import { throttle } from 'throttle-debounce' import { BaseLinks } from './types' import { Branch, DistinctivePath, DirectoryPath, FilePath, Path } from '../path' import { PublishHook, UnixTree, Tree, File } from './types' import { SemVer } from './semver' import BareTree from './bare/tree' import RootTree from './root/tree' import PublicTree from './v1/PublicTree' import PrivateFile from './v1/PrivateFile' import PrivateTree from './v1/PrivateTree' import * as cidLog from '../common/cid-log' import * as dataRoot from '../data-root' import * as debug from '../common/debug' import * as crypto from '../crypto/index' import * as pathing from '../path' import * as typeCheck from './types/check' import * as ucan from '../ucan/index' import { CID, FileContent } from '../ipfs/index' import { NoPermissionError } from '../errors' import { Permissions, appDataPath } from '../ucan/permissions' // TYPES type AppPath = (path?: DistinctivePath) => DistinctivePath type ConstructorParams = { localOnly?: boolean permissions?: Permissions root: RootTree } type FileSystemOptions = { localOnly?: boolean permissions?: Permissions version?: SemVer } type NewFileSystemOptions = FileSystemOptions & { rootKey?: string } type MutationOptions = { publish?: boolean } // CLASS export class FileSystem { root: RootTree readonly localOnly: boolean appPath: AppPath | undefined proofs: { [_: string]: string } publishHooks: Array _publishWhenOnline: Array<[CID, string]> _publishing: false | [CID, true] constructor({ root, permissions, localOnly }: ConstructorParams) { this.localOnly = localOnly || false this.proofs = {} this.publishHooks = [] this.root = root this._publishWhenOnline = [] this._publishing = false this._whenOnline = this._whenOnline.bind(this) this._beforeLeaving = this._beforeLeaving.bind(this) const globe = (globalThis as any) globe.filesystems = globe.filesystems || [] globe.filesystems.push(this) if ( permissions && && && ) { this.appPath = appPath(permissions) } // Add the root CID of the file system to the CID log // (reverse list, newest cid first) const logCid = (cid: CID) => { cidLog.add(cid) debug.log("📓 Adding to the CID ledger:", cid) } // Update the user's data root when making changes const updateDataRootWhenOnline = throttle(3000, false, (cid, proof) => { if (globalThis.navigator.onLine) { this._publishing = [cid, true] return dataRoot.update(cid, proof).then(() => { if (this._publishing && this._publishing[0] === cid) { this._publishing = false } }) } this._publishWhenOnline.push([ cid, proof ]) }, false) this.publishHooks.push(logCid) this.publishHooks.push(updateDataRootWhenOnline) if (!this.localOnly) { // Publish when coming back online globalThis.addEventListener('online', this._whenOnline) // Show an alert when leaving the page while updating the data root globalThis.addEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeLeaving) } } // INITIALISATION // -------------- /** * Creates a file system with an empty public tree & an empty private tree at the root. */ static async empty(opts: NewFileSystemOptions = {}): Promise { const { permissions, localOnly } = opts const rootKey = opts.rootKey || await crypto.aes.genKeyStr() const root = await RootTree.empty({ rootKey }) const fs = new FileSystem({ root, permissions, localOnly }) return fs } /** * Loads an existing file system from a CID. */ static async fromCID(cid: CID, opts: FileSystemOptions = {}): Promise { const { permissions, localOnly } = opts const root = await RootTree.fromCID({ cid, permissions }) const fs = new FileSystem({ root, permissions, localOnly }) return fs } // DEACTIVATE // ---------- /** * Deactivate a file system. * * Use this when a user signs out. * The only function of this is to stop listing to online/offline events. */ deactivate(): void { if (this.localOnly) return const globe = (globalThis as any) globe.filesystems = globe.filesystems.filter((a: FileSystem) => a !== this) globe.removeEventListener('online', this._whenOnline) globe.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this._beforeLeaving) } // POSIX INTERFACE (DIRECTORIES) // ----------------------------- async ls(path: DirectoryPath): Promise { if (pathing.isFile(path)) throw new Error("`ls` only accepts directory paths") return this.runOnNode(path, false, (node, relPath) => { if (typeCheck.isFile(node)) { throw new Error("Tried to `ls` a file") } else { return } }) } async mkdir(path: DirectoryPath, options: MutationOptions = {}): Promise { if (pathing.isFile(path)) throw new Error("`mkdir` only accepts directory paths") await this.runOnNode(path, true, (node, relPath) => { if (typeCheck.isFile(node)) { throw new Error("Tried to `mkdir` a file") } else { return node.mkdir(relPath) } }) if (options.publish) { await this.publish() } return this } // POSIX INTERFACE (FILES) // ----------------------- async add(path: FilePath, content: FileContent, options: MutationOptions = {}): Promise { if (pathing.isDirectory(path)) throw new Error("`add` only accepts file paths") await this.runOnNode(path, true, async (node, relPath) => { return typeCheck.isFile(node) ? node.updateContent(content) : node.add(relPath, content) }) if (options.publish) { await this.publish() } return this } async cat(path: