import type { Capabilities } from '@wdio/types'; import type * as WebDriverTypes from 'webdriver'; import SevereServiceErrorImport from './utils/SevereServiceError.js'; import type { AttachOptions } from './types.js'; export * from './types.js'; export declare const Key: { readonly Ctrl: "WDIO_CONTROL"; readonly NULL: ""; readonly Cancel: ""; readonly Help: ""; readonly Backspace: ""; readonly Tab: ""; readonly Clear: ""; readonly Return: ""; readonly Enter: ""; readonly Shift: ""; readonly Control: ""; readonly Alt: ""; readonly Pause: ""; readonly Escape: ""; readonly Space: ""; readonly PageUp: ""; readonly PageDown: ""; readonly End: ""; readonly Home: ""; readonly ArrowLeft: ""; readonly ArrowUp: ""; readonly ArrowRight: ""; readonly ArrowDown: ""; readonly Insert: ""; readonly Delete: ""; readonly Semicolon: ""; readonly Equals: ""; readonly Numpad0: ""; readonly Numpad1: ""; readonly Numpad2: ""; readonly Numpad3: ""; readonly Numpad4: ""; readonly Numpad5: ""; readonly Numpad6: ""; readonly Numpad7: ""; readonly Numpad8: ""; readonly Numpad9: ""; readonly Multiply: ""; readonly Add: ""; readonly Separator: ""; readonly Subtract: ""; readonly Decimal: ""; readonly Divide: ""; readonly F1: ""; readonly F2: ""; readonly F3: ""; readonly F4: ""; readonly F5: ""; readonly F6: ""; readonly F7: ""; readonly F8: ""; readonly F9: ""; readonly F10: ""; readonly F11: ""; readonly F12: ""; readonly Command: ""; readonly ZenkakuHankaku: ""; }; export declare const SevereServiceError: typeof SevereServiceErrorImport; /** * A method to create a new session with WebdriverIO. * * * NOTE: If you hit "error TS2694: Namespace 'global.WebdriverIO' has no exported member 'Browser'" when using typescript, * add "@wdio/globals/types" into tsconfig.json's "types" array will solve it: { "compilerOptions": { "types": ["@wdio/globals/types"] } } * * * @param params Options to create the session with * @param remoteModifier Modifier function to change the monad object * @return browser object with sessionId * @see Typescript setup */ export declare const remote: (params: Capabilities.WebdriverIOConfig, remoteModifier?: (client: WebDriverTypes.Client, options: Capabilities.WebdriverIOConfig) => WebDriverTypes.Client) => Promise; export declare const attach: (attachOptions: AttachOptions) => Promise; /** * WebdriverIO allows you to run multiple automated sessions in a single test. * This is handy when you're testing features that require multiple users (for example, chat or WebRTC applications). * * Instead of creating a couple of remote instances where you need to execute common commands like newSession() or url() on each instance, * you can simply create a multiremote instance and control all browsers at the same time. * * * NOTE: Multiremote is not meant to execute all your tests in parallel. * It is intended to help coordinate multiple browsers and/or mobile devices for special integration tests (e.g. chat applications). * * * @param params capabilities to choose desired devices. * @param automationProtocol * @return All remote instances, the first result represents the capability defined first in the capability object, * the second result the second capability and so on. * * @see External document and example usage. */ export declare const multiremote: (params: Capabilities.RequestedMultiremoteCapabilities, { automationProtocol }?: { automationProtocol?: string; }) => Promise; //#