// -------------------- ATTENTION -------------------- // Do not edit this file as it gets auto-generated! // For edits modify /scripts/templates/*.tpl.d.ts // Check CONTRIBUTING.md for more details. // -------------------------------------------------- // /// /// // See https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/24419 interface Element { } interface Node { } interface NodeListOf { } declare namespace WebdriverIO { type LocationParam = 'x' | 'y'; interface LocationReturn { x: number, y: number } type SizeParam = 'width' | 'height'; interface SizeReturn { width: number, height: number } interface CSSProperty { property: string; value: any; parsed?: { // other unit?: string; // font-family value?: any; string: string; // color hex?: string; alpha?: number; type?: string; rgba?: string } } type JsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null; type JsonObject = { [x: string]: JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray }; type JsonArray = Array; type JsonCompatible = JsonObject | JsonArray; interface MultiRemoteCapabilities { [instanceName: string]: { capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities; }; } interface ServiceOption { [key: string]: any; } type ServiceEntry = string | HookFunctions | [string, ServiceOption] | object interface Options { /** * Define the protocol you want to use for your browser automation. * Currently only [`webdriver`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webdriver) and * [`devtools`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/devtools) are supported, * as these are the main browser automation technologies available. */ automationProtocol?: string; runner?: string; /** * Your cloud service username (only works for Sauce Labs, Browserstack, TestingBot, * CrossBrowserTesting or LambdaTest accounts). If set, WebdriverIO will automatically * set connection options for you. */ user?: string; /** * Your cloud service access key or secret key (only works for Sauce Labs, Browserstack, * TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting or LambdaTest accounts). If set, WebdriverIO will * automatically set connection options for you. */ key?: string; /** * If running on Sauce Labs, you can choose to run tests between different datacenters: * US or EU. To change your region to EU, add region: 'eu' to your config. */ region?: string; /** * Sauce Labs provides a headless offering that allows you to run Chrome and Firefox tests headless. */ headless?: string; /** * Define specs for test execution. */ specs?: string[]; /** * Exclude specs from test execution. */ exclude?: string[]; /** * Files to watch when running `wdio` with the `--watch` flag. */ filesToWatch?: string[], /** * An object describing various of suites, which you can then specify * with the --suite option on the wdio CLI. */ suites?: object; /** * Maximum number of total parallel running workers. */ maxInstances?: number; /** * Maximum number of total parallel running workers per capability. */ maxInstancesPerCapability?: number; capabilities?: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities[] | MultiRemoteCapabilities; /** * Directory to store all testrunner log files (including reporter logs and wdio logs). * If not set, all logs are streamed to stdout. Since most reporters are made to log to * stdout, it is recommended to only use this option for specific reporters where it * makes more sense to push report into a file (like the junit reporter, for example). * * When running in standalone mode, the only log generated by WebdriverIO will be the wdio log. */ outputDir?: string; /** * Shorten url command calls by setting a base URL. */ baseUrl?: string; /** * If you want your test run to stop after a specific number of test failures, use bail. * (It defaults to 0, which runs all tests no matter what.) Note: Please be aware that * when using a third party test runner (such as Mocha), additional configuration might * be required. */ bail?: number; /** * The number of retry attempts for an entire specfile when it fails as a whole. */ specFileRetries?: number; readonly specFileRetryAttempts?: number; /** * Delay in seconds between the spec file retry attempts */ specFileRetriesDelay?: number; /** * Default timeout for all `waitFor*` commands. (Note the lowercase f in the option name.) * This timeout only affects commands starting with `waitFor*` and their default wait time. */ waitforTimeout?: number; /** * Default interval for all `waitFor*` commands to check if an expected state (e.g., * visibility) has been changed. */ waitforInterval?: number; /** * Defines the test framework to be used by the WDIO testrunner. */ framework?: string; /** * List of reporters to use. A reporter can be either a string, or an array of * `['reporterName', { }]` where the first element is a string * with the reporter name and the second element an object with reporter options. */ reporters?: (string | object)[]; /** * Determines in which interval the reporter should check if they are synchronised * if they report their logs asynchronously (e.g. if logs are streamed to a 3rd * party vendor). */ reporterSyncInterval?: number; /** * Determines the maximum time reporters have to finish uploading all their logs * until an error is being thrown by the testrunner. */ reporterSyncTimeout?: number; /** * Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. They enhance * your test setup with almost no effort. */ services?: ServiceEntry[]; /** * Node arguments to specify when launching child processes. */ execArgv?: string[]; } interface RemoteOptions extends WebDriver.Options, Omit { } interface MultiRemoteOptions { [instanceName: string]: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities; } interface Suite {} interface Test {} interface Results { finished: number, passed: number, failed: number } interface HookFunctions { /** * Gets executed once before all workers get launched. * @param config wdio configuration object * @param capabilities list of capabilities details */ onPrepare?