import * as childProcess from 'child_process'; import "simpleutils"; import { Webhook } from "./webhook/webhook"; import { Handler } from "flexiblepersistence"; import * as os from 'os'; // import * as webhook from 'node-webhooks'; // let Webhook = require('node-webhooks'); // import * as Webhook from 'node-webhooks'; import * as request from 'request'; require('dotenv').config(); export class WebhookConnector { private webhook: Webhook; private handler: Handler; private production: boolean; private filename: string; constructor(name: string, gitRepositoryUser: string, gitRepository: string, gitURL: string, production: boolean, filename: string, host?: string, port?: number, link?: string) { console.log("The Read is a singleton class and cannot be created!"); this.handler = new Handler(name, host, port); this.webhook = new Webhook(this.handler, gitRepositoryUser, gitRepository, gitURL, link); this.production = production; this.filename = filename; } private getWebhooks = () => { this.handler.readArray("webhooks", this.webhooksReceived); } private webhooksReceived = (error, result: Array) => { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { if (result.length > 0) { console.log(result[0]); this.webhook.setId(result[0].id); this.webhook.setLink(result[0].link); } else { this.getNgrok(); } } } /** * GET all Heroes. */ public startNgrok() { let arch = os.arch(); if (arch.includes("arm")) { arch = "arm"; } arch = os.platform() + arch.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + arch.slice(1); console.log("Starting ngrok..."); console.log("ARCH:" + arch); console.log('sudo ./ngrok http ' + (process.env.PORT || 3000)); childProcess.exec('sudo ./ngrok http ' + (process.env.PORT || 3000), { cwd: "ngrok/" + arch }, this.getWebhooks); this.getWebhooks(); // this.handler.readArray("webhooks", this.webhooksReceived); } private getNgrok = () => { console.log("Get ngrok..."); let options = { method: 'get', json: true, url: 'http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json.', 'User-Agent': 'request' } }; request(options, this.ngrokData); } private ngrokData = (error, response, body) => { // console.log("Get ngrokData..."); if (error) { console.error('Error :', error); this.startNgrok(); } else { if (body.tunnels.length > 0) { console.log("ngrok:"); for (let index = 0; index < body.tunnels.length; index++) { let element = body.tunnels[index]; if (element.public_url.indexOf("https") != -1) { let newLink = element.public_url + "/refresh"; console.log(index + ":" + element.public_url); if (this.webhook.getLink() != newLink) { console.log(this.webhook.getLink() + "!=" + newLink); this.webhook.setLink(newLink); // WebhookConnector.webhookLink = element.public_url + "/refresh"; this.createWebhook(); } } } } else { this.getNgrok(); } } } private createWebhook = () => { request(this.webhook.getAddOptions(), this.webhookData); } private removeWebhook = () => { request(this.webhook.getDeleteOptions(), this.webhookData); } private webhookData = (error, response, body) => { if (error) { console.error('Error :', error); } if (body != undefined) { console.log('Body :', body); if ( != undefined) { this.webhook.setId(; console.log("webhookID:" + this.webhook.getId()); } } } public upgrade(request: any) { console.log(request.action); if (request.action != undefined && request.action == "published") { console.log("Downloading from Github...", request.release); // console.log('curl -vLJO -H \'Accept: application/octet-stream\' \''+request.release.assets[0].url+'?access_token='+this.webhook.getToken()+'\''); let _self = this; for (let index = 0; index < request.release.assets.length; index++) { let asset = request.release.assets[index]; if( !== -1){ childProcess.exec('curl -vLJO -H \'Accept: application/octet-stream\' \'' + asset.url + '?access_token=' + this.webhook.getToken() + '\'', { cwd: ".." }, (err, stdout, stderr) => { _self.unzip(err, stdout, stderr,; } ); } } console.log('REMOVE!!!'); this.removeWebhook(); } } public unzip = (err, stdout, stderr, fileName) => { console.log("UNZIP:"); childProcess.exec('sudo unzip ' + fileName, { cwd: ".." }, this.restart); // this.showInfo(stdout, stderr); } public restart = (err, stdout, stderr) => { console.log("RESTART:"); childProcess.exec('sleep 1; sudo npm start'); process.exit(); } private showInfo(stdout, stderr) { if (stdout) { console.log(stdout); } if (stderr) { console.log(stderr); } } }