; background?: boolean; } export interface BrowsingContextGetTree extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.getTree'; params: BrowsingContextGetTreeParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextGetTreeParameters { maxDepth?: JsUint; root?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; } export interface BrowsingContextHandleUserPrompt extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.handleUserPrompt'; params: BrowsingContextHandleUserPromptParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextHandleUserPromptParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; accept?: boolean; userText?: string; } export interface BrowsingContextLocateNodes extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.locateNodes'; params: BrowsingContextLocateNodesParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextLocateNodesParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; locator: BrowsingContextLocator; maxNodeCount?: JsUint; ownership?: ScriptResultOwnership; sandbox?: string; serializationOptions?: ScriptSerializationOptions; startNodes?: ScriptSharedReference[]; } export interface BrowsingContextNavigate extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.navigate'; params: BrowsingContextNavigateParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextNavigateParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; url: string; wait?: BrowsingContextReadinessState; } export interface BrowsingContextPrint extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.print'; params: BrowsingContextPrintParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextPrintParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; background?: boolean; margin?: BrowsingContextPrintMarginParameters; /** * @default 'portrait' */ orientation?: 'portrait' | 'landscape'; page?: BrowsingContextPrintPageParameters; pageRanges?: (JsUint | string)[]; /** * @default 1 */ scale?: number; /** * @default true */ shrinkToFit?: boolean; } export interface BrowsingContextPrintMarginParameters { /** * @default 1 */ bottom?: number; /** * @default 1 */ left?: number; /** * @default 1 */ right?: number; /** * @default 1 */ top?: number; } export interface BrowsingContextPrintPageParameters { /** * @default 27.94 */ height?: number; /** * @default 21.59 */ width?: number; } export interface BrowsingContextReload extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.reload'; params: BrowsingContextReloadParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextReloadParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; ignoreCache?: boolean; wait?: BrowsingContextReadinessState; } export interface BrowsingContextSetViewport extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.setViewport'; params: BrowsingContextSetViewportParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextSetViewportParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; viewport?: BrowsingContextViewport | null; devicePixelRatio?: number | null; } export interface BrowsingContextViewport { width: JsUint; height: JsUint; } export interface BrowsingContextTraverseHistory extends Command { method: 'browsingContext.traverseHistory'; params: BrowsingContextTraverseHistoryParameters; } export interface BrowsingContextTraverseHistoryParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; delta: JsInt; } export type NetworkCommand = NetworkAddIntercept | NetworkContinueRequest | NetworkContinueResponse | NetworkContinueWithAuth | NetworkFailRequest | NetworkProvideResponse | NetworkRemoveIntercept; export interface NetworkAuthCredentials { type: 'password'; username: string; password: string; } export type NetworkBytesValue = NetworkStringValue | NetworkBase64Value; export interface NetworkStringValue { type: 'string'; value: string; } export interface NetworkBase64Value { type: 'base64'; value: string; } export interface NetworkCookie { name: string; value: NetworkBytesValue; domain: string; path: string; size: JsUint; httpOnly: boolean; secure: boolean; sameSite: 'strict' | 'lax' | 'none'; expiry?: JsUint; } export interface NetworkCookieHeader { name: string; value: NetworkBytesValue; } export interface NetworkHeader { name: string; value: NetworkBytesValue; } export type NetworkIntercept = string; export type NetworkRequest = string; export interface NetworkSetCookieHeader { name: string; value: NetworkBytesValue; domain?: string; httpOnly?: boolean; expiry?: string; maxAge?: JsInt; path?: string; sameSite?: 'strict' | 'lax' | 'none'; secure?: boolean; } export type NetworkUrlPattern = NetworkUrlPatternPattern | NetworkUrlPatternString; export interface NetworkUrlPatternPattern { type: 'pattern'; protocol?: string; hostname?: string; port?: string; pathname?: string; search?: string; } export interface NetworkUrlPatternString { type: 'string'; pattern: string; } export interface NetworkAddIntercept extends Command { method: 'network.addIntercept'; params: NetworkAddInterceptParameters; } export interface NetworkAddInterceptParameters { phases: NetworkInterceptPhase[]; urlPatterns?: NetworkUrlPattern[]; } export type NetworkInterceptPhase = 'beforeRequestSent' | 'responseStarted' | 'authRequired'; export interface NetworkContinueRequest extends Command { method: 'network.continueRequest'; params: NetworkContinueRequestParameters; } export interface NetworkContinueRequestParameters { request: NetworkRequest; body?: NetworkBytesValue; cookies?: NetworkCookieHeader[]; headers?: NetworkHeader[]; method?: string; url?: string; } export interface NetworkContinueResponse extends Command { method: 'network.continueResponse'; params: NetworkContinueResponseParameters; } export interface NetworkContinueResponseParameters { request: NetworkRequest; cookies?: NetworkSetCookieHeader[]; credentials?: NetworkAuthCredentials; headers?: NetworkHeader[]; reasonPhrase?: string; statusCode?: JsUint; } export interface NetworkContinueWithAuth extends Command { method: 'network.continueWithAuth'; params: NetworkContinueWithAuthParameters; } export interface NetworkContinueWithAuthParameters extends NetworkContinueWithAuthCredentials { request: NetworkRequest; } export interface NetworkContinueWithAuthCredentials { action: 'provideCredentials'; credentials: NetworkAuthCredentials; } export interface NetworkContinueWithAuthNoCredentials { action: 'default' | 'cancel'; } export interface NetworkFailRequest extends Command { method: 'network.failRequest'; params: NetworkFailRequestParameters; } export interface NetworkFailRequestParameters { request: NetworkRequest; } export interface NetworkProvideResponse extends Command { method: 'network.provideResponse'; params: NetworkProvideResponseParameters; } export interface NetworkProvideResponseParameters { request: NetworkRequest; body?: NetworkBytesValue; cookies?: NetworkSetCookieHeader[]; headers?: NetworkHeader[]; reasonPhrase?: string; statusCode?: JsUint; } export interface NetworkRemoveIntercept extends Command { method: 'network.removeIntercept'; params: NetworkRemoveInterceptParameters; } export interface NetworkRemoveInterceptParameters { intercept: NetworkIntercept; } export type ScriptCommand = ScriptAddPreloadScript | ScriptCallFunction | ScriptDisown | ScriptEvaluate | ScriptGetRealms | ScriptRemovePreloadScript; export type ScriptChannel = string; export interface ScriptChannelValue { type: 'channel'; value: ScriptChannelProperties; } export interface ScriptChannelProperties { channel: ScriptChannel; serializationOptions?: ScriptSerializationOptions; ownership?: ScriptResultOwnership; } export type ScriptEvaluateResult = ScriptEvaluateResultSuccess | ScriptEvaluateResultException; export interface ScriptEvaluateResultSuccess { type: 'success'; result: ScriptRemoteValue; realm: ScriptRealm; } export interface ScriptEvaluateResultException { type: 'exception'; exceptionDetails: ScriptExceptionDetails; realm: ScriptRealm; } export interface ScriptExceptionDetails { columnNumber: JsUint; exception: ScriptRemoteValue; lineNumber: JsUint; stackTrace: ScriptStackTrace; text: string; } export type ScriptHandle = string; export type ScriptInternalId = string; export type ScriptLocalValue = ScriptRemoteReference | ScriptPrimitiveProtocolValue | ScriptChannelValue | ScriptArrayLocalValue | ScriptDateLocalValue | ScriptMapLocalValue | ScriptObjectLocalValue | ScriptRegExpLocalValue | ScriptSetLocalValue; export type ScriptListLocalValue = (ScriptLocalValue)[]; export interface ScriptArrayLocalValue { type: 'array'; value: ScriptListLocalValue; } export interface ScriptDateLocalValue { type: 'date'; value: string; } export type ScriptMappingLocalValue = (ScriptLocalValue | ScriptLocalValue)[]; export interface ScriptMapLocalValue { type: 'map'; value: ScriptMappingLocalValue; } export interface ScriptObjectLocalValue { type: 'object'; value: ScriptMappingLocalValue; } export interface ScriptRegExpValue { pattern: string; flags?: string; } export interface ScriptRegExpLocalValue { type: 'regexp'; value: ScriptRegExpValue; } export interface ScriptSetLocalValue { type: 'set'; value: ScriptListLocalValue; } export type ScriptPreloadScript = string; export type ScriptRealm = string; export type ScriptPrimitiveProtocolValue = ScriptUndefinedValue | ScriptNullValue | ScriptStringValue | ScriptNumberValue | ScriptBooleanValue | ScriptBigIntValue; export interface ScriptUndefinedValue { type: 'undefined'; } export interface ScriptNullValue { type: null; } export interface ScriptStringValue { type: 'string'; value: string; } export type ScriptSpecialNumber = 'NaN' | '-0' | 'Infinity' | '-Infinity'; export interface ScriptNumberValue { type: 'number'; value: Number | ScriptSpecialNumber; } export interface ScriptBooleanValue { type: 'boolean'; value: boolean; } export interface ScriptBigIntValue { type: 'bigint'; value: string; } export type ScriptRealmType = 'window' | 'dedicated-worker' | 'shared-worker' | 'service-worker' | 'worker' | 'paint-worklet' | 'audio-worklet' | 'worklet'; export type ScriptRemoteReference = ScriptSharedReference | ScriptRemoteObjectReference; export interface ScriptSharedReference extends Extensible { sharedId: ScriptSharedId; handle?: ScriptHandle; } export interface ScriptRemoteObjectReference extends Extensible { handle: ScriptHandle; sharedId?: ScriptSharedId; } export type ScriptRemoteValue = ScriptPrimitiveProtocolValue | ScriptSymbolRemoteValue | ScriptArrayRemoteValue | ScriptObjectRemoteValue | ScriptFunctionRemoteValue | ScriptRegExpRemoteValue | ScriptDateRemoteValue | ScriptMapRemoteValue | ScriptSetRemoteValue | ScriptWeakMapRemoteValue | ScriptWeakSetRemoteValue | ScriptIteratorRemoteValue | ScriptGeneratorRemoteValue | ScriptErrorRemoteValue | ScriptProxyRemoteValue | ScriptPromiseRemoteValue | ScriptTypedArrayRemoteValue | ScriptArrayBufferRemoteValue | ScriptNodeListRemoteValue | ScriptHtmlCollectionRemoteValue | ScriptNodeRemoteValue | ScriptWindowProxyRemoteValue; export type ScriptListRemoteValue = (ScriptRemoteValue)[]; export type ScriptMappingRemoteValue = (ScriptRemoteValue | ScriptRemoteValue)[]; export interface ScriptSymbolRemoteValue { type: 'symbol'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptArrayRemoteValue { type: 'array'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptListRemoteValue; } export interface ScriptObjectRemoteValue { type: 'object'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptMappingRemoteValue; } export interface ScriptFunctionRemoteValue { type: 'function'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptRegExpRemoteValue extends ScriptRegExpLocalValue { handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptDateRemoteValue extends ScriptDateLocalValue { handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptMapRemoteValue { type: 'map'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptMappingRemoteValue; } export interface ScriptSetRemoteValue { type: 'set'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptListRemoteValue; } export interface ScriptWeakMapRemoteValue { type: 'weakmap'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptWeakSetRemoteValue { type: 'weakset'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptIteratorRemoteValue { type: 'iterator'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptGeneratorRemoteValue { type: 'generator'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptErrorRemoteValue { type: 'error'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptProxyRemoteValue { type: 'proxy'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptPromiseRemoteValue { type: 'promise'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptTypedArrayRemoteValue { type: 'typedarray'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptArrayBufferRemoteValue { type: 'arraybuffer'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptNodeListRemoteValue { type: 'nodelist'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptListRemoteValue; } export interface ScriptHtmlCollectionRemoteValue { type: 'htmlcollection'; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptListRemoteValue; } export interface ScriptNodeRemoteValue { type: 'node'; sharedId?: ScriptSharedId; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; value?: ScriptNodeProperties; } export interface ScriptNodeProperties { nodeType: JsUint; childNodeCount: JsUint; attributes?: Record; children?: ScriptNodeRemoteValue[]; localName?: string; mode?: 'open' | 'closed'; namespaceUri?: string; nodeValue?: string; shadowRoot?: ScriptNodeRemoteValue | null; } export interface ScriptWindowProxyRemoteValue { type: 'window'; value: ScriptWindowProxyProperties; handle?: ScriptHandle; internalId?: ScriptInternalId; } export interface ScriptWindowProxyProperties { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; } export type ScriptResultOwnership = 'root' | 'none'; export interface ScriptSerializationOptions { maxDomDepth?: JsUint | null; /** * @default null */ maxObjectDepth?: JsUint | null; /** * @default 'none' */ includeShadowTree?: 'none' | 'open' | 'all'; } export type ScriptSharedId = string; export interface ScriptStackFrame { columnNumber: JsUint; functionName: string; lineNumber: JsUint; url: string; } export interface ScriptStackTrace { callFrames: ScriptStackFrame[]; } export interface ScriptRealmTarget { realm: ScriptRealm; } export interface ScriptContextTarget { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; sandbox?: string; } export type ScriptTarget = ScriptRealmTarget | ScriptContextTarget; export interface ScriptAddPreloadScript extends Command { method: 'script.addPreloadScript'; params: ScriptAddPreloadScriptParameters; } export interface ScriptAddPreloadScriptParameters { functionDeclaration: string; arguments?: ScriptChannelValue[]; contexts?