( config: Config, capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities[] ): void; /** * Gets executed before a worker process is spawned and can be used to initialise specific service * for that worker as well as modify runtime environments in an async fashion. * @param cid capability id (e.g 0-0) * @param caps object containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker * @param specs specs to be run in the worker process * @param args object that will be merged with the main configuration once worker is initialised * @param execArgv list of string arguments passed to the worker process */ onWorkerStart?( cid: string, caps: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities, specs: string[], args: Config, execArgv: string[] ): void; /** * Gets executed after all workers got shut down and the process is about to exit. An error * thrown in the onComplete hook will result in the test run failing. * @param exitCode runner exit code * @param config wdio configuration object * @param capabilities list of capabilities details * @param results test results */ onComplete?( exitCode: number, config: Config, capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities, results: Results ): void; /** * Gets executed when a refresh happens. * @param oldSessionId session id of old session * @param newSessionId session id of new session */ onReload?( oldSessionId: string, newSessionId: string ): void; /** * Gets executed before test execution begins. At this point you can access to all global * variables like `browser`. It is the perfect place to define custom commands. * @param capabilities list of capabilities details * @param specs specs to be run in the worker process */ before?( capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities, specs: string[] ): void; /** * Runs before a WebdriverIO command gets executed. * @param commandName command name * @param args arguments that command would receive */ beforeCommand?( commandName: string, args: any[] ): void; /** * Hook that gets executed _before_ a hook within the suite starts (e.g. runs before calling * beforeEach in Mocha). `stepData` and `world` are Cucumber framework specific properties. * @param test details to current running test (or step in Cucumber) * @param context context to current running test * @param stepData Cucumber step data * @param world Cucumber world */ beforeHook?(test: any, context: any, stepData?: any, world?: any): void; /** * Gets executed just before initialising the webdriver session and test framework. It allows you * to manipulate configurations depending on the capability or spec. * @param config wdio configuration object * @param capabilities list of capabilities details * @param specs list of spec file paths that are to be run */ beforeSession?( config: Config, capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities, specs: string[] ): void; /** * Hook that gets executed before the suite starts. * @param suite suite details */ beforeSuite?(suite: Suite): void; /** * Function to be executed before a test (in Mocha/Jasmine) starts. * @param test details to current running test (or step in Cucumber) * @param context context to current running test */ beforeTest?(test: Test, context: any): void; /** * Hook that gets executed _after_ a hook within the suite ends (e.g. runs after calling * afterEach in Mocha). `stepData` and `world` are Cucumber framework specific. * @param test details to current running test (or step in Cucumber) * @param context context to current running test * @param result test result * @param stepData Cucumber step data * @param world Cucumber world */ afterHook?(test: any, context: any, result: { error?: any, result?: any, passed: boolean, duration: number, retries: { limit: number, attempts: number } }, stepData?: any, world?: any): void; /** * Gets executed after all tests are done. You still have access to all global variables from * the test. * @param result number of total failing tests * @param capabilities list of capabilities details * @param specs list of spec file paths that are to be run */ after?( result: number, capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities, specs: string[] ): void; /** * Runs after a WebdriverIO command gets executed * @param commandName command name * @param args arguments that command would receive * @param result result of the command * @param error error in case something went wrong */ afterCommand?( commandName: string, args: any[], result: any, error?: Error ): void; /** * Gets executed right after terminating the webdriver session. * @param config wdio configuration object * @param capabilities list of capabilities details * @param specs list of spec file paths that are to be run */ afterSession?( config: Config, capabilities: WebDriver.DesiredCapabilities, specs: string[] ): void; /** * Hook that gets executed after the suite has ended * @param suite suite details */ afterSuite?(suite: Suite): void; /** * Function to be executed after a test (in Mocha/Jasmine) ends. * @param test details to current running test (or step in Cucumber) * @param context context to current running test * @param result test result */ afterTest?