FilePath): Promise { if (pathing.isDirectory(path)) throw new Error("`cat` only accepts file paths") return this.runOnNode(path, false, async (node, relPath) => { return typeCheck.isFile(node) ? node.content : }) } async read(path: FilePath): Promise { if (pathing.isDirectory(path)) throw new Error("`read` only accepts file paths") return } async write(path: FilePath, content: FileContent, options: MutationOptions = {}): Promise { if (pathing.isDirectory(path)) throw new Error("`write` only accepts file paths") return this.add(path, content, options) } // POSIX INTERFACE (GENERAL) // ------------------------- async exists(path: DistinctivePath): Promise { return this.runOnNode(path, false, async (node, relPath) => { return typeCheck.isFile(node) ? true // tried to check the existance of itself : node.exists(relPath) }) } async get(path: DistinctivePath): Promise { return this.runOnNode(path, false, async (node, relPath) => { return typeCheck.isFile(node) ? node // tried to get itself : node.get(relPath) }) } // This is only implemented on the same tree for now and will error otherwise async mv(from: DistinctivePath, to: DistinctivePath): Promise { const sameTree = pathing.isSameBranch(from, to) if (!pathing.isSameKind(from, to)) { const kindFrom = pathing.kind(from) const kindTo = pathing.kind(to) throw new Error(`Can't move to a different kind of path, from is a ${kindFrom} and to is a ${kindTo}`) } if (!sameTree) { throw new Error("`mv` is only supported on the same tree for now") } if (await this.exists(to)) { throw new Error("Destination already exists") } await this.runOnNode(from, true, (node, relPath) => { if (typeCheck.isFile(node)) { throw new Error("Tried to `mv` within a file") } const [ head, ...nextPath ] = pathing.unwrap(to) return, nextPath) }) return this } async rm(path: DistinctivePath): Promise { await this.runOnNode(path, true, (node, relPath) => { if (typeCheck.isFile(node)) { throw new Error("Cannot `rm` a file you've asked permission for") } else { return node.rm(relPath) } }) return this } // PUBLISH // ------- /** * Ensures the latest version of the file system is added to IPFS, * updates your data root, and returns the root CID. */ async publish(): Promise { const proofs = Array.from(Object.entries(this.proofs)) this.proofs = {} const cid = await this.root.put() proofs.forEach(([_, proof]) => { this.publishHooks.forEach(hook => hook(cid, proof)) }) return cid } // INTERNAL // -------- /** @internal */ async runOnNode( path: DistinctivePath, isMutation: boolean, fn: (node: UnixTree | File, relPath: Path) => Promise ): Promise { const parts = pathing.unwrap(path) const head = parts[0] const relPath = parts.slice(1) const operation = isMutation ? "make changes to" : "query" if (!this.localOnly) { const proof = await ucan.dictionary.lookupFilesystemUcan(path) const decodedProof = proof && ucan.decode(proof) if (!proof || !decodedProof || ucan.isExpired(decodedProof) || !decodedProof.signature) { throw new NoPermissionError(`I don't have the necessary permissions to ${operation} the file system at "${pathing.toPosix(path)}"`) } this.proofs[decodedProof.signature] = proof } let result: a let resultPretty: a if (head === Branch.Public) { result = await fn(this.root.publicTree, relPath) if (isMutation && PublicTree.instanceOf(result)) { resultPretty = await fn(this.root.prettyTree, relPath) this.root.publicTree = result this.root.prettyTree = resultPretty as unknown as BareTree await Promise.all([ this.root.updatePuttable(Branch.Public, this.root.publicTree), this.root.updatePuttable(Branch.Pretty, this.root.prettyTree) ]) } } else if (head === Branch.Private) { const [nodePath, node] = this.root.findPrivateNode( path ) if (!node) { throw new NoPermissionError(`I don't have the necessary permissions to ${operation} the file system at "${pathing.toPosix(path)}"`) } result = await fn( node, parts.slice(pathing.unwrap(nodePath).length) ) if ( isMutation && (PrivateTree.instanceOf(result) || PrivateFile.instanceOf(result)) ) { this.root.privateNodes[pathing.toPosix(nodePath)] = result await result.put() await this.root.updatePuttable(Branch.Private, this.root.mmpt) const cid = await this.root.mmpt.put() await this.root.addPrivateLogEntry(cid) } } else if (head === Branch.Pretty && isMutation) { throw new Error("The pretty path is read only") } else if (head === Branch.Pretty) { result = await fn(this.root.prettyTree, relPath) } else { throw new Error("Not a valid FileSystem path") } return result } /** @internal */ _whenOnline(): void { const toPublish = [...this._publishWhenOnline] this._publishWhenOnline = [] toPublish.forEach(([cid, proof]) => { this.publishHooks.forEach(hook => hook(cid, proof)) }) } /** @internal */ _beforeLeaving(e: Event): void | string { const msg = "Are you sure you want to leave? We don't control the browser so you may lose your data." if (this._publishing || this._publishWhenOnline.length) { (e || globalThis.event).returnValue = msg as any return msg } } } export default FileSystem // ㊙️ function appPath(permissions: Permissions): AppPath { if (! throw Error("Only works with app permissions") const base = appDataPath( return path => { if (path) return pathing.combine(base, path) return base } }