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext[]; sandbox?: string; } export interface ScriptDisown extends Command { method: 'script.disown'; params: ScriptDisownParameters; } export interface ScriptDisownParameters { handles: ScriptHandle[]; target: ScriptTarget; } export interface ScriptCallFunction extends Command { method: 'script.callFunction'; params: ScriptCallFunctionParameters; } export interface ScriptCallFunctionParameters { functionDeclaration: string; awaitPromise: boolean; target: ScriptTarget; arguments?: ScriptLocalValue[]; resultOwnership?: ScriptResultOwnership; serializationOptions?: ScriptSerializationOptions; this?: ScriptLocalValue; userActivation?: boolean; } export interface ScriptEvaluate extends Command { method: 'script.evaluate'; params: ScriptEvaluateParameters; } export interface ScriptEvaluateParameters { expression: string; target: ScriptTarget; awaitPromise: boolean; resultOwnership?: ScriptResultOwnership; serializationOptions?: ScriptSerializationOptions; userActivation?: boolean; } export interface ScriptGetRealms extends Command { method: 'script.getRealms'; params: ScriptGetRealmsParameters; } export interface ScriptGetRealmsParameters { context?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; type?: ScriptRealmType; } export interface ScriptRemovePreloadScript extends Command { method: 'script.removePreloadScript'; params: ScriptRemovePreloadScriptParameters; } export interface ScriptRemovePreloadScriptParameters { script: ScriptPreloadScript; } export type InputCommand = InputPerformActions | InputReleaseActions; export interface InputElementOrigin { type: 'element'; element: ScriptSharedReference; } export interface InputPerformActions extends Command { method: 'input.performActions'; params: InputPerformActionsParameters; } export interface InputPerformActionsParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; actions: InputSourceActions[]; } export type InputSourceActions = InputNoneSourceActions | InputKeySourceActions | InputPointerSourceActions | InputWheelSourceActions; export interface InputNoneSourceActions { type: 'none'; id: string; actions: InputNoneSourceAction[]; } export type InputNoneSourceAction = InputPauseAction; export interface InputKeySourceActions { type: 'key'; id: string; actions: InputKeySourceAction[]; } export type InputKeySourceAction = InputPauseAction | InputKeyDownAction | InputKeyUpAction; export interface InputPointerSourceActions { type: 'pointer'; id: string; parameters?: InputPointerParameters; actions: InputPointerSourceAction[]; } export type InputPointerType = 'mouse' | 'pen' | 'touch'; export interface InputPointerParameters { /** * @default 'mouse' */ pointerType?: InputPointerType; } export type InputPointerSourceAction = InputPauseAction | InputPointerDownAction | InputPointerUpAction | InputPointerMoveAction; export interface InputWheelSourceActions { type: 'wheel'; id: string; actions: InputWheelSourceAction[]; } export type InputWheelSourceAction = InputPauseAction | InputWheelScrollAction; export interface InputPauseAction { type: 'pause'; duration?: JsUint; } export interface InputKeyDownAction { type: 'keyDown'; value: string; } export interface InputKeyUpAction { type: 'keyUp'; value: string; } export interface InputPointerUpAction extends InputPointerCommonProperties { type: 'pointerUp'; button: JsUint; } export interface InputPointerDownAction extends InputPointerCommonProperties { type: 'pointerDown'; button: JsUint; } export interface InputPointerMoveAction extends InputPointerCommonProperties { type: 'pointerMove'; x: JsInt; y: JsInt; duration?: JsUint; origin?: InputOrigin; } export interface InputWheelScrollAction { type: 'scroll'; x: JsInt; y: JsInt; deltaX: JsInt; deltaY: JsInt; duration?: JsUint; /** * @default 'viewport' */ origin?: InputOrigin; } export interface InputPointerCommonProperties { /** * @default 1 */ width?: JsUint; /** * @default 1 */ height?: JsUint; pressure?: number; tangentialPressure?: number; /** * 0 .. Math.PI / 2 */ twist?: number; /** * 0 .. 2 * Math.PI */ altitudeAngle?: number; azimuthAngle?: number; } export type InputOrigin = 'viewport' | 'pointer' | InputElementOrigin; export interface InputReleaseActions extends Command { method: 'input.releaseActions'; params: InputReleaseActionsParameters; } export interface InputReleaseActionsParameters { context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext; } //# sourceMappingURL=remoteTypes.d.ts.map