(test: Test, context: any, result: { error?: any, result?: any, passed: boolean, duration: number, retries: { limit: number, attempts: number } }): void; } type _HooksArray = { [K in keyof Pick]: HookFunctions[K] | Array; }; type _Hooks = Omit; interface Hooks extends _HooksArray, _Hooks { } type ActionTypes = 'press' | 'longPress' | 'tap' | 'moveTo' | 'wait' | 'release'; interface TouchAction { action: ActionTypes, x?: number, y?: number, element?: Element, ms?: number } type TouchActions = string | TouchAction | TouchAction[]; type WaitForOptions = { timeout?: number, interval?: number, timeoutMsg?: string, reverse?: boolean, } type Matcher = { name: string, args: Array class?: string } type ReactSelectorOptions = { props?: object, state?: any[] | number | string | object | boolean } type MoveToOptions = { xOffset?: number, yOffset?: number } type DragAndDropOptions = { duration?: number } type NewWindowOptions = { windowName?: string, windowFeatures?: string } type ClickOptions = { button?: number | string, x?: number, y?: number } type WaitUntilOptions = { timeout?: number, timeoutMsg?: string, interval?: number } type DragAndDropCoordinate = { x: number, y: number } /** * HTTP request data. (copied from the puppeteer-core package as there is currently * no way to access these types otherwise) */ type ResourcePriority = 'VeryLow' | 'Low' | 'Medium' | 'High' | 'VeryHigh'; type MixedContentType = 'blockable' | 'optionally-blockable' | 'none'; type ReferrerPolicy = 'unsafe-url' | 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' | 'no-referrer' | 'origin' | 'origin-when-cross-origin' | 'same-origin' | 'strict-origin' | 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'; interface Request { /** * Request URL (without fragment). */ url: string; /** * Fragment of the requested URL starting with hash, if present. */ urlFragment?: string; /** * HTTP request method. */ method: string; /** * HTTP request headers. */ headers: Record; /** * HTTP POST request data. */ postData?: string; /** * True when the request has POST data. Note that postData might still be omitted when this flag is true when the data is too long. */ hasPostData?: boolean; /** * The mixed content type of the request. */ mixedContentType?: MixedContentType; /** * Priority of the resource request at the time request is sent. */ initialPriority: ResourcePriority; /** * The referrer policy of the request, as defined in https://www.w3.org/TR/referrer-policy/ */ referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy; /** * Whether is loaded via link preload. */ isLinkPreload?: boolean; } interface Matches extends Request { /** * body response of actual resource */ body: string | JsonCompatible /** * HTTP response headers. */ responseHeaders: Record; /** * HTTP response status code. */ statusCode: number; } type PuppeteerBrowser = Partial; type CDPSession = Partial; type MockOverwriteFunction = (request: Matches, client: CDPSession) => Promise>; type MockOverwrite = string | Record | MockOverwriteFunction; type MockResponseParams = { statusCode?: number, headers?: Record } type MockFilterOptions = { method?: string | ((method: string) => boolean), headers?: Record | ((headers: Record) => boolean), responseHeaders?: Record | ((headers: Record) => boolean), statusCode?: number | ((statusCode: number) => boolean), postData?: string | ((payload: string | undefined) => boolean) } type ErrorCode = 'Failed' | 'Aborted' | 'TimedOut' | 'AccessDenied' | 'ConnectionClosed' | 'ConnectionReset' | 'ConnectionRefused' | 'ConnectionAborted' | 'ConnectionFailed' | 'NameNotResolved' | 'InternetDisconnected' | 'AddressUnreachable' | 'BlockedByClient' | 'BlockedByResponse' type ThrottlePreset = 'offline' | 'GPRS' | 'Regular2G' | 'Good2G' | 'Regular3G' | 'Good3G' | 'Regular4G' | 'DSL' | 'WiFi' | 'online' interface CustomThrottle { offline: boolean, downloadThroughput: number, uploadThroughput: number, latency: number } type ThrottleOptions = ThrottlePreset | CustomThrottle type AddCommandFn = (this: IsElement extends true ? Element : BrowserObject, ...args: any[]) => any type OverwriteCommandFn = (this: IsElement extends true ? Element : BrowserObject, origCommand: IsElement extends true ? Element[ElementKey] : BrowserObject[BrowserKey], ...args: any[]) => any interface Element { selector: string; elementId: string; /** * w3c */ "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf"?: string; /** * jsonwp */ ELEMENT?: string; /** * index in array of elements * only applicable if the element found with `$$` command */ index?: number; /** * WebdriverIO.Element or WebdriverIO.BrowserObject */ parent: Element | WebdriverIO.BrowserObject; /** * add command to `element` scope */ addCommand( name: string, func: AddCommandFn ): void; /** * The `$$` command is a short way to call the [`findElements`](/docs/api/webdriver.html#findelements) command in order * to fetch multiple elements on the page similar to the `$$` command from the browser scope. The difference when calling * it from an element scope is that the driver will look within the children of that element. */ $$( selector: string | Function | Matcher ): Promise; /** * The `$` command is a short way to call the [`findElement`](/docs/api/webdriver.html#findelement) command in order * to fetch a single element on the page similar to the `$` command from the browser scope. The difference when calling * it from an element scope is that the driver will look within the children of that element. You can also pass in an object as selector * where the object contains a property `element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf` with the value of a reference * to an element. The command will then transform the reference to an extended WebdriverIO element. */ $( selector: string | Function | Matcher ): Promise; /** * Add a value to an object found by given selector. You can also use unicode * characters like Left arrow or Back space. WebdriverIO will take care of * translating them into unicode characters. You’ll find all supported characters * [here](https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#keyboard-actions). * To do that, the value has to correspond to a key from the table. It can be disabled * by setting `translateToUnicode` optional parameter to false. */ addValue( value: string | number | boolean | object | any[], options?: AddValueOptions ): Promise; /** * Clear a `